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Australia port reform initiatives have taken on a variety of forms — from out-right sale and transfer of ownership, to the sale of particular assets of infrastructure or services, or to long-term lease arrangements; or in some cases state governments, unable to relinquish control, have opted for corporatization or commercialization strategies. Reform is driven by the belief that ownership impacts on efficiency and efficiency is perceived to suffer if governments either retain ownership or direct control. As a result a major aim of reform is to either remove or distance governments from day to day port operations. The sale of ports removes government control outright and privatized ports are subject to identical regulatory constraints as any company in the private sector. But corporatization strategies are such that government ownership is retained and ports have been transformed into statutory state owned corporations. Effectiveness of this strategy requires legislation to be such that port corporations are free to operate like their private sector counterparts. To date this has not occurred and some serious impediments are emerging which are embedded in legislation and which, rather than reduce, have indeed, increased government control.  相似文献   

Recent port reform established major commercial ports as Canadian Port Authorities (CPAs) as federal non-profit, business corporations. Canadian port reform was aimed at allowing CPAs to compete effectively. Canada's major ports operate in an increasingly competitive business environment. To gain advantage over their competition, Canadian ports must develop business strategies dealing with their organizational cultures, institutional structures, operations, and facility provision. Developing appropriate strategies involves creating a strategic plan that considers external and internal port environments. This paper outlines the evolution of strategic planning and its applicability to Canadian ports. The initial literature review is followed by a brief review of Canadian port reform and an analysis of external and internal port environments. This analysis determines the resources available to exploit external opportunities and defend against threats, and considers the internal strengths and weaknesses of Canadian ports. A list of strategic issues facing Canadian ports and how the Canada Marine Act affected them is derived from the analysis.  相似文献   

Recent port reform established major commercial ports as Canadian Port Authorities (CPAs) as federal non-profit, business corporations. Canadian port reform was aimed at allowing CPAs to compete effectively. Canada's major ports operate in an increasingly competitive business environment. To gain advantage over their competition, Canadian ports must develop business strategies dealing with their organizational cultures, institutional structures, operations, and facility provision. Developing appropriate strategies involves creating a strategic plan that considers external and internal port environments. This paper outlines the evolution of strategic planning and its applicability to Canadian ports. The initial literature review is followed by a brief review of Canadian port reform and an analysis of external and internal port environments. This analysis determines the resources available to exploit external opportunities and defend against threats, and considers the internal strengths and weaknesses of Canadian ports. A list of strategic issues facing Canadian ports and how the Canada Marine Act affected them is derived from the analysis.  相似文献   

邓敏 《水运管理》2008,30(3):34-35
湛江港位于我国大陆最南端的广东省雷州半岛,北连大陆,东濒南海,居琼、粤、桂沿海和泛珠三角合作区域的中心位置,是大陆通往东南亚、非洲、欧洲和大洋洲航程最短的港口,是西南、华南地区的主要出海通道,也是我国沿海12个主枢纽港之一。  相似文献   

澳大利亚海事法授权海上安全局检查官(AMSAPSC0)在任何情况下登轮进行港口国检查时,依据现场的专业判断确定检查项目和范围,有权滞留不适航及低于标准的船舶。学习该国检查程序和内容,有助于船舶积极做好赴澳应检准备,提高船舶品质,降低中国船舶的滞留率,无缺陷通过PSC检查。  相似文献   

文章总结了黄骅港航道淤积特点和防沙减淤整治经验,分析了粉沙质海岸上各港区扩建航道的可行性和合理性。根据黄骅港的发展历程,目前黄骅港建设的起步阶段已经完成,粉沙质海岸建港优势逐渐体现。黄骅港航道整治成功不仅保证黄骅港健康发展,也为其他粉沙质海岸建港提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

黄骅港整治工程前,航道内大风回淤后有大段的强淤难挖段。首先分析了黄骅港整治工程前航道内回淤土难挖段的特点,又以大量实测为依据,分析了黄骅港整治工程后航道内回淤土的各项特性、指标的变化,阐述了黄骅港整治工程对航道回淤土可挖性的影响,分析原因认为:黄骅港整治工程掩护了原有强淤难挖段,改善了被掩护段的颗粒组成,提高了回淤土可挖性,航道淤积重心外移,使疏浚力量重分配,提高了疏浚效率,增加了航道水深。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is investigate the extent to which the new (revised) pricing policy has improved the level of efficiency at the Port of Melbourne and to assess the contributions of the underlying factors of port efficiency. Further, it attempts to examine the distribution implications of the pricing policy between the major port users (i.e. shipowners and shippers) and its revenue implication for the Port of Melbourne. Using a conceptual framework derived from economic theories, in-house data and responses from the port users, the study reveals that the efficiency impact has been considerable and varied between berths; land transport links and crane productivity improvements were the major factors of the port's overall efficiency; the initial losers have been the shipowners and initial gainers the shippers; however, the gains have been limited and in some cases have been offset by the introduction of higher port service charges; in the long run it is likely that the shipowners and shippers' situations will be unchanged while the Port of Melbourne will lose revenue due to improvements in berth productivity uncompensated by greater traffic volume.  相似文献   

The national-flag fleets of most of the traditional martitime nations have, in virtually every case, been in decline in the 1980s and 1990s, despite the continued growth of ocean shipping. They have declined in terms of numbers of vessels and numbers of sea-going jobs, although not necessarily in terms of cargo carried. However, a number of those nations have responded to the changed technological and competitive conditions with some success by attempting to adjust crewing and work practices on vessels at sea. Neither the USA nor Australia has been in the forefront of such change. However, considerably more progress has been made in modernizing crewing practices and work rules in the Australian-flag fleet than in the US-flag fleet. There are a variety of reasons for this, inluding government policy. However, it is our argument that one of the principal reasons the US fleet lags behind the Australian fleet in the adoption of modern crewing practices and work rules is the much greater degree of union rivalry in the US shipping industry. In fact, while the degree of fragmentation and rivalry among unions in the Australian flag fleet has declined dramatically since 1980, their US cousins have continued, and in some ways expanded, their pattern of fratricidal behavior. First we shall discuss some of the technological and competitive imperatives that are driving human resource management practices in shipping and the crewing and industrial relations adjustments that are being made around the world to adjust to them. Then we shall indicate how the Australian and US fleets have responded to these challenges. This will be followed by a discussion of unionism in the Australian and US maritime industrics as it has devloped in the last two decades of the twentieth century. Finally, we shall draw conclusions about the impact of different patterns of unionization.  相似文献   

徐州港务集团是京杭运河上最大的煤港.为适应形势发展,促进生产,进行了产权制度改革.总结京杭运河港口产权制度改革中存在的问题,探讨进一步深化产权制度改革,构建高效灵活的企业经营机制,增强企业发展活力的对策.可供参考.  相似文献   

针对海南龙栖湾岸滩整治工程,以-20 m等深线处的深水波要素作为计算边界,采用TK2D-PEM数学模型对工程海域进行大范围波浪计算,得到-5 m、-10 m等深线和工程设计方案处的设计波浪要素;用MIKE21-BW模块分别对4个设计方案建设后的波浪场进行计算分析。结果表明,影响该工程区域的主要浪向为SSW~SW~WSW,工程区极端高水位的设计波高基本由破碎波高控制,重现期50 a最大的H_(13%)为3.35 m,计算结果可为方案的设计比选提供依据。  相似文献   

为提高港口效率,分析舟山港域发展现状,利用DEA模型对舟山港域2018年的港口效率进行测度,通过与我国其他11个主要自由贸易试验区港口效率进行对比,得出舟山港域的综合效率、技术效率、规模效率均小于1,处于无效状态的结论,并为此给出加快智慧港口建设步伐、重视港口人才培养、加强政策的支持与引导等提升舟山港域港口效率的建议。  相似文献   

无水港在港口发展中的作用   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
徐伟  陆梦 《水运管理》2006,28(9):8-9,20
分析无水港与内陆集装箱货运站及沿海港口的区别,将无水港定位为现代物流中心,总结国内无水港的发展现状和常见模式,给出发展无水港的条件和应注意的事项。从供应链角度分析无水港与港口的关系,论述无水港建设对港口发展和内地经济发展的重要性。  相似文献   

黄骅港整治工程后沿堤流的发展对评价该工程的合理性及指导下一步整治工作至关重要.依据黄骅港现场实测资料,遥感卫片和二、三维水动力数值模拟等结果,阐述黄骅港外航道延堤工程后沿堤流的发展.结果表明:在北偏西风作用下黄骅港防波堤外侧落潮期出现较大沿堤向外水流,其它条件下沿堤流发展不明显;沿堤流不是造成黄骅港外航道淤积的主要原因,黄骅港整治工程后影响航道回淤的决定性因素仍是波浪.  相似文献   

朱超 《港工技术》2007,(1):13-14,46
根据模糊数学理论,建立港口规模、结构和效率协调性测度模型,并应用该模型对日照港发展协调性与区域经济增长进行关联分析。结果表明日照港效率提高最为迫切,同时港口协调发展对区域经济增长具有明显的支持作用。  相似文献   

叶深练  陈云 《水运管理》2008,30(12):11-14
今年是我国改革开放30年,也是厦门港务控股集团(以下简称集团)改革发展10周年。10年来,集团在市委、市政府的领导下,在厦门口岸联检单位和社会各界的支持下,沐浴着改革发展的春风,不断深化改革,加快市场化进程,优化产业结构和布局,提升企业活力和竞争力,进一步增强在厦门港的主导作用。  相似文献   

二十一世纪的港口——绿色之港   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
港口在某些时候是一个典型的人类活动与环境问题有着直接冲突的见证,提出“绿色之港”这一词,其意义在于寻求一个在环境利益和经济利益两者之间的平衡点。港口与环境相互影响,未来的港口规划、设计和建成后的运转都必须与这些因素相适应。  相似文献   

滨海港建港条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晔  邵守良  傅柱 《港工技术》2000,(1):19-21,27
分析了在废黄河口地区建设滨海港的有利与不利因素,提出了与当地自然环境相适应的“挖入”式总体布置模式。  相似文献   

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