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IntroductionThe HAT( humid air turbine) cycle is an ad-vanced power generation system with high efficien-cy,low cost,high specific power,excellentoff- de-sign performance and low NOx emissions withoutcomplex system introduction.It has aroused con-siderable interest,and is predicted as an advancedthermal power cycle for this century[1] .The proto-type of modern HAT cycle was proposed by Morietal.,and gotmuch progress recently.HAT cycleuses a working fluid of air,water and steam mix-ture,an…  相似文献   

Powder segregation induced by mold filling is an important phenomenon that affects the final quality of metal injection molding (MIM). The prediction of segregation in MIM requires a bi-phase flow model to describe distinctly the flows of metallic powder and polymer binder. Viscous behaviors for the flows of each phase should hence be determined. The coefficient of interaction between the flows of two phases should also be evaluated. However, only viscosity of the mixed feedstock is measurable by capillary tests. Wall sticking is supposed in the traditional model for capillary tests, while the wall slip is important to be taken into account in MIM injection. Objective of the present paper is to introduce the slip effect in bi-phase simulation, and search the suitable way to determine the viscous behaviors for each phase with the consideration of wall slip in capillary tests. Analytical and numerical methods were proposed to realize such a specific purpose. The proposed method is based on the mass conservation between the capillary flows in mono-phase model for the mixed feedstock and in bi-phase model for the flows of two phases. Examples of the bi-phase simulation in MIM were realized with the software developed by research team. The results show evident segregation, which is valuable for improving the mould designs.  相似文献   

This paper presented ascheme of two-hop cellular network with fixed relay nodes (FRN). Based on this scheme, co-channel interference and signal interference ratio(SIR) received by base station(BS) and FRN were analyzed. Both the theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the SIR can be improved significantly when relays are employed in the network. The higher spectral efficiency can be obtained due to the improved two-hop link quality through the use of adaptive modulation and coding (AMC). The antenna height of FRN and the cell radius of BS and that of FRN influence SIR received by BS and FRN and the system spectral efficiency greatly. The proper antenna height of FRN and cell radius of BS and that of FRN were also given to get the highest spectral efficiency.  相似文献   

IntroductionRelaying is well known for its potential of ex-tending the high data rate coverage of a single basestation and reducing infrastructure deploymentcosts. Moreover, it is efficient in solving the cov-erage problem behind the obstacles and eliminatingblack spots, which even can not be solved by intro-ducing smart antenna technology[1,2]. Some dumbrelays (analog repeaters) have been adopted[1]in2 G and 3 G systems. But in such scenarios, thesignals received are forwarded without any si…  相似文献   

A weighted stock network model of stock market is presented based on the complex network theory. The model is a weighted random network, in which each vertex denotes a stock, and the weight assigned to each edge is the cross-correlation coefficient of returns. Analysis of A shares listed at Shanghai Stock Exchange finds that the influence-strength (IS) follows a power-law distribution with the exponent of 2.58. The empirical analysis results show that there are a few stocks whose price fluctuations can powerfully influence the price dynamics of other stocks in the same market. Further econometric analysis reveals that there are significant differences between the positive IS and the negative IS.  相似文献   

Objective To clarify the pathologic change of the motor neuron on spinal cord ischemia reperfusion injury delayed paraplegia. Methods The infrarenal aorta of White New Zealand rabbits (n=24) was occluded for 26 minutes using two bulldog clamps. Rabbits were killed after 8, 24, 72, or 168 hours (n=6 per group), respectively. The clamps was placed but never clamped in sham-operated rabbits (n=24). The lumbar segment of the spinal cord (L5 to L7) was used for morphological studies, including hematoxylin and eosin staining, the expression of bcl-2 and bax proteins in spinal cord was detected with immunohistochemistry. The apoptotic neurons in spinal cord were measured with terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling of DNA fragments (TUNEL) staining. Results Delayed paraplegia occurred in all rabbits of ischemia reperfusion group at 16-24 hours, but not in sham groups. Motor neurons were selectively lost at 7 days after transient ischemia. After ischemia, the positive expression of bcl-2 protein were in the sham controls but decreased significantly as compared with that of the IR group (P〈0.01), especially in 72 hours reperfusion. The positive expression of bax protein were also in the sham controls, but increased in the IR group, especially in 72 hours reperfusion; In addition, TUNEL study demonstrated that no cells were positively labeled until 24 hours after ischemia, but nuclei of some motor neurons were positively labeled at peak after ischemia reperfusion at 72 hours. Oenclusion Spinal cord ischemia in rabbits induces morphological and biochemical changes suggestive of apoptosis. These data raise the possibility that apoptosis contributes to neuronal cell death after spinal cord ischemia reperfnsion.  相似文献   

The joint grid system, which consists of the developed collar grid, the virtual grid anti other grlas, was used in the embedding technique to solve the problem of finding interpolating cells of the internal and external boundary points near the joint regions. With different boundary plane generated along different fixed surface, the collar grid obtained using hyperbolic partial equations can ensure to generate high-quality grids and to provide real interpolating cells for the boundary points in the blanking regions. The virtual grid was used to convert solid wall boundary conditions into an interface condition, however, no fluid flow computations were conducted within the virtual grid. The computational result of body-strake-wing shows that the current developed embedding technique with joint grid system can effectively treat the geometry and can more accurately predict the flow over complexcon-figuration with intersecting surfaces.  相似文献   

To investigate the characteristics of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in an actual water distribution system using the raw water with high bromide ion concentration, the composition and concentration of trihalomethanes (THMs) formed by chlorination of the water in the presence of bromide ion were measured in a city water distribution system during one year. The results show that brominated THMs contributed a great part (83%-89%) to the index for additive toxicity (ATI) and resulted in the ATI of most of the samples exceeding WHO guideline standard for total THMs (TTHMs), especially during the summer (rainy season). This indicates that the chlorination of water in the presence of bromide ion leaded to high ratios of brominated THMs to TTHMs. However, a visible increase in the concentration of THMs with increasing residence time in the distribution system was not observed. Additionally, based on alternatives analysis, packed tower aeration method is proposed to reduce THMs level of the finished water leaving the treatment plant.  相似文献   

This paper is to put forward the ways to improve the students ability of writing. By knowing parallel construction, faulty comparison and misplaced modifiesr, the students can acquire the techniques of using the sentence structure correctly, not only in speaking but also mainly wring.  相似文献   

Cable Sliding at Supports in Cable Structures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To develop an effective numerical method for the cable sliding problem in cable structures,two-node catenary cable element was built to model the cables based on analytical solution of elastic catenary.Cooperated with Newton method,continuation method Was used to solve the nonlinear equations.This approach is more efficient than using Newton method only and has a wider range to select initial values for the process to converge.The relationship between the tension on a cable segment and its unstrained length was derived and used to calculate the unbalanced cable tensions at the supports.An example is presented to show the correctness and efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

IntroductionA Riesz spaceEis a real vector space with a par-tial ordering≥, where the vector space structure andthe order structure are compatible andEis a latticewith respect to the partial ordering; i.e. two arbitraryelements have a supremum inE. The c…  相似文献   

Introduction It is well-known that in linear elasticity, thereis a kind of waves called Rayleigh wave, whichpropagates along the free surface of elasticity astraveling wave, and the amplitude exponentiallydecreases with the depth[1-4]. Its main propertiesare that perturbation is constrained nearby the freesurface and it decays on the vertical surface. Thispaper investigates the two-dimensional half-planelinear elasticity and obtains some surface waveswith different decay rates except Rayleigh…  相似文献   

在英国文学史上,有很多描写婚姻的小说,但象奥斯丁在<傲慢与偏见>中那样透彻地从经济关系方面抓住婚姻的本质,并通过对于几个婚姻的描写,展示了人们对婚姻的不同追求.所有这一切并不是贯穿在轰轰烈烈的事件当中,而是通过平平淡淡的日常的琐事,以喜剧的方式把一个个婚姻的画面展现在读者面前.  相似文献   

随着中国加入世界贸易组织和即将到来的2008年奥运会,中国成为了一个崛起的现代化国家。中国将有越来越多的机会与世界各国合作。而商务活动离不开谈判过程,因此我们也将有更多的机会与不同民族国家的人进行贸易谈判。因此,全球商务谈判礼仪也变得尤为重要。本文通过文中引用的例子向人们一一展示了一些基本的谈判技巧和不同国家之间的礼仪差异。读后,你会了解更多关于商务谈判中的礼仪知识。  相似文献   

Wound examination is one of the most i mpor-tant aspects inthe forensic practice,and forensic pa-thologists are often required to esti mate woundsage.The diffuse brain injury(DBI)exists in theforensic practices widely.At present,various kindsof biological substances such as c-fos,β-App,FN,and appolipoprotein Eare knownto be closely relat-ed to braininjury,but no effective methods can beused to differentiate the antemortem diffuse braininjuries from the post mortem injuries and exactlyesti m…  相似文献   

Introduction Quantumkeyagreement(QKA)enablestwo userstosharesecretrandombitsthroughaquan-tumchannel.Thesesecretbitscanbeusedasa conventionalsecretkeyforsecurecommunications overaclassicalchannel.TheadvantageofQKA overtraditionalkeyagreementmethodsisthatthe exchangeofquantumbitscanbeshowntobeun-conditionallysecure(orinformation-theoretically secure).ThefirstQKAprotocolwasproposedbyBen-nettetalinRef.[1].Bennettetalconsidered quantumkeyagreementbetweentwolegalusers AliceandBob.Thephysicalca…  相似文献   

Hydrate formation rate plays an important role in the making of hydrates for natural gas storage. The effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), alkyl polysaccharide glycoside (APG) and cyclopentane (CP) on natural gas hydrate formation rate, induction time and storage capacity was studied. Micellar surfactant solutions were found to increase hydrate formation rate in a quiescent system and improve hydrate formation rate and natural gas storage capacity. The process of hydrate formation includes two stages with surfactant presence. Hydrate forms quickly in the first stage, and then the formation rate is slowed down. Surfactants (SDS or APG) reduce the induction time of hydrate formation. The effect of an anionic surfactant (SDS) on gas storage in hydrates is more pronounced compared to a nonionic surfactant (APG). CP also reduces the induction time of hydrate formation, but can not improve the natural gas storage capacity in hydrates.  相似文献   

Introduction Inflation cosmology is an important theory fordescribing the evolution of the early universe. Thistheory attracts wide attention[1-3]because it can suc-cessfully explain the flatness, horizon and magnticmonopole problems, and may be supported experi-mently in observation of microwave background radia-tion. There are two basic types of inflation models:one is the higher-derivative gravity model; another isbased on the model of scalar field. These models areusually studied within th…  相似文献   

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