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大型活动人员密集、场地条件相对复杂,需要有效的行人交通规划和组织管理方案。2008北京奥运会的举办对主办方的行人交通组织和规划工作提出了严峻的挑战。本文介绍了应用仿真工具辅助奥运会期间行人设施和交通组织方案设计的分析方法。在把握行人交通特点和奥运会行人集散特点基础上,采集北京赛事活动中的行人交通流数据,标定模型参数,设计仿真方法。结合仿真结果,综合分析行人设施和管理方案,提出行人设施及行人疏散组织方案的优化建议,并以北京奥运会的主会场——国家体育场为例对方法应用进行说明。奥运会期间国家体育场及场馆外围行人交通运行的实际效果证明了相关方案和建议是可行和有效的。  相似文献   

为有效地制定停车场车辆疏散方案,缩短车辆疏散时间,研究了考虑道路网动态交通流特征的停车场车辆最优疏散模型.首先,根据排队论将停车场每个出口车道的车辆排队抽象成一个M/M/1/1排队系统,分析出口道路交通流车头时距对车辆离开率的影响,从而估算车辆在停车场内的排队时间.其次,构建道路网节点交通流均衡模型和路段交通流均衡模型...  相似文献   

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2008年北京奥运会期间,各比赛场馆需要对服务于贵宾、技术官员、运动员和注册媒体等奥林匹克大家庭成员的车辆进行有效地组织和管理。借鉴国外历届奥运会经验,北京奥组委主持开发了奥运车辆交通仿真模型,场馆交通运行模型作为其中一个模块,分析评价了奥运场馆交通运行方案的合理性,为北京奥运赛时交通规划提供了科学依据和决策支持。本文针对奥运场馆交通需求特点,提出场馆交通组织原则,介绍奥运场馆交通仿真分析方法,包括分析思路和步骤,交通需求分析和评价指标。最后以五棵松场馆群为分析实例,利用VISSIM仿真模型,测试了不同社会背景交通量条件和流线组织方案,从中推荐最优方案,并在奥运期间得到实际应用,运行效果证明了相关方案是可行的和有效的。  相似文献   

疏散车辆对安全点和路径的选择是区域交通疏散方案的核心内容,只有充分结合疏散交通的特点,将安全点选择和路径选择同步研究,才能使疏散路网发挥最大功效,进而得到合理的交通疏散方案。文章充分挖掘疏散车辆对安全点选择的灵活性,提出单安全点路网模型对疏散交通分配进行优化,并通过实例仿真对模型进行了验证。  相似文献   

北京奥运交通规划与组织经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结北京奥运会筹备和运行期间交通规划和组织经验,可以为其他大型赛事活动提供借鉴。从奥运交通需求特征出发,探讨奥运交通需求与背景交通需求的兼容性和差异性。重点阐述奥运交通规划体系的构成,分析目标层、总体规划层、具体专项规划层、奥运专项规划层4个规划层级的内容及相互关系,指出奥运交通规划体系集成的必要性。以奥运会开幕式观众散场为例,介绍了疏散组织方案和道路管控措施,10万人疏散仅用时75min。总结了奥运交通需求管理方案及实施前期的准备工作。方案实施后,削减机动车流量20%,城市日常出行量仅减少10%,对城市日常出行影响较小。最后,介绍了奥运交通风险评估对规划的修正和补充情况。  相似文献   

当前关于轨道交通车站疏散的研究多采用仿真软件直接构建三维模型,并将站内设施布局作为主要疏散瓶颈。实际上存在的复杂设施结构和客流流线冲突使客流疏散问题更为复杂,主流的仿真方法并不能很好解决这一问题。以青岛地铁13号线董家口火车站地铁站为例,基于SketchUp三维建模软件绘制用作仿真场景的轨道车站模型,再运用MassMotion仿真软件分析仿真过程中客流流线冲突情况,从而找出疏散瓶颈,并考虑以流线干扰策略对疏散方案进行优化。研究结果表明:在开放所有通道而未进行流线干扰时,疏散时间未能满足要求;而在最优疏散方案下,乘客出站时间可由7.62 min降至5.43 min,优化率达到28.74%。相较于开放所有通道提高疏散效率的方案,通过设置障碍物对客流流线进行干扰,能更好提升疏散成功率。  相似文献   

通过对大型停车场高峰时段出口车辆行驶特性的调查研究,选取了车辆排队的出口车头时距以及出口服务时间两个指标。基于两个指标实测特性和 M/G/1排队模型的分析,计算了停车场出口理论平均排队时间。通过实测车辆平均排队时间,对理论模型计算的平均排队时间进行了修正。实例分析表明:排队时间修正模型能够准确地估计排队时间。提出了基于驾驶员容忍度的排队延误分级标准。  相似文献   

通过对大型停车场高峰时段出口车辆行驶特性的调查研究,选取了车辆排队的出口车头时距以及出口服务时间两个指标。基于两个指标实测特性和M/G/1排队模型的分析,计算了停车场出口理论平均排队时间。通过实测车辆平均排队时间,对理论模型计算的平均排队时间进行了修正。实例分析表明:排队时间修正模型能够准确地估计排队时间。提出了基于驾驶员容忍度的排队延误分级标准。  相似文献   

为了研究停车场出入口处车辆驶入驶出对连接路段车辆速度的影响,对停车场规模、驶入驶出率、出入口道路长度等影响因素进行分析,引入时间障碍率参数,利用时间障碍率来反映停车对路段车辆的影响,将停车影响作为路段车辆的交通阻抗,在BPR路阻函数模型的基础上建立主路车流受停车影响的车辆速度模型。运用VISSIM仿真软件进行停车场出入口处仿真,与车速模型计算结果进行对比分析。结果表明,车速模型计算结果与仿真结果相差较小,车速模型具有一定的准确性。  相似文献   

针对室内停车场碰撞事故的伤害问题,提出了停车场防撞带的设计,建立有无防撞带的车辆碰撞模型,并对长方体防撞带与波浪形防撞带进行性能分析比较,运用LS-DYNA软件对车辆、防撞带以及墙体碰撞进行仿真模拟。得到防撞带和车辆翼子板的等效应力分布和能量转化情况,证实了防撞带能有效减少车辆的损害程度,且长方体防撞带效果更好。  相似文献   

As the main venue of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the National Stadium hosted the opening and closing ceremonies, field and track events, and final football games. This paper intends to study the problems associated with vehicle evacuation from the parking lot, and develop evacuation plans. First, the paper analyzes the particular conditions of the parking lot in the National Stadium, as well as its layout and vehicle evacuation. Then, it simulates and evaluates the evacuation plans with the suitably given parameters, based on the real blueprint of the National Stadium and scenarios. Finally, it conducts a comparative analysis on the accuracy and practicability of the vehicle evacuation plans based on the field data collected at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. The simulation result shows that the total vehicle evacuation time was 26 minutes and the real evacuation time was 27 minutes on the day of the opening ceremony, which verifies that the study is accurate and practical.  相似文献   

第16届亚运会开幕式打破了在体育馆内举行的传统模式,在城市中央商务区(CBD)、四面环水、开放性强的珠江海心沙岛上举行开幕仪式前还举行珠江巡游活动,路线穿越了城市中心区,场地和活动形式非常特殊,在奥运和亚运史上尚无先例,给开幕式交通组织带来巨大挑战.亚运会开幕式采用了“弹性规划、分层管理、动静结合、时空分离”等大型活动交通组织机理和方法,制定和实施了交通管控,停车布局,公共交通组织,进散场交通流线设计等方案.实施效果良好,成功解决了CBD开放式场地举办大型赛事开幕式的交通组织难题,为今后举办大型活动的交通组织提供了宝贵经验.  相似文献   

During the Beijing Olympic Games, all venues needed to efficiently manage traffic circulations of the Olympic family members such as VIPs, technical officials, athletes, registered medium and so forth. Travel demand characters of the Olympic venues were analyzed and traffic management principles were proposed. By developing traffic simulation models and performing simulation study for the Olympic venues, suitability and efficiencies of venue traffic operation plans were analyzed and evaluated. A case study of the Wukesong Indoor Stadium and Baseball Fields is provided. Using micro-simulation package VISSIM, different traffic operation plans under various non-Olympic background traffic volumes were tested and evaluated, and the optimal plan was selected. Recommendations to improve the plans were also given based on the study results. The actual traffic operations during the Games proved that the proposed optimal traffic operation plan and recommendations were applicable and effective.  相似文献   

China National Stadium, also known as “Bird’s Nest”, is the main stadium of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008, which has successfully held not only the Opening and the Closing ceremonies but also the track and field events. A new problem of rain preventing is brought out to improve the utilization of the Bird’s Nest after the Olympic Games. The scheme of installing an air inflated membrane at the opening of the steel structure is proposed in this paper to solve the rainproof problem of the Bird’s Nest. The form-finding and mechanical analyses of the air inflated membrane are carried out. Comparison between the mechanical performance and dynamical character before and after installing the air inflated membrane structure is given. To verify the analysis results, based on the practical structure of the Bird’s Nest, a test of a 1:20 model membrane is worked out.  相似文献   

Effective pedestrian organization plan and management is necessary for the crowded spectators in the complex venue and environment in special event. 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is a real big challenge to the staff in responsible for pedestrian management and related planning tasks. This paper introduces a simulation method of application on pedestrian facilities and management during the Beijing Olympic Games. According to the pedestrian characters in the Olympics, actual data are colleted for parameter calibration, and then simulation approach is introduced. The methodology and its application were illustrated through a case study on the National Stadium-the main stadium of the Beijing Olympic Games. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the pedestrian facilities and pedestrian management methods, different pedestrian egress plans were proposed and the optimal plan was identified through the simulation study. The actual pedestrian traffic operations during the Olympic Games proved the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed methodology and egress plan.  相似文献   

申婵  王磊 《交通标准化》2010,(13):35-39
停车场选址理论引入梯度场概念后,将停车场、寻求停车场的车辆和周围的道路看成是一个场,每个场对周围寻求停车场的车辆的吸引力不同,由此可找出停车场选址的影响因素,选出步行距离和道路阻抗并建立数学模型,得出梯度场的选址模型。步行距离近以及道路阻抗小的停车场对周围车辆的吸引力大,反之吸引力小,由此可选出最优地点。  相似文献   

为了解特大公园地区交通设施规划的特殊性,分析特大公园地区客流的出行特征。指出特大公园客流具有明显的季节性且峰谷差距显著、游客出行对小汽车有较高依赖性、公园客流对周边交通造成一定的叠加影响等。分析北京香山公园、美国约塞米蒂国家公园交通运营及相关设施发展实例。以顾村公园为例,从客流规模预测,公共汽车、临时停车位、PR停车场、非机动车停车场等配套设施规划、极端高峰日应急预案几个方面阐述顾村公园枢纽交通设施的规划情况。最后,提出特大公园地区交通设施规划策略,即需要综合考虑资源共享、分级保障、集约化方式主导等。  相似文献   

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