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张童 《水运管理》2022,(9):26-29+33
为最大限度减少海运风险对贸易活动的影响,以2021年“长赐”号集装箱船在苏伊士运河搁浅事件为例,分析货主面临延迟交货的违约风险、货款的逾期或坏账风险、陷入“共同海损”的冗长法律程序且须分摊损失等风险。面对各种风险,货主应提升海运风险防范认知,建议:重视货物险、延误险的购买,分散远洋运输的特殊风险;引进其他运输方式,促进贸易供应链结构的优化;完善运输合同条款,事先控制海上运输风险的损失敞口。  相似文献   

近年来,随着贸易的不断增加,人们开始加强对煤炭贸易物流中的风险和管理的重视,并逐渐在物流管理统筹和规划环节中形成完整的管理体系。本文立足于分析煤炭贸易中物流管理出现的问题,并提出相关改进措施。  相似文献   

侯淑波 《世界海运》1996,19(4):36-38
承运人的确定对贸易双方影响很大,涉及到交货责任是否完成及运输风险是否转移等重要问题,但实践中对承运人的确定颇有争议。本文根据国际公约、国际惯例及我国《海商法》的规定,分析探讨了应如何确定承运人及其对贸易双方在交货及风险上有何影响。  相似文献   

李赪 《中国船检》2011,(10):74-75
2011年世界航运市场在低迷中震荡,新运力的不断投入加剧了目前海运市场已经存在的供求失衡。在世界经济下行风险越来越严重的情况下,世界航运市场将面临更为严峻的形势。新一轮影响市场的风险因素从全球经济、海运贸易与世界船队增长的比较中,我们可以看出以下特点:首先,船队与海运贸易增长、GDP与海运贸易增长彼此具有相关性,海运贸易与世界  相似文献   

庞丽 《中国港口》2020,(1):53-56
国际货运代理公司在日常海运业务中所面临的风险来自方方面面,笔者从实际业务角度出发,从行业不可控风险和可控风险两方面进行风险和防范的分析,希望可以提高国际货运代理(海运)业务从业人员的风险意识,合理规避风险作为国际贸易中最主要的运输方式,海洋运输在国际贸易总运量中占比达2/3之多。随着国际进出口贸易的飞速发展,海运行业也随之发展迅猛。  相似文献   

近几年海洋运单在一些地区被使用的频率越来越多,而且联合国贸易发展大会也支持海洋运单在便利国际贸易中使用,但是作为新生运输单据的海洋运单目前还不十分完善,所以对进出口商存在一定的风险。本文在分析海洋运单对进出口商各自的风险的基础上,提出了进出口商应对海洋运单风险的防范措施建议。  相似文献   

在我国中日、中韩、中越等近海贸易中的信用证中常会出现1/3提单条款,一般是进口商积极要求1/3提单条款,而出口商则对1/3提单条款不熟悉和对其引起的风险没有正确的认识和充分的风险防范措施。本文在分析1/3提单条款对各信用证当事人的利弊分析上,提出了加强1/3提单条款风险防范的措施建议。  相似文献   

张黎 《集装箱化》2018,29(5):26-27
正目的港货主弃货指货物运抵目的港后,货主拒绝提货并放弃货物的行为,其原因包括:货主无力支付运费;市场需求发生重大变化,导致货物失去市场价值;货物发生损坏,失去使用价值;收货人与发货人之间存在贸易纠纷;目的港所在国的法律法规或政策发生变化,导致货物无法通关;等等。目的港货主弃货往往会给承运人带来不可预见的风险和损失,而承运人处理不当则会导致损失扩大。针对目的港货主弃货,承运人有必要采取恰当的应对措施及必要的风险管控措施。  相似文献   

对集装箱运力进行管理能否抵消贸易增长下滑风险依然没有确定的答案。  相似文献   

对集装箱运力进行管理能否抵消贸易增长下滑风险依然没有确定的答案。  相似文献   

徐向阳 《中国修船》2007,20(2):5-6,9
作为涉外合同中的一种,修船合同与普通的涉外商品买卖合同有着很大的不同,操作不慎,就有可能带来收汇的风险。文章结合在实际工作中遇到的一些问题,就修船合同签署过程中可能遇到的风险及其防范措施做进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

To avoid or mitigate risks associated with introduction of non-indigenous species, it is necessary to monitor and understand the quantity and origin of foreign and domestic ballast water discharged into territorial waters. It is not yet compulsory to report a ships ballast water operations in any ports within the UK. 38 ports have been contacted and their shipping operations from 2003 to 2008have been collected. Despite the diverse nature and format of the data, it has been possible to develop a correlation between the amount of cargo and ballast water operations for every port and hence estimate the potential amount of ballast water discharged. The proposed methodology has been used to estimate the total amount of ballast water discharged in UK waters and at individual ports. Based on this estimation, 20 UK ports with the highest amount of imported ballast water from foreign origins have been identified.  相似文献   

第三方物流保险现状及发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡云平  薛婷婷 《中国水运》2007,5(8):207-209
随着现代物流业的兴起,第三方物流企业为客户提供越来越便利的一体化物流服务的同时,也承担着越来越大的风险,随时可能发生的货物破损、野蛮装卸、误时配送、偷盗灭失、变质串味等风险都可能导致托运方提出索赔。因此第三方物流业的发展迫切要求保险业提供支持,把经营过程中涉及的赔偿风险转移至保险公司,从而将企业风险降到最低限度。  相似文献   

本文通过对"4·23"海上外轮非法过驳作业事件的跟踪,分析海上非法过驳作业存在的安全隐患,考察相关立法对海上过驳作业的规定及存在的问题,并从源头管理、制度建设、监管能力建设等方面提出液货船舶海上过驳管理建议。  相似文献   

In an industry that is characterized by highly volatile prices, seasonality, strong business cycles, cyclicality and capital intensiveness, risk management is extremely important. Ship-owners and charterers face enormous risks, which emanate from fluctuations in freight rates, bunker prices, interest rates, foreign exchange rates and vessel values. These risks substantially affect the interplay between revenue and cost. Modern risk management techniques, involve the use of financial derivatives products, some of which have been developed exclusively for protecting (hedging) against the adverse price fluctuations of the aforementioned sources of risk in shipping. By using derivatives products, ship-owners and charterers can secure (stabilize) the level of their future income or costs and thus reduce uncertainty and unforeseen volatility of their cash-flow. To explore the importance of hedging freight rate risk in shipping operations, a survey of recent empirical evidence that has appeared in economic studies has been conducted. Developments over the past 20 years have been fast, with certain amount of research carried, which has helped to understand better the special features of these derivatives markets. They are all summarized in the current study, which can provide the stepping stone for further work in the area of shipping derivatives and risk management in shipping.  相似文献   

In an industry that is characterized by highly volatile prices, seasonality, strong business cycles, cyclicality and capital intensiveness, risk management is extremely important. Ship-owners and charterers face enormous risks, which emanate from fluctuations in freight rates, bunker prices, interest rates, foreign exchange rates and vessel values. These risks substantially affect the interplay between revenue and cost. Modern risk management techniques, involve the use of financial derivatives products, some of which have been developed exclusively for protecting (hedging) against the adverse price fluctuations of the aforementioned sources of risk in shipping. By using derivatives products, ship-owners and charterers can secure (stabilize) the level of their future income or costs and thus reduce uncertainty and unforeseen volatility of their cash-flow. To explore the importance of hedging freight rate risk in shipping operations, a survey of recent empirical evidence that has appeared in economic studies has been conducted. Developments over the past 20 years have been fast, with certain amount of research carried, which has helped to understand better the special features of these derivatives markets. They are all summarized in the current study, which can provide the stepping stone for further work in the area of shipping derivatives and risk management in shipping.  相似文献   

吕超健 《水运工程》2011,(11):66-70
从风险的定义及风险的分类出发,分析施工企业在工程项目实施过程中遇到的风险因素和特点,提出风险分配的原则、通常应对风险的对策以及全面的风险控制,以提高工程施工单位的项目风险意识,强化加强风险管理意识,落实防范措施,减少风险损失。  相似文献   

为应对外来物种入侵和病原体跨境传播,国际海事组织(IMO)于2004年制定了《国际压载水和沉积物管理和控制公约》。目前的研究主要集中在压载水的管理和控制,压载水沉积物排放、处理、处置和管理体系目前处于空缺状态。文中通过调研和分析比较的方法,了解我国及全球范围内主要港口沉积物处理接收和处置现状,并对可能造成的环境、人员、财产和自然资源的损害进行风险分析,提出相应的对策及管理建议。  相似文献   

结合国外相关领域的研究资料,从耙吸挖泥船疏浚机理出发,通过对泥舱系统动态建模,预估了泥舱溢流量与溢流密度,对溢流损失做出了定量分析,并利用实船实测数据进行验证,效果良好。溢流损失大小的确定对于挖泥船决策支持和自动控制是至关重要的,也为开发有效的辅助疏浚决策软件提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

集装箱船舶大型化对中国班轮运输的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万征  陆瑞华 《中国航海》2006,(4):96-100
通过竞争情报分析提供了各班轮公司未来船队结构和运力的变化趋势,由此观察到各班轮公司为了降低自身的营运成本,在最近几年大量订购超巴拿马型甚至更大型的集装箱船舶参与运输,但是却不能达到其预期的规模效应。原因就在于相当一部分成本随着船型的增大而线性增加,规模不经济。我们探讨了中国的班轮运输市场的几个重要特点:中外贸易的不平衡导致了货源的不平衡;未来贸易结构的调整会影响航线的布局和调派;贸易上的不稳定因素使班轮公司遇到外在的风险。这些特点会深远地影响集装箱船舶大型化的经济受益,相反的,集装箱船舶大型化的趋势也会加剧这些负面的影响,危及整个班轮运输市场。  相似文献   

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