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1.Woulk you like a cup of tea? 要用茶吗?2.Yes,prlease.How much? 好的。多少钱?3.Two yuan each. 每杯2元。4.Here you are. 给。5.Would you like some drinks?Here we have tea,coke,orange squash and mineral water. Which would you like?  相似文献   

1.Can I help you,madam? 女士,要我帮忙吗?2.Yes,I'm looking for the gift shop. 是的。我要找礼品商店。3.It's on the second floor.Please take the escalator over there.  相似文献   

1.Good morning,sir.Ticket,please.先生,早晨好,请出示车票。2.Yes, here you are.好的,给。3.Thank you, sir.You've about thirty minutes leftbefore boarding. So please come in and havea rest or you can visit the gift shop (souvenirshop, teahouse or bar) over there.By the board-ing time, the attendant will let you know.  相似文献   

What should we pay attention to in the management of severe spinal deformity? Huafeng Wang, Zhaomin Zheng, Hui Liu. Department of Spine Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510080, China 【Abstract】Severe spinal deformity is not an uncommon condition that often arises from untreated early onset scoliosis in developing countries. Patients most often present with severe clinical and radiographic deformity with poor pulmonary function. Previous literature has identified the challenges in the treatment of these patients and the higher risk for complications. An assessment of the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative factors leading to an optimal result was warranted. The early evaluation should include a multidisciplinary approach from the orthopaedic surgeon, pulmonologist, anesthesiologist, and perhaps the neurologist to provide a baseline assessment. Advanced imaging of the spine is useful and important. Current surgical strategies include aggressive anterior and posterior column release and osteotomies, either with a front–back or a posterior-only approach. With the extent of the surgical release and segmental instrumentation, the potential for curve correction is increased; however, so is the potential for neurologic compromise. Therefore, perioperative Halo traction was recommended. It was thought to improve both spinal deformity and pulmonary function and is a helpful adjuvant in the treatment of severe spinal deformity. Improvements in the clinical and radiographic appearance, pulmonary function, and self-image are often dramatic. Proper planning and execution of the correct surgical procedure for the surgeon provides an outstanding life-changing result in these patients.  相似文献   

I2C总线具有接口简单,速度快等优点,越来越多的接口产品和芯片使用I2C总线来与其它设备通信,而当前国内使用最广泛的89C5X系列单片机并不具有I2C总线接口.本文分析了I2C总线规程及其在使用中的限制,并在89C5X系列单片机上用软件实现了I2C总线规程.  相似文献   

分析开发通用型I/O模块的必要性和可行性,结合通用型I/O模块的功能特点,提出软硬件结构的设计思想.对故障-安全性动态电路作了简单的介绍.  相似文献   

为了观察新干线的噪声,振动对沿线居民健康的影响,通过询问调查探讨因新干线的噪声引起哪些自觉症状?并且与工厂噪声环境下工人接受的噪声相比,由于低噪声长期暴露出现哪些特异性的症状? 于1975年3月1日至8月31日。在名古屋市内新干线沿线十五个地区,对1,331名经常在家的主妇作了调查。其方法是发放改进的卡纳医疗指标(C.M.I)有208个询问项目的健康调查卡,由个人自己填写,再由调查员当面询问落实。根据列车通过时噪声·振动的峰值作成的等噪声级图和等  相似文献   

1. S700K转辙机控制电路由定位1、3闭合改为定位2、4闭合时,应做何改动? 答:X2与X3交叉换位,X4与X5交叉换位,现场整流匣倒换极性. 2.25 Hz变频器是如何保证局部电压超前轨道电压90°的? 答:只要将2个变频器的I次侧输入交流电源电压相位相差180°,就会使变频器Ⅱ次输出的25 Hz交流电压相位相差90°,从而使二元二位继电器2个线圈的电压相差90°,局部电压超前于轨道电压.  相似文献   

巴黎时间2018年11月16日,在53声响亮的“Yes!”后,法国巴黎的凡尔赛会议中心,爆发出长时间热烈的掌声,国际测量界的百年夙愿,在这一刻终于实现!国际测量体系有史以来第1次全部建立在不变的常数上,保证了国际单位制(SI)的长期稳定性和全球通用性。  相似文献   

本文在分析可扩展安全计算机平台实时性和安全性要求的基础上,提出基于可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)和时钟级同步2取2结构的安全输入/输出(安全I/O)模块的设计方法.深入阐述了安全I/O模块的硬件设计原理和基于PSL语言的断言验证方案.功能仿真和形式化验证结果说明了设计的正确性,同时在EDA开发平台上长时间稳定性的测试结果也证明了安全I/O模块的正确性和安全性.  相似文献   

HH① harbour港口 ② hatch舱口 ③ hold船舱 ④ height高度 H.E. His Excellency阁下,英国的尊称 hhd. hogshead大桶 (100~ 140加仑装 )Hk. hank一卷,一束 hl. hectolitre百升 h.m. hectometre百米 h.o;H.O. head office总公司,总店,总行 H.P. horse- power马力 ht height高度 H& T;h& t. handling and transportation装卸与运输 II① I- beam工字钢 ② industrial工业的 ③ inhibitory禁止的,抑制的 ④ initial初始的 ⑤ inner内部的 ⑥ input输入 ⑦ institute学会,协会 i① interest利息 ② issue发行,问…  相似文献   

浈阳大桥位于广东省英德市.大桥长820 m,共21孔22个墩台,3个主墩基础均为10根I2.2 m钻孔桩,其它桥墩各为3根I1.5 m钻孔桩,东西2桥台各为7根I1.0 m钻孔桩.地质情况:上层为砂类土,中间层为卵石类土且较厚(从几m到几十m不等),下层为石灰质岩.钻孔桩设计为端承桩,要求嵌入基岩,其中主墩I2.2 m钻孔桩要求入岩深度3.3 m.  相似文献   

客运专线通过能力的分析计算   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
在准移动闭塞条件下,客运专线上的高速列车采用连续式一次速度曲线控制模式控制列车运行.列车追踪间隔时间取I追追,I通过,I发发和I到到4种间隔时间的最大值.分别给出4种追踪间隔时间的计算方法及相关参数的取值,采用牵引计算软件进行更准确的检算.将客运专线上运行的列车划分为200~250 km·h-1和300~350 km·h-1 2种速度类型,以不停站300~350 km·h-1高速列车为基础计算平行运行图通过能力,200~250 km·h-1和停站的300~350 km·h-1高速列车均产生扣除系数,得出扣除系数的取值表,进而得到客运专线通过能力计算方法.以300 km区段为例,计算不同条件下的区间通过能力,结果表明,我国客运专线能够实现3 min追踪间隔,通过能力基本在180对以上.  相似文献   

介绍类和对象Java I/O异常线程及其它的常用技巧.  相似文献   

通过对成灌线桥上CRTS I型板式无砟轨道施工过程的总结,介绍了CRTS I型板式无砟轨道的施工工艺及施工技术,主要包括无砟轨道铺设条件评估,基础表面处理,混凝土底座施工,凸形挡台施工,轨道板运输和存放,轨道板施工,水泥乳化沥青砂浆的配制和灌注,凸形挡台周围树脂灌注,钢轨精调作业和轨道几何状态检测,对CRTS I型板式无砟轨道的施工具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

CRTS Ⅰ型无砟轨道板绝缘性能控制技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合哈大客运专线工程CRTS I型轨道板预制施工,进一步完善和优化CRTS I型轨道板预制工艺,并针对轨道板绝缘性能控制技术难题,从结构技术、原材料质量控制技术及施工控制技术等三个方面进行深入分析研究,制订了详细的控制技术措施,效果显著,供同类工程施工参考.  相似文献   

Service System and Marketing Strategy of Railway Freight Transport
Guo Yu-hua (Bureau of Transport, MOR, Beijing 100844, China)
Abstract: By using theories of service system and service marketing system, the author analyzes railway freight service system and the railway freight marketing system, and also the strategy in railway freight marketing system. It is suggested that railway freight should establish the marketing strategy with comparative advantages of technical sources and organizational sources, and also the market development strategy that could convert source advantages into market power.  相似文献   

day. Base on the new field works in Shuanghu and Tuotuohe regions of central Tibet by us and the datum have been obtained by other researches on the grabens. We proposed that, the graben structures are distributed in the most part of plateau; including Himalayan, Gangdese and Qian  相似文献   

Research and Development of Railway Logistic Comprehensive Management System
Following the constant transfer of railway freight stations into railway logistic centers, the business of railway freight transportation has profound change, so the current top priority is developing and establishing the logistic comprehensive management system adapting for railway transport modernization and market demand. The railway logistic comprehensive management system was researched and the business process of the system was optimized from the aspects of characteristic analysis, general idea and key technologies of railway logistic system; the system was developed and established by using BPM workflow engine and development platform as well as Application Integration Platform (ALP), and the main functions of the system was expounded in this paper.  相似文献   

介绍了哈尔滨大连电气化铁道所引进德国的S.P.I.D.E.R.远动系统用于对供电系统的控制、监督、采集和分析数据,并提供一个建立网络控制应用的操作平台。系统的引进为我国电气化铁道远动控制提供了可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

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