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当人类进入21世纪时,全球公路上出现了越来越多的高技术驾驶辅助系统,ITS(智能交通系统)是交通发展的一次革命。ITS能够利用现有的道路设施,减少交通拥挤,加强对车辆的集中管理和调度,为驾驶员提供足够的交通,安全、娱乐等信息,实现人、车、路的密切结合与和谐统一,这将极大地提高交通运输效率,保障交通安全,增强乘车的舒适性,  相似文献   

"十二五"期间,交通运输要素资源数字化水平稳步提高,智能化水平持续发展,发展环境不断优化;建立了全国重点营运车辆联网联控系统,推动了全国道路货运车辆公共监管与服务平台建设。"十三五"期间,将提升中国交通运输行业的智能化水平。同时,加强自动驾驶和车路协同技术发展统筹规划,支持鼓励自动驾驶和车路协同关键技术创新,开展智能驾驶与车路协同标准化工作,加强自动驾驶和车路协同的测试基地建设,开展车路协同集成与试点示范应用,推动中国智能驾驶技术的发展。  相似文献   

欧盟日前发起了一个名为SARTRE的研究项目,该项目旨在开发和测试车辆在高速公路汽车列队中的自动驾驶技术,以改善交通流量、缩减行驶时间、减少交通事故。虽然SARTRE所指的环保安全公路列车队并不是真正意义上的自动驾驶,但一旦该项目投入实际应用,对提高汽车燃油消耗、降低CO_2排放,还是有相当大的促进作用。  相似文献   

正零排放的全新日产聆风完美诠释了日产汽车如何通过"日产智行科技"改变车辆的驾驶、动力以及与社会融合,详尽呈现了"日产智能驾驶"、"日产智能动力"、"日产智能互联"三大领域。日产智能驾驶(Nissan Intelligent Driving)全新日产聆风搭载的Pro PILOT日产自动驾驶技术,Pro PILOT Park日产自动泊车系统、e-Pedal日产电子踏板及日产安全屏障技术彰显出日产智能驾驶。Pro PILOT日产自动驾驶技术,可实现车辆在单车道上的自动驾驶。车辆可以在驾驶者预设的速度下(30-100km/h)自动保持与前车的车距。同时,该技术还能够辅助转向,使车辆保持在车道中央行驶。  相似文献   

欧洲SARTRE(环境安全公路列车)项目于2012年9月在沃尔沃位于瑞典Hallered的测试车宣告完成,具有革命意义的新型多车辆公路列车技术已在全球媒体面前亮相. 很长一段时间以来,汽车行列技术(也称公路列车)的实施一直被作为一种技术提议,旨在解决公路容量问题,以及通过减少车距以提高燃油效率、减少气动阻力,通过驾驶流程中部分环节的自动化而提高安全性.针对行列概念而开展的研究与演示项目已经实施多年,其关键技术挑战在于:公路基础设施和参与行列的车辆都需要实施显著改进.考虑到此类投资面临的实际与财务障碍,我们也就不难理解为什么车辆行列技术直至目前仍停留于研究阶段.  相似文献   

<正>2019年5月7日,第5届智能网联汽车技术及标准法规国际交流会(ICV 2019)及"自动驾驶汽车列队跟驰标准公开验证试验"在天津西青区举行,这也是国内首次自动驾驶列队跟驰标准公开验证试验。最终,验证结果显示,本次进行验证的欧曼EST-A重卡以稳定车辆状态和优异的跟车距离,较同场验证的其它品牌重卡实现车间距更小,展现出福田戴姆勒汽车在自动驾驶领域尤其列队跟驰方面的技术优势,以创新引领商用车自动驾驶发展。  相似文献   

正卡车列队是一种道路车辆系统,在驾驶辅助控制系统的帮助下,车队可安排两辆或两辆以上的卡车在高速公路上紧随而行。卡车列队中的所有车辆都通过一个电子的"牵引杆"相互连接,由头车设置列队的行驶速度及方向。在这种情况下,车辆的电子耦合器可确保列队的行车安全。列队系统的一项重要目标是通过紧密的跟车行驶减少空气阻力,从而降低车队的整体燃油消耗。  相似文献   

未来的道路驾驶可能是这样的——车辆只需加入公路列车,单调乏昧的道路驾驶就会由先进的科技代劳——开创性的欧洲研究项目SARTRE(安全环保的公路列车)蕴含的技术让这一切成为可能。在行驶途中玩平板电脑或智能手机,通过读书打发时光,直到抵达阳光明媚的假日海滩或者重要约会现场,这在以前都是乘客的专享。如今有了SARTRE公路列车项目的研究成果,驾驶者也许很快就能够双手离开转向盘,双眼无需紧盯道路,由现代技术自动驾驶车辆。SARTRE项目SARTRE项目有7个欧洲合作伙伴参与,不久前刚刚在瑞典Hallered的沃尔沃试验场完成了一次  相似文献   

车队协同驾驶是车路协同技术在智能交通领域中的重要应用与示范。混成动态系统理论与半实物仿真技术已成为研究车队协同驾驶系统的重要手段。阐述了车队协同驾驶在智能车路系统中应用的可行性和优点;对近十年车队协同驾驶研究进行了回顾和综述,包括系统结构、车车通信、车队协作策略以及半实物仿真技术等4个方面;概括了车队协同驾驶混成控制系统内容与仿真手段,并给出车队协同驾驶半实物仿真结果;对车队协同驾驶混成控制研究进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

正Cosworth公司正在扩大其摄像机和数据系统的应用范围,为高级驾驶员辅助系统(ADAS)和自动车辆提供视觉解决方案。公司在智能视觉软件领域的经验将杯用作汽车联盟的一部分,用于开发避撞系统,这将改善自动驾驶和网联车辆的运行和安全性。多车防撞计划(MuCCA)将利用人工智能和车辆对车辆的通信来帮助自动驾驶汽车作出合作决策,以避免在高  相似文献   

文章在简单介绍国内外燃料电池轿车开发现状和燃料电池汽车动力及其电控系统架构定义后,结合上汽在燃料电池整车开发项目中积累的经验,从整车布置、整车热管理、整车与动力系统的参数选择与优化设计、多能源动力系统的能量管理策略优化及其控制算法的实现、制动回馈及电驱动系统的综合控制等方面阐述了燃料电池汽车整车集成开发的关键技术。  相似文献   

环城西路作为同安主城区环线,是主城区重要的对外通道,是外来车辆进入同安区的门户,但现状环城西路存在如机动车路面、人行道砖局部破损、人行道无障碍坡道过陡等问题,从横断面设计、交叉口组织优化、多箱合一、口袋公园打造等方面进行详细改造设计,全方位、多角度地提升环城西路的街道品质和景观,力图将环城西路打造为富有地方特征和时代特色的优美城市风景线,生态宜居休闲地,体现“以人为本”的设计思想。  相似文献   

The high-speed train has achieved great progress in the last decades. It is one of the most important modes of transportation between cities. With the rapid development of the high-speed train, its safety issue is paid much more attention than ever before. To improve the stability of the vehicle with high speed, extra dampers (i.e. anti-hunting damper) are used in the traditional bogies with passive suspension system. However, the curving performance of the vehicle is undermined due to the extra lateral force generated by the dampers. The active suspension systems proposed in the last decades attempt to solve the vehicle steering issue. However, the active suspension systems need extra actuators driven by electrical power or hydraulic power. There are some implementation and even safety issues which are not easy to be overcome. In this paper, an innovative semi-active controlled lateral suspension system for railway vehicles is proposed. Four magnetorheological fluid dampers are fixed to the primary suspension system of each bogie. They are controlled by online controllers for enhancing the running stability on the straight track line on the one hand and further improving the curving performance by controlling the damper force on the other hand. Two control strategies are proposed in the light of the pure rolling concept. The effectiveness of the proposed strategies is demonstrated by SIMPACK and Matlab co-simulation for a full railway vehicle with two conventional bogies.  相似文献   

基于ITS技术的汽车驾驶安全辅助系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于ITS技术的汽车驾驶安全辅助系统是提高道路交通安全的有效手段,本文介绍了清华大学汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室在此领域的研究与开发工作。在研究行驶环境感知和信息融合、驾驶员特性和安全距离模型、车辆运动控制及系统集成等关键技术的基础上,研制了汽车驾驶安全辅助系统试验平台和试验样车,实现了行车前撞预警、安全车距保持、智能车道保持等功能,并完成了相关试验分析与评价,为进一步开展基于ITS的汽车主动安全辅助技术的研究以及汽车驾驶辅助系统的产业化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

针对货车动力性和燃油经济性,依照柴油机稳态燃油MAP图,重点分析了在传动系最高挡下,整车在满载、超载、平路面、遇正面风和主要行驶道路的坡道等条件下驱动的可行性,并选取不同规律的传动系速比方案,针对整车动力性与燃油经济性的影响展开分析,从中得到优化的传动系速比方案。  相似文献   

高精度车辆动态导航技术现状和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
车辆定位与导航系统是ITS中的重要组成部分。汽车导航系统主要是信息技术、数据通信技术和自动控制技术等通用电子技术向汽车电子领域的移植。如何在现有的基本硬件配置下进一步提高车辆定位精度,实现精确实时的导航服务是需要迫切解决的问题。从实现车辆动态导航的各关键环节出发,介绍了提高精度和实时性的最新有效方法,为更好地实现车辆定位与导航系统在ITS中的作用提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

As growing demand of vehicle safety system, especially regarding intelligent transport systems (ITS), automotive manufacturers are focusing more on driving safety and efficient transportation for vehicle users. Many safety systems have been launched in the market recently so, it is important to evaluate the vehicle safety systems and ITS. The ITS based intelligent vehicle test bed was constructed to meet the growing demand of test and verification for such ADAS and ITS systems. First, this paper describes in detail concept of the test-bed. This test-bed is carefully designed to meet the requirements of ISO/TC204 standards. In order to verify the design of the test-bed, virtual test with driving siulator was processed on a virtual test tracks. This test-bed will be used to conduct testing on various ITS and ADAS technologies, such as adaptive cruise control (ACC), lane departure warning system (LDWS), cooperative intersection warning system as well as rollover stability control (RSC) and electronic stability control (ESC), etc.  相似文献   

In this paper, an advanced control technique that can be implemented in hard emergency situations of vehicles is introduced. This technique suggests integration between Active Front Steering (AFS) and Active Roll Moment Control (ARMC) systems in order to enhance the vehicle controllability. For this purpose, the AFS system applies a robust sliding mode controller (SMC) that is designed to influence the steering input of the driver by adding a correction steering angle for maintaining the vehicle yaw rate under control all the time. The AFS system is then called active-correction steering control. The ARMC system is designed to differentiate the front and rear axles' vertical suspension forces in order to alter the vehicle yaw rate and to eliminate the vehicle roll motion as well. Moreover, the operation of the SMC is based on tracking the behavior of a nonlinear 2-wheel model of 2-DOF used as a reference model. The 2-wheel model incorporates real tire characteristics, which can be inferred by the use of trained neural networks. The results clearly demonstrate the enhanced characteristics of the proposed control technique. The SMC with the assistance of the ARMC provides less correction of the steering angle and accordingly reduces the possibility of occurrence of the saturation phenomenon that is likely to take place in the operation of the SMC systems.  相似文献   

This article presents a dynamic model of a railway vehicle for the development of a 6-DOF (degrees of freedom) tilting-train simulator. It will be used to verify the tilting-electronics and tilting-control algorithm that are to be applied to the Korean tilting train. It is composed of 6 electrically driven actuators, a track generation system, a graphic user interface, and a visualization system with a 1600-mm-diameter dome screen. Each system shares the data by means of Ethernet network in real time. In this study, a train model of 9-DOF with a force generation system to tilt the train body has been used. Dynamic analysis for the straight track running and curve negotiation of a railway vehicle can be performed in the model. A verification study for the application of the model to the simulator has been conducted on curving tracks with different radii.  相似文献   

基于多信息融合的全轮独立电驱动车辆车速估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
褚文博  李深  江青云  刘力  罗禹贡 《汽车工程》2011,33(11):962-966
鉴于用非驱动轮轮速信号来估计车速的方法已不适用于没有非驱动轮的全轮独立电驱动车辆,提出了借融合车载普通传感器信号和驱动电机反馈信号等多信息源,并基于稳态工况下的轮速信号卡尔曼滤波和瞬态工况下的加速度积分的全轮驱动车辆车速估计方法.通过实车试验对该方法的有效性、适用性和精度进行了验证.  相似文献   

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