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近日,南京发布官方微博,发了一组有关2013年新版驾驶扣分规则详解图,按照扣1、2、3、6和12分来划分,整理了扣费类型。对于新规网上有很多错误的解读,为了帮助减少误判正确解读,下面给大家日常行驶中容易产生的扣分情况做了详细分析。看看这样的扣分标准,你还会有侥幸心理么?如果有你不知道的扣分类型的话,就赶紧来看看吧!扣分招招针对驾驶陋习,闯黄灯,开车接听手机,不让行急救车辆、不让行人……公路行车安全人人有责,为了我们自己也为了大家的人身财产安全,希望每一个驾驶员都谨记交通法规条例,营造良好的交通秩序。  相似文献   

根据工程机械的原理及使用特点,从发动机技术状况、工程机械底盘技术状况及驾驶员使用操作水平三个方面,结合秦皇岛港务集团流动机械分公司的机械设备在生产作业现场的使用管理情况,浅谈影响工程机械燃油消耗的因素及措施。  相似文献   

<正> 内部市场化,是将企业内部的职能部门、生产作业单位(甚至是个人)视作或确立为具有独立利益的主体;引入市场竞争机制,迅速培植企业内部各个利润中心,期望通过利益激励调动一切积极因素,推动企业发展。运输企业生产具有车船单独作业、独立完成生产过程的特点,通过承包租赁经营、车船产权转让经营、分离内部后勤供应服务部门、实行分公司制等改革措施,便产生了企业内部众多的利益主体,往往更易于推行内部市场化。笔者认为,内部市场化是把“双刃剑”,利弊共存,需要辩证分析,谨慎实施。 一、内部市场化的积极作用  相似文献   

客运站是人流量极大的场所之一,包括火车站、汽车站。在汽车客运站的安全管理中,首要任务是保护好人身安全及财产安全。而汽车客运站的安全管理现状存在一定的问题,如存在侥幸心理、基础工作不达标、管理方式较为传统等,所以要探讨汽车客运站的安全管理和评价指标,切实为出行的旅客负责。  相似文献   

钢制管道3LPE外防腐涂敷的新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍一种3LPE钢管外涂敷新方法,3LPE涂料中的3种不同涂料都以粉末态呈现,3种涂料用不同的喷枪同时进行静电喷涂,涂敷在加热的钢管表面一次成膜。该方法可代替"环氧粉末静电喷涂,胶粘剂和聚乙烯挤出、缠绕、辊压"一次成膜的方法,不仅解决了钢管焊缝上与管体涂层不一致的问题,而且大大降低了生产作业线的能耗和运转精度。  相似文献   

2006年12月11日,中国加入WTO五年过渡期结束:2006年下半年,外资并购中国制造老企风生水起。不用抱侥幸心理,中国产业链的各个部分都将受到全世界经济的继续关注和更为猛烈的冲击。五年后,已成全球第二大汽车消费市场的中国,它在制造领域,尤其在与国外企业差距最小的客车业方面,有了哪些根本性进步,其在核心技术方面的研发是否成熟?是否有典型的企业成为或即将成为中流砥柱?  相似文献   

穆佳敏 《人民交通》2021,(18):62-63
改革开放之后,我国经济正在不断变化、不断发展,在其他方面也随之发展,有句话说的话:"要想富,先修路",我国的交通运输业也在不断变化与发展.我国的公路经过时间的流逝,也正逐年的发展中,这也为交通运输也带来了一些利益,为人们也提供了便利,与此同时,它也存在一些弊端,一般主要在公路行驶中存在较多问题,尤其在超限超载问题是对安全的挑衅,这严重影响了交通运输业的发展,根据这个问题有一些措施可减少问题的发生,有意识的执行法律法规,避免出现侥幸心理,为自己的安全负责.  相似文献   

码头水平运输系统采用全电动AGV替代传统码头的柴油集卡车,无CO_2、SO_2排放。AGV动力系统采用钛酸锂电池,相较铅酸电池能源利用效率提升了25%,有效消除铅污染风险;AGV充电采用自主首创的分布式浅充浅放循环充电新模式,在AGV生产作业同时完成电能补充,充电过程不占用作业时间,取消换电环节,提高了装卸效率,降低了投资成本;AGV电池组减重12吨,整车减重14吨,大幅降低单位能耗、运行成本及轮压。  相似文献   

<正> 港口铁路是指港区本身自备自管的铁路,它是港口生产作业中的重要设施,是港口集疏运方式的关键环节。因此,在港口建设时,与之配套的铁路工程必须同步进行,使建成的码头迅速形成运输生产能力,原有泊位的功能亦能充分发挥。反之,如果港口铁路等集疏运物质技术条件未能同步形成,无论新建的码头多么恢弘,  相似文献   

随着油气田不断开发和增产,老旧站场面临着维修改造及改扩建的问题,为避免影响生产作业,需要用到带压开孔技术。结合带压热开孔工艺的技术要点及安全分析,介绍了带压热开孔常用的单开孔、单封堵和封堵不停输3种工艺在非洲某油田站场改扩建工程中的应用场景。根据站场内不同的情况对3种热开孔技术的组合使用,可以实现复杂情况下站内管线不停产改造的目的。  相似文献   


This paper estimates comprehensive operational performance measures for transport services. A network efficiency approach is used to analyze the production efficiency, service efficiency, and operational efficiency in a unified framework to reflect the transportation service characteristics of airline operations. We show how a modified version of the network data envelopment analysis model can be utilized for evaluating the performance of air route operations. This study considers 15 air routes operated by a domestic airline in Taiwan to highlight the value of the approach. The results of the analysis show the inputs and consumed outputs leading to production inefficiency and service inefficiency respectively as well as the magnitudes of excesses and shortfalls.  相似文献   

The pull of economic gravity on traditional tanker operators towards open registries has been caused primarily by the need to be cost‐competitive in a market which itself is competitive. By using transcendental logarithmic cost functions to model the cost structures of open and traditional tanker operations, this study highlights the general structure of the production technology of tanker services, the cost differentials between the two flag groupings and provides insights into the comparative statics effects of their production functions in the form of elasticities of factor substitution and demand, and scale economies.  相似文献   

文章从广义交通安全心理学的角度,提出了需要加强研究的与交通安全密切相关的几个心理学问题。强调要进一步明确交通安全心理研究的重点,强化安全宣传教育的心理作用,研究驾驶员的认知心理。  相似文献   


Public transport in cities of the Global South is mainly provided by paratransit operators who self-regulate their services in the absence of adequate formal transport supply and due to weak or no formal regulatory framework and enforcement. Paratransit operators compete with each other for passengers as every passenger translates into profit. Governments in the Global South have sought to reform public transport services through Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) to regulate and ensure efficiency, address the problems of drivers competition and negative externalities associated with paratransit operations. Paratransit operators have been considered as one of the barriers to public transport reforms such as BRT without much consideration for their style of operations. This neglect has contributed to their resistance and low interest in participating in BRT and has even led to opposition. Consequently, non-consideration of incumbent operators in the implementation of transit reforms has been one important reason for delay or failure in their introduction. In this study, we identify reasons why paratransit operators resist and show low interest in BRT even in situations where public institutions have opted not to replace them but rather invite them to participate in the reforms. The basis is a case study analysis of four cities with different characteristics and different BRT implementation strategies where paratransit operators showed resistance and low interest to participate. We identify (1) loss of autonomy, flexibility and established practices/routines, (2) financial and economic risk avoidance and (3) lack of trust in governments who initiate reforms as a basis for their resistance and low interest. These findings are theoretically substantiated by organisational management and social psychology concepts that explain resistance to change. Understanding and recognising these reasons may help planners in designing more appropriate strategies for paratransit reforms.  相似文献   

文章基于认知心理学原理,结合人体工程学、交通安全和交通心理学知识,提出了高速公路交通标志最小明视距离算法,为高速公路交通标志最小明视距离的计算提供了量化手段。  相似文献   

Vehicle fleet routing and timetable setting are essential to the enhancement of an inter-city bus carrier’s operating cost, profit, level of service and competitiveness in the market. In past research the average passenger demand has usually served as input in the production of the final fleet routes and timetables, meaning that stochastic disturbances arising from variations in daily passenger demand in actual operations are neglected. To incorporate the stochastic disturbances of daily passenger demands that occur in actual operations, in this research, we established a stochastic-demand scheduling model. We applied a simulation technique, coupled with link-based and path-based routing strategies, to develop two heuristic algorithms to solve the model. To evaluate the performance of the proposed model and the two solution algorithms, we developed an evaluation method. The test results, regarding a major Taiwan inter-city bus operation, were good, showing that the model and the solution algorithms could be useful in practice.  相似文献   

Although efficiency and productivity are closely related issues, they have been generally examined separately in the transit literature. Using an extensive panel data set, this analysis extends prior research in two directions. First, efficiency rankings and efficient subsets of transit systems are obtained through data envelopment analysis (DEA), a non-parametric linear programming based methodology. Second, based on the results of the DEA analysis, globally efficient frontier production functions, in the context of transit operations in the United States, are built. The results indicate that when jointly considered, there is an improvement on both the theoretical and empirical aspects of examining efficiency and production in transit systems. Further, the results indicate that efficiency and returns to scale findings differ substantially depending on the evaluation methodology used.  相似文献   

现场清管作业时,清管器经常被卡堵,严重时会影响生产.因此,为降低热油管道清管过程中的卡堵风险,根据清管器在含蜡热油管道中的受力情况和运行规律,结合输油管道的现场运行管理经验,分析含蜡热油管道清管过程可能遇到的卡堵,对此提出可靠的应对措施,以杜绝含蜡热油管道周期性清管中各种事故的发生,保证热油管道清管工作的安全进行,为今...  相似文献   

The many varied views on resilience indicate that it is an important concept which has significance in many disciplines, from ecology to psychology to risk/disaster management. Therefore, it is important to be able to quantifiably measure the resilience of systems, and thus be able to make decisions on how the resilience of the system can be improved. In this paper we will work with the definition, due to Pimm (1991), that resilience is “how fast a variable that has been displaced from equilibrium returns to it.” We will think of a system as being more or less resilient depending on the speed with which a system recovers from disruptive events or shocks. Here we consider systems which revert to an equilibrium state from shocks, and introduce a measure of resilience by providing a quantification of the rapidity of these systems’ recovery from shocks.We use a mean-reverting stochastic model to study the diffusive effects of shocks and we apply this model to the case of the London Underground. As a shock diffuses through the network, the human-flow in the network recovers from the shock. The speed with which the passenger counts return to normal is an indicator of how quickly the line is able to recover from the shock and thereafter resume normal operations.  相似文献   

This study reviews the literature on air cargo operations and compares theoretical studies with the practical problems of airlines, freight forwarders, and terminal service providers. In particular, we review studies in which mathematical models were used to identify the essential characteristics of air cargo operations, such as the intrinsic differences from passenger operations, and to explore the service processes in air cargo operations. The typical models used in previous studies are summarized. We then highlight the insightful findings from an industrial interview and present the gaps between previous research and practical realities. We finally discuss the new research opportunities of air cargo operations according to the gaps.  相似文献   

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