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Harnessing the potential of new generation transport data and increasing public participation are high on the agenda for transport stakeholders and the broader community. The initial phase in the program of research reported here proposed a framework for mining transport-related information from social media, demonstrated and evaluated it using transport-related tweets associated with three football matches as case studies. The goal of this paper is to extend and complement the previous published studies. It reports an extended analysis of the research results, highlighting and elaborating the challenges that need to be addressed before a large-scale application of the framework can take place. The focus is specifically on the automatic harvesting of relevant, valuable information from Twitter. The results from automatically mining transport related messages in two scenarios are presented i.e. with a small-scale labelled dataset and with a large-scale dataset of 3.7 m tweets. Tweets authored by individuals that mention a need for transport, express an opinion about transport services or report an event, with respect to different transport modes, were mined. The challenges faced in automatically analysing Twitter messages, written in Twitter’s specific language, are illustrated. The results presented show a strong degree of success in the identification of transport related tweets, with similar success in identifying tweets that expressed an opinion about transport services. The identification of tweets that expressed a need for transport services or reported an event was more challenging, a finding mirrored during the human based message annotation process. Overall, the results demonstrate the potential of automatic extraction of valuable information from tweets while pointing to areas where challenges were encountered and additional research is needed. The impact of a successful solution to these challenges (thereby creating efficient harvesting systems) would be to enable travellers to participate more effectively in the improvement of transport services.  相似文献   

In the past few years, the social science literature has shown significance attention to extracting information from social media to track and analyse human movements. In this paper the transportation aspect of social media is investigated and reviewed. A detailed discussion is provided about how social media data from different sources can be used to indirectly and with minimal cost extract travel attributes such as trip purpose, mode of transport, activity duration and destination choice, as well as land use variables such as home, job and school location and socio-demographic attributes including gender, age and income. The evolution of the field of transport and travel behaviour around applications of social media over the last few years is studied. Further, this paper presents results of a qualitative survey from travel demand modelling experts around the world on applicability of social media data for modelling daily travel behaviour. The result of the survey reveals positive view of the experts about usefulness of such data sources.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of traditional incident detection is often limited by sparse sensor coverage, and reporting incidents to emergency response systems is labor-intensive. We propose to mine tweet texts to extract incident information on both highways and arterials as an efficient and cost-effective alternative to existing data sources. This paper presents a methodology to crawl, process and filter tweets that are accessible by the public for free. Tweets are acquired from Twitter using the REST API in real time. The process of adaptive data acquisition establishes a dictionary of important keywords and their combinations that can imply traffic incidents (TI). A tweet is then mapped into a high dimensional binary vector in a feature space formed by the dictionary, and classified into either TI related or not. All the TI tweets are then geocoded to determine their locations, and further classified into one of the five incident categories.We apply the methodology in two regions, the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Metropolitan Areas. Overall, mining tweets holds great potentials to complement existing traffic incident data in a very cheap way. A small sample of tweets acquired from the Twitter API cover most of the incidents reported in the existing data set, and additional incidents can be identified through analyzing tweets text. Twitter also provides ample additional information with a reasonable coverage on arterials. A tweet that is related to TI and geocodable accounts for approximately 5% of all the acquired tweets. Of those geocodable TI tweets, 60–70% are posted by influential users (IU), namely public Twitter accounts mostly owned by public agencies and media, while the rest is contributed by individual users. There is more incident information provided by Twitter on weekends than on weekdays. Within the same day, both individuals and IUs tend to report incidents more frequently during the day time than at night, especially during traffic peak hours. Individual tweets are more likely to report incidents near the center of a city, and the volume of information significantly decays outwards from the center.  相似文献   

This study explores the possibility of employing social media data to infer the longitudinal travel behavior. The geo-tagged social media data show some unique features including location-aggregated features, distance-separated features, and Gaussian distributed features. Compared to conventional household travel survey, social media data is less expensive, easier to obtain and the most importantly can monitor the individual’s longitudinal travel behavior features over a much longer observation period. This paper proposes a sequential model-based clustering method to group the high-resolution Twitter locations and extract the Twitter displacements. Further, this study details the unique features of displacements extracted from Twitter including the demographics of Twitter user, as well as the advantages and limitations. The results are even compared with those from traditional household travel survey, showing promises in using displacement distribution, length, duration and start time to infer individual’s travel behavior. On this basis, one can also see the potential of employing social media to infer longitudinal travel behavior, as well as a large quantity of short-distance Twitter displacements. The results will supplement the traditional travel survey and support travel behavior modeling in a metropolitan area.  相似文献   

Understanding how destination choice and business clusters are connected is of great importance for designing sustainable cities, fostering flourishing business clusters, and building livable communities. As sharing locations and activities on social media platforms becomes increasingly popular, such data can reveal destination choice and activity space which can shed light on human-environment relationships. To this end, this research models the relationship between characteristics of business clusters and check-in activities from Los Angeles County, California. Business clusters are analyzed via two lenses: the supply side (employment data by industry) and the demand side (on-line check-in data). Spatial and statistical analyses are performed to understand how land use and transportation network features affect the popularity of the identified clusters and their relationships. Our results suggest that a cluster with more employment opportunities and more types of employment is associated with more check-ins. A business cluster that has access to parks or recreational services is also more popular. A business cluster with a longer road network and better connectivity of roads is associated with more check-ins. The visualization of the common visitors between clusters reveals that there are a few clusters with outstanding strong ties, while most have modest ties with each other. Our findings have implications on the influence of urban design on the popularity of business clusters.  相似文献   

Reliable travel behavior data is a prerequisite for transportation planning process. In large tourism dependent cities, tourists are the most dynamic population group whose size and travel choices remain unknown to planners. Traditional travel surveys generally observe resident travel behavior and rarely target tourists. Ubiquitous uses of social media platforms in smartphones have created a tremendous opportunity to gather digital traces of tourists at a large scale. In this paper, we present a framework on how to use location-based data from social media to gather and analyze travel behavior of tourists. We have collected data of about 67,000 users from Twitter using its search interface for Florida. We first propose several filtering steps to create a reliable sample from the collected Twitter data. An ensemble classification technique is proposed to classify tourists and residents from user coordinates. The accuracy of the proposed classifier has been compared against the state-of-the-art classification methods. Finally, different clustering methods have been used to find the spatial patterns of destination choices of tourists. Promising results have been found from the output clusters as they reveal most popular tourist spots as well as some of the emerging tourist attractions in Florida. Performance of the proposed clustering techniques has been assessed using internal clustering validation indices. We have analyzed temporal patterns of tourist and resident activities to validate the classification of the users in two separate groups of tourists and residents. Proposed filtering, identification, and clustering techniques will be significantly useful for building individual-level tourist travel demand models from social media data.  相似文献   

Social media platforms are seeing increasing adoption by public transport agencies, as they provide a cost-effective, reliable, and timely mechanism for sharing information with passengers and other travellers. In this paper, we use a case study of the @GamesTravel2014 Twitter account to evaluate how this social media platform was used over the course of the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland to provide and share transport-related information and respond to information requests. The case study provides an exemplar for the public co-ordination of information from multiple partners in a complex environment during a time of transport disruption. We evaluate both the structure and intent of the @GamesTravel2014 social media strategy via interviews with involved parties and an analysis of Tweets related to the account. Findings indicate the potential for future applications of social media by transport operators and authorities in producing a more effective network of communication with passengers.  相似文献   

Vehicular networks represent a research area of significant importance in improving the safety, efficiency and sustainability of transportation systems. One of the key research problems in vehicular networks is real-time data dissemination, which is crucial to the satisfactory performance of many emergent applications providing real-time information services in vehicular networks. Specifically, the two issues need to be addressed in this problem are maintenance of temporal data freshness and timely dissemination of data. Most existing works only considered periodical data update via backbone wired networks in maintaining temporal data freshness. However, many applications rely on passing vehicles to upload their collected information via wireless network, which imposes new challenges as the uplink data update will have to compete with the downlink data dissemination for the limited wireless bandwidth. With such observations, we propose a temporal information service system, in which vehicles are able to collect up-to-date temporal information and upload them to the roadside units (RSU) along their trajectories. Meanwhile, RSU can disseminate its available data items to vehicles based on their specific requests. Particularly, in this paper, we first quantitatively analyze the freshness of temporal data and propose a mathematical model to evaluate the usefulness of the temporal data. Next, we give the formulation of the proposed real-time and temporal information service (RTIS) problem, and prove the NP-hardness of this problem by constructing a polynomial-time reduction from 0–1 knapsack problem. Subsequently, we establish a probabilistic model to theoretically analyze the tradeoff between timely temporal data update and requested data dissemination sharing a common communication resource, which provides a deeper insight of the proposed RTIS. Further, a heuristic algorithm, namely adaptive update request scheduling (AURS), is designed to enhance the efficacy of RTIS by synthesizing the broadcast effect, the real-time service requirement and the service quality in making scheduling decisions. The computational complexity and scalability analysis of AURS is also discussed. Last but not least, a simulation model is implemented and a comprehensive performance evaluation has been carried out to demonstrate the superiority of ARUS against several state-of-the-art approaches in a variety of application scenarios.  相似文献   

There is a large body of literature, spanning multiple disciplines, concerned with the relationship between traditional (physical) shopping and associated travel behaviour. However, despite the recent rapid growth of digital retailing and online shopping, the impact on travel behaviour remain poorly understood. Although the issue of the substitution and complementarity between conventional and virtual retail channels has been extensively explored, few attempts have been made to extend this work so as to incorporate virtual retail channels into modelling frameworks that can link shopping and mobility decisions. Here, we review the existing literature base with a focus on most relevant dimensions for personal mobility. How online activity can be incorporated into operational transport demand models and benefits of such effort are discussed. Existing frameworks of shopping demand are flexible and can, in principle, be extended to incorporate virtual shopping and the associated additional complexities. However, there are significant challenges associated with lack of standard ontologies for crucial concepts and insufficiencies in traditional data collection methods. Also, supply-side questions facing businesses and policy-makers are changing as retailing goes through a digital transformation. Opportunities and priorities need to be defined for future research directions for an assessment of existing tools and frameworks.  相似文献   


This paper explores social media's role in managing unplanned transit networks disruptions. Although literature exists more broadly on the use of social media in transit, this paper presents the first literature review in this setting. When disruptions occur, commuters require reliable, up-to-date information. Its provision reduces anxiety and allows informed choices. Social media is beneficial given it provides real-time information but it can only supplement (not replace) conventional approaches. Information reliability was critical. Research in the field of disaster management illustrates the importance of publicly contributed information. Known as “crowdsourcing”, it is part of the emerging field of crisis informatics which for the first time was linked to unplanned transit disruption management. The results highlight that social media's real-time nature can reduce disrupted travel demand; however, its utilisation can be resource-intensive. A framework presented illustrates how social media utilisation varies according to the operational characteristics of a disrupted network. Social media use as an information delivery tool is still in its infancy and an unwillingness to embrace it is an impediment to sustained growth. Crowdsourcing is one approach that could resolve the issue of transit agency resourcing whilst satisfying the increased demand and expectation for real-time information.  相似文献   

The present work investigates the use of smartphones as an alternative to gather data for driving behavior analysis. The proposed approach incorporates i. a device reorientation algorithm, which leverages gyroscope, accelerometer and GPS information, to correct the raw accelerometer data, and ii. a machine-learning framework based on rough set theory to identify rules and detect critical patterns solely based on the corrected accelerometer data. To evaluate the proposed framework, a series of driving experiments are conducted in both controlled and “free-driving” conditions. In all experiments, the smartphone can be freely positioned inside the subject vehicle. Findings indicate that the smartphone-based algorithms may accurately detect four distinct patterns (braking, acceleration, left cornering and right cornering) with an average accuracy comparable to other popular detection approaches based on data collected using a fixed position device.  相似文献   

Activity settings and travel behaviour: A social contact perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using time-use data from Canada, Norway, and Sweden, this study briefly outlines the essence of the activity setting approach and illustrates one aspect of its usefulness by exploring the impact of social contact on travel behaviour. The activity system approach views behaviour in context. Activity settings are generic components of the activity system and studying them using time-use diaries can provide major insights into travel behaviour. Focusing on social contact, this paper characterizes the social environment in terms of social circle (interaction partners) and social space (location). The analysis shows that there are clear differences in the levels of social interaction across various groups, including those who work at home. The 1992 Canadian data showed people working at the workplace spend relatively more time with others, about 50% of total time awake. Working at home reduced the time with others to a low of 15.7%. when people worked at home the family benefited, almost doubling the time spent with them compared to those working at the workplace. Persons working at home only spend the most time alone. There is a tendency for persons with low social interaction to travel more. It is argued that individual need, or want, social contact and if they cannot find it at the workplace they will seek it elsewhere thus generating travel. Whether this is the result of need or opportunity is of minor relevance, what it does suggest is that working in isolation at home will not necessarily diminish travel but rather may simply change its purpose. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


The study of social networks in activity-travel research has recently gained momentum because social activities and social influence were relatively poorly explained in activity-based models of travel demand. Over the last decade, many scholars have shown interest in identifying personal social networks that constitute an important source of explanation of activity-travel behaviour. This paper seeks to review two research streams: social networks and activity-travel behaviour, and social influence and travel decisions. We classify models, summarise empirical findings and discuss important issues that require further research.  相似文献   

Freight transport research has generally been limited by a lack of data of the breadth and quality available for passenger transport, particularly in terms of behavioural data. This paper discusses the survey design and implementation of a survey intended to collect longitudinal behavioural data on the responses of freight transport firms to environmental policies. The design of the survey is centred around a hypothetical scenario where respondents are asked how they would complete a given freight task within common constraints. One of the key components of the survey design is a dynamic component intended to simulate the changing business environment. The paper illustrates the many challenges in getting complex freight related surveys in the field.  相似文献   

The article examines media representations and views of experts and high school students on the future of transport with a particular focus on its implications for emissions of greenhouse gases. Focusing on Finland, it explores which key features and boundary conditions related to the climate policies of transport are framed as important or negligible. The analysis was based on the comprehensive environmental protection process model. Results show that the need for radical change was recognised both by students and experts but at the same time, rather cynical views regarding the possibilities to achieve these changes were presented by the media, experts, and students. Long-term impacts and visions were underrepresented in discussions, with the focus being mainly on short-term concerns and incremental changes.  相似文献   

The new generation of GPS-based tolling systems allow for a much higher degree of road sensing than has been available up to now. We propose an adaptive sampling scheme to collect accurate real-time traffic information from large-scale implementations of on-board GPS-based devices over a road network. The goal of the system is to minimize the transmission costs over all vehicles while satisfying requirements in the accuracy and timeliness of the traffic information obtained. The system is designed to make use of cellular communication as well as leveraging additional technologies such as roadside units equipped with WiFi and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) dedicated short-range communications (DSRC). As opposed to fixed sampling schemes, which transmit at regular intervals, the sampling policy we propose is adaptive to the road network and the importance of the links that the vehicle traverses. Since cellular communications are costly, in the basic centralized scheme, the vehicle is not aware of the road conditions on the network. We extend the scheme to handle non-cellular communications via roadside units and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. Under a general traffic model, we prove that our scheme always outperforms the baseline scheme in terms of transmission cost while satisfying accuracy and real-time requirements. Our analytical results are further supported via simulations based on actual road networks for both the centralized and V2V settings.  相似文献   


The growing availability of geotagged big data has stimulated substantial discussion regarding their usability in detailed travel behaviour analysis. Whilst providing a large amount of spatio-temporal information about travel behaviour, these data typically lack semantic content characterising travellers and choice alternatives. The inverse discrete choice modelling (IDCM) approach presented in this paper proposes that discrete choice models (DCMs) can be statistically inverted and used to attach additional variables from observations of travel choices. Suitability of the approach for inferring socioeconomic attributes of travellers is explored using mode choice decisions observed in London Travel Demand Survey. Performance of the IDCM is investigated with respect to the type of variable, the explanatory power of the imputed variable, and the type of estimator used. This method is a significant contribution towards establishing the extent to which DCMs can be credibly applied for semantic enrichment of passively collected big data sets while preserving privacy.  相似文献   


This paper presents the hypothesis that in order to create a safer road environment, there needs to be a change in the approach used by police services. A shift in methodology is required that moves away from punishment, such as issuing traffic tickets, and its attendant measures of success, total number of tickets issued or total amount of fines, to a safety-based methodology with its main emphasis on reducing collisions and their severity. This requires understanding the social context of driving and how dangerous driving is defined. This paper moves from these topics to describing deterrence theory which is the common philosophy underlying the criminal justice system today, including how the police handle traffic violations. A different approach is then presented which draws from these methods but changes the focus of police resource deployment.  相似文献   

Aiming to develop a theoretically consistent framework to estimate travel demand using multiple data sources, this paper first proposes a multi-layered Hierarchical Flow Network (HFN) representation to structurally model different levels of travel demand variables including trip generation, origin/destination matrices, path/link flows, and individual behavior parameters. Different data channels from household travel surveys, smartphone type devices, global position systems, and sensors can be mapped to different layers of the proposed network structure. We introduce Big data-driven Transportation Computational Graph (BTCG), alternatively Beijing Transportation Computational Graph, as the underlying mathematical modeling tool to perform automatic differentiation on layers of composition functions. A feedforward passing on the HFN sequentially implements 3 steps of the traditional 4-step process: trip generation, spatial distribution estimation, and path flow-based traffic assignment, respectively. BTCG can aggregate different layers of partial first-order gradients and use the back-propagation of “loss errors” to update estimated demand variables. A comparative analysis indicates that the proposed methods can effectively integrate different data sources and offer a consistent representation of demand. The proposed methodology is also evaluated under a demonstration network in a Beijing subnetwork.  相似文献   

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