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金秋送爽,GP2系列赛刚鸣金收兵,A1大奖赛又蓄势待发。两种方程式很接近,一些参赛车手亦横跨两大联盟。本期,我们通过中国车队江腾一驾驶的A1方程式,以及艺术大奖赛车队小罗斯博格曾驾驶的GP2方程式,向车迷朋友介绍《赛车基因》两款方程式模拟游戏。  相似文献   

在他夺得这个冠军的7天之后,同为第一代方程式车手的董荷斌也将来到上海。不一样的是,江腾一是中国籍,董荷斌是中国裔;江腾一是自己参赛夺冠,而董荷斌更多的是来看比赛。  相似文献   

<正>长安福特车队90后小将谢欣哲和上海大众333车队王睿、江腾一贡献了一场史诗般的对决,你追我赶十几圈,令现场激情达到了沸点2014年5月25日,长城润滑油CTCC中国房车锦标赛2014赛季第三站在上海国际赛车场打响。在超级量产车组别中,经过了13圈的争夺,上海大众333车队的张臻东获得冠军,队友王睿获得第二,长安福特车队谢欣哲排名第三。江腾一夺得红牛最快圈速奖。由于长安福特车队在前两站比赛中均获得了车队冠军,同时谢欣哲获得第二站车手  相似文献   

卫东 《汽车与运动》2014,(6):172-175
<正>长安福特车队与上海大众333车队展开激烈肉搏,最终江腾一夺得超级量产车组第一,长安福特车队获得超级量产车组厂商杯冠军4月27日,长城润滑油CTCC中国房车锦标赛的揭幕战在肇庆大旺广东国际赛车场揭开了赛季大幕,群雄逐鹿的火爆场面为观众呈现了速度与激情的盛宴。在超级量产车组别的比赛中,新转会至上海大众333车队的车手江腾一夺得新赛季首冠。长安福特车手欧阳若曦夺得第二,欧阳的队友谢欣哲夺得第三。中国量产车组决赛随后进行,这也是CTCC史上首次进行一场两回合的赛制,在第一回合7圈的角逐被红旗终止后,北京现代纵横车队的孙超斩获首个冠军,队友崔岳获得  相似文献   

埃克森美孚携手长期技术合作伙伴——沃达丰迈凯轮梅赛德斯车队,其同庆祝双方超过16年的强强合作。2009年一级方程式大奖赛年度车手总冠军、沃达丰迈凯轮梅赛德斯车队车手简森·巴顿亲临活动现场,与车队成员及现场来宾共同见证了美孚在发动机保护领域的出色表现,并期待美孚1号帮助他在本周末的比赛中能再创佳绩。  相似文献   

田永梁 《汽车杂志》2005,(7):150-152
作为中国汽车运动史上的首支中国队——A1汽车大奖赛中国队,5月18日在珠海国际赛车场完成了首批车手的选拔工作。经过车手们激烈的拼争,马青骅、江腾一、陈旭分获雷诺方程式前三名。由于A1只有两个车手名额,一名正式车手和一名备选车手,因此马青骅和江腾一两位车手最终脱颖而出,他们将都有机会进军7月份的南非A1训练营。  相似文献   

扬云飞 《轿车情报》2014,(6):252-255
CTCC揭幕战终于如期而至。在排位赛暴雨中拿下前四排位的福特车手,在正赛当天,赛车频频出现变数,最终由刚转会大众333车队的“—哥”江腾一,逆转夺魁,捐特车队车手谢欣哲和欧阳若曦分列二、三位。  相似文献   

原本占据前三位发车的福特车队,没能将优势保持到底,车手江腾一直言:"太大意了!"6月3日,中国房车锦标赛(CTCC)第二站比赛在珠海阴雨不定的天气里进行,而比赛的局面也像这天气一样,变化莫测。由于本赛季首站上海的比赛中,包揽超级量产车组前四名的福克斯赛车优势过于明显,为了使各支车队之间实力更加接近,根据规则,珠海站四台福克斯赛车均加重60kg,首站车手冠军甄卓伟的赛车再加重15kg,江腾一、何晓乐和范高翔的赛车则分别加重5kq。  相似文献   

维特尔(Vettel)今年只有十九岁,这位2004年Formula BMW ADAC Championship冠军得主是一众Formula BMW Asia参赛者的模范,他的成就是所有Formula BMW车手都渴望得到的。维特尔凭着天赋的才华,加上努力不懈和永不言弃的精神,让他赢得别人羡慕不已的F1试车员席位。自2006年中开始,这位德国好手便开始在世界最顶尖的赛车比赛登场,成为BMW Sauber F1车队的试车员和替补车手。  相似文献   

对于中国车手董荷斌而言.梦想即将成为现实:这位20岁的小伙子是2003BMW方程式亚洲锦标赛的年度总冠军得主.作为“奖励”.他获得了在威廉姆斯Fl车队试训的机会。董荷斌在本赛季5个国家举办的14场比赛中12次拿下杆位并lo次问鼎冠军.作为宝马威廉姆斯F1车队冬季试车项目的一部分,他将首次试驾F1赛车.  相似文献   

目前,汽车及其零部件已经成为中国向非洲出口的重要商品。在40多个非洲国家中,都可以找到中国汽车的身影。近年来,长城、奇瑞、江铃等国产名牌汽车正不断扩大对非洲市场的出口数量。奇瑞、哈飞、吉利、华展等品牌大量进入埃及市场后,还带动当地出现了“中国汽车热”。[第一段]  相似文献   


日成 《驾驶园》2008,(6):86-91
两页白纸上,按满了鲜红的指印。河南省183名货车的车主,联名向媒体投诉。他们质疑:行驶证核载吨位为21吨的车,养路费征稽部门为何要按30吨征收养路费?而既然交了30吨的养路费拉30吨货,公安交警又为什么要按超载处罚?他们既不是"大吨小标"货车的生产者,也不是销售者,为什么要替"大吨小标""背黑锅"?  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanism of carbon oxidation is important for the successful modeling of diesel particulate filter regeneration. Characteristics of soot oxidation were investigated with carbon black (Printex-U). A flow reactor system that could simulate the condition of a diesel particulate filter and diesel exhaust gas was designed. Kinetic constants were derived and the reaction mechanisms were proposed using the experimental results and a simple reaction scheme, which approximated the overall oxidation process in TPO as well as CTO. From the experiments, the apparent activation energy for carbon oxidation with NO2-O2-H2O was determined to be 40±2 kJ/mol, with the first order of carbon in the range of 10∼90% oxidation and a temperature range of 250∼500°C. This value was exceedingly lower than the activation energy of NO2-O2 oxidation, which was 60±3 kJ/mol. When NO2 exists with O2 and H2O, the reaction rate increases in proportion to NO2. It increases nonlinearly with O2 or H2O concentration when the other two oxidants are fixed.  相似文献   

一汽人通过提升管理、加快产出,扩大销量,强化自主,扩大合作等一系列工作,赢得企业又好又快地新发展,使集团的销量、销售收入和利润登上历史的新巅峰。  相似文献   

TPL-PCRUN is a software program for the dynamic interaction simulation of pantograph–catenary systems. In the benchmark, based on the finite element method, the catenary model was built and the pantograph was considered as a three-level spring–damper–mass system. Then, through the contact definition between pantograph and catenary, the coupled model of the pantograph and catenary system was established. The respective dynamic equations of motions were solved by the time integration method. Thus, the simulation results were obtained and submitted for the comparison with the other software. On the other hand, a standard model from EN50318 was established and analysed by TPL-PCRUN. The simulation results by TPL-PCRUN were remarkably consistent with the reference values given by EN50318. It was proved that the results by TPL-PCRUN can be reliable. Recently, the software has been updated and improved. Some new models and algorithms are proposed, including the rigid–flexible hybrid pantograph model, contact definition considering appearance characteristics of the contact surfaces, a fluid–solid coupling algorithm of the pantograph and catenary system, etc.  相似文献   

In lean-DeNOX catalysis reactions, hydrogen is a good reducing agent in PGM catalysts as well as an effective promoter in selective catalytic reduction reactions over base metal oxide catalysts. However, such a lean-DeNOX system, which uses hydrogen, requires an on-board fuel reforming system applicable to internal combustion engines. In this study, catalytic partial oxidation (CPOx) performance was tested in a laboratory for various reactants and hydrocarbon conditions. Volume concentrations of 5–10% oxygen and 0-5% water vapor were used to simulate diesel exhaust, and n-C12H26 was used as the feedstock for the reforming reaction. In the CPOx of n-C12H26, the highest hydrogen selectivity was 64% and was achieved at 100,000 h-1 GHSV. Additionally, the C/O ratio was less than unity in the absence of water vapor. However, as the water concentration was increased to 2.5 and 5.0 vol. % in the n-C12H26 CPOx reactions, the maximum hydrogen selectivity was increased from 64% in the absence of water to 70% and 75%, respectively. This effect is a consequence of the water-gas shift reaction over the catalyst bed. Regarding oxygen concentration effects, hydrogen selectivity slightly increased with increasing oxygen concentration from 10% to 15%. It was also found that the CPOx reaction of n-C12H26 can be ignited at temperatures below 300 C. Accordingly, it can be concluded that CPOx is a useful and feasible device for promoting diesel DeNOx catalysis in terms of hydrogen productivity and reaction initiation.  相似文献   

当岁月将沧桑慢慢抹上他的额头与鬓角时,他的思想却日见成熟和丰满起来。对质量成本的密切关注,使得他成为了业内截至目前少有的精益推动者之一。  相似文献   

2007年底,一款名为"猛士"的军用越野车正式装备部队,从此,中国有了堪与闻名于世的美国"悍马"相媲美的高性能军用越野车。该车的总设计师黄松成为公众关注的焦点。  相似文献   

梁静 《时代汽车》2008,(5):112-117
作为展示三菱汽车高新科技含量的载体,"Concept-RA"概念车以及"Lancer Ralliart (蓝瑟)"车,在动态的流线造型中将其中所蕴含的跑车理念与精益精神,淋漓尽致地展现在了世人面前。  相似文献   

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