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The paper characterizes the behavior of the cell transmission model of a freeway, divided into N sections or cells, each with one on-ramp and one off-ramp. The state of the dynamical system is the N-dimensional vector n of vehicle densities in the N sections. A feasible stationary demand pattern induces a unique equilibrium flow in each section. However, there is an infinite set—in fact a continuum—of equilibrium states, including a unique uncongested equilibrium nu in which free flow speed prevails in all sections, and a unique most congested equilibrium ncon. In every other equilibrium ne one or more sections are congested, and nu  ne  ncon. Every equilibrium is stable and every trajectory converges to some equilibrium state.Two implications for ramp metering are explored. First, if the demand exceeds capacity and the ramps are not metered, every trajectory converges to the most congested equilibrium. Moreover, there is a ramp metering strategy that increases discharge flows and reduces total travel time compared with the no-metering strategy. Second, even when the demand is feasible but the freeway is initially congested, there is a ramp metering strategy that moves the system to the uncongested equilibrium and reduces total travel time. The two conclusions show that congestion invariably indicates wastefulness of freeway resources that ramp metering can eliminate.  相似文献   

A moving bottleneck   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Suppose that a vehicle or convoy enters a two-lane unidirectional roadway and travels at a velocity v* less than the prevailing traffic. This moving bottleneck may cause a queue to form as vehicles try to pass the obstruction. It is shown that by going to a moving coordinate system traveling at velocity v* the analysis of this can be transformed into a corresponding analysis of flow past a stationary bottleneck. The theory is then extended to investigate possible consequences of trucks on grades.  相似文献   

Travel behaviour analysis has recently witnessed a rapidly growing interest in regret-based models of choice behaviour. Two different model specifications have been introduced in the transportation literature. Chorus et al. (Transportation Research B 42: 1–18, 2008a; in: Proceedings 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2008b) specified regret as a (non) linear function of the difference between the best-foregone choice alternative and the chosen alternative. Later, as an approximation to the original specification, Chorus (2010) suggested a logarithm function of utility differences between all choice alternatives, mainly for ease of estimation. This paper makes two contributions to this literature. First, formal analyses are conducted to identify the parameter space where the logarithmic specification becomes theoretically inferior to the original specification. Second, an empirical stated choice study on the choice of shopping centre is conducted to empirically test which specification best describes stated choices. Results suggest that for the collected data the original specification outperforms the new specification. Implications of this finding for the application of regret-based choice models in travel behaviour analysis are discussed.  相似文献   


Transport operations constitute a critical prerequisite for the successful staging of a special event. Operations are more challenging to manage for those events that are infrequent and last for several days. In this case, the requirements for unconditional success, coupled with the uncertainties involved, necessitate robust contingency planning. The paper presents a methodological process for developing the transport‐related contingency plans to address pre‐identified emergencies in major events, such as the Olympic Games. War games are proposed to test the resulting contingency plans and train the staff involved in plan implementation. The application of the methodological process to the Athens 2004 Athens 2004 Organizing Committee (ATHOC). 2002. Preliminary Olympic Transport Strategic Plan, Athens: ATHOC.  [Google Scholar] Olympic Games is presented in which transport services were offered to over 50 000 members of the Olympic Family, 150 000 staff and volunteers, and 3.8 million spectators over a period of more than two weeks.  相似文献   


The congestion charging schemes in London and Singapore are compared and assessed in the light of guidelines set out in the Smeed Report, published by the UK Ministry of Transport in 1964 Ministry of Transport. 1964. Road Pricing: The Economic and Technical Possibilities, London: HMSO.  [Google Scholar], and their performance in reducing congestion and raising net revenue. The aim is to draw lessons for other towns and cities considering the introduction of congestion charging. One important result from Electronic Road Pricing in Singapore is that a per‐entry charge is more effective at reducing congestion than a per‐day charge. It is concluded that although Electronic Road Pricing in Singapore is more in line with the desirable properties outlined in the Smeed Report, both schemes are part of a wider package of transport policies, and that is probably the most important reason for their success. The main lesson for other towns and cities around the world considering the possibility of introducing congestion charging is that any such scheme ought to be accompanied by complementary measures that will provide motorists with a valid alternative to the car.  相似文献   

This paper explains the need for the application of cost-benefit analysis to the evaluation of alternative projects for investment in the transport field and outlines briefly the historical development of the technique. The results of a comparative survey of a number of cost-benefit studies which have been carried out in Britain and some conclusions as to their thoroughness and comprehensiveness (or otherwise) are presented. The article concludes with a number of specific and detailed recommendations to remedy apparent methodological weaknesses. Six of these recommendations seem to merit particular attention:
  1. The viewpoint of most studies should be extended so as to avoid confinement, for example, within an arbitrary local government boundary, and a wider range of “externalities” should be considered. Intangibles should be included explicitly in all such evaluation exercises.
  2. The actual incidence of costs and benefits should be examined in order to indicate the directional impact of the project and its implications in terms of equity. The elimination of transfer payments and double-counting should be postponed until the latest possible stage in the evaluation.
  3. Equity considerations should be investigated in any transportation plan, since most projects have considerable equity implications for particular areas or socio-economic groups.
  4. Discounted cash flow techniques, which are still used only in a minority of transportation studies, should become standard practice. Most evaluations are based on a single-year rate of return, or at best on simple trend forecasting. More resources should be devoted to proper evaluation of alternative plans which give due importance to the cost and benefit streams through time.
  5. Sensitivity analysis should be used in all transportation evaluations. Knowledge of the impact of different assignments, shadow prices, and discount rates are essential information for any decisionmaker.
  6. Last, but not least, much greater communication should exist between analyst and decisionmaker than has existed in the past.

The paper proposes an efficient algorithm for determining the stochastic user equilibrium solution for logit-based loading. The commonly used Method of Successive Averages typically has a very slow convergence rate. The new algorithm described here uses Williams’ result [ Williams, (1977) On the formation of travel demand models and economic evaluation measures of user benefit. Environment and Planning 9A(3), 285–344] which enables the expected value of the perceived travel costs Srs to be readily calculated for any flow vector x. This enables the value of the Sheffi and Powell, 1982 objective function [Sheffi, Y. and Powell, W. B. (1982) An algorithm for the equilibrium assignment problem with random link times. Networks 12(2), 191–207], and its gradient in any specified search direction, to be calculated. It is then shown how, at each iteration, an optimal step length along the search direction can be easily estimated, rather than using the pre-set step lengths, thus giving much faster convergence. The basic algorithm uses the standard search direction (towards the auxiliary solution). In addition the performance of two further versions of the algorithm are investigated, both of which use an optimal step length but alternative search directions, based on the Davidon–Fletcher–Powell function minimisation method. The first is an unconstrained and the second a constrained version. Comparisons are made of all three versions of the algorithm, using a number of test networks ranging from a simple three-link network to one with almost 3000 links. It is found that for all but the smallest network the version using the standard search direction gives the fastest rate of convergence. Extensions to allow for multiple user classes and elastic demand are also possible.  相似文献   

The effect of complex models of externalities on estimated optimal tolls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transport externalities such as costs of emissions and accidents are increasingly being used within appraisal and optimisation frameworks alongside the more traditional congestion analysis to set optimal transport policies. Models of externalities and costs of externalities may be implemented by a simple constant cost per vehicle-km approach or by more complex flow and speed dependent approaches. This paper investigates the impact of using both simple and more complex models of CO2 emissions and cost of accidents on the optimal toll for car use and upon resulting welfare levels. The approach adopted is to use a single link model with a technical approach to the representation of the speed-flow relationship as this reflects common modelling practice. It is shown that using a more complex model of CO2 emitted increases the optimal toll significantly compared to using a fixed cost approach while reducing CO2 emitted only marginally. A number of accident models are used and the impact on tolls is shown to depend upon the assumptions made. Where speed effects are included in the accident model, accident costs can increase compared to the no toll equilibrium and so tolls should in this case be reduced compared to the congestion optimal toll. Finally it is shown that the effect of adding variable CO2 emission models along with a fixed cost per vehicle-km for accidents can increase the optimal toll by 44% while increasing the true welfare gained by only 8%. The results clearly demonstrate that model assumptions for externalities can have a significant impact on the resulting policies and in the case of accidents the policies can be reversed.
Simon Peter ShepherdEmail:

Simon Peter Shepherd   at the Institute for Transport Studies since 1989, he gained his doctorate in 1994 applying state-space methods to the problem of traffic responsive signal control in over-saturated conditions. His expertise lies in modelling and policy optimisation ranging from detailed simulation models through assignment to strategic land use transport models. He is currently working on optimal cordon design and systems dynamics approaches to strategic modelling.  相似文献   

This study gains insight into individual motivations for choosing to own and use autonomous vehicles and develops a model for autonomous vehicle long-term choice decisions. A stated preference questionnaire is distributed to 721 individuals living across Israel and North America. Based on the characteristics of their current commutes, individuals are presented with various scenarios and asked to choose the car they would use for their commute. A vehicle choice model which includes three options is estimated:
  • (1)Continue to commute using a regular car that you have in your possession.
  • (2)Buy and shift to commuting using a privately-owned autonomous vehicle (PAV).
  • (3)Shift to using a shared-autonomous vehicle (SAV), from a fleet of on-demand cars for your commute.
A factor analysis determined five relevant latent variables describing the individuals’ attitudes: technology interest, environmental concern, enjoy driving, public transit attitude, and pro-AV sentiments. The effects that the characteristics of the individual and the autonomous vehicle have on use and acceptance are quantified through random utility models including logit kernel model taking into account panel effects.Currently, large overall hesitations towards autonomous vehicle adoption exist, with 44% of choice decisions remaining regular vehicles. Early AV adopters will likely be young, students, more educated, and spend more time in vehicles. Even if the SAV service were to be completely free, only 75% of individuals would currently be willing to use SAVs. The study also found various differences regarding the preferences of individuals in Israel and North America, namely that Israelis are overall more likely to shift to autonomous vehicles.Methods to encourage SAV use include increasing the costs for regular cars as well as educating the public about the benefits of shared autonomous vehicles.  相似文献   

Modeling children’s school travel mode and parental escort decisions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding of the activity-travel patterns of children is becoming increasingly important to various policy makers. Further, there is also a growing recognition that intra-household interactions need to be explicitly accommodated in travel models for realistic forecasts and policy evaluation. In the light of these issues, this paper contributes towards an overall understanding of the school-travel behavior of children and the related interdependencies among the travel patterns of parents and children. An econometric model is formulated to simultaneously determine the choice of mode and the escorting person for children’s travel to and from school. The 2000 San Francisco Bay Area Travel Survey (BATS) data are used in the model estimation process. Empirical results indicate that the characteristics of child like age, gender, and ethnicity, and employment and work flexibility characteristics of the parents have strong impacts on the mode choice decisions. In addition, the impacts of some of these attributes on the choice of mode to school are different from the corresponding impacts on the choice of mode from school. The distance between home and school is found to strongly and negatively impact the choice of walking to and from school, with the impact being stronger for walking to school. Several land-use and built-environment variables were explored, but were found not to be statistically significant predictors.
Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan (Corresponding author)Email:

Non-household carpools (where two or more commuters from different residences travel together in the same private vehicle) bring public benefits. To encourage and incentivise it, transport practitioners and researchers must understand its private motivations and deterrents. Existing studies often report conflicting results or non-generalisable findings. Thus, a quantitative systematic review of the literature body is needed. Using meta-analysis, this study synthesised 22 existing empirical studies (representing over 79,000 observations) to produce an integrated review of the carpooling literature. The meta-analysis determined 24 non-household carpooling factors, and their effect sizes. Factors such as number of employees (\(\bar{r} = 0.42\)), partner matching programs (\(\bar{r} = 0.42\)), female (\(\bar{r} = 0.22\)) and fixed work schedule (\(\bar{r} = 0.15\)) were found to have strong effects on carpooling while judgmental factors (such as the motivation to save costs) only exhibited small influence (\(\bar{r} < 0.1\)). Based on the significant effects, the paper discussed prospects for improving carpooling uptake by developing: (i) target demographics, (ii) selling points for marketing, (iii) carpooling partner programs and (iv) multiple employer ‘super-pools’. The results warrant caution due to the small amount of studies synthesised. Transport practitioners might plan carpooling policies based on the findings; and transportation researchers might use the list of factors to model carpooling behaviour.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to model the impacts of competition between cities on both the optimal welfare generating tolls and upon longer-term decisions such as business and residential location choices. The research uses a dynamic land use transport interaction model of two neighbouring cities and analyses the impacts by setting up a game between the two cities to maximise the welfare of their own residents. The work builds on our earlier research which studied competition in a small network using a static equilibrium approach for private car traffic without accounting for the land use responses to the change in accessibility. This paper extends the earlier work by setting up a dynamic model which includes active modes of travel and the more usual car and public transport in a realistic twin city setting and assesses the longer term relocation responses. This paper firstly sets out the competition between two hypothetical identical cities i.e. the symmetric case; and then sets out the real world asymmetric case in which the cities are of different size representative of Leeds and Bradford in the UK but equally applicable elsewhere too. We found that the level of interaction between the two cities is a key determinant to the optimal tolls and welfare gains. Our findings show that the competition between cities could lead to a Nash Trap at which both cities are worse off in terms of welfare gains. On the other hand, we found that cities, if regulated, would gain in terms of welfare and yet charge only half the toll compared with tolls under competition. We then show that the effect of competition increases with increased interaction between cities. In terms of residential location, cities with higher charges benefit from an increase in residents, though as with other studies, the relative change in population in response to cordon charging is small. The policy implications are threefold—(i) while there is an incentive to cooperate at local authority level, this is not achieved due to competition; (ii) where cities compete they may fall into a Nash Trap where both cities will be worse off compared to the regulated solution; and (iii) regulation is recommended when there is a strong interaction between the cities but that the benefits of regulation decrease as interaction between cities decreases and the impact of competition is lessened.  相似文献   


Cost–benefit analysis (CBA) plays a major role in the ex ante evaluation of rail projects in many western countries. At first sight carrying out a CBA for rail projects seems straightforward, since cost estimates are almost always available, and the most dominant benefits are generally known, being the travel time saved and the increase in consumer surplus due to induced demand. However, the practice is much more complex: the quality of current estimates for costs and benefits is often poor and several benefits-related aspects are ignored. This article gives an overview of the challenges in improving the quality of CBAs for rail projects.  相似文献   

Those who oppose tolls and other forms of road pricing argue that low-income, urban residents will suffer if they must pay to use congested freeways. This contention, however, fails to consider (1) how much low-income residents already pay for transportation in taxes and fees, or (2) how much residents would pay for highway infrastructure under an alternative revenue-generating scheme, such as a sales tax. This paper compares the cost burden of a value-priced road, State Route 91 (SR91) in Orange County, California with the cost burden under Orange County’s local option transportation sales tax, Measure M. We find that although the sales tax spreads the costs of transportation facilities across a large number of people inside and outside Orange County, it redistributes about $3 million (USD) in revenues from less affluent residents to those with higher incomes. The entire Measure M program redistributes an estimated $26 million from low-income residents to the more affluent. Low-income drivers as individuals save substantially if they do not have to pay tolls, but as a group low-income residents, on average, pay more out-of-pocket with sales taxes.
Brian D. TaylorEmail:

Lisa Schweitzer   is an assistant professor at the University of Southern California. Her work on environmental injustice in transportation has appeared in Urban Studies, Built Environment, and Transportation Research Parts A and D. Brian D. Taylor   is the Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies and Professor of Urban Planning at the University of California, Los Angeles. His research centers on how society pays for transportation systems and how these systems in turn serve the needs of people who have low levels of mobility.  相似文献   

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