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内河海事监管如何从一个不被公众所理解的“尴尬局面”中脱颖而出?如何形成独具特色的监管模式为广大同行所效仿?佛山海事用其五年之功完成的“佛山内河海事监管模式”解答了我们这一困惑,为此,本刊特别制作《“佛山内河海事监管模式”好榜样》系列专题报导,从源头管理、信息管理、应急管理和渡运管理四个方面深入剖析该模式的独到之处,以飨读者。  相似文献   

内河船舶签证制度已不能适应现代海事管理理念。随着内河船舶签证制度取消,海事监管将更加侧重于事中、事后,促使基层海事处的监管模式不断发展变化。在对内河船舶进出港签证制度的历史作用和现今不适宜性进行分析的基础之上,对基层海事处监管模式改革提出若干建议,为海事管理部门进一步加强监管、提升监管效能提供参考。  相似文献   

研究洋山港海事局辖区过境内河砂石料船舶现状,分析海事部门在过境内河砂石料船舶监管中的问题,包括海事监管手段运用不到位,运输环节监管效果不明显和水上运输法律衔接有缺失。依据相关法律法规,就海事部门在过境内河砂石料船舶监管中的地位和手段提出相应的建议,包括穷尽职责范围内的监管手段,加强与相关管理部门的协作和探索砂石船法律衔接新思路。  相似文献   

自上期《佛山内河海事监管模式好榜样》系列报道刊登以来,受到各方关注,应读者要求,本期全文刊登后续系列,以飨读者。  相似文献   

传统海事监管以人员查询、船舶报告为主,数据获取手段单一,信息处理水平较低,存在监管时效性差等局限.针对上述问题,结合航道内广泛布设的航标,以多功能航标数据的采集、存储、分析和应用为基础,融合现有的海事监管信息,提出一种基于多功能航标的海事监管模式,从而推进海事监管信息化建设,提高监管效率,使内河海事监管现场化、实时化.通过实验验证,多功能航标信息系统运行稳定,在实时获取数据、辅助海事监管方面取得良好效果.  相似文献   

自上期《“佛山内河海事监管模式”好榜样》系列报道刊登以来,受到各方关注,应读者要求,本期全文刊登后续系列,以飨读者。  相似文献   

AIS在内河海事监管中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了AIS及其特点,并结合长江内河航运海事监管的现状及以后的发展要求,阐述了将AIS应用于内河海事监管的必要性及将AIS与VTS等系统结合成统一的监管平台的应用前景。  相似文献   

李金锡 《世界海运》2011,34(11):36-37
分析海事部门在内河船员动态信息监管方面存在的管理模式滞后、管理手段缺乏、证后监督重视程度不够等问题,从内河水运发展的要求、航运公司和内河船员自身发展要求等方面分析加强内河船员动态信息监管的必要性,提出加强内河船员动态信息监管的信息化建设、机制建设和资源投入等建议.  相似文献   

从2010年10月开始,杭州航区正式实行内河钱江水系一体化管理。这次管理模式的改革,不仅打破了原有的行政区域限制,实行了大杭州统一管理,更是引入了一个全新的内河海事管理方式——界面监管。在从现场监管向界面监管转变的过程中,我们海事人员逐渐意识到电子证据在内河海事行政行为中的重要性,并对如何合法采用电子证据以发挥电子证据强大的证明力进行了思考探索。电子证据的认识1、电子证据的概念随着船舶自动化朝数字化、智能化、模块化、集成化发展,越来越多的与航行活动有关的电子的、数字  相似文献   

邓敏  范斌  童鲲  杨瑜 《中国海事》2014,(10):18-19
佛山海事:推行"3+1"海事转型新标签佛山海事辖区具有点多、线长、面广特点,拥有可通航江河里程1350公里,年进出港船舶约40万艘次,进出港船舶种类齐全,具有典型的内河水网区域特点,人均监管河段8.5公里,人均每年监管船舶2600多艘次,水上安全形势严峻,海事现场监管压力大。为加强水上监管力度,佛山海事局坚持用信息手段强化水上交通安全监管。  相似文献   

陈红 《中国海事》2008,(9):58-59
海事档案管理是海事文化建设的一部分,也是海事业务的基础性工作。近年来,随着沿海港口的开发与开放,海事工作业务也随之扩大.形成大量的海事业务档案。文中通过阐述海事档案特征,分析海事档案管理与海事文化建设的关系,探讨创新海事档案管理形式,目的是充分发挥海事档案的作用,更好地服务于海事文化建设和发展。  相似文献   

论我国《海商法》下船舶优先权的项目设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭佳怡 《中国水运》2007,7(2):259-260
船舶优先权作为一项古老的海商法法律制度,一直吸引着众多学者探索研究。本文提出对《海商法》下船舶优先权的项目设置需严格控制,只须设定船员工资、救助报酬项目,对特殊群体进行保护即可。这样规定对我国航运业的发展有一定促进作用。  相似文献   

Development of ports and shipping in China are continuing at a phenomenal pace. They are now entering a second phase in these developments. With basic capacity to handle China's growing foreign trade established. China's ports and shipping are now being ratinalized in terms of inland infrastructure and intermodal networks, optimum trade flows, foreign alliances, and physical forms or consolidation of cargo. These developments are driven by the lack of a large, deep water ocean fleet on one hand and limited water depths at many major ports. Similarly, the extension of economic development to the inland ports of China has become a priority as has the effective integration of Hong Kong and gradual opening of direct shipping across the Taiwan Straits.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to summarize the European maritime transport policy within the context of maritime politics at large. At the outset the legal framework conditions and supportive instruments for the shipping and port industries are presented. Against the background of recent accidents at sea, such as the sinking of ERIKA and PRESTIGE, the EU legislation on maritime safety is of particular interest as it is both complex and rapid in reaction to environmental needs and political pressure. Finally, the sensible relationship between the EU as a regional organization and the IMO as “the competent international organization” is discussed with a view to reconcile possible rivalry and to suggest a complementary cooperation between the two organizations.  相似文献   

郑伟 《中国海事》2009,(11):50-51
如何科学预见社会经济发展对海事管理的需求,确立我国海事发展的战略目标和战略步骤,在国内和国际发挥更大的作用,全面推进海事现代化进程,是海事发展面临的机遇和挑战。研究工作已成为当前科学决策的重要手段,加强海事发展研究工作,有利于认清发展形势,把握国际海事发展的趋势和前沿,把握国家经济发展现实和长远的交通运输需求,为保障国家外向型经济的发展,促进区域经济协调发展作出前瞻性预判。  相似文献   

浅议海事调查证据与海事诉讼证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
证据是指用于证明某一事物客观存在或某一主张成立的有关事实证明。无论海事调查还是海事诉讼过程中,证据无疑是至关重要的,它是海事部门查明事实的基础,也是海事法院审判的依据。由于海事调查证据与海事诉讼证据都是对事实的证明,因此这两种证据有很多方面是相同的,但由于调查取证的方法、证明的侧重点、法律规定的不同,海事调查证据与海事诉讼证据必然存在不同之处。本文通过对两种证据在各个方面的比较分析,并参照国外海事调查情况,提出海事调查证据与海事诉讼证据的关系。海事部门海事调查的性质和目的我国自建国以来,直到《海上交通安…  相似文献   

Many accidents, resulting in a larger number of fatalities during the last few years, have focused attention on issues of maritime safety. Accident registration reveals that a large proportion have human related causes, and indicates that, by looking at cultural aspects, one's understanding of the underlying mechanisms leading to accidents might increase. Several constructs of culture and climate have appeared on national, organizational and safety levels. Those constructs are discussed together with problems that occur when interpreting accidental data, and recording accidental causes. The papers reviewed indicate the existence of a 'chain of evidence' from accidents/safety to attitudes, communications, conflict-solving, etc. and further to safety culture. To be able to reduce the risk for accidents, there seems to be a need for coordination and the cultural perspective seems to be one that integrates and takes the many disciplines and multi-level nature of accidents and safety into account.  相似文献   

中国的海事救助系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓洪章 《世界海运》2006,29(1):31-33
主要介绍了中国海事救助的规定和海事救助系统,内容包括:搜救通信手段,通信的发展对搜救的影响,主要法律法规,搜救通信的发展与需求,中国海事搜救通信的现状和经验教训等。  相似文献   

Many accidents, resulting in a larger number of fatalities during the last few years, have focused attention on issues of maritime safety. Accident registration reveals that a large proportion have human related causes, and indicates that, by looking at cultural aspects, one's understanding of the underlying mechanisms leading to accidents might increase. Several constructs of culture and climate have appeared on national, organizational and safety levels. Those constructs are discussed together with problems that occur when interpreting accidental data, and recording accidental causes. The papers reviewed indicate the existence of a ‘chain of evidence’ from accidents/safety to attitudes, communications, conflict-solving, etc. and further to safety culture. To be able to reduce the risk for accidents, there seems to be a need for coordination and the cultural perspective seems to be one that integrates and takes the many disciplines and multi-level nature of accidents and safety into account.  相似文献   

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