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公路是国家基础性设施,是国家为社会提供的公共产品,具有极强的社会公益性、公众参与性和舆论广泛性。社会关注度较高。路政管理是经国家法律授权,赋予公路管理机构的一种行政管理,目标是维护路权、保护路产,确保公路的安全、完好和畅通。路政内务是路政管理的有机组成部分,它以外务工作为基础,把外务资料形成文字、报表、图表、档案、制度等文件和材料[1]。路政内务以相关实体和资料为基础,全景式展现路政执法过程,透视执法质量,衡量执法能力和执法体系的科学化、规范化,同时为路政工作制定规划、建章立制、考核评价提供完备的基础性、真实性材料。规范化是路政内务管理科学化的必由之路,是提升公路管理机构社会公信力,展示路政执法队伍执法水平,体现路政管理工作成绩和现状的重要途径。本文试以基层路政执法为切入点,浅析基层路政内务规范化建设中应该注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

杨璐 《西部交通科技》2013,(4):I0012-I0012
桂中公路管理局主要负责管理柳州、来宾两市境内国省干线及县道共计51条1965.215公里的专业公路,主要从事公路的养护、建设、管理以及通行费的征收等工作。下辖10个县(区)公路管理局、1个路政执法支队、14个路政执法大队和9个二级公路收费站。  相似文献   

公路是由国家向社会提供的基本的服务产品。公路管理机构依法对公路进行必要的养护、维修和管理。其中路政管理是国家赋予公路机构的唯一的行政执法职能。行使这一职能的手段主要有四种,即行政手段、经济手段、法律手段和技术手段。在路政管理活动中产生储存了丰富的文书资料,这些文书资料涉及行政、党务、路产、装备、巡查、许可、事案、统计、票据、考核等等。对文书资料的整理、分类、立卷、归档、保管和销毁是路政内务管理的核心任务。它不仅是反映路政管理的真实"影像",而且记录了路政执法的全貌,展示了执法人员的执法水平,也是公路法律法规体系不断完善、进步的真实写照。如何科学的对路政文书进行立卷归档,是路政管理走向法治化、规范化的应有之题,也是路政人员急需在实践中探索、学习的课题。  相似文献   

近一年的时间,央视同一栏节目两度报道运政、路政乱罚款问题,此类事件似乎层出不穷,不得不引起交通运输执法人员的深刻反思。罚款年票制、罚款月票制、橡皮式罚款、违规执法乱收费等问题,都是公路路政执法中行政处罚自由裁量权滥用的表现。  相似文献   

完善的路政行政执法管理体系和高素质的路政执法队伍是保证高速公路路政管理工作顺利开展、保护高速公路路产路权的前提。文章以广西高速公路路政执法队伍建设面临的问题为研究对象,提出完善管理体制,健全管理制度、加强执法监督、科学考核奖惩、加强培训教育、提高队伍素质、推行执法责任制等措施,为打造一支素质优、能力强、履职到位、执法规范的路政执法队伍提供思路与对策。  相似文献   

随着公路建设步伐明显加快,为了充分认识路政管理工作重要性和紧迫性,扎实有效地开展路政管理工作,不断提高公路路政管理水平,从六个方面浅谈提高公路路政管理水平.  相似文献   

<正> 招远市交通委是代表政府依法管理交通的职能部门,下属19个行政执法单位,共162人具有执法资格,集中分布在运输管理、机动车维修管理、水上航务管理、公路路政管理、交通规费稽征管理五条战线上,担负着繁重的行政执法任务,每个执法人员的素质直接体现了政府的形象。从1993年开始,我们通过制定实施岗位责任制,签订执法责任状等有效形式,强化自我约束机制,有效地促进了行风建设,曾获得烟台市政府、市交通委授予的治理公路三乱和行政执法先进单位称号。《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》颁布实施以来,进一步增强了我们执法、守法、依法办事的责任心和紧迫感,又修  相似文献   

正近年来路政改革频繁,但改革是大势所趋,由于改革触及路政人员的身份、待遇、工作环境改变,因此路政人员思想动态复杂。这一时期的思想工作必须服务改革,按改革的规律和要求有针对性的开展。路政管理,分为广义和狭义两个定义。广义的路政管理是指政府、交通运输主管部门、公路管理机构对公路施行的规划、建设、养护、保护、收费公路的行政管理。当然在不同历史  相似文献   

<正>近日,湖北省第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议修订通过了《湖北省公路路政管理条例》(简称《条例》),标志着该省依法治路工作进入新阶段。《条例》将于今年9月1日起实施。《条例》明确了公路路政管理体制,进一步界定了交通运输主管部门和相关部门的职责;突出服务与监督,要求依托数据平台,强化公路管理信息化建设;  相似文献   

<正>推行"监督卡"制度,实行"阳光审批",将行政审批环节公开透明;推行内部考核体系,建立考核奖惩机制;开展内务"红黄旗"评比活动,严格落实准军事化管理;通过签订《廉政自律承诺书》,自觉规范路政人员执法行为;探索"路地共建共管"治理违建……这些是湖北省武黄路政八大队(汉鄂高速)推进大队标准化管理中采取的措施。  相似文献   

Government guarantees are frequently used to attract private investors’ participation into Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) road projects. In this paper, we investigate the impact of government guarantees on toll charge, road quality and road capacity by taking perspective of the private investor. The main results are: (1) Minimum traffic guarantee increases toll charge while decreasing road quality. Under a low guarantee level, minimum traffic guarantee has no impact on road capacity. However, it improves road capacity when a high guarantee level is performed. (2) Under minimum revenue guarantee, if the guarantee level is sufficiently high, the optimal toll charge will be sufficiently large, but road quality and road capacity will approach zero. (3) Price compensation guarantee decreases toll charge and increases both road quality and road capacity. This paper further investigates the impact of government guarantees when the contract is auctioned. We find that auction reduces the impact of government guarantees on toll charge while failing to affect the impact of government guarantees on road quality and capacity. Some policy implications are also derived from our model results.  相似文献   

文章在分析广西公路网规划合理规模的主要影响因素和发展阶段特征的基础上,介绍了测算路网合理规模的各种常规方法及其优缺点,并提出了一种分层测算的分析方法,对2020年的广西公路网合理规模进行测算,为类似研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Road segmentation is one of the most important steps in identification of high accident-proneness segments of a road. Based on the ratio of the Potential to Safety Improvement (PSI) along the road, the objective of the paper is to propose a novel dynamic road segmentation model. According to the fundamental model assumption, the determined segments must have the same pattern of PSI. Experimental results obtained from implementation of the proposed method took four Performance Measures (PMs) into consideration; namely, Crash Frequency, Crash Rate, Equivalent Property Damage Only, and Expected Average Crash Frequency with Empirical Bayes adjustment into the accident data obtained from Highway 37 located between two cities in Iran. Results indicated the low sensitivity of the method to PMs. In comparison with the real high accident-proneness segments, identified High Crash Road Segments (HCRS) obtained from the model, demonstrated the potential of the method to recognize the position and length of high accident-proneness segments accurately. Based on the road repair and maintenance costs limitation index for safety improvement, in an attempt to compare the proposed method of road segmentation with conventional ones, results demonstrated the efficient performance of the proposed method. So as to identify 20 percent HCRS located on a read, the proposed method showed an improvement of 38 and 57 percent in comparison with the best and worst outcomes derived from conventional road segmentation methods.  相似文献   

道路生态学在植物及动物方面的研究动态综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于道路建设给生态环境带来的不利影响,道路生态学成为了一门新兴学科。文章回顾了道路生态学的研究历程,详细论述了道路生态学在植物和动物方面最新的研究动态。  相似文献   

This paper presents a general formulation for optimization of horizontal road alignment, composed of tangential segments and circular curves suitably connected with transition curves (clothoids). It consists of a constrained optimization problem where the objective function is given by a line integral along the layout. The integrand is a function representing the cost of the road going through each point and, by considering different costs, a wide range of problems can be included in this formulation. To show it, we apply this methodology to three different situations. The two first cases are related with the design of a new road layout and used to solve a pair of academic examples. The third problem deals with the improvement of a road adapting the old path to current legislation, and it is solved taking as case study the reconstruction project for a regional road (NA-601) in the north of Spain.  相似文献   

文章针对公路行业职工教育现状,分析公路职工教育存在的问题及原因,从提高职工综合素质、加强职工"三种文化"建设等方面阐述了加强公路职工教育与公路文化建设的对策。  相似文献   

Road traffic noise is an element of outstanding importance within the overall context of environmental impact. This problem must be technically addressed from an efficient viewpoint, and solutions or alternatives should be considered by means of appropriate and consolidated procedures.Up to now, there is no regulated guideline for establishing well-founded priorities when dealing with the diverse road stretches included in the corresponding Action Plans against noise under the Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC). To this end, the present study proposes a methodology to sort, by priority, road stretches identified by their noise problems and therefore requiring appropriate action. The methodology is based on the so-called “road stretch priority index” (henceforth referred to as RSPI). This index involves a number of variables (called “road stretch priority variables”) that are weighted according to their influence on the road traffic noise problem. Thus, the RSPI makes it possible to prioritize different stretches of the Action Plan. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, this paper also describes a real case entailing a difficult choice, applying the proposed methodology to a review of the Action Plan against Noise 2008–2012 in the province of Almería, for the road network of the regional government of Andalusia, Spain.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine what characterizes second-best road prices targeting external costs from driving electric (EV) and conventional (ICEV) vehicles when there are distortionary labor taxes and binding government budget constraints. Further, we examine how this second-best pricing fits with government set goals of reducing CO2 emissions. The paper further develops an analytical framework for assessing first- and second-best road prices on vehicle kilometers, extending it to include EVs and externalities that vary geographically and by time of day. We find that optimal road prices largely vary with external cost, but are also significantly affected by the interactions with the rest of the fiscal system. Not surprisingly, the highest road prices should be for ICEVs in large cities during peak hours due to high external costs. More surprisingly, we find that the road price for ICEVs in rural areas should be lower than that for EVs due to large fiscal interaction effects. These road prices give large welfare gains, but they lead to no reduction in carbon emissions when applying the currently recommended social cost of carbon.  相似文献   

文章以重庆市道路交通为例,从特殊地理环境因素、城市道路管理及城市规划等方面分析了山区城市道路交通拥挤的原因,并基于道路因素,从城市道路规划和整合建筑与交通空间方面提出了缓解交通拥堵的措施和建议。  相似文献   

This article deals with the specific road phenomenon in winter, when driving conditions suddenly become significantly worse, although the global weather conditions have not significantly altered. Recognizing and adjusting to such fast changing conditions has been one of the most difficult and demanding tasks for the winter road maintenance services. Nevertheless, it is known that some events can be predicted. The road temperature pattern is studied formally in terms of the road temperature function, thus enabling predictions about the temperature range on different road sections. It is claimed that the road temperature pattern is predictable when only a very small number of carefully chosen measuring spots are taken into account. Furthermore, the methodology of defining temperature measuring locations is described.  相似文献   

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