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Measurements of turbulence were performed in four frontal locations near the mouths of Block Island Sound (BIS) and Long Island Sound (LIS). These measurements extend from the offshore front associated with BIS and Mid-Atlantic Bight Shelf water, to the onshore fronts near the Montauk Point (MK) headland, and the Connecticut River plume front. The latter feature is closely associated with the major fresh water input to LIS. Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation rate, ε, was obtained using shear probes mounted on an autonomous underwater vehicle. Offshore, the BIS estuarine outflow front showed, during spring season and ebb tide, maximum TKE dissipation rate, ε, estimates of order 10− 5 W/kg, with background values of order 10− 6 to 10− 9 W/kg. Edwards et al. [Edwards, C.A., Fake, T.A., and Bogden, P.S., 2004a. Spring–summer frontogenesis at the mouth of Block Island Sound: 1. A numerical investigation into tidal and buoyancy-forced motion. Journal of Geophysical Research 109 (C12021), doi:10.1029/2003JC002132.] model this front as the boundary of a tidally driven, baroclinically adjusted BIS flow around the MK headland eddy. At the entrance to BIS, near MK, two additional fronts are observed, one of which was over sand waves. For the headland site front east of MK, without sand waves, during ebb tide, ε estimates of 10− 5 to 10− 6 W/kg were observed. The model shows that this front is at the northern end of an anti-cyclonic headland eddy, and within a region of strong tidal mixing. For the headland site front further northeast over sand waves, maximum ε estimates were of order 10− 4 W/kg within a background of order 10− 7–10− 6 W/kg. From the model, this front is at the northeastern edge of the anti-cyclonic headland eddy and within the tidal mixing zone. For the Connecticut River plume front, a surface trapped plume, during ebb tide, maximum ε estimates of 10− 5 W/kg were obtained, within a background of 10− 6 to 10− 8 W/kg. Of all four fronts, the river plume front has the largest finescale mean-square shear, S2 ~ 0.15 s− 2. All of the frontal locations had local values of the buoyancy Reynolds number indicating strong isotropic turbulence at the dissipation scales. Local values of the Froude number indicated shear instability in all of the fronts.  相似文献   

We use hydrographic, current, and microstructure measurements, and tide-forced ocean models, to estimate benthic and interfacial mixing impacting the evolution of a bottom-trapped outflow of dense shelf water from the Drygalski Trough in the northwestern Ross Sea. During summer 2003 an energetic outflow was observed from the outer shelf ( 500 m isobath) to the  1600 m isobath on the continental slope. Outflow thickness was as great as  200 m, and mean speeds were  0.6 m s− 1 relative to background currents exceeding  1 m s− 1 that were primarily tidal in origin. No outflow was detected on the slope in winter 2004, although a thin layer of dense shelf water was present on the outer shelf. When the outflow was well-developed, the estimated benthic stress was of order one Pascal and the bulk Froude number over the upper slope exceeded one. Diapycnal scalar diffusivity (Kz) values in the transition region at the top of the outflow, estimated from Thorpe-scale analysis of potential density and measurements of microscale temperature gradient from sensors attached to the CTD rosette, were of order 10− 3−10− 2 m2 s− 1. For two cases where the upper outflow boundary was particularly sharply defined, entrainment rate we was estimated from Kz and bulk outflow parameters to be  10− 3 m s− 1 ( 100 m day− 1). A tide-forced, three-dimensional primitive equation ocean model with Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme for diapycnal mixing yields results consistent with a significant tidal role in mixing associated with benthic stress and shear within the stratified ocean interior.  相似文献   

We report on an intensive campaign in the summer of 2006 to observe turbulent energy dissipation in the vicinity of a tidal mixing front which separates well mixed and seasonally stratified regimes in the western Irish Sea. The rate of turbulent dissipation ε was observed on a section across the front by a combination of vertical profiles with the FLY dissipation profiler and horizontal profiles by shear sensors mounted on an AUV (Autosub). Mean flow conditions and stratification were obtained from a bed mounted ADCP and a vertical chain of thermistors on a mooring. During an Autosub mission of 60 h, the vehicle, moving at a speed of ~ 1.2 m s− 1, completed 10 useable frontal crossings between end points which were allowed to move with the mean flow. The results were combined with parallel measurements of the vertical profile of ε which were made using FLY for periods of up to 13 h at positions along the Autosub track. The two data sets, which show a satisfactory degree of consistency, were combined to elucidate the space–time variation of dissipation in the frontal zone. Using harmonic analysis, the spatial structure of dissipation was separated from the strong time dependent signal at the M4 tidal frequency to yield a picture of the cross-frontal distribution of energy dissipation. A complementary picture of the frontal velocity field was obtained from a moored ADCP and estimates of the mean velocity derived from the thermal wind using the observed density distribution. which indicated the presence of a strong (0.2 m s− 1) jet-like flow in the high gradient region of the front. Under neap tidal conditions, mean dissipation varied across the section by 3 orders of magnitude exceeding 10− 2 W m− 3 near the seabed in the mixed regime and decreasing to 10− 5 W m− 3. in the strongly stratified interior regime. The spatial pattern of dissipation is consistent in general form with the predictions of models of tidal mixing and does not reflect any strong influence by the frontal jet.  相似文献   

Turbulent overturning on scales greater than 10 m is observed near the bottom and in mid-depth layers within the Gaoping (formerly spelled Kaoping) Submarine Canyon (KPSC) in southern Taiwan. Bursts of strong turbulence coexist with bursts of strong sediment concentrations in mid-depth layers. The turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate in some turbulence bursts exceeds 10− 4 W kg− 1, and the eddy diffusivity exceeds 10− 1 m2 s− 1. Within the canyon, the depth averaged turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate is ~ 7 × 10− 6 W kg− 1, and the depth averaged eddy diffusivity is ~ 10− 2 m2 s− 1. These are more than two orders of magnitude greater than typical values in the open ocean, and are much larger than those found in the Monterey Canyon where the strong turbulent mixing has also been. The interaction of tidal currents with the complex topography in Gaoping Submarine Canyon is presumably responsible for the observed turbulent overturning via shear instability and the breaking of internal tides and internal waves at critical frequencies. Strong 1st-mode internal tides exist in KPSC. The depth averaged internal tidal energy near the canyon mouth is ~ 0.17 m2 s− 2. The depth integrated internal tidal energy flux at the mouth of the canyon is ~ 14 kW m− 1, propagating along the axis of the canyon toward the canyon head. The internal tidal energy flux in the canyon is 3–7 times greater than that found in Monterey Canyon, presumably due to the more than 10 times larger barotropic tide in the canyon. Simple energy budget calculations conclude that internal tides alone may provide energy sufficient to explain the turbulent mixing estimated within the canyon. Further experiments are needed in order to quantify the seasonal and geographical distributions of internal tides in Gaoping Submarine Canyon and their effects on the sediment flux in the canyon.  相似文献   

Due to its great meridional extent and relatively shallow depths, the Kerguelen Plateau constitutes a major barrier to the eastward flowing Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. While most of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport is deflected north of the Kerguelen Islands, the remainder ( 50 Sv, 1 Sv = 106 m3 s− 1) must pass south of the islands, most probably through the Fawn and Princess Elizabeth Troughs. However, the paucity of finely resolved quasi-synoptic hydrographic data in this remote and infrequently sampled area has limited the progress in our knowledge of the regional circulation. Since 2004, a new approach using elephant seals from the Kerguelen Islands as autonomous oceanographic profilers has provided new information on the hydrography over the Kerguelen Plateau, covering the entire Antarctic Zone between the Polar Front and Antarctica, with a mean along-track resolution of about 25 km. These finely resolved bio-logged data revealed details of a strong northeastward current found across the Fawn Trough (sill depth: 2600 m; 56°S, 78°E). This so-called Fawn Trough Current transports cold Antarctic waters found mostly south of the Elan Bank, between the Ice Limit (58°S) and the Antarctic Divergence (64°S) in the eastern Enderby Basin, toward the Australian–Antarctic Basin. Our analysis also demonstrates that the Deep Western Boundary Current, which carries cold Antarctic water along the eastern flank of the southern Kerguelen Plateau collides with Fawn Trough Current at the outlet of the Fawn Trough sill. In other words, the Fawn Trough constitutes a veritable bottleneck, channelling the quasi-totality of the Antarctic Circumpolar flow found south of the Polar Front. Thanks to the unprecedented fine resolution of seal-borne data, a branch of flow centered at the Winter Water isotherm of 1 °C is also revealed along the northern escarpment of the Elan Bank, and then along the southern edge of Heard Island. Further analysis of different supplementary data reveals a complex circulation pattern in the entire Enderby Basin, with several distinctive branches of flow being strongly controlled by prominent topographic features such as the Southwest Indian Ridge, Conrad Rise, Elan Bank, and Kerguelen Plateau. This newly emerged frontal structure refines considerably previous large-scale circulation schematics of the area.  相似文献   

The Mackenzie River is the largest river on the North American side of the Arctic and its huge freshwater and sediment load impacts the Canadian Beaufort Shelf. Huge quantities of sediment and associated organic carbon are transported in the Mackenzie plume into the interior of the Arctic Ocean mainly during the freshet (May to September). Changing climate scenarios portend increased coastal erosion and resuspension that lead to altered river-shelf-slope particle budgets. We measured sedimentation rates, suspended particulate matter (SPM), particle size and settling rates during ice-free conditions in Kugmallit Bay (3–5 m depth). Additionally, measurements of erosion rate, critical shear stress, particle size distribution and resuspension threshold of bottom sediments were examined at four regionally contrasting sites (33–523 m depth) on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf using a new method for assessing sediment erosion. Wind induced resuspension was evidenced by a strong relationship between SPM and wind speed in Kugmallit Bay. Deployment of sediment traps showed decreasing sedimentation rates at sites along an inshore–offshore transect ranging from 5400 to 3700 g m− 2 day− 1. Particle settling rates and size distributions measured using a Perspex settling chamber showed strong relationships between equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) and particle settling rates (r= 0.91). Mean settling rates were 0.72 cm s− 1 with corresponding ESD values of 0.9 mm. Undisturbed sediment cores were exposed to shear stress in an attempt to compare differences in sediment stability across the shelf during September to October 2003. Shear was generated by vertically oscillating a perforated disc at controlled frequencies corresponding to calibrated shear velocity using a piston grid erosion device. Critical (Type I) erosion thresholds (u) varied between 1.1 and 1.3 cm s− 1 with no obvious differences in location. Sediments at the deepest site Amundsen Gulf displayed the highest erosion rates (22–54 g m− 2 min− 1) with resuspended particle sizes ranging from 100 to 930 µm for all sites. There was no indication of biotic influence on sediment stability, although our cores did not display a fluff layer of unconsolidated sediment. Concurrent studies in the delta and shelf region suggest the importance of a nepheloid layer which transports suspended particles to the slope. Continuous cycles of resuspension, deposition, and horizontal advection may intensify with reduction of sea ice in this region. Our measurements coupled with studies of circulation and cross-shelf exchange allow parameterization and modeling of particle dynamics and carbon fluxes under various climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Production of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia omorii was measured from 2 October 1991 to 8 October 1992 at a station in Ilkwang Bay on the southeastern coast of Korea. A. omorii (nauplii + copepodites + adults) were present in the plankton throughout the year, with seasonal variation in abundance. Biomass of A. omorii was averaged at 0.44 mgC m− 3, with peaks in February and July, and relatively low biomass in late summer and fall. Egg production rate ranged from 2.4 to 151.9 μgC m− 3 day− 1, which was equivalent to 95–6075 eggs m− 3 day− 1. Fecundity of an adult female was averaged at 38 eggs female− 1 day− 1. Instantaneous growth rates of copepodites were higher than those of nauplii stages. Annual production of A. omorii ranged from 33.5 mgC m− 3 year− 1 to 221 mgC m− 2 year− 1, showing a seasonal variation of daily production rate with peaks in February and July. The daily production rate of A. omorii was significantly correlated with chlorophyll a concentration. These results suggest that standing stocks and/or productivity of phytoplankton are the major influencing factors, rather than water temperature for the seasonal variation of production of A. omorii in Ilkwang Bay.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the abundance and biomass of cyanobacteria (Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus) and picoeukaryotes were studied by flow cytometry in the upper layers of the central Cantabrian Sea continental shelf, from April 2002 to April 2006. The study area displayed the typical hydrographic conditions of temperate coastal zones. A marked seasonality of the relative contribution of prokaryotes and eukaryotes was found. While cyanobacteria were generally more abundant for most of the year (up to 2.4 105 cells mL− 1), picoeukaryotes dominated the community (up to 104 cells mL− 1) from February to May. The disappearance of Prochlorococcus from spring through summer is likely related to shifts in the prevailing current regime. The maximum total abundance of picophytoplankton was consistently found in late summer–early autumn. Mean photic-layer picoplanktonic chlorophyll a ranged from 0.06 to 0.53 µg L− 1 with a relatively high mean contribution to total values (33 ± 2% SE), showing maxima around autumn and minima in spring. Biomass (range 0.58–40.16 mg C m− 3) was generally dominated by picoeukaryotes (mean ± SE, 4.28 ± 0.27 mg C m− 3) with an average contribution of cyanobacteria of 30 ± 2%. Different seasonality of pigment and biomass values resulted in a clear temporal pattern of picophytoplanktonic carbon to chlorophyll a ratio, which ranged from 10 (winter) to 140 (summer). This study highlights the important contribution of picoplanktonic chlorophyll a and carbon biomass in this coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) concentrations were measured in the water column, in sediment porewaters, and in atmospheric air, in the Ría de Vigo, NW Spain, during both the onset (April 2003) and at the end of (September 2004) seasonal upwelling. In addition, CH4 concentration and stable isotopic signatures (δ13CH4) were measured in porewaters, and sediment methanogenesis and aerobic oxidation of CH4 were determined in sediment incubations. Surface water column CH4 (2 m depth) was in the range 3–180 nmol l− 1 (110–8500% saturation) and followed a generally landward increase but with localised maxima in both the inner and middle Ría. These maxima were consistent with CH4 inputs from underlying porewaters in which CH4 concentrations were up to 3 orders of magnitude higher (maximum 350 μmol l− 1). Surface water CH4 concentrations were approximately three times higher in September than in April, consistent with a significant benthic CH4 flux driven by enhanced sediment methanogenesis following the summer productivity maximum. CH4 and δ13CH4 in sediment porewaters and in incubated sediment slurries (20 °C) revealed significant sediment CH4 oxidation, with an apparent isotopic fractionation factor (rc) of  1.004. Using turbulent diffusion models of air–sea exchange we estimate an annual emission of atmospheric CH4 from the Ría de Vigo of 18–44 × 106 g (1.1–2.7 × 106 mol). This estimate is approximately 1–2 orders of magnitude lower than a previous estimate based on a bubble transport model.  相似文献   

Depth profiles of heterotrophic bacteria abundance were measured weekly over a 6-month period from December to May in Franklin Bay, a 230 m-deep coastal Arctic Ocean site of the southeastern Beaufort Sea. Total bacteria, low nucleic acid (LNA) and high nucleic acid (HNA) bacteria abundances were measured using flow cytometry after SYBR Green I staining. The HNA bacteria abundance in surface waters started to increase 5–6 weeks after phytoplankton growth resumed in spring, increasing from 1 × 105 to 3 × 105 cells mL− 1 over an 8-week period, with a net growth rate of 0.018 d− 1. LNA bacteria response was delayed by more than two months relative to the beginning of the phytoplankton biomass accumulation and had a lower net growth rate of 0.013 d− 1. The marked increase in bacterial abundance occurred before any significant increase in organic matter input from river discharge (as indicated by the unchanged surface water salinity and DOC concentrations), and in the absence of water temperature increase. The abundance of bacteria below the halocline was relatively high until January (up to 5 × 105 cells mL− 1) but then decreased to values close to 2 × 105 cells mL− 1. The three-fold bacterial abundance increase observed in surface waters in spring was mostly due to HNA bacteria, supporting the idea that these cells are the most active.  相似文献   

We measured the abundance and biomass of phototrophic and heterotrophic microbes in the upper mixed layer of the water column in ice-covered Franklin Bay, Beaufort Sea, Canada, from December 2003 to May 2004, and evaluated the influence of light and nutrients on these communities by way of a shipboard enrichment experiment. Bacterial cell concentrations showed no consistent trends throughout the sampling period, averaging (± SD) 2.4 (0.9) × 108 cells L− 1; integrated bacterial biomass for the upper mixed layer ranged from 1.33 mg C m− 3 to 3.60 mg C m− 3. Small cells numerically dominated the heterotrophic protist community in both winter and spring, but in terms of biomass, protists with a diameter > 10 µm generally dominated the standing stocks. Heterotrophic protist biomass integrated over the upper mixed layer ranged from 1.23 mg C m− 3 to 6.56 mg C m− 3. Phytoplankton biomass was low and variable, but persisted during the winter period. The standing stock of pigment-containing protists ranged from a minimum value of 0.38 mg C m− 3 in winter to a maximal value of 6.09 mg C m− 3 in spring and the most abundant taxa were Micromonas-like cells. These picoprasinophytes began to increase under the ice in February and their population size was positively correlated with surface irradiance. Despite the continuing presence of sea ice, phytoplankton biomass rose by more than an order of magnitude in the upper mixed layer by May. The shipboard experiment in April showed that this phototrophic increase in the community was not responsive to pulsed nutrient enrichment, with all treatments showing a strong growth response to improved irradiance conditions. Molecular (DGGE) and microscopic analyses indicated that most components of the eukaryotic community responded positively to the light treatment. These results show the persistence of a phototrophic inoculum throughout winter darkness, and the strong seasonal response by arctic microbial food webs to sub-ice irradiance in early spring.  相似文献   

In this paper the results of a study on the distribution of pore water phosphates and ammonia, and their fluxes under anoxic condition in a deep (> 70 m) accumulation-type bottom of the south-eastern Baltic Sea, namely in the Gdańsk Deep and the adjacent areas, are presented. All measurements were taken during the growth period, i.e. in September 2000, April 2001 and June 2002. Benthic phosphate and ammonia fluxes were estimated using Fick's First Law. Phosphate and ammonia concentrations ranged from 7.5 to 266.3 μmol dm− 3 and from 53.6 to 1248.3 μmol dm− 3, respectively. The values recorded in the central part of the Gdańsk Deep were lower than those found both on its slopes and on the SW slope of the Gotland Deep. The lowest phosphate contents were typical of the Oblique Sill which separates the Gdańsk and Gotland Deeps.In 1993–2002, as a result of anoxia the sediments in the Gdańsk Deep released about 5.1 × 103 t P and 22.8 × 103 t N. These loads supplied on average 1.5% and 0.9% of phytoplankton's demand for P and N, respectively. In comparison to the total external load of nutrients discharged to the Gulf of Gdańsk (i.e. 8.79 × 103 t year− 1 Ptot and 130.79 × 103 t year− 1 Ntot; [Witek, Z., Humborg, Ch., Savchuk, O., Grelowski, A. and Łysiak-Pastuszak, E., 2003. Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets of the Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea). Est. Coast. Shelf Sci., 57:239–248.]), the return flux of P and N from the anoxic sediments to the water column in the Gdańsk Deep was a minor source of these elements.  相似文献   

Sandy sediments in shallow coastal waters of the Baltic Sea are often characterised by large numbers of biogenic structures which are produced by macrozoobenthos species. A series of experiments was devised to quantify how the interaction of such structures with the near-bed flow regime affects the sediment flux. Most experiments were done with simplified replicates of structures generated by typical species commonly found in the Mecklenburg Bight, starting with solitary structures and regularly-spaced arrays in a range of characteristic population densities, followed by a complex benthic macrofauna community, both artificial and alive. A laboratory flume channel, equipped with an acoustic Doppler flow sensor and a topography scanning laser, was used for high-resolution measurements (2 mm horizontal step size and 0.3 mm vertical resolution) of sand erosion (220 µm median grain size, at 20 cm s− 1) and fine particle deposition (8 µm grain size, at 5 cm s− 1). Sediment transport threshold values were measured for each layout. As a rule-of-thumb, both the erosion fluxes and the deposition of suspended matter increased considerably at low population densities (below 2%, expressed as percent of the sediment surface covered, i.e. roughness density RD). Above densities of 4%, erosion almost stopped inside the test arrays, and deposition remained well below the level of unpopulated areas. An attempt to extrapolate these findings to field conditions (using field current velocity data from 2001) showed that the net flux switched from erosion to deposition for densities above 5%. These parameters can now be integrated into a numerical sediment transport model coupling waves, currents, sediment dynamics and biological processes, which is currently under construction at the Baltic Sea Research Institute (IOW), Rostock, Germany.  相似文献   

Silicon dynamics in the Oder estuary, Baltic Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies on dissolved silicate (DSi) and biogenic silica (BSi) dynamics were carried out in the Oder estuary, Baltic Sea in 2000–2005. The Oder estuary proved to be an important component of the Oder River–Baltic Sea continuum where very intensive seasonal DSi uptake during spring and autumn, but also BSi regeneration during summer take place. Owing to the regeneration process annual DSi patterns in the river and the estuary distinctly differed; the annual patterns of DSi in the estuary showed two maxima and two minima in contrast to one maximum- and one minimum-pattern in the Oder River. DSi concentrations in the river and in the estuary were highest in winter (200–250 μmol dm− 3) and lowest (often less than 1 μmol dm− 3) in spring, concomitant with diatom growth; such low values are known to be limiting for new diatom growth. Secondary DSi summer peaks at the estuary exit exceeded 100 μmol dm− 3, and these maxima were followed by autumn minima coinciding with the autumn diatom bloom. Seasonal peaks in BSi concentrations (ca. 100 μmol dm− 3) occurred during the spring diatom bloom in the Oder River. Mass balance calculations of DSi and BSi showed that DSi + BSi import to the estuary over a two year period was 103.2 kt and that can be compared with the DSi export of 98.5 kt. The difference between these numbers gives room for ca. 2.5 kt BSi to be annually exported to the Baltic Sea. Sediment cores studies point to BSi annual accumulation on the level of 2.5 kt BSi. BSi import to the estuary is on the level of ca. 10.5 kt, thus ca. 5 kt of BSi is annually converted into the DSi, increasing the pool of DSi that leaves the system. BSi concentrations being ca. 2 times higher at the estuary entrance than at its exit remain in a good agreement with the DSi and BSi budgeting presented in the paper.  相似文献   

Atmospheric molar fraction of CO2 (xCO2atm) measurements obtained on board of ships of opportunity are used to parameterize the seasonal cycle of atmospheric xCO2 (xCO2atm) in three regions of the eastern North Atlantic (Galician and French offshore and Bay of Biscay). Three selection criteria are established to eliminate spurious values and identify xCO2atm data representative of atmospheric background values. The filtered data set is fitted to seasonal curve, consisting of an annual trend plus a seasonal cycle. Although the fitted curves are consistent with the seasonal evolution of xCO2atm data series from land meteorological stations, only ship-board measurements can report the presence of winter xCO2atm minimum on Bay of Biscay. Weekly air–sea CO2 flux differences (mmol C·m− 2 day− 1) produced by the several options of xCO2atm usually used (ship-board measurements, data from land meteorological stations and annually averaged values) were calculated in Bay of Biscay throughout 2003. Flux error using fitted seasonal curve relative to on board measurements was minimal, whereas land stations and annual means yielded random (− 0.2 ± 0.3 mmol C·m− 2·day− 1) and systematic (− 0.1 ± 0.4 mmol C·m− 2 day− 1), respectively. The effect of different available sources of sea level pressure, wind speed and transfer velocity were also evaluated. Wind speed and transfer velocity parameters are found as the most critical choice in the estimate of CO2 fluxes reaching a flux uncertainty of 7 mmol C·m− 2·day− 1 during springtime. The atmospheric pressure shows a notable relative effect during summertime although its influence is quantitatively slight on annual scale (0.3 ± 0.2 mmol C·m− 2·day− 1). All results confirms the role of the Bay of Biscay as CO2 sink for the 2003 with an annual mean CO2 flux around − 5 ± 5 mmol C m− 2 day− 1.  相似文献   

Observations of breaking waves, associated bubble plumes and bubble-plume size distributions were used to explore the coupled evolution of wave-breaking, wave properties and bubble-plume characteristics. Experiments were made in a large, freshwater, wind-wave channel with mechanical wind-steepened waves and a wind speed of 13 m s− 1. Bubble plumes exhibited a wide range of bubble distributions, physical extent and dynamics. A classification scheme was developed based on plume extent and “optical density” which is the ability of a plume to optically obscure the image of the background until maximum penetration of the plume. Plumes were classified as either dense (obscure) or diffuse (no-obscure). For each class, the plume bubble population size distribution, Φ(r,t), where r is the bubble radius and t the time, was determined. Dense plumes have a large radius peak in Φ and thus are enhanced in large bubbles. Diffuse plumes are well-described by a weakly size decreasing Φ(r,t) for r < 1000 μm and a more strongly size decreasing Φ(r,t) for r > 1000 μm.The bubble-plume formation rate, P, for each class, wave-breaking rate and wave characteristics were measured with respect to fetch. Wave-breaking rate and intensity are strongly fetch-dependent. In general, the trends in P and wave breaking are similar, reaching a maximum at the fetch of maximum wave breaking. The ratio of P for dense to diffuse plumes is even more sensitive to the occurrence of the most intense wave breaking, where dense plume formation is the greatest.Using P and the bubble size population distributions for each plume class, the global bubble-plume, injection size distribution, Ψi(r), was calculated. The volume injection rate for the study area was 640 cm3 s− 1 divided approximately equally between bubbles smaller and larger than r  1700 μm.  相似文献   

Large-volume sampling of 234Th was conducted to estimate particulate organic carbon (POC) export in conjunction with drifting sediment trap deployments in the northern Barents Sea in July 2003 and May 2005. 234Th-derived POC fluxes averaged 42.3 ± 39.7 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2003 and 47.1 ± 30.6 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2005. Sediment trap POC fluxes averaged 13.1 ± 8.2 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2003 and 17.3 ± 11.4 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2005, but better reflected the transient bloom conditions that were observed at each station within a season. Although 234Th fluxes agreed within a factor 2 at most stations and depths sampled, sediment trap POC fluxes were lower than large-volume POC flux estimates at almost every station. This may represent an under-collection of POC by the drifting sediment traps or, conversely, an over-collection of POC by the large-volume sampling of 234Th. It is hypothesized that the offset between the two methods is partly due to the presence of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii, which potentially causes a large variation in > 53-μm POC/234Th ratios. Due to the large proportion of dissolved carbon or mucilage released by P. pouchetii, and because it is thought that P. pouchetii does not contribute significantly to the vertical export of biogenic matter in the Barents Sea, the application of large-volume sampling of 234Th may yield relatively high, and possibly inaccurate POC/234Th ratios. Hence, POC fluxes derived from 234Th sampling may be inappropriate and drifting sediment traps might be a more reliable method to measure the vertical export of biogenic matter in regions that have recurrent P. pouchetii blooms, such as the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and other environmental authorities regulate concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) as a measure of nutrient-related eutrophication in estuarine and coastal waters. However, in situ DO concentrations are extremely variable, and their characterization requires an extensive sampling program to provide data over meaningful scales of time and space. In contrast, benthic faunal communities integrate the impacts of low DO over time, and can be rapidly assessed using benthic imaging. The goal of this study was to quantify the relationships between near-bottom dissolved oxygen and measures derived from benthic imaging with a sediment profile camera. We monitored three stations in Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island, USA) for DO and other water quality parameters 15–20 cm above the sediment surface on 15-minute intervals between July and November 2002, and regularly sampled these stations with a sediment profile camera throughout this time period. These soft-sediment stations encompassed several DO environments. We tested for relationships between near-bottom DO and several camera measures, including Nilsson and Rosenberg's Benthic Habitat Quality (BHQ) index, the apparent Redox Potential Discontinuity (aRPD) depth, and various faunal features that can be identified in sediment profile images. Camera measures were examined against a variety of methods of characterizing DO (including mean DO, and the percent of time under various DO thresholds), over a span of time scales from 1 day to 49 days. The best relationship (highest r2) between near-bottom DO and BHQ was found when DO was evaluated as the percent of time under a hypoxic threshold of 2.6 mg l− 1 over a 28-day time scale (by examining DO records over the 28 days preceding each camera deployment). We found that, over several benthic settings, the BHQ index was successful at identifying environments that had experienced relatively high or low DO over the preceding four weeks. Our sediment profile data showed more variability with DO in the intermediate values of BHQ. We conclude that sediment profile camera measures correlate to DO in areas where low DO is the primary stressor, integrate DO over ecologically relevant time scales, and enable sampling over spatial scales that are meaningful for mapping by virtue of rapid deployment and analysis. We submit that sediment profile camera imagery is a useful assessment and mapping tool for environmental managers interested in benthic condition and in first-order quantitative estimates of near-bottom DO regimes in areas where low DO is the primary benthic stressor.  相似文献   

Activities of the naturally occurring, short-lived and highly particle-reactive radionuclide tracer 234Th in the dissolved and particulate phase were measured at three shallow-water stations (maximum water depths: 15.6, 22.7 and 30.1 m) in Mecklenburg Bay (south-western Baltic Sea) to constrain the time scales of the dynamics and the depositional fate of particulate matter. Activities of particle-associated (> 0.4 μm) and total (particulate + dissolved) 234Th were in the range of 0.08–0.11 dpm L− 1 and 0.11–0.20 dpm L− 1, respectively. The activity ratio of total 234Th and its long-lived and conservative parent nuclide 238U was well below unity (range: 0.09–0.19) indicating substantial radioactive disequilibria throughout the water column, very dynamic trace-metal scavenging and particle export from the water column at all three stations. For the discussion the 234Th data of this study were combined with previously published water-column 234Th and particulate-matter data from Mecklenburg Bay (Kersten et al., 1998. Applied Geochemistry 13, 339–347). The resulting average vertical distribution of total 234Th/238U disequilibria was used to estimate the depositional 234Th flux to the sediment. There was a virtually constant net downward flux of 234Th of about 28 dpm m− 2 d− 1 leaving each water layer of one meter thickness. Thorium-234-derived net residence times of particulate material regarding settling from a given layer in the water column were typically on the order of days, but with maximum values of up to a couple of weeks. Based on an average ratio of particulate matter (PM) to particle-associated 234Th a net flux of about 145 mg PM m− 2 d− 1 was estimated to leave each water layer of one meter thickness. The estimated cumulative water-column-derived particulate-matter fluxes at the seafloor are higher by a factor of about 2 than previously published sediment-derived estimates for Mecklenburg Bay. This suggests that about half of the settling particulate material is exported from the study area and/or subject to processes such as mechanical breakdown, remineralisation and dissolution. Lateral particulate-matter redistribution and particle breakdown in the water column (as opposed to the sediment) seem to be favoured by (repeated) particle resuspension from and resettling to the seafloor before ultimate sedimentary burial. The importance of net lateral redistribution of particulate material seems to increase towards the seafloor and be particularly high within the bottommost few meters of the water column.  相似文献   

Organic carbon budget for the Gulf of Bothnia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We calculated input of organic carbon to the unproductive, brackish water basin of the Gulf of Bothnia from rivers, point sources and the atmosphere. We also calculated the net exchange of organic carbon between the Gulf of Bothnia and the adjacent marine system, the Baltic Proper. We compared the input with sinks for organic carbon; permanent incorporation in sediments and mineralization and subsequent evasion of CO2 to the atmosphere. The major fluxes were riverine input (1500 Gg C year− 1), exchange with the Baltic Proper (depending on which of several possible DOC concentration differences between the basins that was used in the calculation, the flux varied between an outflow of 466 and an input of 950 Gg C year 1), sediment burial (1100 Gg C year− 1) and evasion to the atmosphere (3610 Gg C year− 1). The largest single net flux was the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere, mainly caused by bacterial mineralization of organic carbon. Input and output did not match in our budget which we ascribe uncertainties in the calculation of the exchange of organic carbon between the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic Proper, and the fact that CO2 emission, which in our calculation represented 1 year (2002) may have been overestimated in comparison with long-term means. We conclude that net heterotrophy of the Gulf of Bothnia was due to input of organic carbon from both the catchment and from the Baltic Proper and that the future degree of net heterotrophy will be sensible to both catchment export of organic carbon and to the ongoing eutrophication of the Baltic Proper.  相似文献   

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