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Maritime management encompasses the employment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources and natural resources that relate to the sea, maritime navigation, shipping, port development and coastal protection. It contributes to the economic growth, price stability, transportation of cargoes and passengers, and business activities of shipping organizations. The efficient management of resources, operations and activities relies on a modern marine information system (MIS) whose information is provided by geomatics engineers and IT professionals, among others. This paper first introduces the role of the geomatics engineer as geodesist, engineering surveyor, land boundary surveyor, cartographer, hydrographer, photogrammetrist and geographic information system (GIS) engineer since all these fields are related to maritime trade, supply chains and development of ports and airports. It then describes the principal components of a web-based MIS and the important role of geomatics engineers in surveying data. This includes collecting data from electronic nautical charts (ENC) and raster nautical charts (RNC), by applying high resolution light detection and ranging (LIDAR), satellite platform sensors and GIS.  相似文献   

Maritime management encompasses the employment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources and natural resources that relate to the sea, maritime navigation, shipping, port development and coastal protection. It contributes to the economic growth, price stability, transportation of cargoes and passengers, and business activities of shipping organizations. The efficient management of resources, operations and activities relies on a modern marine information system (MIS) whose information is provided by geomatics engineers and IT professionals, among others. This paper first introduces the role of the geomatics engineer as geodesist, engineering surveyor, land boundary surveyor, cartographer, hydrographer, photogrammetrist and geographic information system (GIS) engineer since all these fields are related to maritime trade, supply chains and development of ports and airports. It then describes the principal components of a web-based MIS and the important role of geomatics engineers in surveying data. This includes collecting data from electronic nautical charts (ENC) and raster nautical charts (RNC), by applying high resolution light detection and ranging (LIDAR), satellite platform sensors and GIS.  相似文献   

范新云 《中国航海》2007,(3):33-36,60
航标类物标是组成电子海图重要的点状类物标元素,在制作电子海图时为了便捷地输入航标类信息,有必要建立电子海图航标数据库,参照电子海图制作标准(S-57)细分航标库的结构内容、分类,全国沿海海区的航标表或从助航网站的航标资料作为航标库的数据来源,简要介绍了电子海图S-57标准和电子海图的属性采集,应用CARIS程序代码实现数据库与制作电子海图时的关联,着重探索了利用AIS台网系统实现实时电子海图数据库小改正的新构思。  相似文献   

为解决嵌入式系统应用电子航海图出现的单幅图存储量、图廓范围过大,以及图幅重叠等问题,以SHAPE格式图为例,设计并实现了矢量电子航海图的分割方法。采用多边形布尔运算法则处理多边形的剪裁,不限制实体和剪裁多边形类型,使得该分割方法不仅适用于等经纬网格分割,也适用于不规则分割。应用该分割方法对海图数据进行预处理,可以适应硬件资源有限的嵌入式应用,从而提高系统设计的自由度、降低总体成本,促进电子海图系统的推广。  相似文献   

近年来,随着IMO(International Mariti me Organization)对船舶配备AIS(Automatic Indentification System)设备强制性要求的实施,世界沿海国家AIS基站建设迅速发展,AIS的应用日益普及。利用AIS资源,建立广泛共享、实时服务的船舶助航信息服务新体系将有助于船舶的航行安全。研发AIS基站网络系统收发接口、AIS服务器及数据库、AIS信息WEBGIS(Web Geographic Information System)平台,实现以符合国际I HO-S57标准电子海图数据为基础,叠加实时的AIS信息,运行于互联网上的AIS信息WEBGIS平台。用户通过有线或无线的方式登陆互联网,在通用的网络浏览器上,可以方便、及时地浏览、查询和获取AIS及船舶助航信息。同时管理部门可用该平台通过AIS基站播发AIS安全信息及航标动态信息。  相似文献   

基于NetDDE和数据库的综合船舶信息显示系统   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
应用VisualBasic的网络动态数据交换(NetDDE)、ActiveX数据对象(ADO)和AcitveX控件技术实现综合船舶信息显示系统。电子海图信息显示系统(ECDIS),各种航海传感器和船舶自动舵的数据通信接口板送到网络服务器的大型数据库中,机舱数据采集系统因其报警显示要求的快速实时性面采用NetDDE技术传到综合船舶信息显示系统中。整个系统中的数据处理、显示等采用ADO和相应的控件配合  相似文献   

海上溢油应急反应电子海图系统的研制开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海上溢油应急反应电子海图子系统是海上溢油应急反应模拟系统的主要界面,它是针对海上溢油应急反应而开发研制的。除一般航海电子海图系统所具有的海图数学要素数据、图形要素数据及辅助要素数据外,它还包含有环境敏感区数据库和溢油应急反应模型库等。  相似文献   

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has encouraged its member countries to introduce Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) for ship operations since the end of the last century. FSA can be used through certain formal assessing steps to generate effective recommendations and cautions to control marine risks and improve the safety of ships. On the basis of the brief introduction of FSA, this paper describes the ideas of applying FSA to the prevention of human error in ship operations. It especially discusses the investigation and analysis of the information and data using navigation simulators and puts forward some suggestions for the introduction and development of the FSA research work for safer ship operations.  相似文献   

Innovations in information technology, satellite navigation and hydrography are making it technically possible for commercial ships, run by very small crews, to be navigated in the world's seas and oceans with positional accuracies measured in tens of metres. If shipping lines do make the necessary investment in technological hardware, training, operational readjustments and data acquisition, and are also allowed to exploit the full potential of GPS, it will not be surprising if they then expect the ports to provide levels of information that allow the ships to exploit their new capabilities right up to the berth. Ports wishing to hold or improve their perceived service quality in the competitive port league will need to consider whether, and how, they can meet the shipping lines' requirements.

The introduction of strict product liability law adds a new dimension to the assessment of commercial risk in the various technological possibilities available to the ports. The possible costs involved in cases where third party data processors, software producers and electronic chart hardware manufacturers all stand between the port's data output and the user's perception and use of it, in a completely ephemeral form on a screen, need to be considered carefully. Simpler forms of data transmission, such as via traffic advice broadcast or by pilots in person may be seen as the more prudent choice in the five to ten year horizon.  相似文献   

船舶智能化信息系统的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了船舶智能信息管理系统的框架结构和组成方法。该智能系统在目前海上单船的自动化系统的基础上,主要由基于智能的航海、机舱和货运监控等几个主要的子系统联合而成。在智能信息处理方法方面,研究了基于数据融合(DF)和数据挖掘(DM)的知识发现方法,对驾驶、机舱和货运监控等智能信息系统的几个主要子系统的信息进行集成管理与综合处理。  相似文献   

船舶航行实验是船舶完工以后,验收时按规定进行交船试验的重要部分。传统的试验方法是通过GPS定位、人工测量和记录,再进行分析,耗费许多人力、物力。本试验方法是在GPS定位技术、电子海图技术、计算机处理技术基础上设计的新型试验系统。在航行试验时由GPS获取实时的位置信息,将位置信息显示到电子海图上,另外由数据库存储试验数据,试验结束时由计算机自动处理得出试验结果并可打印。使用情况表明该系统可以准确、方便地完成航行试验,试验结束后还可以离线分析,为未来的船舶设计积累相关的资料。  相似文献   

在北极航道开通的背景下,针对在冰区航行环境中船舶航行路径选择的特殊性,通过改进蚁群算法提高船舶航行路径的规划效果。综合考虑航线距离、航行操作复杂度和流冰规避在内的冰区航行路径影响因素,建立路径选择多目标规划模型,结合人工势场法对蚁群算法进行改进,通过人工势场法获得初始路径和节点间距离因素构造启发信息,并以电子海图为基础建立海冰覆盖率分别为30%和50%情况下的冰区航道环境栅格模型,将算法应用在栅格模型中对算法进行验证。结果表明:该算法实现简单,规划的路径优良,能够有效地满足船舶在冰区复杂环境中航行路径规划的需要。  相似文献   

高广卿 《船艇》2006,(6):46-49
两款分别来自Maptech和Garmin公司的新型海图测绘系统问世.其中配置了最新的集成系统,极大地提升了它们作为WAAS产品的性能。[编者按]  相似文献   

程杰 《中国海事》2009,(12):60-62
近年来,长江海事局信息化建设快速发展,各类现代监管及办公信息系统相继投入使用,一方面极大地提高了管理效能,方便了管理相对人,另一方面由于缺乏系统数据标准体系,造成了部分信息无法共享,形成一些信息孤岛,降低了信息系统辅助管理决策的水平。文中针对长江海事信息系统现状,对构建信息资源集成系统的原则及思路进行了探讨。  相似文献   

中国海事航海图书资料发行网站(www.chart.gov.cn),作为向国内航运业免费提供官方沿海电子海图、内河水域的电子航行示意图以及电子海图更新信息的服务平台,网站的可用性至关重要,文章从网站运维管理的角度,讲述了如何选择合适的手段,防范和抵御各种风险,确保网站的正常运行。  相似文献   

沿海交通水域测绘行业管理长期以来一直处于空白状况,造成了整个沿海交通水域测绘市场的无序,直接影响到船舶航行安全和海洋环境文中在分析了沿海交通水域测绘行业发展现状的基础上,提出了海事测绘部门履行沿海交通水域测绘行业管理的发展愿景、理念、战略目标、战略实施和支持措施  相似文献   

为保证船舶航行的安全性,对传统综合导航平台的技术实现进行分析,提出基于多平台信息融合的导航技术实现方案。在对船用雷达导航系统(Radar Navigation System,RNS)、船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System,AIS)、罗经和计程仪的导航数据进行分析的基础上,设计以数据融合为支撑的船舶导航系统架构,并以实例验证该技术的可行性和有效性。该技术可有效发挥不同平台的导航信息优势,对船舶综合导航系统的优化具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

基于实时视景仿真技术的海上航标监管系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海上航标系统是海上交通安全保障体系的重要组成部分。结合上海海事局厦门航标处的航标日常管理与实时监控的实际业务需求,开展了利用实时视景仿真技术与电子海图相结合构建海上航标监管系统的应用研究和系统实现等工作。该系统的实现,有利于航标设置方案的审定与选择,有利于监控者对现场环境的把握和应急决策。  相似文献   

In 2016, the world shipping fleet grew by 3.5%. Even if the annual growth rate remains at its lowest since 2013, the global situation is still in overcapacity (UNCTAD 2016). Ninety percent of global trade, by volume, is done by sea. Monitoring this fleet helps with vessel navigation, informing to help avoid critical situations such as collisions, accidents leading to oil pollution, grounding, or ships in distress, but also because traffic management in congested areas is essential. For system wide management, in regions such as MPAs (marine protected areas), conservation is the key factor, and movements can be monitored and analyzed in order to determine illegal or suspicious activities, or in order to limit and/or divert traffic, to mitigate the risks to species subject to protection. It is among these efforts that the automatic identification system (AIS) can play a key role. Since 2004, this VHF transceiver-based reporting system, imposed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), has shifted from a traditional vessel identification device to a tool used in a wide variety of applications. The most common uses are safety and security; these issues are quite visible in the media and may touch more people on a global scale (e.g., piracy, oil spills). Over the years, AIS has become, especially with the emergence of the satellite-based capture of the signal in 2011, a widely used tool for developing applications such as fisheries monitoring, marine conservation, air pollution forecasting and modeling, ballast water monitoring, invasive species transport, and many more. In this paper, we propose to review the peer-reviewed publications related to the uses and applications of the AIS.  相似文献   

石昕  何明宪  彭文  伍莉 《水运工程》2011,(6):117-121
以长江干线已建成的通航相关设施为例,分析航道设施电子地图集在当前航道信息管理中的可行性与实用性.基于对当前电子地图制作软件的分析,阐述了TeleAtlas软件包在制作多媒体电子地图方面的优势,在分析电子地图技术、通航设施数据特点等基础上,对电子地图集总体设计中的数据处理、内容设计、审校与发行,以及电子集逻辑结构设计中的模型、策略与方法等航道设施电子地图集设计的关键技术进行研究.探索多媒体电子地图技术在电子航道图产品设计中的应用方法,为基于电子地图的航道设施信息管理提出了一种新模式.  相似文献   

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