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为提高电极的应用时间、提高电解槽的电流效率、降低镍对电解质的污染、降低生产成本,将现行制备三氟化氮(NF3)的阳极材料由镍换为碳。本文通过正交试验得出了碳电极制备NF3的工艺参数,通过对比不同碳电极之间的差异,得到了制备NF3所需要的碳电极的特征。  相似文献   

本文提出并讨论了作为新型高速率锂离子电池的电极原料嵌钾的KKC8的制备和特性。它比传统的石墨负电极优越性在于电化学反应过程快和正极材料的选择性更广。  相似文献   

极化是描述电磁波的重要参量,文章介绍了天线各种极化的特点,并通过两个实例,论述了电子战中极化工作方式的选择,阐述了极化信息在电子对抗中的作用。  相似文献   

我们报道了用X射线衍射在电解LiOD重水溶液时,确定充氘的钯阴极的晶格参数的一种测量方法。用这种方法,我们能够研究这一过程的动力学性能并确定样模D/Pd的最终比率。目前,我们已经研究了三种样模,它们具有非常不同的性能。通过已知体积中的阴极脱气对估计气泡氘的体积浓度(溶解度)进行了检验。  相似文献   

作为决定超级电容器电化学性能的主要因素,电极材料近年来获得了广泛关注。碳材料由于具有电导率高、成本低、分布广泛、化学性质稳定等优点,已成为超级电容器电极材料领域的研究热点。详细综述了活性炭、炭气凝胶、碳纤维、碳纳米管、石墨烯、碳黑等超级电容器用碳电极材料的研究进展。  相似文献   

固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)是一种能够将燃料的化学能直接转化为电能的全固态电化学装置,由于其高效率、清洁和燃料适用性广等优势而受到广泛关注.近年来,直接高效使用碳氢化合物燃料的SOFC成为研究热点.然而,碳沉积问题在以镍基金属陶瓷为阳极材料的SOFC研究中不可忽视.基于SOFC的结构和工作原理,分析了以镍基阳极SOFC碳沉积问题的机理和影响,总结了应对积碳问题的国内外研究进展,以及在改善工作参数,阳极添加剂和新阳极材料研究3个方面的方法策略,并对SOFC的研究前景进行展望.  相似文献   

高比能兼具功率密度的电池在特殊国防军用领域有着极高的应用价值.锂氟化碳电池作为目前比能量最高的一种锂/固体正极电池,具有在水中兵器电源中进一步发展的潜力.本文采用不同电极参数组装的锂/氟化碳软包电池,对其倍率放电性能进行试验并分析,最后得出不同电极参数对电池性能的影响.  相似文献   

海军舰艇上装备的空调设备使其成为制冷剂氟氯化碳-114(CFC-114)的最大用户之一。这些制冷容量为125~363t的设备安装在所有的主要水面战舰及潜艇上,为许多不同的关键系统,包括重要的电子和武器系统提供冷却水。美国所有的CFC包括CFC—114已于1995年12月31日停产。海军除了对氟氯化碳进行了战略储备外,还制订了积极主动的研发计划,以确保安全的、不破坏臭氧的替代制冷剂应用于现有的舰上空调系统。由于彻底替换CFC—114尚不可行,因此研究了转换设备使得舰上的空调设备可以使用新的制冷剂。在这些设备的设计中使用可变几何扩散器(VGD)压缩机技术及微处理器控制系统,在保持原设计制冷能力的同时提高了设备的工作范围,降低了结构噪声及部分负荷时的功耗。首先对空调设备的样机进行了改装,并在实验室里进行运行实验,然后在美海军“诺曼底”号(CG 60)舰上进行了为期一年的海上试验。介绍了海军开展的研发工作以及空调设备从使用CFC—114制冷剂转换到使用一种无损臭氧的替代制冷剂的过程。  相似文献   

朱厚军  仇进  金岑  贺必新 《船电技术》2007,27(5):319-320,324
本文通过动力学参数测试,析气实验研究了添加稀土金属对锌电极在碱性溶液中耐蚀性能的影响,结果表明添加少量稀土元素可以显著提高锌电极在碱性溶液中的耐蚀性.  相似文献   

At present ESG (Electrostatic Suspended Gyro) is the most precise inertia element in the world. The electrode bowl, which has direct effect on the precision of ESG, is a key part to ESG. Through the analysis of the function and characteristic of the electrode bowl in hollow rotor ESG and the present situation of new material development in the world, the alumina ceramic is regarded as the best material for the electrode bowl of hollow rotor ESG. By analyzing the present situation of alumina ceramic in the world, main technique requirements have been put forward for the alumina ceramic of ESG electrode bowl which is also fit for solid rotor ESG.  相似文献   

在全球生态危机愈演愈烈的情况下,国际港口界将绿色发展理念贯穿于港口的建设运营中,提出“绿色港口”的概念。绿色港口建设目的在于贯彻绿色发展理念,使用绿色技术和实施绿色管理,引导港口走资源节约型、环境友好型的发展道路。通过查阅大量资料文献,以绿色港口建设发展为出发点,从绿色港口理念、绿色港口技术、绿色港口管理以及绿色港口评价4个方面梳理国内外学者针对绿色港口的研究动态及港口的应用现状,针对当前国内绿色港口建设中存在的问题,形成改善意见与提升路径,旨在将绿色发展理念贯穿于港口全生命周期,为我国港口向绿色化转型提供参考。  相似文献   

针对天津港30万吨级原油码头所处的自然条件、码头的特性和相关技术参数,对钢管桩外加电流阴极保护系统的技术细节和安全措施进行详细描述和说明。对外加电流阴极保护系统在易燃易爆环境中的长期安全使用具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

介绍湛江港一区南一期突堤码头维修设计所采用的维修、加固、防腐方法和新材料新技术在维修、加固和防腐工程中的应用。该设计实例表明:用该方法进行码头维修是延长旧码头使用寿命的经济、可行和有效的措施,该方法和所使用的材料可应用于各类海工结构的维修、加固防腐设计中。  相似文献   

碳排放统计核算是贯彻落实“碳达峰”、“碳中和”目标的重要基础。针对港区缺少统一的核算体系,依据《陆上交通运输企业温室气体排放核算方法与报告指南(试行)》和《建筑碳排放计算标准》,明确港口碳排放的核算范围和核算内容,将燃料、电力、热力、自来水和空调制冷剂以及绿地作为港区碳排放的核算内容,计算和归纳核算内容的碳排放因子。以某集装箱码头为例对碳排放核算体系进行应用,并依据碳排放核算结果提出降碳路径。结果表明,该方法计算快速,可为港区碳排放核算提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

介绍了几种活性炭再生方法的特点,同时讨论了室内空气净化器活性炭滤芯的在机再生与小型再生设备的要求、方法及工艺。重点介绍了在机再生低温等离子体法线板式发生器的特点及工艺。小型再生设备重点介绍了夹持模块及折叠式结构。  相似文献   

CO2电化学还原合成甲酸的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了电解液中的阳、阴离子以及KHCO3浓度对CO2合成甲酸电流效率的影响,并分析了反应的初始物种.结果表明,在含有不同阳、阴离子的电解液中.甲酸电流效率的高低顺序为K >Na >Li >NH 4和PO3-4相似文献   

Carbon cycling in the Weddell Sea was investigated during the ANT X/7 cruise with `FS Polarstern' December 1992–January 1993. Samples were taken on a cross section from Kapp Norvegia to Joinville Island, and on a section from the Larsen Ice Shelf to the northeast. The following quantities were measured: total carbon dioxide (TCO2), fluorescence from humic substances and total organic carbon. The distribution of TCO2 was strongly positively correlated to the time elapsed since the various water masses were last ventilated. In general, humic substance fluorescence was positively correlated with TCO2, with the exception of the productive part of the western Weddell Sea, where the correlation was negative in the surface mixed layer. The increased fluorescence at the surface is suggested to be a result of biological production. The distribution of total organic carbon showed less structure, since this quantity includes a particulate component, which is subject to dispersion processes different from those of the dissolved components TCO2 and humic substances. The mean total organic carbon concentration below the surface mixed layer was 50 μmol l−1. At some stations, a steep TOC maximum around 2000 m depth was observed. This was interpreted to result from mass sinking of phytoplankton blooms. Total organic carbon had a maximum in surface water, and at some stations also a second subsurface maximum. In the Warm Deep Water (WDW), TCO2 and fluorescence had their maximum values, while total organic carbon tended to be low. In low productivity surface water in the eastern part of the Kapp Norvegia–Joinville Island section, the lowest flourescence was found. Surface water is eventually formed from Warm Deep Water, which had the highest fluorescence values, and therefore it is concluded that humic substances were removed in situ from surface water. In the central area of the Weddell Sea, TCO2 and fluorescence showed the highest Warm Deep Water maxima, while total organic carbon was low. The Warm Deep Water in this area is part of the so-called Central Intermediate Water which circulates for a long time within the Weddell Gyre. Reduced total organic carbon, which coincides with the most pronounced Central Intermediate Water characteristics, and high TCO2 can thus both be accounted for by continued degradation of organic matter in this water mass. The associated fluorescence maximum implies that humic substances are also produced during mineralisation. Recently formed bottom water, by contrast, could be seen as patches of low TCO2, low fluorescence and high total organic carbon along the western slope of the Weddell Sea.  相似文献   

Organic carbon budget for the Gulf of Bothnia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We calculated input of organic carbon to the unproductive, brackish water basin of the Gulf of Bothnia from rivers, point sources and the atmosphere. We also calculated the net exchange of organic carbon between the Gulf of Bothnia and the adjacent marine system, the Baltic Proper. We compared the input with sinks for organic carbon; permanent incorporation in sediments and mineralization and subsequent evasion of CO2 to the atmosphere. The major fluxes were riverine input (1500 Gg C year− 1), exchange with the Baltic Proper (depending on which of several possible DOC concentration differences between the basins that was used in the calculation, the flux varied between an outflow of 466 and an input of 950 Gg C year 1), sediment burial (1100 Gg C year− 1) and evasion to the atmosphere (3610 Gg C year− 1). The largest single net flux was the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere, mainly caused by bacterial mineralization of organic carbon. Input and output did not match in our budget which we ascribe uncertainties in the calculation of the exchange of organic carbon between the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic Proper, and the fact that CO2 emission, which in our calculation represented 1 year (2002) may have been overestimated in comparison with long-term means. We conclude that net heterotrophy of the Gulf of Bothnia was due to input of organic carbon from both the catchment and from the Baltic Proper and that the future degree of net heterotrophy will be sensible to both catchment export of organic carbon and to the ongoing eutrophication of the Baltic Proper.  相似文献   

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