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<正>8天7晚的中长航线设置,更丰富、吸引人的靠泊港口,都是丽星邮轮与国际市场的接轨之举,当前中国大众市场逐步成熟,游客应该尝试更优质的旅游产品云顶邮轮旗下的丽星邮轮从1994年进入中国,可谓见证了中国邮轮市场的一步步成长。从初始的需方市场,到如今的供大于求,中国游客对邮轮的期望越来越高:大型豪华邮轮、产品多样化、航线有特色、更舒适便利……  相似文献   

正中国能否实现"邮轮梦"?这是一个很大的课题。从邮轮市场来看,中国邮轮市场将何去何从?中国邮轮游客与国际邮轮公司间的磨合将走向何方?目前都是未知数。从邮轮建造来看,三菱重工的结局会是一种警示吗?从邮轮衍生市场来看,通过发展邮轮市场,或许能够促使中国产业实现升级换代。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查形式分析我国游客对邮轮旅游品牌的认知度,得出:(1)我国游客最熟知的是歌诗达和皇家加勒比二大邮轮公司品牌;(2)游客对邮轮公司品牌的认知与邮轮公司提供的产品高度关联,相较邮轮提供的精神享受更关注物质上的实惠;(3)我国游客对邮轮公司品牌的忠诚度不高,但潜力巨大,可塑性强。邮轮公司应抓住我国邮轮消费市场持续增长的机遇,加大营销宣传力度,建立属于自己的忠诚顾客群。  相似文献   

<正>"德国建造,只为中国",诺唯真喜悦号的首航为中国游客带来的不只是耳目一新,更重要的是他将带来邮轮品牌化需求的新思路2017年夏,诺唯真喜悦号正式首航——这位来自美国的朋友,怀着满满的"中西融合"的愿望,为中国邮轮游客带来耳目一新的"海上头等舱"体验。在诺唯真熟悉和适应中国邮轮市场的同时,中国的邮轮游客也在寻找与诺唯真的共鸣。  相似文献   

介绍了环境舒适性指标分类,重点对热环境以及空气品质开展研究,调研分析了暖通行业和船舶行业舒适性设计标准和规范,开展了各类主要邮轮系类空调设计参数调研.结合适应中国游客的环境舒适性指标分析,给出我国邮轮舱室舒适性设计指标参数.  相似文献   

全球邮轮旅游市场一直稳健增长,潜力很大。自1980年以来,邮轮旅游一直以年均8.6%的速度增长,邮轮公司的规模也在稳定增加。据国际邮轮协会预测,2010年,全世界预计将有1800万名邮轮游客,到2015年则将超过2000万名。虽然亚洲地区的邮轮经济与欧美地区相比尚处于发展阶段,但潜力很大。具有悠久而丰富的历史文明和人文景观、旅游设施要件大为改善的中国正越来越受到瞩目。2008年的北京奥运会和2010年上海世界博览会,在极大提升中国国际影响力的同时,吸引了更多的游客来中国观光,也将对中国邮轮经济发展起到良好的助推作用。现代邮轮旅游是世界旅游业中发展最快的市场,具有消费水平高、经济拉动作用强、辐射带动区域大的特点,是海滨旅游城市的必然选择。积极开拓包括国际邮轮旅游市场在内的高端旅游市场,对于实现旅游经济增长模式由单纯游客数量的增长向旅游质量和效益的增长转变,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

王迟 《中国港口》2008,(11):18-19
<正>在我国,虽然邮轮经济刚刚起步,但是目前各大邮轮公司已纷纷看好中国这一潜在的邮轮客源市场。一、世界与中国邮轮码头发展情况近10年来,全球邮轮游客增加了2倍,许多国际大都市在经济发展中相继渗进了邮轮经济的  相似文献   

正最近看到发布在"Offshore的那些事"的一篇文章"中国游客人数暴跌,中国豪华邮轮还有未来吗?",其中表达了《Cruise Industry News》对中国邮轮市场的一些看法。主要观点是:2018年将有240万中国乘客乘坐邮轮,较2017年的280万有所下降,中国市场上几乎所有邮轮运营商都将削减运力。文章提出了中国邮轮市场的弱点:中国豪华邮轮航线以5~7天的短途日韩游为主,一旦双方政治关系趋紧,首要影响的就是旅游观光业,韩国的萨德系统事件,严重影响了赴韩旅游人数,豪华邮轮行业跟着倒霉难以避免;冬季韩日邮  相似文献   

<正>2019年全球邮轮市场规模达到3 000万人次,根据国际邮轮协会预测,这一规模将在2030年达到4 900万人次,发展邮轮入境旅游有着可观的游客基础。促进邮轮入境旅游有望为中国入境旅游发展带来新动力,助力中国打造世界旅游强国  相似文献   

为提升邮轮游客满意度,针对现阶段我国邮轮旅游市场运营现状,以皇家加勒比邮轮公司的"海洋量子"号对客人的调查问卷数据为研究数据,结合邮轮旅游满意度相关理论,从邮轮餐饮、船上服务、岸上观光、邮轮公司及旅行社对突发事件的应对等方面,运用内容分析法对"海洋量子"号邮轮在我国市场满意度问题进行研究,从邮轮公司、邮轮母港和旅行社等多角度提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Two-sided markets are characterised by the presence of an intermediary and two groups of end-users. In the cruise market, cruise lines may play the role of intermediaries to connect the two end-users, viz. cruise passengers and cruise ports. Our research explored whether the cruise industry can be regarded as a two-sided market, starting with a theoretical modelling. The findings show that cruise lines might be hybrid intermediaries, selling their own ship-based products and services, while offering also a platform to enable the transaction between cruise passengers and cruise ports. This particular business model of a quasi-two-sided market is also reflected in the pricing scheme of cruise industry, whereby cruise ports charge an entry fee from cruise lines and port dues from cruise passengers. We illustrate an empirical analysis on the basis of the cruise market in Japan, and it provides a preliminary clue that the behaviours of cruise ports and cruise lines are consistent with our theoretical framework. The results are not convincingly significant due to data limitations, hence, the concept of a ‘two-sided market’ in the cruise industry call for further empirical research.  相似文献   

在分析广东省邮轮旅游发展现状的基础上,结合区域经济发展水平对广东省邮轮旅游发展前景进行分析,参考邮轮旅游的实际营运情况,按照邮轮航线的不同,将广东省邮轮旅游游客划分为境内邮轮旅客及境外到访邮轮旅客,并根据其不同的特点分航线预测广东省港口邮轮旅客运量发展水平。  相似文献   

Recently, the number of foreign tourists to Korea via cruise ships has increased dramatically. We attempted to estimate the shore excursion expenditure function during cruise tourism in Korea. To this end, we collected data from a survey of foreign tourists who visited Korea via cruise ships and conducted the ordered probit model with sample selection to correct for the sample selection bias. Statistical tests indicate that the sample selection model provides unbiased estimates of the ordered probit model. The estimation results reveal that the coefficients of the experience of visiting Korea, job status, annual income, and nationality have statistically significant relationships with shopping expenditure. Further, it is likely that Chinese and Japanese passengers spend more money on shopping than passengers from other countries. This study is expected to provide the Korean government and port authorities with useful information for targeting passengers with high shore excursion expenditure. From a management perspective, the results of this analysis will enable cruise operators to design shore excursion programs that meet travelers’ needs.  相似文献   

叶笛 《船舶工程》2019,41(S1):26-29
在大型邮轮中,居住类舱室作为游客休闲和休息的重要场所,是游客享受邮轮生活的基础。此文对居住类舱室的分类(套房、阳台房、海景房和内舱房)及相对配比进行了详细阐述,总结了邮轮中居住类舱室的设计要点,并对我国首制邮轮的舱室提出了配置建议。  相似文献   

As a global labour market exists for international shipping, a challenging issue facing this industry is to get access to reliable, accurate and timely information of seafarers’ demand and supply. Related to the deregulation environment and great variety in the availability and quality of relevant information, an enquiry into the global seafaring labour market is more complex than a national labour force survey. To cope with the challenge, a novel approach has been developed by the Seafarers International Research Centre (SIRC) at Cardiff University. Viewing capital (ship), labour (seafarers) and services (cargo or passengers) as interconnected and interwoven to each other, it collects and analyses crew lists from main ports world-wide, resulting in the creation of the first global seafarers database. The purpose of this paper is explain its methodological principles, and to illustrate its application potential. Taking the cruise sector as an example, research findings and methodological implications are highlighted.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the simulation modelling of cruise ship traffic in the Boka Kotorska Bay (BKB), which has become a very attractive cruise destination due to its geographic location, port features and attractiveness for tourism. The purpose of this paper is to examine the development of new port infrastructure, because of the increased cruise ship arrivals in recent years. The paper describes in detail the layout of the port of Kotor and the possibilities for quay extensions. The solution to minimize the number of ships at anchorage instead of being at berth is given, because the passengers of the latter ships have a more convenient approach towards the port. The simulation model is verified and the simulation results are validated against the real data prior to an investigation of the possible scenario for quay extension. The proposed solution confirms the preliminary survey results that initiated the investigation of possibilities to improve the port infrastructure. Moreover, simulation results point towards a significant improvement of cruise ships throughput in the BKB. The proposed operational policies and statistical analysis, as well as a comprehensive model analysis of the BKB provided here, are a good foundation for future investigations.  相似文献   

张敏健  孙家鹏 《船舶工程》2016,38(S1):252-254
近年来,豪华邮轮旅游已经成为我国最具增长潜力的高端旅游市场,国家对豪华邮轮的支持也达到了前所未有的高度。国内的船东究竟应该建造什么样的邮轮?国内的设计师是否有能力设计豪华邮轮?国内的船厂是否具有建造豪华邮轮的能力?这些都是大众和界内人士关心的问题。本文从国内的邮轮的定位、设计能力、建造能力及配套商三个方面进行了深度的分析,对发展中国邮轮制造业进行了思考和探讨。  相似文献   

谢岗 《水运工程》2011,(5):99-102
阐述国际邮轮接驳旅客的特点及对码头工艺布局的要求,分析邮轮码头旅客登离邮轮的工艺方式。邮轮旅客登船桥是邮轮与旅客联检大楼实现无缝连接的关键设备,在邮轮码头采用现代化的旅客登船桥,旅客上下船服务能够充分体现人性化,有效保障旅客舒适、安全、高效和便捷上下船,满足综合物流化及"一关三检"的要求。通过介绍国内已经投产的两种典型邮轮旅客登船桥的技术特点和邮轮码头平面工艺布局,为未来需要规划建设的邮轮码头提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In the present context of booming cruise demand, the study aims to advance the knowledge on port of call performance from cruise passengers’ perspective. The aim of this investigation was twofold: (1) to examine the structural links among port of call perceived quality–satisfaction–future intentions (revisit and word-of-mouth (WOM) behaviour); and (2) to test the moderating effect of cruisers’ motivation (push versus pull factors) to visit the port of call on the proposed structural links. Partial least squares path modelling was used to test the proposed model with a sample of 492 cruise passengers at a Mediterranean port of call. The findings revealed that port of call quality has a positive impact on port of call satisfaction, which in turn, strongly affects revisit and WOM intention. Besides, the results of the multi-group analysis indicated that the links between port of call quality–satisfaction and port of call satisfaction–WOM are moderated by cruisers’ motivation. Implications for port authorities and cruise lines are discussed.  相似文献   

The cruise tourism industry has been the fastest growing segment of the global travel sector over the last decades. Due to its dramatic expansion, this sector has recently attracted an increasing interest from researchers and practitioners.

Despite this attention, however, some literature gaps still persist. Indeed, extant contributions facing the cruise tourism (positive) impact on the local community neglect to investigate the potential overall value disruption caused by cruise traffic diversion towards other destinations.

Therefore, this paper measures the overall value potentially generated for the territory by a cruise company, which is not a shareholder of the facility in a port of call. The monetary and non-monetary value is estimated using empirical data collected from 208 cruise passengers and 64 crewmembers. The results show the total amount of passenger, crew and cruise-line expenditures (i.e., monetary impact), as well as the non-monetary effect triggered by word-of-mouth behaviour. The main ?ndings yield several implications for academics, managers and policymakers.  相似文献   

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