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We are grateful to our Argentinian contemporary, the journal Consultor,for permission to publish the following article, consisting of extracts prepared and translated by Mrs Sheila Farrell from a recent series of papersby Dr Aurelio Gonzalez Climent. They discuss the varied reasons underlying the decision of some Latin American shipowners to register their vessels under flags of convenience. The article brings out the contrasts between the attitudes of these shipowners and their respective governments.  相似文献   

The continued survival of the Baltic International Freight Futures Exchange (Biffex) would certainly have come as a surprise to many critics that were present at its inauguration. In an effort to explain, at least partially, the reasons for its continued existence, this paper presents the results from a behavioural and attitudinal survey of shipowners. Through the analysis of the responses received, the paper attempts to evaluate the degree of success achieved by Biffex in providing shipowners with a powerful, flexible and viable mechanism for hedging their market risk. The results imply that there is great scope for improving the acceptability of the market amongst shipowners, particularly as a hedging tool. In the light of these results, the paper comments on potential future innovations within Biffex and suggests changes in marketing policy that might lead to an increased level of acceptance amongst shipowners. In conclusion, recommendations are made with respect to aspects of Biffex that are worthy of further investigation and analysis.  相似文献   

Current naval shipowners are being forced to extend the service lives of their aging vessels from budgetary and political constraints. This is causing them to incur significant costs due to maintaining the structure of these older ships to keep the ships in operation. These increasing costs make it desirable to design new naval structures with their minimization in mind, as well as ensuring that such vessels are robust to changes in expected service life with respect to their total lifetime cost. However, such structures will necessarily have higher production costs, therefore, an optimization framework is presented to estimate both production and maintenance costs for a naval vessel's internal structure and develop trade-spaces between these two competing objectives in order to find designs that represent a balance of both.  相似文献   

Despite a strong linkage with the macro-economic course, the bulk shipping market, in the short period, follows a typical cyclic pattern, where continuous freight adjustments balance demand and supply movements.

In this context—widely unstable but quite regular in its general scheme—the shipowners may have enough competencies and information to take logical and consistent decisions about ship purchasing and chartering.

Yet, why do they periodically make mistakes?

The analysis of shipowners’ behaviour provides a reasonable answer: mistakes incur when they ignore or undervalue the market trends, following their personal intuition or even unwisely imitating their competitors.

The analysis of the Handysize segment among the bulk shipping business offers a significant example of the lack of timeliness in shipowners' behaviour: after a long period of disregard, operators began to notice the opportunities of this market niche and they are now heavily investing in minor units. Maybe it's not too late, but the market has already changed and only a few brave—or lucky—shipowners took advantage of the magic moment.  相似文献   

Traditionally, liner markets have been seen as dominated by conferences on the seller side, facing small, unorganized shippers onn the buyers' side. This perceived asymmetry has greatly influenced conference legislation in North America (and more recently in the E.U.) and it has been deemed essential that government should regulate conference activities in order to curb any abuse of 'conference power'. In this view, shipowners and shippers are adversaries engaged in a zero-sum battle over transport costs rather than potential or actual partners in global distribution systems. This paper suggests that in today's global markets much can be achieved by cooperationn in the development of logistics systems and that shipowners and shippers may have much to gain from such cooperative alliances. A survey of shippers' councils in 1991-1992 demonstrates the diversity and increasing sophistication of many national shippers' councils, which devote themselves to the task of improving markets through education and the legislative process. The situation in the U.S.A. is different: for legal reasons, conventional shippers' councils do not exist. Instead, 'shippers' associations' play a commercial role in liner markets. It is suggested that European style shippers' councils can and should play an important role in the development and formulation of policies for internatinal liner markets. Such participation requires a cooperative industry environment quite different from the traditional adversarial approach, which is ill suited to global trade and logistics alliances.  相似文献   

Shipping projects, as land-based ones, are evaluated by using different measures of merit based on discounted cash flows. The bulk carrying industry, where costs are known better than revenues, adopted the required freight rate (RFR) and its derivative the economic cost of transport (ECT) as its major measures of merit. Shipping is a business exposed to many unforeseen risks. Although many of these risks are beyond the control of the shipowners/operators, they should all be carefully weighed during the process of project selection designed for investment decisions. One such risk is the expropriation of shore-based facilities built by the shipping operator at one or more termini of the maritime distribution channel. The operator has to assess the value and probability of risk and translate them into a premium which he will levy on each unit of goods transported. Adding this premium to the required freight rate together with the inventory holding costs and marine insurance charges will produce the real economic cost of transport.  相似文献   

Despite a strong linkage with the macro-economic course, the bulk shipping market, in the short period, follows a typical cyclic pattern, where continuous freight adjustments balance demand and supply movements.

In this context—widely unstable but quite regular in its general scheme—the shipowners may have enough competencies and information to take logical and consistent decisions about ship purchasing and chartering.

Yet, why do they periodically make mistakes?

The analysis of shipowners' behaviour provides a reasonable answer: mistakes incur when they ignore or undervalue the market trends, following their personal intuition or even unwisely imitating their competitors.

The analysis of the Handysize segment among the bulk shipping business offers a significant example of the lack of timeliness in shipowners' behaviour: after a long period of disregard, operators began to notice the opportunities of this market niche and they are now heavily investing in minor units. Maybe it's not too late, but the market has already changed and only a few brave—or lucky—shipowners took advantage of the magic moment.  相似文献   

Combined ships have been built in order to minimize ballast voyages and to take advantage of the highest freight rates on either market, oil or dry cargo market. Then their versatility should have been very attractive for shipowners. So why has the combined fleet shrunk to such an extent? This paper provides an analysis of the employment of combined ships, how this has been influenced since the 1970s, and how these ships may have influenced oil and dry market balances. The research identifies the decisive role that grain trade seems to be able to play about shifting markets, and that combined ships were the largest bulk carriers in the 1970s. It is an opportunity to stress that freight rates are not always the only salient point for a shipowner's decision and to consider the importance of combination ships contribution to shipping markets.  相似文献   

The introduction of the tonnage tax for shipping companies has been a response to the declining fleets in many European countries. There are strategic and commercial reasons why a maritime presence is desirable, not least of which is to maintain an important skill base. Although regimes have differed they all offer some form of preferential rates of tax for those ships on the register. In certain cases this tax subsidy has been linked to a requirement to train seafarers, notably in the UK. This article analyses the impact of the tonnage tax system and its success in achieving its objectives of fleet expansion and employment with particular reference to the UK.  相似文献   

With the soaring fuel costs modifying the general cost structure of ship management. shipowners running deep-sea services are being forced to reconsider the routeing of their vessels. some geographical regions (and ports within those regions) appear to begaining new spatial advantages in overall cargo flows because of this factor. This study looks at a methodological framework for a computer simulation analysis of these advantages by treating a specific example: that of second- and third-generation container vessels plying between the Far East and Europe. It tests the hypothesis that, on this particular route, the increase in fuel costs is tending to give a competitive edge to Mediterranean ports compared with those in north-western Europe.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the binary choice behavior of employing seafarers for the Taiwanese' national shipowners and embraces the empirical investigation based on the Binary Logit Model. First, three groups of important factors have been identified having a bearing on the national shipowners' hiring preferences: crew cost, competence and efficiency (including knowledge, skills, communication, physical and psychological attitude and conditions), as well as quality standard system complying with STCW95. Then, an empirical analysis, based on a Binary Logit Model about the national shipowners' choosing seafarers, is conducted to demonstrate the conceptual framework developed in this paper. The results show that the hiring decision is significantly affected by the crew cost. The national shipowners also consider several other factors when hiring officers and ratings. In addition, there are significant differences in hiring preference between the sailing international services and operating the liner ships. In the future, when the Measure shall be amended, the national shipowners will change their behavior to re-choose the foreign seafarers.  相似文献   

The introduction of the tonnage tax for shipping companies has been a response to the declining fleets in many European countries. There are strategic and commercial reasons why a maritime presence is desirable, not least of which is to maintain an important skill base. Although regimes have differed they all offer some form of preferential rates of tax for those ships on the register. In certain cases this tax subsidy has been linked to a requirement to train seafarers, notably in the UK. This article analyses the impact of the tonnage tax system and its success in achieving its objectives of fleet expansion and employment with particular reference to the UK.  相似文献   

The choice of flag is one of the main strategic/critical decisions for shipowners in the initial stage of maritime enterprises. On the other hand, flagging out has a great influence on the prestige and economic benefits for traditional maritime countries. To address this issue, this paper proposes a Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach using a Primarily Strategic Action Plan (PSAP) in a short-run period and a Secondary Strategic Action Plan (SSAP) for a long-term perspective. The case is demonstrated with respect to the flagging out issue in Turkish shipping fleet. It measures the decision-making tendencies of shipowners using Turkish National Shipping Registry (TNSR), Turkish International Shipping Registry (TISR), and Open Registries (ORs) as potential shipping registry alternatives. The model outcomes originally contribute to Turkish maritime policy, especially in terms of strengthening and reinforcing of TNSR procedures.  相似文献   

近10多年来吊舱推进器在众多的船型上取得了成功的使用经验,预报其实船性能成为船东和设计部门关注的重点.文章介绍了吊舱式推进器的特点,分析了目前几种主要的吊舱推进器的模型试验方法及其特点,提出了在敞水、自航试验中需要关注的问题.  相似文献   

This paper examines the casualty rates of flag states in order to determine whether Flags of Convenience have a worse record than other types of register. The analysis uses the Lloyd's casualty database for the years 1997-1999. The data reveal that FOCs do, indeed, have a worse record than either second/international registers and national flags, but that there are considerable variations within the FOC group itself. This leads the authors to conclude that it is the newer, faster growing FOCs that are most likely to have inferior records to other flag states, and that this is due to the very nature of their, largely profit-making, regimes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the casualty rates of flag states in order to determine whether Flags of Convenience have a worse record than other types of register. The analysis uses the Lloyd's casualty database for the years 1997–1999. The data reveal that FOCs do, indeed, have a worse record than either second/international registers and national flags, but that there are considerable variations within the FOC group itself. This leads the authors to conclude that it is the newer, faster growing FOCs that are most likely to have inferior records to other flag states, and that this is due to the very nature of their, largely profit-making, regimes.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is investigate the extent to which the new (revised) pricing policy has improved the level of efficiency at the Port of Melbourne and to assess the contributions of the underlying factors of port efficiency. Further, it attempts to examine the distribution implications of the pricing policy between the major port users (i.e. shipowners and shippers) and its revenue implication for the Port of Melbourne. Using a conceptual framework derived from economic theories, in-house data and responses from the port users, the study reveals that the efficiency impact has been considerable and varied between berths; land transport links and crane productivity improvements were the major factors of the port's overall efficiency; the initial losers have been the shipowners and initial gainers the shippers; however, the gains have been limited and in some cases have been offset by the introduction of higher port service charges; in the long run it is likely that the shipowners and shippers' situations will be unchanged while the Port of Melbourne will lose revenue due to improvements in berth productivity uncompensated by greater traffic volume.  相似文献   

A theory of replacement in the context of ocean going vessels is discussed. The approach is based upon costs rather than profits, and while there appear to be many difficulties in applying replacement theory to ships it is shown that there are some segments where the theory can still usefully be applied. The effect on replacement resulting from varying important cost parameters is shown and it is found that while fiscal measures have very little effect, capital cost and operating cost profiles have the most important influence. It is concluded that shipowners need to keep themselves fully informed of changes in cost and improvements in technology that may indicate replacement of a vessel somewhat sooner than normal replacement age.  相似文献   

A theory of replacement in the context of ocean going vessels is discussed. The approach is based upon costs rather than profits, and while there appear to be many difficulties in applying replacement theory to ships it is shown that there are some segments where the theory can still usefully be applied. The effect on replacement resulting from varying important cost parameters is shown and it is found that while fiscal measures have very little effect, capital cost and operating cost profiles have the most important influence. It is concluded that shipowners need to keep themselves fully informed of changes in cost and improvements in technology that may indicate replacement of a vessel somewhat sooner than normal replacement age.  相似文献   

In addition to sulphur oxides control, the North and the Baltic Seas have recently been designated as nitrogen oxides control area. Amidst ongoing developments in energy markets and international trade, shipowners have to develop cost-efficient strategies to comply with the new regulation. This study creates and tests a model calculating the incremental costs of abating NOx and SOx emissions under MARPOL Annex VI regulations for the following methods: SCR, HAM and internal engine modifications, marine gas oil, wet scrubbers, and liquefied natural gas propulsion. The model is tested empirically on a broad sample of 244 ships from the Swedish Commercial Fleet database for different operating contexts and fuel prices. Individual ship emission reductions and incremental abatement costs are calculated and the results are presented for the entire studied sample and per ship type class.

The study also explores the sensitivity of the chosen abatement methods to cost determinants and to main engine time operation under the light of economic performance and cost-efficiency. The results of the study aim to contribute to company abatement strategy.  相似文献   

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