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2010年上海港集装箱吞吐量跃居世界首位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近日,上海市人民政府召开上海国际航运中心建设推进工作会议。据悉,2010年上海国际航运中心建设各项工作全面推进,在优化航运集疏运体系、完善航运服务功能、建设国际航运发展综合试验区等方  相似文献   

改善上海国际航运中心发展软环境的对策研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
陈继红  真虹 《水运管理》2009,31(5):18-21
为解决软环境的薄弱对上海国际航运中心纵深发展的制约问题,在研究上海国际航运中心硬环境成果的基础上,分析改善上海国际航运中心发展软环境的必要性和紧迫性,提出新阶段上海国际航运中心建设应注意的问题:完善港口集疏运方式;积极建设和发展洋山港区,给予政策支持;推进区域统一港航信息平台建设;加快机构重组。同时,提出航运人才、航运产业集群、港航科技和航运文化等政策导向建议。  相似文献   

上海航运保险业存在问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨懿 《水运管理》2011,33(6):34-36,39
为推动上海航运业发展,从上海航运保险业的现状入手,分析上海航运保险业存在的问题,并结合上海建设国际航运中心和金融中心的背景,认为航运保险对上海“两个中心”的建设起着较大的推动作用,只有完善航运保险业的机制,增强上海航运保险业的竞争力,才能保障上海国际航运中心和金融中心的顺利建设。应通过如下措施加快上海航运保险业的发展:完善航运保险市场体制;建立完善的法律体系;提高风险管理水平;提高我国航运保险公司的运营能力;加强航运保险人才的培养。  相似文献   

为更好地发展建设长江航运,同时满足"十三五"规划期对上海国际航运的建设要求,分析长江航运和上海国际航运中心的建设情况,探讨上海国际航运中心与长江航运业联动发展中存在的不足,提出从区域协调发展和产业梯度转移的角度寻求联动的观点,建议以上海为中心建立紧密协调的联动发展机制,实现上海国际航运中心与长江航运业的共建、共享发展。  相似文献   

王婕丽 《水运管理》2010,32(2):27-28,34
为推动上海国际航运中心建设,从分析香港国际航运中心形成的社会条件和政策基础入手,结合现状分析香港航运业发展状况和特点,进而提出将上海建设成为集贸易中心、航运中心、信息中心和物流中心于一体的新一代国际航运中心的建议:发展核心竞争力;政府与航运企业紧密合作;提升船舶注册和航运安全管理水平;重点发展航运高端产业;充分利用区位优势。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化、金融全球化的发展,经过改革开放数十年的努力,我国已成为世界造船大国、航运大国和港口大国。上海国际航运中心建设成为国家战略,在上海市委市政府的领导及国家有关部委的支持下,正不断向航运中心建设的高级阶段发展,向具有航运资源配置能力的方向发展。上海国际航运中心建设需要航运功能要素的聚集和综合发展。  相似文献   

2009年3月,国务院常务会议通过的《国务院关于推进上海加快发展现代服务业和先进制造业,建设国际金融中心和国际航运中心的意见》(下文简称《意见》)中,明确提出上海国际航运中心的建设目标是:到2020年基本建成具有全球航运资源配置能力的国际航运中心。全球航运资源配置能力,可以理解为是国际航运中心的核心价值。什么是航运资源配置能力?上海应该具备哪些配置能力?目前已经具备哪些配置能力?应重点培育哪些配置能力?这些问题关系到当前上海国际航运中心建设的方向和推进的着力点,值得认真探讨。  相似文献   

2009年,国务院19号文《国务院关于推进上海加快发展现代服务业和先进制造业建设国际金融中心和国际航运中心的意见》给上海航运服务业发展带来难得的历史机遇。自此,上海高端航运服务也步入快速发展阶段。随着亚洲经贸和先进制造业的快速发展,航运中心在逐步向亚洲进行转移,从国际航运中心的定义及发展历程看,高端航运服务要素的集聚已成为国际航运中心的代表性特征,而作为上海强有力的竞争对手,新加坡在吸引高端航运服务要素的过程中处于优势地位,上海如何快速集聚包括航运保险在内的高端航运服务要素已成为迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

简述上海国际航运中心建设的目标和进程及船舶工业在上海国际航运中心建设过程中的地位和作用,重点从船舶融资业务、国际航运主业发展、港口基建和集疏运体系建设进展、现代航运服务体系建设开展以及邮船产业发展趋势等方面分析上海建设国际航运中心为船舶工业发展带来的机遇与挑战,并对船舶工业发展提出要求和建议。  相似文献   

航运中心建设与航运产业的发展是相互促进的有机整体。本文从科技化、高价值、信息化等六个方面对生态航运的内涵及其发展趋势进行了全面的阐释,并分析研究了上海国际航运中心建设与推进生态航运之间的关系,以及推进生态航运对加快国际航运中心建设的重要意义,为国际航运中心建设开拓了可持续发展之思路。最后,就如何推进生态航运提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Following a period of about 120 years, when external political pressures prevented Poland from engaging in maritime commercial activities, the end of World War I marked an important epoch in Poland's maritime history. Although the Peace Treaties gave Poland access to the sea and the right to use Gdansk, it was not until 1926, when Poland's first shipping company was established and Poland's new port of Gdynia opened, that her new status as a maritime country was fashioned. This paper traces the development of Polish shipping from 1918 to the present time; discusses the factors related to Poland's problems in the sphere of international maritime transport; and outlines Poland's present shipping policy.  相似文献   

Following a period of about 120 years, when external political pressures prevented Poland from engaging in maritime commercial activities, the end of World War I marked an important epoch in Poland's maritime history. Although the Peace Treaties gave Poland access to the sea and the right to use Gdansk, it was not until 1926, when Poland's first shipping company was established and Poland's new port of Gdynia opened, that her new status as a maritime country was fashioned. This paper traces the development of Polish shipping from 1918 to the present time; discusses the factors related to Poland's problems in the sphere of international maritime transport; and outlines Poland's present shipping policy.  相似文献   

长江运输船呈大型化趋势;上海航运配套设施待完善;武汉巨资打造长江航运中心;四川加快建设“一横两纵”;长江“数字航道”初见规模;益芦航运工程年内开工;长江上演罕见大堵船;长江开通“快速通道”。  相似文献   

巴拿马运河扩建进一步落实;IMAREX推出新货运期权合约;我国沿海运输实行新规则;长江航运“瓶颈”被打破;沪内河禁运剧毒化学品;青岛巨资建国际航运中心。[编者按]  相似文献   

浙江巨资投向内河航道建设;上海大规模整治内河航道;云南加速开发金沙江航运;长江水运总量居世界首位;三峡过闸实现24小时申报;长三角船舶正式实施一卡通;三峡库区为农民开通“绿卡”;[编者按]  相似文献   

The shipping industry in Nigeria since the early 1990s has been experiencing a continuous disastrous downturn. Nigerian shipping companies' participation in international shipping has continued to be very limited. Their presence and impact is hardly felt in the world's shipping industry. Both the national carriers (that is shipping companies with national carrier status) and other indigenous private shipping companies have vessel as well as management problems. These problems have led to the poor performance of the Nigerian shipping industry for over a decade now. The carriers in the industry are not attaining for the country the gains that are supposed to emanate from shipping. This paper points out the importance of shipping to a nation, identifies the problems the country's shipping companies are facing and proffers solutions that include merging of the companies to have strong financial standing and a competitive edge.  相似文献   

杨靳  邵哲平 《中国水运》2006,6(8):23-24
针对目前航运业者的“国货国运”的呼声,本文分析了航运自由化政策对中国航运业发展的必要性。自由化航运政策提升了中国航运业竞争力,并使中国航运在世界的地位稳步上升。本论文从理论和实证的角度阐述了自由化航运政策对中国航运业发展的重要性,并提出了进一步完善中国航运政策建议。  相似文献   

Significant pro-competitive changes were made to the Shipping Act by the Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA). The most notable of these was the shift away from public tariffs and publicly available contract rates to confidential rates using individually negotiated service contracts. The number of individual member service contracts has risen dramatically since OSRA went into effect in 1999. These statistics support the argument that OSRA was able to bring more competition to the industry. However, the theory and empirical evidence of the Act’s success in improving the performance of the liner industry serving the Transatlantic and Transpacific trade routes, which are two major trunk roads subject to the jurisdiction of the US, are not so compelling. This article employs the theory of joint product to assess the impact of OSRA on the shipping market structure and competition of two major east–west arteries after 1999. This article considers head haul and backhaul container shipments as joint products. Two simple statistical equations are derived to reinterpret Smith’s condition of joint product. The empirical results confirm that the market structure of Transatlantic and Transpacific trade lanes are competitive.  相似文献   


This paper aims to develop an adaptation of the Tobin Q investment model for the shipping asset management in order to monitor valuation mismatch and bubble pricing of shipping assets. In this circumstance, the market prices of various shipping assets (e.g., Capesize or Panamax dry bulk carriers in different age profiles) are compared to the measured long-term asset value with second-hand ship prices. The mark-to-market prices of shipping assets are led by current market trends and freight rates, while the long-term asset value is estimated by using past data under certain assumptions (mean reversion, trend reversion). The discrepancy between market prices and the long-term nominal value of a shipping asset reflects any mispricing, which in turn sheds light on investment timing and market entry-exit decision.  相似文献   

千呼万唤千方百计发展内河航运   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内河航运是既古老而又生机无限的运输方式.在中华民族五千年的历史长河中,它曾为国家统一、经济发展、社会进步、文明传播发挥过巨大作用.现在中央作出"实施西部大开发战略,加快中西部发展"的重大决策,这是新的历史时期内河航运实现新发展难得的历史机遇.抓住机遇,制定符合我国经济发展需要的内河航运发展战略,事不宜迟.  相似文献   

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