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为了研究钢护筒与内部钢筋混凝土(RCFST)联合受力的机理和破坏模式,以果园港二期工程桩基为原型,开展钢结构与钢筋混凝土结构协同受力机理及其设计优化技术的研究。以钢护筒厚度、配筋率、配箍率为变量,进行RCFST结构短柱轴压试验。根据不同参数构件的试验结果,分析RCFST结构的破坏模式及受力机理。试验结果表明:RCFST短柱结构中,钢护筒与箍筋对核心混凝土均有约束作用,且双重约束效应明显,钢护筒与箍筋对核心混凝土的约束效应可以有效地抑制混凝土裂缝开展,使得钢护筒较传统的钢管混凝土结构具有更高的承载力以及更好的塑性和韧性;在钢护筒具有足够的约束效应时,钢护筒、混凝土及纵筋均在试件破坏时达到屈服,材料性能得以充分利用。 相似文献
针对钢护筒与钢筋混凝土(RCFST)结构轴压受力性能、分布规律及设计方法的问题,以重庆果园港二期桩基为原型,钢护筒厚度、配筋率、配箍率为变量,取长细比4∶1进行RCFST结构短柱轴压试验。考虑钢护筒和箍筋对核心混凝土的双重约束作用,采用剥离分析方法研究RCFST结构的受力机理、应力应变规律及内力分配规律,推导并验证RCFST短柱的轴压承载力公式。该公式基于模型试验分析结果,结合相关规范给出RCFST结构合理径厚比的选择设计方法。结论是:RCFST结构在轴压荷载作用下,处于纵向压力双应力状态,其峰值应力小于钢护筒的屈服应力;基于"统一理论"的轴压承载力计算结果更接近RCFST结构短柱的室内物理模型试验值。 相似文献
对直径2.2 m钢护筒内填钢筋混凝土桩基与纵横向直径1.5 m空心钢管联系撑组成的码头水工结构节点,在大型
原则对节点进行了优化设计。 相似文献
钻孔桩的钢护筒,有时会因为地质等因素的影响,入土部分、特别是护筒底端部会产生变形,变形严重的会影响到钻孔桩的施工。过去常采用的处理方法虽然较多,但缺陷都比较明显,在比较现有常规处理技术的基础上,围绕钢护筒变形进行技术创新,研发了振动扩孔器及校正变形钢护筒的方法,并获得了国家发明专利。该技术可快速解决钢护筒变形问题,具有广泛的应用前景。 相似文献
以杭州湾水域嘉绍大桥桩基准4.1 m超大直径钢护筒施工为例,介绍超大直径钢护筒的制作、运输、沉放施工工艺以及振动锤选型、导向框设计、钢护筒加强设计等,探讨强涌潮水域复杂水文条件下桥梁桩基超大直径钢护筒施工技术及控制要点,可供类似工程参考借鉴。 相似文献
通过海洋码头引桥工程实例,介绍了大流动度、自密实、高强度、微膨胀及缓凝混凝土在大跨、多跨钢管混凝土拱桥中的配合比设计及要求,并对钢管混凝土泵送施工方法、工艺流程、施工过程控制等进行了阐述。使用效果证明,采用本钢管混凝土及其施工方法,能有效避免钢管混凝土拱桥施工中常见的混凝土离析、堵泵、钢管爆管、混凝土不均匀或不完全密实等问题,综合效益显著。 相似文献
With the increasing applications in the offshore industry such as oil and gas jackets, submarine pipelines and wind turbine foundations, concrete-filled double skin steel tubular (CFDST) structures are encountering the ever-increasing risk of threats to underwater explosions (UNDEX). This study presents a systematical investigation on the structural behaviors and design recommendations of the CFDST structures subjected to UNDEX loadings through finite element analysis (FEA) approaches. Finite element models have been developed, where the non-linear material properties of the constitutive steel and concrete parts and the composite actions in-between have been considered. The FEA models are verified against the experimentally determined shock wave pressure history, the deformation shapes, and the residual strength. The full-range analyses were firstly carried out on the structural responses of CFDST structures, including the typical damage patterns and residual strength of the specimen after UNDEX. Then, the parametric studies show that the cross-section hollow ratio, charge weight, and explosion distance play great roles in determining the residual strengths. Thereafter, damage indexes considering the parameter of the hollow ratio and the scaled explosion distance has been formulated, and design recommendations have been suggested accordingly. 相似文献
钢管混凝土拱桥凭借独特的结构特点近百年在公路工程中得到大力的发展,近几年,该桥型被推广应用到港口工程中.对港口工程中钢管混凝土拱桥的特点及存在的问题进行阐述. 相似文献
通过选用合理的力学模型及力学参数,采用有限元法建立三维力学模型进行计算,分析土工格栅对旧路反射裂缝的改善原理及效果.分析结果表明,加铺格栅降低了裂缝处基层底面的应力集中,减小了基层底面的层底拉应力、剪应力值,但对弯沉值影响很小. 相似文献
Concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns are currently used in offshore structures and oil and gas drilling platforms, from which the external steel tubes become at risk due to the aggressive ocean climate and/or sea water. Therefore, the CFST columns in corrosive environment lose their excellent mechanical performances and safety as the thicknesses of steel tubes decrease due to corrosion. This has recently led to the introduction of the concrete-filled stainless steel tubular (CFSST) columns, which benefit from the stainless steel as a superior metallic corrosion resistant material. Accordingly, CFSST short columns have recently attracted the scientific community. However, circular CFSST slender columns have received very little attention. Currently, this paper provides a nonlinear finite element (FE) inelastic analysis for the axially-loaded circular CFSST slender columns to substitute the lack in their behaviour; especially when the relative cheap lean duplex stainless steel material (EN 1.4162) is utilised. The FE models are firstly validated by using the available test results in literature. This validation stage is, then, followed by a parametric analysis to explore the fundamental behaviour of such columns considering the most important factors. The paper divides the slender columns into intermediate length and long columns based on the type of the overall buckling that takes place, and then the behavioural differences between both types are clearly addressed. The obtained FE axial strengths are additionally compared with those predicted by the European (EC4) and American (AISC) specifications. Based on these comparisons, a formula, based on Eurocode 4, is suggested for the routine compressive design practice of these columns, which is found to fit well with the axial strengths of current slender columns which utilise the lean duplex stainless steel material. 相似文献