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首先分析了危化品道路运输安全现状及存在的问题,然后提出危化品道路运输联控机制建设策略。  相似文献   

内河航运发展的战略机遇期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言 内河航运是一种悠久的运输方式,在中华民族灿烂的历史长河中,为历代政治、经济、文化、军事的发展作出了卓越贡献。 改革开放以来,内河航运以自身特有的技术经济优势,为我国经济社会发展和现代化建设事业发挥了十分重要的作用。 21世纪开始,我国进入了全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化、构筑现代综合运输体系的新的发展时期。近年来,内河航运基础设施建设有序推进,活跃了水上运输市场,货运量持续稳步增长,运输船舶趋向大型化、专业化、标准化,内河航运开始进入相对快速的发展时期并呈现很好的发展前景。同时,面对资源日趋…  相似文献   

在历史长河中,内河航运这种古老的运输方式曾对中华文明的发展产生过重要影响.建国以来,内河航运也在推动社会进步、发展国民经济方面发挥了重要作用.内河航运是国民经济的基础产业,是综合运输体系的重要组成部分.上世纪九十年代初期,由于公路、铁路等运输方式的快速发展和竞争趋于激烈,内河航运发展滞后.随着我国建设资源节约、环境友好型社会和区域经济协调发展战略的实施,内河港口、航道和船舶协调发展,现代化进程加快,呈现出快速发展的良好态势,内河航运的重要性和比较优势日益凸显.  相似文献   

<正> 内河航运作为一种运输方式,在国民经济中具有不可替代的优势和重要作用,特别是对我国实施沿海、沿江、沿边发展战略具有独特的功能。从当前和21世纪的发展来看,我国的内河航运是条短腿,成为我国对外开放和经济社会发展的制约因素。因此,开发利用内河航运,提高航运资源的利用率和经济性,是加强我国交通基础设施、缓解运输紧张状况的重要措施,对整个运输体系的建设都将有深远的意义。 一、内河航运的基本情况 我国是一个河川之国,在陆地上,流域面积  相似文献   

内河航运在欧洲蓬勃发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲人把近海运输和内陆水运分别称作“海上机动车道”和“水上支路”,欧洲的运河和内河航运更是举世瞩目,成为全球内河航运发展的楷模。长期以来,欧洲地区的集装箱运输被道路堵塞的瓶颈所困扰。由于公路交通运输日趋饱和,汽车废气排放超标构成公害,社区居民叫苦不迭,抗议不绝;面临巨大环保压力的欧盟决心进一步发展内河航运,把部分公路运输转移到内河水运和铁路运输,以减轻公路运输的压力。  相似文献   

为准确有效地评价危化品铁路运输安全,通过系统理论事故模型与过程构建危化品铁路运输安全评价体系,整理出作业过程中易导致事故的指标因素。引入改进的层次分析法确定各指标因素的权重占比,利用云模型评价危化品运输作业安全。以某车站发生的一起硫磺集装箱起火事故为例,根据车站的实际情况量化指标,计算分析各项指标对运输作业流程安全影响的重要程度。研究结果表明:影响危化品铁路运输安全的权重占比较大的因素有托运人的安全意识、货运检查员的执行情况及危化品的物理情况等因素,需采取相应的措施防患于未然。同时验证了提出的定量方法能较全面地剖析事故因素。  相似文献   

2007年春节期间,北京市平均每天一起道路危化品运输安全事故。2007年4月24日金陵交运危险品分公司在山东曲阜发生一起因驾驶员疲劳驾驶,车辆撞护栏造成侧翻、货物泄漏、押运员受伤的重大道路交通事故.直接经济损失24万元。2008年1月9日.重庆市重庆特斯拉化学原料有限公司发生中毒窒息事故,造成5人死亡、13人中毒(其中3人重伤)。  相似文献   

进入工业化社会以来,铁路、公路、航空、管道等运输方式发展很快,内河航运在交通运输体系中的地位也日趋凸显。尤其在运输消耗不断增加、资源相对短缺、生态环境遭受破坏的矛盾和问题越来越突出的形势下,发展环保和资源节约优势突出的内河航运,对于建立资源节约型和环境友好型的交通运输体系,促进流域经济发展具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

关于京杭运河与长江航运发展的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内河航运是最古老的运输方式之一,具有运量大、成本低、能耗小、占地少等优点,不仅在人类社会发展历史中发挥过巨大作用,而且在现代文明的今天也受到普遍重视,德国的莱茵河和美国的密西西比河就是现代社会内河航运开发的成功范例。尽管如此,人们对于内河航运的重要地位常常由于种种原因对其产生疑虑。最典型的实例莫过于长江沿江公路和铁路的快速发展给长江航运所带来的巨大竞争压力,使人们为长江航运的发展前景担忧。本文拟从京杭运河水运在现代综合运输体系中的地位及其发展过程这一实例入手,论述内河航运的市场竞争能力及其不可替代性,为…  相似文献   

徐华 《人民交通》2022,(2):93-95
危险化学品在高速公路运输过程中,因自然条件、路况、人为等因素的影响,随时可能发生泄露事故.这些事故一旦处置不当,将产生严重后果.有针对性地利用Unity3D游戏引擎设计一款基于VR虚拟现实技术高速公路危化品泄露事故疏散训练系统,可以提高受训人员的自救意识和疏散能力,防止二次伤害.系统包括四个模块:训练前培训模块、泄露场...  相似文献   

This paper looks at the energy consumption and green house gas emissions of inland river shipping, and compares them with the performance of seagoing ships. The analysis is based on a case study of container shipping on the Yangtze River, China. Data were collected under both calm water and real navigation conditions, and energy efficiency operation indices under these conditions are calculated and analyzed. We find that the navigation environment can influence significantly the operational energy efficiency of inland river ships.  相似文献   

重庆地处长江上游经济带核心地区,水运发达,随着客货运量逐年增加,通行的内河船舶尾气排放严重影响港口及航道附近大气环境,已成为重庆大气污染的主要来源之一,颗粒物、NO_x的排放分别占重庆市总排放的4.3%、21.9%,SO_2占年排放的7.4%(14.8%。在大气环境问题日益严峻的情况下,LNG动力船舶因其可明显降低排气污染物,越发受到社会关注,对重庆市单LNG动力示范船舶尾气排放进行实测,对比柴油动力船舶,颗粒物、NO_x、SO_2减排显著,减排率分别达99.94%、72.69%、100%。因此,LNG动力船舶的推广表现出明显的环境效益,同时,综合分析了当前LNG动力船舶推广存在问题及困难。  相似文献   

Fuzzy optimization techniques can be applied in determining the optimal schedule for the transport of gravel by inland water transportation. Gravel demand, for example, is difficult to determine precisely since it depends on the industrial development of the regions supplied by gravel and on possible buyers. The duration of the annual navigation period varies depending on the water level, possible icebergs, heavy fog, strong and frequent wind. The transport company is usually satisfied if total transportation costs stay within a reasonable range. The formulation of a linear programme lacks flexibility in dealing with imprecise input data. In this paper this type of problem has been approached with fuzzy optimization techniques.  相似文献   

Inland waterways are vulnerable to climate change as river navigation depends on water levels. Droughts can severely disrupt inland navigation services by reducing water levels either to completely non-navigable ones or to levels that oblige operators to reduce vessel load. We analyse the impacts of droughts induced by climate change using projections of river discharge data provided by eleven different climate model runs. We consider location specific characteristics by focusing the analysis on four specific locations of the Rhine and the Danube where a substantial part of the total freight activity in the European Union (EU) takes place. For the majority of the cases and scenarios considered, a decrease of the number of low water level days is projected, leading to fewer drought related disruptions in the operation of the inland waterway transport system. Although the uncertainties from the climate projections should not be neglected, the navigation sector could benefit from global warming which means that European inland waterways might be one of the few sectors where climate change can have negligible, or even positive, impact. The average economic benefit, for the cases considered, from the decrease of low water levels by the end of the century is projected to be almost €8million annually.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the Granger-causality relationship between income and transportation of EU-15 countries using a panel data set covering the period 1970–2008. In the study, inland freight transportation per capita in ton-km (TRP), inland passenger transportation per capita in passenger-km (PAS), and road sector gasoline fuel consumption per capita in kg of oil equivalent (GAS) are used as transportation proxies and GDP per capita is used as measure of income. Our findings indicate that the dominant type of Granger-causality is bidirectional. Instances of one-way or no Granger-causality were found to correspond with countries with the lowest income per capita ranks in 1970 and/or in 2008. Although we conclude that there is an endogenous relationship between income and transportation, this is not observed until after an economy has completed its transition in terms of economic development.  相似文献   

Future climate change is expected to affect inland waterway transport in most main natural waterways in Europe. For the river Rhine it is expected that, in summer, more and longer periods with low water levels will occur. In periods of low water levels inland waterway vessels have to reduce their load factors and, as a result, transport prices per tonne will increase. One possible consequence of these higher transport prices is a deterioration of the competitive position of inland waterway transport compared with rail and road transport, and thus a change in modal split. We study this issue using a GIS-based software model called NODUS which provides a tool for the detailed analysis of freight transportation over extensive multimodal networks. We assess the effect of low water levels on the costs of transport operations for inland waterway transport in North West Europe under several climate scenarios. It turns out, that the effect on the modal split is limited. Under the most extreme climate scenario, inland waterway transport would lose about 5.4% of the quantity that is currently being transported annually in the part of the European inland waterway transport market considered. The very dry year of 2003 can be seen as an analogue for this scenario.  相似文献   

文章针对广西内河助航标现状,提出加大技术创新,对航标进行技改的思路。并对应用现有技术建设广西内河航标自动遥测系统进行探讨,为提高航标维护管理质量提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper aims at examining the possibility of setting up a model terminal for the transportation of dangerous goods. It should be designed in such a manner that its use would be possible for any kind of transportation.

This consideration has been prompted by the interface between transportation planning and technology, as well as by the tendency for harmonizing international recommendations pertaining to the transportation and handling of dangerous goods, especially during the last decades where unified transport has gained ground due to the advantages provided for the safe consignment of dangerous cargoes.

Since the large increase in terminal productivity is due to the heavy investments that were effected in terminal installations and to the modernization of the administration‐management of terminals, a mathematical simulation has been adopted to assist the determination of the capacity of a terminal for dangerous goods.

It is evident that different criteria and various assumptions have been taken into account in order to facilitate a deeper analysis, without ignoring the contribution of dangerous goods to the socio‐economic development.

From the outset of the study, it was already clear that the said process will make it possible to present—as a model—a simple but well defined situation for the purpose of drawing useful conclusions.  相似文献   

内河电子航道图制作质量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了内河电子航道图的定义及主要特点,并以柳江电子航道图制作为例,重点阐述了内河电子航道图的质量控制措施及电子航道图的发展前景。  相似文献   

十五滩是西南水运出海中线通道(红水河广西段)中的著名滩险,集急、浅、险、弯于一体,整治难度较大。文章利用实测水文观测资料进行水流条件及碍航特性分析,在此基础上,结合工程实际提出该滩的整治原则,并利用物理模型试验的成果进行航道整治工程设计,设计技术标准不只局限于航道等级对航道尺度的要求,还根据降低流速和减缓比降的需要,将滩口或相应部位作加宽、加深处理,以便改善流态,满足航行要求。工程实施后,扩大了航道尺度,解决了“险”、“窄”、“弯”等问题。  相似文献   

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