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近年来,在国家新能源汽车产业的战略引导下,我国新能源汽车产业加速发展,新能源汽车技术也得到了不断提高。本文对目前新能源道路运输车辆在交通运输行业中应用面临的问题进行了深入剖析,并从战略规划、车辆选型、车辆管理等方面,对完善交通运输行业新能源汽车应用的环境提出了意见和建议,为进一步保障新能源汽车安全运行、科学发展提供了有力支持。  相似文献   

<正>为全面贯彻落实《国务院关于印发节能与新能源汽车产业发展规划(2012—2020年)的通知》,加快新能源汽车的推广应用,有效缓解能源和环境压力,促进汽车产业转型升级,经国务院批准,现提出以下指导意见:一、总体要求(一)指导思想贯彻落实发展新能源汽车的国家战略,以纯电驱动为新能源汽车发展的主要战略取向,重点发展纯电动汽车、插电式(含增程式)混合动力汽车和燃料电池汽车,以市场主导  相似文献   

<正>从国家战略高度思考,在化石能源紧缺,环境污染愈加严重的今天,发展新能源汽车已成为降低化石能源消耗、减少环境污染的有效举措,各国政府扶持新能源汽车产业发展的意图十分明显。而中国面临着严重的环境污染问题、原油对外依赖度居高不下、汽车产业发展也落后于发达国家,发展新能源汽车是中国国家战略的必然选择。让我们一起来看看新能源汽车的成长之路究竟如何。  相似文献   

昆明新能源车2012年底将达1000辆昆明目前510辆新能源车中以混合动力为主,纯电动只占了个零头,而其他如燃料电池汽车、醇类燃料汽车、燃气汽车、生物柴油汽车等多种新能源汽车尚未有应用。《节能与新能源汽车产业发展规划(2012-2020)》(以下简称《规划》)于4月18日经国务院常务会议讨论通过,并于6月28日印发执行,7月9日网上公示。《规划》明确,我国以纯电驱动为新能源汽车发展和汽车工业转型的主要战略取向  相似文献   

11月16日,工业和信息化部副部长毛伟明在出席16届高交会“新能源汽车及车联网产业发展论坛”时表示,中国政府将坚持发展新能源汽车战略不变,并将进一步加大对新能源汽车和车联网支持力度。  相似文献   

国家新能源汽车三纵三横发展规划是中国近期、中期和远期新能源汽车发展导向性政策,是新能源汽车发展的战略布局。在这三纵三横发展规划中,插电式混合动力客车是新能源汽车近期发展的主要方向。近年来,随着能源局势目趋严重,在国家科技部的指导下,国内各汽车生产商生产电动客车,插电式混合动力客车的产业化和商业化运作步伐加大。  相似文献   

2021年5月24日,长三角新能源汽车产业链联盟成立大会在浙江杭州举行,长三角三省一市经济和信息化部门及长三角区域数十位新能源汽车产业链企业与会. 浙江省经济和信息化厅副厅长盛勇军表示,发展新能源汽车是中国由汽车大国迈向汽车强国的必由之路,是落实"碳达峰、碳中和"任务的战略举措.其表示,为进一步提升长三角地区新能源汽车产业发展,加强三省一市新能源汽车产业链延链、固链、强链,必须打造新能源汽车产业健康的发展环境;高标准推动传统汽车、新能源汽车向"下一代汽车"升级;加强公共服务平台建设.  相似文献   

发展新能源汽车发展是缓解能源危机和环境污染的重大战略举措,也是汽车产业升级必由之路。近几年在政策大力支持下,新能源汽车产业突飞猛进,尤其乘用车领域,涌现出大批优秀企业与产品,市场化趋势明显。但是在商用车领域,新能源汽车发展受政策影响明显,随着补贴政策的退坡,规模有所萎缩。从全球大环境和国内环境来看,未来商用车领域电动化存在很大的发展空间。本文从市场现状切入,结合新能源汽车发展政策环境,运用SWOT方法分析我国商用车电动化发展趋势。  相似文献   

新能源汽车发展快近二十年,近几年来,世界主要的汽车强国纷纷表示将其提升至国家战略,尤其是欧盟一些国家不仅是提出"禁止销售燃油时间表",而且也上升到具体是法律层面,同时应采取一些"限行"措施。中国则是更为主动、更积极、更为系统地推动新能源汽车的发展。在此,对中国新能源汽车现状、特点及发展趋势的再分析,供同行参考。  相似文献   

12月27日,中大汽车集团与中国电力开发有限公司在盐城签署新能源客车产业战略合作协议。中大汽车集团以新能源汽车项目股份分期引进战略资本10亿元,以此推动中大新能源客车产业的发展,双方将在新能源客车产业化等方面开展全面战略合作。中大集团与中国电力开发有限公司通过多次交流和磋商,本着平等互利、优势互补的原则,一致达成建立战略合作关系,双方以各自的资源融合优势结成共同发展伙伴。  相似文献   

文章简要介绍了汽车业改革及由此带来的发展趋势,阐述了节能减排及环保的重要性,分析了汽车能源革命的必然性。本文通过对新能源汽车和智能网联汽车的现状和未来发展趋势进行分析,得出了在汽车行业的发展中可以为人们的生活提供一些高质量的服务的结论。此外,也对我国新能源汽车和智能网联汽车的发展提出了相关的改进建议。  相似文献   

在目前能源危机和环境保护的双重制约下,发展电动汽车已经成为解决能源环境问题的新途径。为适应未来电动汽车快速发展的需要及充电设施的合理规划布局,电动汽车及充电设施的需求预测就显得尤为重要。文中分析了影响齐齐哈尔市电动汽车发展规模的影响因素,结合国内其他省市的经验,考虑齐齐哈尔市实际情况,对齐齐哈尔市中心城区的电动汽车和充电设施发展规模进行了合理预测。  相似文献   

In this study, the use of energy carriers based on renewable energy sources in battery-powered electric vehicles (BPEVs), fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) is compared regarding energy efficiency, emission and cost. There is the potential to double the primary energy compared with the current level by utilising vehicles with electric drivetrains. There is also major potential to increase the efficiency of conventional ICEVs. The energy and environmental cost of using a passenger car can be reduced by 50% solely by using improved ICEVs instead of ICEVs with current technical standard. All the studied vehicles with alternative powertrains (HEVs, FCEVs, and BPEVs) would have lower energy and environmental costs than the ICEV. The HEVs, FCEVs and BPEVs have, however, higher costs than the future methanol-fuelled ICEV, if the vehicle cost is added to the energy and environmental costs, even if significant cost reductions for key technologies such as fuel cells, batteries and fuel storages are assumed. The high-energy efficiency and low emissions of these vehicles cannot compensate for the high vehicle cost. The study indicates, however, that energy-efficiency improvements, combined with the use of renewable energy, would reduce the cost of CO2 reduction by 40% compared with a strategy based on fuel substitution only.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to understand the effects of the influential factors that affect the sustainable development of new energy vehicle in China, investigate the cause-effect relationships among them, and propose some appropriate policies and efficacious measures for the policy-makers to promote its sustainable development. Interpretative Structuring Modeling was used to identify the critical factors affecting the sustainability of China’s new energy vehicle industry and to find the potential relationships among the factors; subsequently, fuzzy Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory was employed to investigate the cause-effect relationships among the influential factors and to prioritize these factors. The results reveal that technological maturity, technological standards for new energy vehicles, and funds on R&D of new energy vehicles are the three most important driving factors for promoting the sustainable development of new energy vehicle industry of China. Some implications were also proposed for China’s authority. The success factors and strategic implications of new energy vehicles in China were investigated in a multi-criteria analysis approach.  相似文献   

In the area of active traffic management, new technologies provide opportunities to improve the use of current infrastructure. Vehicles equipped with in-car communication systems are capable of exchanging messages with the infrastructure and other vehicles. This new capability offers many opportunities for traffic management. This paper presents a novel merging assistant strategy that exploits the communication capabilities of intelligent vehicles. The proposed control requires the cooperation of equipped vehicles on the main carriageway in order to create merging gaps for on-ramp vehicles released by a traffic light. The aim is to reduce disruptions to the traffic flow created by the merging vehicles. This paper focuses on the analytical formulation of the control algorithm, and the traffic flow theories used to define the strategy. The dynamics of the gap formation derived from theoretical considerations are validated using a microscopic simulation. The validation indicates that the control strategy mostly developed from macroscopic theory well approximates microscopic traffic behaviour. The results present encouraging capabilities of the system. The size and frequency of the gaps created on the main carriageway, and the space and time required for their creation are compatible with a real deployment of the system. Finally, we summarise the results of a previous study showing that the proposed merging strategy reduces the occurrence of congestion and the number of late-merging vehicles. This innovative control strategy shows the potential of using intelligent vehicles for facilitating the merging manoeuvre through use of emerging communications technologies.  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济发展水平的不断提高,汽车使用量持续攀高。大力发展新能源汽车,能够促进资源充分利用,减少汽车尾气排放,对保障能源安全、促进节能减排、防治大气污染、推动我国能源可持续发展具有重要意义。随着电动汽车的推广使用,电动汽车对充电站的基础设施建设以及服务网络的完善等需求日益紧迫。充电基础设施的建设,用以满足电动汽车的发展需求,并以充电设施、充电系统的适度超前发展引导电动汽车的业务发展。  相似文献   

As electric vehicles (EVs) have gained an increasing market penetration rate, the traffic on urban roads will tend to be a mix of traditional gasoline vehicles (GVs) and EVs. These two types of vehicles have different energy consumption characteristics, especially the high energy efficiency and energy recuperation system of EVs. When GVs and EVs form a platoon that is recognized as an energy-friendly traffic pattern, it is critical to holistically consider the energy consumption characteristics of all vehicles to maximize the energy efficiency benefit of platooning. To tackle this issue, this paper develops an optimal control model as a foundation to provide eco-driving suggestions to the mixed-traffic platoon. The proposed model leverages the promising connected vehicle technology assuming that the speed advisory system can obtain the information on the characteristics of all platoon vehicles. To enhance the model applicability, the study proposes two eco-driving advisory strategies based on the developed optimal control model. One strategy provides the lead vehicle an acceleration profile, while the other provides a set of targeted cruising speeds. The acceleration-based eco-driving advisory strategy is suitable for platoons with an automated leader, and the speed-based advisory strategy is more friendly for platoons with a human-operated leader. Results of numerical experiments demonstrate the significance when the eco-driving advisory system holistically considers energy consumption characteristics of platoon vehicles.  相似文献   

In the search for low pollution, low noise, multi‐fuel vehicles capable of adapting to almost any source of energy available, the electric vehicle continues to be suggested in a variety of forms. In the long‐term view, working on the hypothesis that either solar or nuclear energy can provide the only inexhaustible energy supplies, electric propulsion will undoubtedly have a significant role to perform, and it could provide a useful means of transport in the transition period out of the current dependency on crude oil.

There are, however, some grave question marks hanging over the viability of electric vehicles on a large scale both in terms of their energy efficiency and practicality. This paper describes the state of development and discusses the future prospects.  相似文献   

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