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系统介绍了美国TUBOCOPE.VETCO公司的管道漏磁检测器的原理,并对检测器的应用和性能进行了分析。  相似文献   

Φ 660气管道漏磁腐蚀检测器在陕京线的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管道漏磁腐蚀检测器主要通过漏磁原理检测管道上的腐蚀、凹陷等异常点 ,为管道管理者提供科学、准确的检测数据 ,已在国内输油管线上广泛应用。介绍了Φ 6 6 0输气管道漏磁腐蚀检测器的研制背景、主要技术指标、人工腐蚀实验过程以及在陕—京输气管道中的应用  相似文献   

管道壁厚测量探头可以识别管道壁厚减薄所带来的安全隐患。基于电磁超声技术(EMAT),设计了一种管道壁厚测量探头的机械结构,详细地介绍了此探头机构的设计原则及设计难点,此探头可应用于油气管道壁厚的测量。该测厚探头采用浮动式结构,探头整体靠支撑轮支撑,与传统漏磁腐蚀检测器所用的探头结构相比,该测厚探头机械结构具有良好的抗冲击性、良好的密封性、优良的耐磨性和更长的使用寿命,同时,提高了探头与管壁的贴合程度。  相似文献   

漏磁腐蚀检测器在输气管道中的运行速度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
输气管道的漏磁腐蚀检测因为受到管线输气量大的限制 ,在检测过程中检测器的运行速度过快将直接影响着检测结果的准确性。推导了理论速度的计算公式 ,并就其与实际运行速度存在差异的原因从皮碗磨损和气体泄流 2个方面进行了详细分析。该分析对输气管道漏磁腐蚀检测器皮碗外径的设计、驱动皮碗个数、各皮碗应开的泄流孔大小及个数等有指导意义  相似文献   

漏磁检测方法可以实现对铁磁性材料缺陷的定位,对缺陷的物理性质进行定量化分析,逐渐在管道检测中受到重视。针对现有仪器存在的不足,开展管道漏磁检测器的研制,对于减少设备购置的成本具有重要意义。文中在理论研究的基础上,对管道外壁爬行漏磁检测器从磁路设计、样机研制及数据处理软件的开发开展工作。并分析了在设计过程中涉及到的关键问题以及技术难题,为其他相关研究提供指导性意见。  相似文献   

漏磁式智能检测在管道中的运用及管道腐蚀分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天然气输送管道在生产运行中,在内部不可避免的受到输送介质的腐蚀,在外部由于施工建设质量、绝缘层的缺陷、阴极保护不足等诸多因素的影响,同样存在腐蚀,并且随生产年限延长而逐年加重,安全隐患增大。因此,对管道内外腐蚀检测是监测、评价管道的重要项目之一。西南油气田分公司在国内首次引进国外漏磁式智能检测技术。文章分析了该项技术的检测参数、置信度、经济效果评价和存在的缺陷,论述了管道内、外腐蚀的原因,提出了减缓腐蚀的各项建议。  相似文献   

根据漏磁检测原理制备了多种型号的管道漏磁内检测器,并将检测器在多条原油管道上进行了检测。综合分析各条管道的检测情况,可以确定除了检测器自身因素外,仍有管径、油品、运行方式和运行温度等因素对检测效果有一定的影响。通过对比不同管径、不同工艺参数下的检测结果,并对这几项因素的影响进行分析,初步确定了管径、油品、运行方式和运行温度等因素对检测效果的影响规律,并给出了一些降低其影响的措施。  相似文献   

PTC漏磁检测数据分析系统用于显示,分析及处理管道漏磁检测信息。该系统智能化程度高,操作简便,功能全面。为保证输油气管道的安全、高效运行提供了可靠保障。  相似文献   

漏磁检测技术在管道检测中的应用及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了漏磁检测的原理,介绍了基于漏磁原理的检测系统组成,以及在长输管道及工业管道检测中的工程应用。详细分析了漏磁检测技术的主要影响因素。指出国内漏磁检测技术领域与国外存在较大差距。国内管道内检测已进入立法阶段,相关标准的初稿已基本完成,未来漏磁检测技术将在维护管道安全生产上发挥越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

管道在线检测是采集管道缺陷信息,及时发现管道存在的风险,降低管道事故可能性的有效手段。根据对管道完整性存在威胁的不同数据类型,国外在线检测主要分为漏磁检测(MFL)、超声波壁厚检测、超声波裂纹检测、涡电流检测、电磁检测和惯量检测,其中惯量检测是对管道中心线移动情况的检测。在对这几种检测方法功能对比分析的基础上,介绍了国外漏磁检测技术所用工具的类型,分析了漏磁检测技术对各种缺陷的判断能力,得出漏磁检测法具有更好更全面的检测能力,适用于管壁缺陷的检测。  相似文献   

针对管道漏磁内检测图像化显示研究,采用磁偶极子模型建立漏磁场分布与缺陷特征之间对应关系.建立Φ219管道有限元仿真模型,研究永磁场对不同缺陷及管道部件的漏磁信号分析,提取管道周向360°上径向漏磁信号,并将漏磁内检测信号转化成漏磁内检测图像.结果表明,通过对漏磁数据进行图像化显示更加直观辨别缺陷及管件特征,并对后续图像...  相似文献   

采用漏磁法对输油管道进行无损检测时,采集的漏磁信号具有数据量大和附带大量噪声的特性.为了去除信号中夹杂的噪声,采用小波变换中的Mallat算法对漏磁信号进行处理,使信号便于储存和分析.通过信号处理实验,取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

Charging infrastructure requirements are being largely debated in the context of urban energy planning for transport electrification. As electric vehicles are gaining momentum, the issue of locating and securing the availability, efficiency and effectiveness of charging infrastructure becomes a complex question that needs to be addressed. This paper presents the structure and application of a model developed for optimizing the distribution of charging infrastructure for electric buses in the urban context, and tests the model for the bus network of Stockholm. The major public bus transport hubs connecting to the train and subway system show the highest concentration of locations chosen by the model for charging station installation. The costs estimated are within an expected range when comparing to the annual bus public transport costs in Stockholm. The model could be adapted for various urban contexts to promptly assist in the transition to fossil-free bus transport. The total costs for the operation of a partially electrified bus system in both optimization cases considered (cost and energy) differ only marginally from the costs for a 100% biodiesel system. This indicates that lower fuel costs for electric buses can balance the high investment costs incurred in building charging infrastructure, while achieving a reduction of up to 51% in emissions and up to 34% in energy use in the bus fleet.  相似文献   

铁磁构件缺陷参数对漏磁场的影响较复杂,磁荷模型在理论上可以定量分析该磁场问题,但只能适用于简单缺陷形状情况。因此,采用有限元数值计算技术更具灵活性。为了进一步分析油管缺陷参数对漏磁场的影响,建立了油管缺陷漏磁场仿真模型,研究了裂纹深度、裂纹宽度、裂纹深宽比、裂纹倾角对漏磁场的影响。分析结果表明:漏磁场强度随油管缺陷裂纹宽度的减小或裂纹深度、裂纹角度的增加而增强;对于深度比,相对于裂纹宽度,裂纹深度对漏磁场的影响更明显。仿真结果为缺陷检测系统设计和缺陷信号分析提供了参考。  相似文献   

输气管道漏磁内检测的速度效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在天然气管道的漏磁内检测过程中,检测装置运行速度过快,会对检测结果带来影响,严重的时候,几乎检测不到漏磁信号.为了从理论上研究上述现象,运用ANSYS有限元仿真软件对速度效应带来的涡流影响进行了分析.通过分析不同速度、不同缺陷深度等因素带来的影响,得出了速度越快、缺陷深度越小时,漏磁信号幅值越小,且失真严重的结论.  相似文献   

A key issue in solving the difficult bus-bunching problem is being able to have reliable information about the location of the buses in the network. Most advanced public transport systems have buses with GPS devices, but the problem remains of how to send reliable information from the buses to the control unit, particularly when the density of buses is low, but there are high communications reliability requirements. As a solution, we study locating roadside units (RSUs) along the route. The buses, together with the RSUs, form a linear vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET). The RSUs are deployed so to maximize the probability of a vehicle communicating with an RSU in at most two hops. Previous studies on RSU location never took into account two hops, a conceptually different type of network. Rather, they consider that a vehicle is able to communicate only directly to an RSU (one hop), which is a well-known Maximum Covering Problem, in which one of the parties is always immobile, similar to a mobile phone network. Oppositely, our method solves the problem in which two of the intervening parties are mobile and communicate with each other, not possible to solve as a Maximum Covering Problem. We estimate the probability of a vehicle accessing successfully an RSU either directly or through the relay of another vehicle. This probability is later embedded in an integer programming formulation that optimizes the RSU locations for maximum communications likelihood.Numerical examples show that the connection probability is strongly dependent on the coverage ratio of the transmitters and receivers and relatively independent on the vehicle density on the network, when densities are low. Results also show that it is possible to find some cost-efficient solutions which result in a smaller number of RSUs located while assuring a connection probability of 0.9 or higher.  相似文献   

The recent concerns on environmental issues have expedited the technological development of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs), but the deployment of AFVs still remains at the initial stage mainly because of the lack of refuelling facilities. Recognising this, researchers have conducted various studies, proposing a variety of approaches to strategically locating refuelling stations. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the approaches, focusing more on applications than computational issues. The review identifies two main elements of the approaches: location modelling and refuelling demand estimation. Examining how the elements were handled in refuelling location studies, this paper suggests that future refuelling location models should properly reflect the intricate and various perspectives of three major AFV stakeholders: drivers, government agencies and refuelling service providers. This study is expected to help researchers efficiently set up their refuelling location problems and identify critical factors for seeking the solutions.  相似文献   

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