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本文基于供应链视角对应急物流中心选址问题进行了研究,提出了供应链视角下应急物流中心选址的相关指标,在此基础上应用主成分分析法对应急物流中心选址问题进行了建模和分析。实例表明,主成分分析方法能够解决供应链视角下应急物流中心选址问题,从而为应急物流中心选址决策提供科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

概算编制的合理性和准确性对工程总投资控制有着十分重要的意义。以上海松江区现代有轨电车T2线为例,从区间、轨道、供电、车站规模与通道形式、售检票模式、车辆基地选址与规模等方面,分析了影响有轨电车概算的因素,并提出了概算编制过程中应注意的事项。  相似文献   

AHP法在物流中心选址中的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用AHP法从社会效益、经济效益、技术效能等方面结合物流中心的功能,科学地分析了影响物流中心选址的各种因素,并将这些影响因素根据其重要性进行排序和综合评价,大大简化了物流中心选址的复杂性,也使物流中心选址的决策更为科学、合理.  相似文献   

城市轨道交通网络化运营要求整合车辆运用检修资源,提高设施设备利用率,实现资源共享。路网性车辆基地的建设是提升网络化运营效益的重要措施。本文以上海北翟路车辆基地为案例,从建设规模、建设选址、共享条件、主要工艺方案等方面,分析路网性车辆基地功能设计需求,可供类似工程借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

通过阐述应急物流网络的内涵及对其进行合理规划的意义,从选址、库存、运输三个角度提出了应急物流网络规划的主要内容——应急物资储备节点空间布局、应急物资储备节点库存策略、应急物资运输及配送路径选择,最后归纳总结了应急物流网络规划的一般性步骤,以供决策者参考。  相似文献   

文中概述了目前国内外天然气长输管道应急封堵技术发展的现状,并通过理论分析与工程实践,对常用的4种管道应急封堵技术从技术原理、施工工艺、施工特点等方面进行了简单对比。而后重点介绍了带压开孔-旁通封堵技术的原理、施工工艺,并通过分析得出结论,带压开孔-旁通封堵技术具有应用范围广、可靠性高、不需停输等优点,适用于天然气长输管道的应急封堵作业。  相似文献   

以码头营运时船舶燃油泄漏存在的环境风险为例,从码头风险事故识别、源项分析以及风险管理,应急预案等方面对拟建的码头进行风险评价,通过采用溢油扩散、漂移模型对该码头船舶发生漏油风险事故时对水质进行影响分析,为码头选址的环境可行性论证提供技术依据。  相似文献   

试车线长度对轨道交通车辆基地用地规模控制起重要作用,也是车辆基地规划设计的关键点。通过对轨道交通试车线功能需求、列车牵引制动特性和关键控制因素等综合分析,提出试车线设置原则及长度计算等技术要求,为试车线的规划设计提供技术依据;对用地条件受限的车辆基地,提出降级设置试车线的具体方法,并结合工程实际案例对正线试车区段的选址、长度以及相关专业配套等设计要求进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着现代科技的不断进步、高铁网络的逐渐完善和电商物流的快速发展,高铁快运的市场前景愈加广阔。为将铁科院高铁快运基地打造成国家级示范与创新中心,对其平面布局进行研究。从土地利用、公路接驳等方面分析选址方案,推荐于环线东南侧布置物流基地;按照功能定位设计分区方案,将基地划分为科研创新区、装卸区及停车区;依据物流设施与设备的配置情况,提出两种布局方案,经综合比选,推荐在初期设置大型仓库,以适应高铁快运的发展需求,并更好地发挥引领示范作用。  相似文献   

我国发展高铁货运的可行性分析及方案选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国外高铁货运组织方案和经验。从运输车辆、装卸作业、管理体制三方面分析了当前我国开展高铁快运的主要问题。提出了专用车底开行、利用客运动车底开行、旅客列车加挂专用车辆三种组织方案,比较分析了各方案的适应性;从研究专用车辆、规划装卸基地、研制装卸设备和装载方式、完善管理规章等方面提出配套措施。  相似文献   

Maritime transportation, the primary mode for intercontinental movement of crude oil, accounts for 1.7 billion tons annually – bulk of which are carried via a fleet of large crude oil tankers. Although spectacular episodes such as Exxon Valdez underline the significant risk and tremendous cost associated with marine shipments of hazardous materials, maritime literature has focused only on the cost-effective scheduling of these tankers. It is important that oil transport companies consider risk, since the insurance premiums is contingent on the expected claim. Hence through this work, we present a mixed-integer optimization program – with operating cost and transport risk objectives, which could be used to prepare routes and schedules for a heterogeneous fleet of crude oil tankers. The bi-objective model was tested on a number of problem instances of realistic size, which were further analyzed to conclude that the cheapest route may not necessarily yield the lowest insurance premiums, and that larger vessels should be used if risk is more important as it enables better exploitation of the risk structure.  相似文献   

论述了土基永久变形的发展机理及其危害性,并从内、外因两个方面分析了影响土基永久变形的重要因素,为利用室内重复荷载三轴试验研究路基土的永久变形特性提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

The empirical evaluation of maritime risk exposure is based on the monetary value at risk (MVR) that incorporates individual safety quality data of about 130,000 vessels, insurable values related to various potential damages, and proxies for fractions of values lost at incidents. MVR provides a tool to enhance strategic planning of maritime administrations and insurance providers, which is illustrated by a high level comparison of annual risk exposure with insurance premiums for 2010–2014. The analysis reveals a global annual insurable value of 30.6 trillion USD with associated annual MVR of 38.8 billion USD for very serious and serious incidents. Although oil tankers show the highest risk exposure (1.75 million USD per tanker per year), safety qualities are found to be best for this ship type (1.4% annual incident risk) and worst for container vessels (2.8%). Annual growth rates in total risk exposure are mostly positive with highest value for dry bulk carriers (27.8%), whereas risk exposure tends to decline for pollution of oil tankers (−2.0%) and passenger vessels (−11.3%), and for loss of life of oil tankers (−1.9%) and dry bulk carriers (−1.4%). Comparison across administrative dimensions reveals that most risk exposure lies with old open registries and with beneficial owners and the Document of Compliance companies located in high income countries. Comparison with global insurance premiums suggests reasonably adequate coverage of maritime risks (excluding cargo) with under-insurance of risk by around 5% (about 1 billion USD per year), with some uncertainties remaining for actual loss fractions of the involved damages.  相似文献   

Entering of chemical substances into aquatic environment occurs either by involuntary accidents or discharging of chemical wastes resulting from tank washing operations of tankers carrying chemicals. MARPOL 73/78 Convention strict regulations on discharging of chemical residues left in their tanks to the sea, but permits the discharging of such residues provided certain conditions are met. In the present study; the period from 1996 to 2016 is examined and the number of new tankers participating in the chemical tanker fleet and the distribution of these tankers according to dwt tonnage is shown. The tanker fleet which consisted of 1.882 ships in 1966 reached 3.923 units in 2016. Accordingly, the volume of chemical merchandise carried by sea was 132 million tons in 1996, but it reached 287 million tons in 2016. According to the order books, it is understood that these figures will increase even more. The increase in the number of tankers and the growth of the capacities means that more chemical substances are transported at the same time and the tonnage of the chemical waste discharged to the sea is also on increase. Based on the scientific background which proves that chemicals cause biological accumulation and acute and chronic toxicity on aquatic life, and the results of chemical tanker development over the last 20 years that has been presented; It is necessary for maritime authorities to reconsider the legal arrangements for allowing chemical tankers to discharge chemical wastes from tank washing waters to the sea.  相似文献   

The vessel accident oil-spillage literature has focused on oil-cargo vessels, tankers and tank barges, implicitly assuming that these vessels incur greater accident oil-spillage than other (i.e., non-oil-cargo) vessels which just carry oil in their fuel tanks. This study investigates the validity of this assumption for the post US OPA-90 (Oil Pollution Act of 1990) period by investigating determinants of vessel accident oil-spillage, where one of the hypothesized determinants is type of vessel (including both oil-cargo and non-oil-cargo vessels). Tobit regression estimates of vessel accident oil-spillage functions suggest that tank barges have incurred greater in-water and out-of-water oil-spillage for the post OPA-90 period than non-oil-cargo vessels; alternatively, tankers have not incurred greater out-of-water (in-water) oil-spillage than non-oil-cargo vessels (except for freight ships). The policy implication is that greater attention needs to be given to reducing tank barge accident oil-spillage in the post OPA-90 period.  相似文献   

某输油管道刺漏调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某输油管道在5天之内发生了2次泄漏事故,造成了巨大的经济损失。对两次泄漏事故和抢修过程进行了深入调查,对导致输油管道泄漏的各种原因进行了分析。依据管道刺漏形貌及位置,认为内壁腐蚀导致管道穿孔。对管道铺设轨迹进一步调查,研究结果表明管道两次刺漏位置均发生在低谷位置。认为密度较大的水等腐蚀介质容易在管道低谷位置积聚,其液面位置容易腐蚀。根据调查分析结果,对防止输油管道穿孔提出了建议。  相似文献   

油田轻烃回收前期伴生气测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高油田开发的整体效益,综合利用伴生气资源是可行的途径。但在投入轻烃回收装置前,需要对其进行可行性论证。为了给可行性论证提供可靠的依据,需要对产气量、气体主要组分进行分析,其中集输站场和单井伴生气产量、轻烃含量是最重要的依据,它将为下一步轻烃回收系统的选型提供可靠的依据。对油田轻烃回收前期伴生气测量的流程以及测量过程中的影响因素进行了研究。  相似文献   

隧道台阶法施工因其适应性较强而受业界青睐,但高速铁路大断面隧道台阶法施工技术要素的合理选取有待深入分析论证。文章试图通过建立三维数值计算模型,综合分析多种围岩条件下不同台阶要素对洞室稳定性的影响,以期为台阶长度、高度及上断面扁平度等重要参数的选取提供理论支撑;并通过西南艰险山区高速铁路隧道工程实践证实了其科学可靠性。  相似文献   

管道运输是石油生产输送中一种重要的运输方式,其运行的安全可靠性已经引起了高度的重视.介绍了管道的腐蚀机理,分析了影响腐蚀的因素,从内、外防腐蚀,阴极保护等方面论述了防腐蚀的应对措施.为了对输油管道的腐蚀速率进行预测,掌握输油管道腐蚀的基本规律,介绍了几种常用的油气集输管道腐蚀速率预测研究方法,为今后石油运输管道腐蚀的研...  相似文献   

In September of 2000 the UK experienced a blockade of oil refineries in response to rising fuel prices. These protests resulted in severe fuel supply disruptions that intensified over the course of about one week. During the peak of the crisis, travel activity by car was curtailed. This paper analyzes survey data collected about two months after the crisis utilizing the recent memory of respondents as to how they would expect this sort of disruption to affect their participation in daily activities. Specifically, we focused on a variety of non-discretionary and discretionary activities and examined what factors are associated with respondents expecting disruption to those activities. Statistical models were developed to analyze how demographic factors, commute mode selection, vehicle characteristics, and various other factors can explain how individuals expect disruption to their activities. Results suggest that the majority of individuals do not expect major disruptions, although for more car-dependent individuals, disruption was expected to be substantial, especially for work-related trips. These results have implications for the potential success and benefits of an integrated transport policy.  相似文献   

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