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全面发挥区位优势,以全国性综合交通枢纽建设为抓手持续发力,实现港口相关产业联动发展是无锡港口经济高质量发展的关键。经研究发现,虽然无锡港口经济发展有各港区功能定位明确、政策支持保障、发展潜力巨大等发展优势,但仍存在基础设施建设老旧、船舶排放污染严重、物资运输功能单一等问题。因此,提出智慧港口建设、绿色航运建设、多产业联动发展等政策建议,以期促进港口现代化、绿色化、规模化发展,为无锡港口经济高质量发展助力。  相似文献   

姚文成 《港口科技》2006,(7):7-7,34
在汕头市“十一五”规划中,汕头市委、市政府提出了“以建设现代化港口城市、区域性中心城市和生态型海滨城市为总目标”,“按照适度超前、统筹规划的原则,构建以大港口为核心的区域性综合交通枢纽”的战略构想,还指明“港口资源优势是汕头最大的优势,巩固和提升汕头主枢纽港地  相似文献   

港口要发展,必须以适应国际化要求为契机、以市场为导向,以改革与科技进步为动力,在遵循国家战略部署的基础上,加快结构调整和资源整合,合理布局,最大限度地满足国民经济和社会发展。港口作为综合交通枢纽和旅客、  相似文献   

<正>2013年,江苏省与交通运输部签署《共同推进江苏交通运输现代化建设会谈备忘录》,并联合审定《江苏交通运输现代化规划纲要》,把港口发展作为综合交通枢纽摆上了突出位置,提出优化发展、转型发展的主题。港口物流是港口转型、功能拓展,提升综合服务能力的重要方向,必然成为交通运输现代化建设的重要内容。一、港口在现代物流体系中的作用1.港口是发展国际物流的重要平台港口是一个国家和地区对外开放的口岸,世界  相似文献   

黄州港位于长江中游,是长江综合立体交通走廊、开放合作走廊、生态廊道的重要支点,是湖北省矿建材料、金属矿石、煤炭等大宗物资的运输中转站。然而受历史条件制约,黄州港港口基础设施建设相对滞后,成为制约黄冈市黄州区综合交通枢纽建设的瓶颈。本文结合黄州港目前存在的主要问题,重点从港口功能定位、港口空间布局等方面,提出长江黄州港总体规划的主要思路,为行业主管部门进行规划和决策提供支撑。  相似文献   

仲和 《港口科技》2006,(8):42-43
7月10日,武汉市市长办公室批准通过了《武汉交通发展“十一五”规划》。根据规划,武汉市将以武汉港为重点,投资179亿元,推进航道、港口、集疏运系统和EDI信息平台建设,将武汉打造为我国中部地区综合交通枢纽、物流中心和运送物资的集散中心。  相似文献   

港口作为重要的交通枢纽,其港口信息管理的高效与否直接影响区域经济的发展。为有效提高港口作业效率、提升港口竞争力,本文结合云技术给出一种基于云的港口综合信息管理系统的设计方案,通过利用云平台的计算与存储能力,有效解决当前港口管理系统信息化程度低、缺乏智能化等问题。  相似文献   

港口作为我国的重要交通枢纽,与我国经济发展具有直接的影响。因此本文主要工程实例,探讨了我国港口项目采用PPP模式建设,希望能够为相关工作者提供借鉴。  相似文献   

交通事业发展成果是衡量国家社会经济实力的重要指标,港口作为重要的交通枢纽,能反映出现代物流业发展的实际情况。为实现港口快速且持续的发展,当前我国港口物流业亟待加速转型升级。本文在分析港口物流和智能运输结合建设必要性的基础上,对现有发展模式进行研究并总结出有效的路径,希望能切实强化港口物流和智能运输结合建设的实效性,为推动港口物流业可持续发展保驾护航。  相似文献   

宜昌港位于长江中上游的宜昌市,是全国28个内河主要港口之一,是鄂西、渝东地区重要的区域性综合交通枢纽。然而,受历史条件制约,港口基础设施建设相对滞后,港口功能不尽完善,成为制约宜昌港建设发展的瓶颈。随着国家一带一路、长江中游城市群、长江经济带开发战略的深入实施,宜昌港迎来了新的发展机遇期。本文从宜昌港目前存在的主要问题出发,结合港口发展面临的新环境,提出做好宜昌港总体规划的主要思路,为港航主管部门开展规划工作和相关决策提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

Some evidence has emerged of second-tier hubs inserting themselves between hubs and feeder ports, producing a new hierarchy of port networks. This article aims to establish the dynamics of this process based on illustrative cases in Asia, South America, and Europe. Findings reveal spatial factors to include a cluster of small ports with minimal sailing distance within a given range, suitable channel and berth depth, and ideally high capacity inland links. From the economic perspective, demand-side factors include a local captive market and aggregated demand to be captured from other ports, while supply-side factors include diseconomies of scale at traditional hubs, an increase in direct services, an increase in large feeder vessels calling from first-tier hubs which are then transhipped to smaller feeders for serving local ports, and an increase in overland servicing of local smaller ports. From a strategic perspective, vertical and horizontal integration in the shipping sector has produced extensive network economies, whereby shipping lines look to create group-specific port hierarchies, enhanced in the presence of aggressive management strategies and supportive policies. This finding suggests that proactive port stakeholders can in certain circumstances seize the opportunity to capture this role within their port range.  相似文献   

内河港口发展不但对所在城市和沿江腹地经济有着巨大的拉动作用,而且与沿海城市经济之间也有着相互促进的联系。内河运输在整个综合运输体系中的作用越来越受到重视,内河港口发展建设已上升为国家战略,成为"十二五"时期及未来很长一段时期综合运输体系建设的战略重点,内河港口的发展前景和投资机会值得港口经营人进一步研究关注。  相似文献   

The ports of Mediterranean basin have experienced significant growth in container traffic over the last decade. In the western Mediterranean two distinct types of port have emerged: the established ports of the northern part of the basin which serve a gateway function and a set of new ports in the south which act as transhipment hubs. In this paper we explore the dynamics of change and reveal how growth is driven by shifts in individual trades. While the hub ports are integrated into Asian pendulum services, the gateway ports are experiencing growth because of new direct services to Asia and North America. We suggest that the distinctions between the transhipment hubs and the gateway ports are becoming blurred, especially because the gateway ports are also assuming greater transhipment roles. We also explore whether this new dynamism in the Mediterranean ports is reversing the long-standing hinterland domination of the ports of the northern range. We demonstrate that the gateway ports of the western Mediterranean continue to serve local and regional markets, with very limited penetration north of the Alps and Pyrenees. This is due in part to difficulties with rail services but also because of the continued efficiency of the northern range ports and their hinterland connections. We suggest that in the short run, at least, little change is likely.  相似文献   

王煜 《世界海运》2010,33(3):36-39
现代物流是建立在电子信息平台基础上的产业,港口是连接国内外市场的最为重要的物流节点。在建设国际航运中心的过程中,面对周边港口的激烈竞争,必须加快港口物流信息平台的建设和应用,不断提高现代港口的服务能力和综合竞争力。  相似文献   

A genetic algorithm for the hub-and-spoke problem (GAHP) is proposed in this work. The GAHP configures a hub-and-spoke network with shuttle services for containerized cargo transport. For a fixed number of hubs, it determines the best network configuration of hub locations and spoke allocations that minimizes the total costs of the system. The GAHP has a simple individual structure with integer number representation, where spokes, their allocations, and hub locations are easily recognized. Due to the characteristics of the problem, which has fixed number of hubs, rearrangements should be performed after every process. The GAHP rearrangement process includes improvements of individual structures, resulting in an improved population. Before applying the GAHP to the container transport network problem, the algorithm is validated using the Civil Aeronautics Board data set, which is extensively used in the literature to benchmark heuristics of hub location problems. To illustrate an example of a hub-and-spoke network with shuttle services, a study case with 18 ports is analyzed.  相似文献   

A hierarchized container ports network, with several super hubs and many multilevel hub ports, will be established, mainly serving transshipment and carrying out most of its business in the hub-spoke mode. This paper sums up a programming model, in which the elementary statistic units, cost and expense of every phase of any shipment are the straight objects, and the minimum cost of the whole network is taken as the objective. This is established based on a dynamic system to make out the hierarchical structure of the container ports network, i.e. the trunk hub and feeder hubs can be planned in a economic zone, then the optimal scale vector can also be obtained for all container ports concerned with the network. The vector is a standard measurement to decide a port's position and their scale distribution in the whole network.  相似文献   

A hierarchized container ports network, with several super hubs and many multilevel hub ports, will be established, mainly serving transshipment and carrying out most of its business in the hub-spoke mode. This paper sums up a programming model, in which the elementary statistic units, cost and expense of every phase of any shipment are the straight objects, and the minimum cost of the whole network is taken as the objective. This is established based on a dynamic system to make out the hierarchical structure of the container ports network, i.e. the trunk hub and feeder hubs can be planned in a economic zone, then the optimal scale vector can also be obtained for all container ports concerned with the network. The vector is a standard measurement to decide a port's position and their scale distribution in the whole network.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the centrality of cruise ports in the Asian cruise shipping market while proposing the hubs and authorities centrality (HACC) metric as a directional synthesis of the hubs centrality and authorities centrality to explore cyclical and directional features of centrality in the cruise shipping network. With the development of the cruise shipping industry, research has been actively conducted with a particular focus on identifying the characteristics of hub ports. This paper employs social network analysis to investigate the HACC which is originally developed for analyzing the cruise port centrality problem. Empirical study implies that Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Nagasaki, Penang, Phuket, Port Klang, Shanghai, and Singapore (in alphabetical order) reflects particulars of cruise hub ports. One of the exceptional results of this paper is Ho Chi Minh City, Penang, Phuket, and Port Klang have demonstrated high HACC (refers to hub ports) while limited degree and betweenness centrality. In contrast, Busan and Keelung are not classified as hub ports.  相似文献   

介绍2010年全国沿海港口码头综合通过能力和“十一五”期间集装箱、煤炭、原油、矿石等专业化码头泊位建成投产情况,分析我国沿海港口发展和建设存在的主要问题。结合最新发展规划,预测未来年度港口货物吞吐量,并对港口发展和建设提出意见与建议。  相似文献   

<正>改革开放以来,现代港口建设取得长足进步,做出了历史性贡献,但与我国现代化和综合交通运输业战略发展要求相比,无须讳言,尚有相当的差距,特别是要建设有中国特色社会主义现代化,在加速“两个根本转变”中,当前港口内外面临着诸多深层次矛盾,困难和问题差距,其中包括: 1.货源不足 管理粗放 其直接原因:一是传统陆上腹地经济结构调整优化和国企改革到位,尚待时日,至少还需二、三年时间;二是港口对临港货源基地建设自觉性不高,货源自组、自协调供给能力不足;三是陆上货源不足,又缺少吸引海外中转货源政策支持力度;四是港口群体缺少功能互补,  相似文献   

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