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<正>充分发挥粤港澳大湾区的区位优势,以开展交通强国建设广东试点工作为契机,协同各方合力构建高质量的大湾区现代综合交通运输体系,为粤港澳大湾区经济社会发展提供坚强支撑,这是广东交通人当下最重要的工作之一。广东省交通运输厅厅长李静认为,围绕激发粤港澳大湾区、深圳先行示范区利好叠加的"双区驱动效应",推动粤港澳大湾区交通运输高质量发展,首先需要强化顶层设计,高起点构筑着眼全局、面向未来的综合交通运输发展规划体系。基于此,广东交通人配合编制了粤港澳大湾  相似文献   

华炜欣 《综合运输》2023,(2):66-70+86
为推动粤港澳大湾区轨道交通一体化的持续发展,从区域轨道客流预测的复杂性作为切入点,在阐述粤港澳大湾区多层次轨道交通系统发展概况的基础上,进行湾区交通圈层划分,并论述了不同圈层出行特征的差异及联系;通过现有城市轨道交通和铁路客流预测方法的回顾及适应性分析,肯定了“四阶段法”类预测方法在轨道交通规划设计阶段应用的优越性;进而提出圈层分级的轨道交通预测思路,并以四阶段法为核心,搭建粤港澳大湾区尺度下的轨道交通一体化客流预测框架。  相似文献   

作为粤港澳大湾区的重要组成部分,江门拥有优越的地理区位、丰富的文旅资源、良好的创新环境以及广阔的开发空间,在粤港澳大湾区中承担着承东启西、辐射粤西乃至大西南西翼的核心重任。基于此,对江门市旅游公路的现状和规划情况等进行分析,并对旅游公路对江门区域发展的影响进行研究。  相似文献   

粤港澳大湾区具有"一国两制"制度结构,接近全球最佳的黄金航道,是太平洋和印度洋航运要冲,拥有全球产能规模最大的区域港口群和顶尖集装箱码头,同时,港口群也存在重复建设、功能同构、生产结构趋同导致的激烈竞争和社会效率损失。本文从降低制度性交易成本的视角,阐述了粤港澳大湾区港口群优化协调发展的必要性和紧迫性、港口群优化协调发展的政治经济逻辑、基本方针、目标和路径;提出了发挥深圳制度创新的先锋作用,以深圳与香港率先深度融合,合作共建世界港口航运中心为主线,高效推进大湾区港口群优化协调发展的战略途径。  相似文献   

2020年1月1日 至2020年12月31日,湛江外罗海上风电项目全部风机已连续安全运行一年,项目累计上网电量达5.47亿千瓦时,超额完成业主计划的全年上网电量,完成率达到127%.源源不断的可再生电力有效改善了粤港澳大湾区的能源结构,同时也为大湾区的改革发展提供了更多更优质的清洁能源.  相似文献   

近年来我国民航业快速发展,为地区经济增长提供了不可或缺的动力,但其带来的碳排放问题也不容忽视。本文建立模型计算2009-2016年粤港澳大湾区五大机场的碳排放量,用LMDI法对影响因素进行分解,回归拟合EKC曲线、建立脱钩模型,对大湾区机场群航空碳排放演化特征及地区经济发展关联性进行实证分析。研究结果表明:经济水平、能源强度、人口规模对航空碳排放起正向拉动作用,运输强度起反向抑制作用;航空碳排放量与经济增长总体表现为扩张负脱钩,但有逐渐转化为弱脱钩的趋势。据此提出优化航线网络结构、改进发动机等技术参数和加快地区经济发展的航空减排建议。  相似文献   

东莞市作为粤港澳大湾区核心城市,位于港深莞惠及广佛两大都市圈的双重辐射、广深核心交通走廊上,"自下而上"的管理模式也导致了区域发展的不均衡。本文结合东莞市最新居民出行调查数据,首次系统分析了东莞市特色的城市及交通发展特征,并对粤港澳大湾区发展背景下交通发展面临机遇与挑战进行了判断,从区域与城市协调发展、坚持东莞特色发展及保障公共服务均等化等方面提出交通发展策略,从共建共享区域设施、构建差异化组团公交发展模式、尽快启动小汽车需求管理等方面给出了符合组团型特大城市发展特色的交通对策,为东莞市及都市圈同类城市交通发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>2010年1月20日,《防治船舶污染海洋环境管理条例》(以下简称《防污条例》)宣贯会召开。据悉,《防污条例》将于3月1日起正式施行。《防污条例》对1983年颁布的《中华人民共和国防止船舶污染海域管理条例》进行了全面修改,以"预防为主、  相似文献   

<正>"做好船舶和港口污染治理工作是保护长江母亲河的必然要求,是推动长江航运高质量发展的迫切需要。"长江航务管理局党委书记、局长唐冠军说。据悉,为切实将船舶和港口污染治理作为当前重要的政治任务来抓,长江航务管理局制定实施了《全面加强长江生态环境保护坚决打好污染防治攻坚战的实施方案》等一系列工作方案,为全面加强长江船舶和港口污染治理制定了详细任务单、时间表和路线图。唐冠军介绍,紧盯《长江经济带生态环境警示片》所反映的船舶和港口污染问题,长航局重点念  相似文献   

2月8日,党中央、国务院印发了《国家综合立体交通网规划纲要》(以下简称《规划纲要》),这是国家第一个综合立体交通网的中长期规划纲要.《规划纲要》的编制以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,贯彻了党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中、五中全会精神,纲要的编写过程中得到了相关部委、各省区市、社会各界、有关各方的大力支持、...  相似文献   

本文是财政部基本科研业务费专项项目“港口近岸生态环境损害评价方法及生态修复技术研究”的研究成果。为建立适合我国国情的内河船舶污染强制责任保险限额的制定方法,文章通过分析国内外船舶污染责任保险限额设定内容、设定方式和设定依据,明确其设定思路并分析其优缺点,进一步确定我国内河船舶污染责任保险限额的的法律依据,比较责任限额的科学设置方法。在“限额设置区间、区间递进方式、限额变动、起始吨位、使用货币、责任限额的确定方式、对责任限制的免除条件、法律基础”等方面进行了理论创新,提出详细的可操作性设置建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents an estimation and analysis of ship exhaust emissions and their externalities in the popular cruise destinations of Dubrovnik (Croatia) and Kotor (Montenegro) along the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. To this extent, the recent record (2012–2014) of cruise ships calling at these ports is used to model and estimate the ship exhaust emission inventories and externalities within the associated bays and ports.The results indicate that cruise ship traffic produces continuously increasing air pollution in both ports over recent years. More importantly, however, the analysis of the ship operating characteristics reveals that for any given ship traffic involving specific vessels using marine fuel of a given quality, the presence of other factors (e.g. berth availability, berth accessibility etc) can also influence the ship emission levels. This is particularly evident in the case of the port of Kotor where berth space insufficiency dictates the need for ship anchorage thus leading to increased air pollution and costs of associated damage.The application and results of the aforementioned ship activity-based methodology to the ports of Dubrovnik and Kotor improves our understanding of ship emissions in cruise bays and ports, and contributes toward the implementation of port policies for the effective control of air quality in such environmentally sensitive locations.  相似文献   

文章针对天津港特殊的地理位置,周边敏感资源的特点,对天津港典型LNG码头的运输货种及燃料油的污染危害性进行了分析,对码头及船舶存在的风险进行了研究。运用Oilmap溢油轨迹和归宿模型,采用情景分析法假定溢油事故场景,对燃料油泄漏事故进行了模拟。根据研究结果,对天津LNG码头提出了风险的防范措施以及建议。  相似文献   

This article uses visualization techniques to investigate global ship risk profiles and their changes over time. With a unique data set of 49,151 observations, the authors link changes in risk profiles to legislative developments and industry actions, as well as identify areas prone to general safety, loss of life, and pollution risks. Improved risk profiles over time have resulted from legislative measures, including the International Safety Management Code, the Oil Pollution Act, amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, and the introduction of port state controls and industry vetting inspections.  相似文献   

环境保护监理是近年来监理工程师的主要工作之一,文章通过对钦州港大榄坪1#、2#散杂货泊位工程施工中存在的环境问题进行分析,提出了防治环境污染的监理措施和方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents a fuzzy controller for freeway ramp metering, which uses rules of the form: IF “freeway condition” THEN “control action.” The controller has been designed to consider varied levels of congestion, a downstream control area, changing occupancy levels, upstream flows, and a distributed detector array in its rule base. Through fuzzy implication, the inference of each rule is used to the degree to which the condition is true. Using a dynamic simulation model of conditions0fj at the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, the action of the fuzzy controller is compared to the existing “crisp” control scheme, and an idealized controller. Tests under a variety of scenarios with different incident locations and capacity reductions show that the fuzzy controller is able to extract 40 to 100% of the possible savings in passenger-hours. In general, the fuzzy algorithm displays smooth and rapid response to incidents, and significantly reduces the minute-miles of congestion.  相似文献   

The incorporation of new international regulations is a rational way to avoid the use of substandard Asian ship-breaking yards. However, more restrictive regulations and agreements could lead to increase the proliferation of the use of third countries in connection with ship recycling industry. The new Open Registries provides ship-owners with legal loopholes in order to avoid strict national legislations and international rules, thus the “genuine link” disappears and the ship-owner’s responsibilities relax. Ship-breaking industry is a complex interconnected system with many important key actors, such as shipping companies, ship-owners, ship registries, brokers, and ship-breaking yards, all of which are discussed in this paper under the vision of a new global ship recycling policy, and focusing in those cases when a ship changes its flag state registration just before scrapping. This paper analyses the most common flags selected in order to send ships for scrapping. Empirical investigation to determine the relation between States and ship-breaking industry has been carried out using the multivariate statistic technic known as “Simple correspondence analysis”. The results show a relation between ship registry selection and ships that are about to end their lives, re-flagging solely for the purpose of scrapping. If we observe the evolution of the different flag states at the end of the ship’s life, we find incremented use of new open registers or “Mirror Flags”. General abuse of new registries in ship-breaking industry would lead to a ship-breaking industry without rules or transparent procedures, which could violate labour and environmental standards.  相似文献   

This paper contests the conventional wisdom that travel is a derived demand, at least as an absolute. Rather, we suggest that under some circumstances, travel is desired for its own sake. We discuss the phenomenon of undirected travel – cases in which travel is not a byproduct of the activity but itself constitutes the activity. The same reasons why people enjoy undirected travel (a sense of speed, motion, control, enjoyment of beauty) may motivate them to undertake excess travel even in the context of mandatory or maintenance trips. One characteristic of undirected travel is that the destination is ancillary to the travel rather than the converse which is usually assumed. We argue that the destination may be to some degree ancillary more often than is realized. Measuring a positive affinity for travel is complex: in self-reports of attitudes toward travel, respondents are likely to confound their utility for the activities conducted at the destination, and for activities conducted while traveling, with their utility for traveling itself. Despite this measurement challenge, preliminary empirical results from a study of more than 1900 residents of the San Francisco Bay Area provide suggestive evidence for a positive utility for travel, and for a desired travel time budget (TTB). The issues raised here have clear policy implications: the way people will react to policies intended to reduce vehicle travel will depend in part on the relative weights they assign to the three components of a utility for travel. Improving our forecasts of travel behavior may require viewing travel literally as a “good” as well as a “bad” (disutility).  相似文献   

为了遏制境外新冠肺炎疫情输入风险的高发态势,中国民航总局出台了调控航班的"五个一"措施。对于中国为防疫而采取的措施,美欧表示了不满,认为我国单边违反了航空运输协定。本文阐明采取相关防疫措施的国际立法依据是《国际卫生条例》第2条总目标及第43条有关额外措施的规定,从措施的实施效果与当前新冠肺炎疫情传播的严峻程度看,调控航班的措施是符合条例中的"保护性原则"、"比例原则"和"科学原则"的。  相似文献   

本文通过对古雷港区东山湾水域夜间航行各项致险因素的研究,提出了规范船舶交通流方面、完善助航标志配布方面、夜间灯光环境方面、港池通航条件方面等各项通航条件的优化措施,并以此为依据提出有序开展夜航和全面开通船舶夜航的建议:对夜间船舶通航风险采取分级分类管控,对夜间重载进出港船舶应采取比空载船舶更加严格的管理和要求,同时,建议东山湾水域夜间污染防治能力和人员救助能力应能够适应全面放开夜航后的需要。  相似文献   

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