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从风沙对铁路的危害分析出发,结合神延铁路的施工实践,介绍了风沙路基的两种施工夯实方法,提出了路基施工的组织措施和质量控制措施。  相似文献   

时速250公里铁路道岔经受检验  相似文献   

onon May 《汽车杂志》2006,(9):230-231
调整(Turning)这个词与我们的生活似乎是息息相关的。我们的日常用品都需要作调整的.如汽车.电视.手机甚至于打火机也需要调整。当然汽车音响也绝对逃避不了这个课题。在选择一套自己喜欢的汽车音响系统时.我们一般都会注意搭配.品牌的可靠性,真品还是伪品又或是价钱是否最合理等环节。但很多时忽略了考虑安装前,后的调整能否发挥出器材本身应有的效果又或是自己预期得到的效果呢?[编者按]  相似文献   

本文通过神朔铁路现场施工实践,重点介绍风沙地区修建铁路路基边坡的防护方法。并针对风沙地区不同条件、特性及其危害,依据工程防护措施和植物防护措施相结合的原则,提出了防沙、沙、治理沙害的一整套具体措施。  相似文献   

神延铁路风沙路基防护工程的设计与施工   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍神延铁路第九标段风沙路基防护工程施工中 ,路基本体和两侧防护工程的施工程序、方法、人员配备及施工注意事项 ,并提出了看法  相似文献   

目前铁路运输能力与运输需求的矛盾仍然十分突出。从客运方面看,许多列车常年拥挤,尤其是春运、暑运和“五一”、“十一”期间;从货运方面看,大量货物不能及时承运,货运需求满足率仅为35%左右。  相似文献   

高速铁路路基施工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据我局收集到的中国铁路工程总公司《京沪高速铁路线桥施工技术的探讨》等资料,结合我局曾施工过的广深准高速铁路、高速公路、市政大面积软基处理工程实例,试述高速铁路基施工技术。  相似文献   

介绍我国及德国、日本等国内外高速铁路混凝土路基设计与施工情况,包括结构构造、施工技术及施工环境等。  相似文献   

该文详细介绍用土工网,土工网垫等材料作风蚀防护层,土工网方格沙障及高立式防沙网沙障在路基两侧防沙体系中的应用。  相似文献   

根据京九铁路新建复线龙(龙川)东(东莞东)段部分区段按 80 km/h试验开通后线路轨道几何尺寸的变化情况,分析、探讨影响开通速度的路基技术条件;提出新线施工按80km/h开通时路基设计、施工、线路养护中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

当前运营的时速160 km以下有砟轨道(普货)隧道内轮廓尽寸难以满足大型养护机械(特别是大型清筛机)作业空间需求,通过对新建时速160 km以下电气化铁路、单双线隧道内轮廓主要影响因素(建筑限界、接触网悬挂方式及布置、大型养护机械空间需求、轨道结构型式、侧沟及电缆槽设置等)进行综合分析,确定单双线有砟轨道隧道内轮廓控制性尺寸,并初步拟定满足大型养护机械作业要求的内轮廓方案,在此基础上通过对内轮廓方案的结构安全性、经济性及施工便利性进行综合比较,确定推荐方案,该成果对铁路行业隧道通用图编制有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

侯怀亮 《路基工程》2012,(6):141-143
结合目前我国规范中对砂土液化的判别原则,理论上分析了影响土层液化的因素,从处理的结果上分析了按照完全消除液化和部分消除液化的两种设计思路,总结了完全消除液化和不完全消除液化的设计方法质量检测标准和设计结果的权衡方法,简述了一般填方路基的砂土液化段特殊设计的过程。提出了路基工程砂土液化可参照的规范较少,数值模拟结果直接用于设计的弊端,同时认识到目前受到经济技术的限制,关于液化土层采用完全消除液化和部分消除液化的设计方案选择还是一个长久问题。  相似文献   

刚果共和国砂性土路基雨季施工问题与处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
胡利 《路基工程》2010,(5):189-191
介绍刚果共和国1号公路黑角(Pointe-Noire)至马雷累(Malele)段砂性土路基在雨季施工的关键技术措施。实践证明:通过排水处理,设置挡水平台,加强边坡保护,采用石灰或水泥处治砂性土作路基填料,其公路路基稳定可靠。  相似文献   

针对非洲刚果(布)1号公路项目区域内的砂性土具有材料强度高、渗透性强,但表层砂性土松散,孔隙比大,压缩性高,且凝聚力差,在重载作用下易变形破坏,尤其是抗水流冲刷能力差等特点,提出了水泥处治、粘性土包边处理及竹编格栅植草防护等措施。  相似文献   

客运专线某桥的施工组织设计探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合客运专线某桥工程的特点,对大临工程分布及总体设计、全桥施工方案的总体部署、主桥工期,以及客运专线桥梁施工的主要关键技术等进行探讨.  相似文献   

为研究柔性桩对高铁路基的加固效果,结合沈丹铁路客运专线工程地质条件,选择深层搅拌桩、水泥粉喷桩进行加固处理,成桩后对地面沉降、测斜、土压力及土工格栅变形等数据进行了统计分析.结果表明:深层搅拌桩、水泥粉喷桩形成柔性桩在沈丹铁路客运专线中具有良好的路用性能.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown very little information regarding drivers' opinions, attitudes and behaviours with respect to speeding and driving on urban residential streets with a 30 km/h speed limit. The present research aims to address this issue by conducting a questionnaire study with a sample of 367 Japanese drivers. The results showed that drivers tended to have positive beliefs about complying with the 30 km/h speed limit and understand the negative consequences of speeding; however, a majority of the drivers considered breaking the speed limit as a way to reduce their travel time. While the extent of speeding was found to be very serious, a number of drivers still supported the use of a 30 km/h speed limit on residential streets and favoured protecting the right of vulnerable street users. The logistic regression models developed in this study identified that the drivers who did not support the 30 km/h speed limit were associated with those who had committed traffic-law violations, who had negative beliefs about complying with the speed limit, who did not consider residents' opinions, who believed it is acceptable for them to drive at a high speed, and who felt it difficult to refrain from speeding. With regard to anti-speeding countermeasures, under drivers' point of view, streets should be designed to make the 30 km/h speed limit more credible, although this study also showed evidence supporting the application of public awareness programmes and social campaigns as speeding interventions. In addition, this research investigated drivers' speed choices in various specific driving circumstances, and six underlying factors affecting drivers' speed choices were determined. On the basic of the findings, the implications and suggestions for speeding interventions were also discussed.  相似文献   

A speed limit of 30 kilometres per hour (km/h) has been widely introduced for urban residential streets to ensure traffic safety and allow these streets to fulfil other intended functions. However, excessive speeds on these roads are very common, causing traffic safety problems and threatening the liveability of neighbourhoods. An effective and active way to deal with speeding is the application of a performance-based design approach, as mentioned in previous research. In a performance-based design approach, street geometrics and roadside elements are selected based on their influence on the desired driving speeds. The relationship between driving speeds and street features therefore needs to be determined. Although several studies have developed operating speed models for urban streets, all of these models were calibrated based on data for streets with speed limits of more than 30 km/h. The present research is designed to investigate the influence of various roadway and roadside characteristics on operating speeds on urban tangent street sections with a 30 km/h speed limit using profile-speed data. A simultaneous equation regression with a three-stage-least-square (3SLS) estimator was used for the modelling effort. The driving speed models developed in this study incorporate several street design factors, which provide helpful information for urban planners and street designers to cope with speeding issues on residential streets.  相似文献   

常见辰 《路基工程》2010,(4):252-254
植物防护是公路路基边坡防护的最主要的形式之一。通过野外观察与室内试验,就大气降雨对路基边坡稳定性的影响及边坡坡面植被护坡的水文效应进行了系统的分析,论述了边坡植被的多种作用,并对路基边坡植物防护的施工工艺与施工技术进行了探讨,对公路路基边坡植物防护工程的设计、施工具有参考和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

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