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It is analytically difficult to calculate roll damping of ships due to the effects of viscosity. Therefore, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has become a powerful tool in predicting roll damping recently. The unsteady flow around a forced rolling hull section with bilge keels can be calculated using a commercial URANS code which includes the viscous effects. In this study, two-dimensional (2D) roll damping calculations for a S60 midsection with bilge keels including free surface effects are performed for shallow draft case. The first objective of the study is to show whether the URANS code can be used to predict roll damping coefficient correctly. The second one is to show why Ikeda’s estimation method is insufficient at shallow draft case. Sinusoidal forced roll motion calculation method of roll damping moment with the help of a sliding interface and a fixed roll axis is successfully applied to predict roll damping coefficient. The calculations are carried out for different roll motion periods and amplitudes to validate the accuracy of the URANS code for different cases. Numerical results are compared with experiments, which were carried out at the towing tank facility of Osaka Prefecture University (OPU), and Ikeda’s estimation method. The results show that the URANS code is capable of predicting roll damping coefficients in a good agreement with experimental results and can be used further to develop a better model for prediction of roll damping.  相似文献   

某平底浅吃水船上层建筑应力集中分析及改善措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对某平底浅吃水船上层建筑应力集中的成因进行了理论分析,并应用有限元数值计算方法对船体结构强度进行了三维有限元分析.根据计算结果对上层建筑前端壁与主船体的连接方式进行了优化.经实船检验,该优化设计提高了这类船舶结构的安全性,实用可行.  相似文献   

Slamming load on a very large floating structure with shallow draft   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this paper is to estimate the slamming load acting on a pontoon-type very large floating structure with a shallow draft. Experiments were carried out using elastic models with different rigidities in regular waves. The results revealed that the slamming load was strongly influenced by the rigidity of the model. The conditions under which slamming occurs depended on the extent of the bottom emergence and the velocity of the relative wave height at the bow of the model. These results were related to a simple procedure for estimating slamming load.  相似文献   

论文对于浅吃水肥大型重件专用运输货船的设计进行研究.对该型船的设计关键技术,作了全面分析和介绍.对开发新船型,从观念、方法和技术上进行了讨论.实践证明新船型的航行性能、操纵性能都达到了设计和船东的要求.  相似文献   

毛建辉  徐寿钦 《船舶》2004,(1):21-23
本文主要介绍1750t超浅吃水海上运煤船概况.该船具有超浅吃水、双尾鳍和大货舱口的特点,特别适合我国沿海港口航道浅的情况,同时该船具有良好的经济效益和社会效益.  相似文献   

CHEN Han-bao 《水道港口》2010,31(5):323-323
With the advantages on rapid construction,no limitation of extent,less influence on environment, the VLFS has been turned into the focus of coastal and offshore engineering studying.As the platform,VLFS was built as airport,huge oil house etc,and would play the role of ocean economics,politics and military.The restrictive condition of VLFS is strong wave by monsoon,seismic,serious bomb etc.The floating breakwater should be put forward to shelter VLFS.The analysis of wave condition including typhoon route,archipelago and water depth is performed in this paper.The advantage and disadvantage are compared between VLFS and the marine structure from land.  相似文献   

为克服远海岛礁恶劣的自然条件、加快岛礁建设,需要找到一种岛礁快速成陆的新方法。以减少现场操作、快速施工为目标,从沉箱结构、功能性需求、快速成陆实施方法等方面研究浅吃水沉箱结构岛礁快速成陆技术的可行性及适应性。通过优化沉箱结构并分析现场条件,得到了能够满足拖运吃水要求及使用功能要求的轻型沉箱,研发了基床免整平安装沉箱的方法。通过轻质混凝土沉箱预制及反顶升调平试验,验证了关键技术的可行性,为该技术的后期应用提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

内河超浅吃水观光旅游船设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郎济才  张莹  高群涛 《江苏船舶》2005,22(5):11-13,27
最近几年沿鸭绿江的水上旅游航线已经开通并有着相当的旅游人群。但由于内河航道吃水的限制,上游的水上旅游航线很久没有开通,旅游资源没有得到很好的开发与利用。本文就是针对该问题进行设计研究工作的基础上的总结。该型船的设计、建造成功,从根本上解决了当地没有豪华旅游客船航行到上游旅游景点的问题,同时对其它地区的内河浅水观光旅游船也有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

半潜式超大型浮体的多刚体试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超大型浮体作为人类开发海洋的前沿基地,正在成为世界各国海洋工程界研究的一个热点.由于超大型浮体尺度巨大,因此它必定会采用模块化结构,由几种基本的模块在海上加以拼装,连接而成.因此,采用何种形式的连接器已成为超大型海洋浮式结构物设计过程中的一大关键技术问题.本文主要介绍了国内首次进行的半潜式超大型浮体的多刚体试验,在试验中采用刚性模块、柔性连接形式,对各模块的相对运动以及模块与模块之间连接器载荷的动力响应特性进行了研究.  相似文献   

由于海洋超大型浮体的超大尺度、复杂的结构形式、恶劣的长期使用环境、所受的外部载荷时空变化剧烈和多样化的任务功能需求等特点,需要开展对海洋超大型浮体构型和结构形式的研究,其中稳性性能是确定超大型浮体构型的关键因素之一.本文针对超大型浮体的横向、纵向下浮体两种构型分别开展完整稳性分析,并对其稳性分析结果进行对比分析,对相关技术要点进行了探讨,给出超大型浮体构型研究中关于下浮体布置朝向的建议,为相关科学问题的研究打下基础.  相似文献   

刘应中  崔维成 《船舶力学》2007,11(3):321-327
采用作者们(2007)提出的函数展开法描述箱式超大型浮体漂浮在不平底部海域中的水弹性响应问题.将速度势沿静水面位置展开,其系数是水平位置的函数.根据速度势满足拉普拉斯方程就可将这些系数简化到只有两个未知函数.海底条件和平板动力学方程或联合的自由面条件可以分别在Ⅰ区和Ⅱ区建立两个方程用于确定这两个未知函数.不同区域的解要在公共界面上进行匹配.在求解水弹性问题时,展开法必须要截断,从原理上来说,保留的项数越多,其解可以适用于更高阶的kh,其中k是波数,h是水深.作为一个例子,文中给出了只保留一项的结果,而这正好是人们所熟悉的浅水方程.  相似文献   

超大型浮体模块水弹性响应和结构强度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨鹏  顾学康 《船舶力学》2015,(5):553-565
水弹性方法针对超大型浮体的刚度特点,充分考虑了结构变形与流体运动的相互作用,是进行结构安全性分析的有效手段。文章采用水弹性分析方法研究了超大型浮体单模块总体波浪载荷以及结构应力响应。首先基于三维有限元方法分析了模块在真空中的总振动模态,然后结合模态叠加法和边界元法计算了模块在流场里面的谐振和模态响应。在此基础上,研究了各模态下结构的应力响应以及总应力响应,并分析了危险载荷工况,评估了超大型浮体单模块的结构强度,研究结果对超大型浮体单模块结构优化设计和安全性评估具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

The fluid-structure interaction of oblique irregular waves with a pontoon-type very large floating structure (VLFS) edged with dual horizontal/inclined perforated plates has been investigated in the context of the direct time domain modal expansion theory. For the hydroelastic analysis, the boundary element method (BEM) based on time domain Kelvin sources is implemented to establish water wave model including the viscous effect of the perforated plates through the Darcy’s law, and the finite element method (FEM) is adopted for solving the deflections of the VLFS modeled as an equivalent Mindlin thick plate. In order to enhance the computing efficiency, the interpolation-tabulation scheme is applied to assess rapidly and accurately the free-surface Green function and its partial derivatives in finite water depth, and the boundary integral equation of a half or quarter VLFS model is further established taking advantage of symmetry of flow field and structure. Also, the numerical solutions are validated against a series of experimental tests. In the comparison, the empirical relationship between the actual porosity and porous parameter is successfully applied. Numerical solutions and model tests are executed to determine the hydroelastic response characteristics of VLFS with an attached anti-motion device. This study examines the effects of porosity, submerged depth, inclined angle and gap distance of such dual perforated anti-motion plates on the hydroelastic response to provide information regarding the optimal design. The effects of oblique wave angle on the performance of anti-motion and hydroelastic behavior of VLFS are also emphatically examined.  相似文献   

海上超大型浮式结构是由若干个与半潜平台相似的浮体通过连接器相连而成的一种新型海上结构,目前对其结构强度分析较少。文章基于直接计算方法,采用SESAM/Hydro D进行超大浮体单模块水动力分析并预报其波浪载荷,进而调用SESAM/Sestra模块进行超大浮体总体强度有限元分析。分析表明,超大浮体的三个连接部位出现了较大应力集中。选取这三处连接部位作为关键节点,采用ANSYS计算该三处关键节点的局部强度。研究结果表明,在横撑与下浮体连接处总体和局部应力均最大,该部位是易产生疲劳破坏的部位,需要重点研究。  相似文献   

作为一种新型的海洋浮式结构,将网架结构的设计理念应用于超大型海洋浮式结构物VLFS的设计.网架结构具有结构强度高、工业化程度高、制造难度低、安装便利和制造工期短等优点.运用ABAQUS有限元软件对新型VLFS浮式结构在海洋环境条件下的应力和应变进行分析,新型VLFS浮式结构的强度、稳定性和耐波性满足工程要求.  相似文献   

Transient responses of a VLFS during landing and take-off of an airplane   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transient elastic deformation of a pontoon-type very large floating structure (VLFS) caused by the landing and take-off of an airplane is computed by the time-domain mode-expansion method. The memory effects in hydrodynamic forces are taken into account, and great care is paid to numerical accuracy in evaluating all the coefficients appearing in the simultaneous differential equations for the elastic motion of a VLFS. The time-histories of the imparted force and the position and velocity of an airplane during landing and take-off are modeled with data from a Boeing 747-400 jumbo jet. Simulation results are shown of 3-D structural waves on a VLFS and the associated unsteady drag force on an airplane, which is of engineering importance, particularly during take-off. The results for landing show that the airplane moves faster than the structural waves generated in the early stage, and the waves overtake the airplane as its speed decreases to zero. The results for take-off are essentially the same as those for landing, except that the structural waves develop slowly in the early stage, and no obstacle exists on the runway after the take-off of airplane. The additional drag force on an airplane due to the elastic responses of the runway considered in this work was found to be small in magnitude.  相似文献   

 A structural safety assessment of a pontoon-type very large floating structure (VLFS) surrounded by a gravity-type breakwater was carried out for extreme wave conditions by considering the damage to the breakwater. Bending and shear collapses are considered to be a failure mode of the floating structure, while overturning damages the breakwater. The probability of the breakwater overturning, and the transmitted wave height before and after damage to the breakwater, are evaluated using design formulae for port and harbor facilities in Japan. The ultimate bending and shear strengths of the floating structure are calculated by the idealized structural unit method (ISUM) and FEM, respectively. The calculated failure probability for the floating structure is compared with the specified target safety level. It was found that the floating structure under consideration is most likely to fail by bending in transverse waves, and that the corresponding failure probability satisfies the target level. Received: September 12, 2002 / Accepted: October 4, 2002 Acknowledgment. The authors are grateful to Dr. Shigeo Ohmatsu, National Maritime Research Institute, Japan, for allowing us to use the program of hydroelastic response analysis. Address correspondence to: M. Fujikubo (e-mail: fujikubo@naoe.hiroshima-u.ac.jp) Updated from the Japanese original, which won the 2002 SNAJ prize (J Soc Arthit Jpn 2002;190:337–345)  相似文献   

箱式超大型浮体水弹性分析的弹性地基梁法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何快速而精确地估计箱式超大型浮体在波浪中的水弹性响应是设计中需要解决的一个重要问题。在所提出的各种简化分析方法中,弹性地基梁模型是最简单的。本文选择了四种弹性地基梁模型进行比较研究。它们分别称为S_Y_BOEF,T_BOEF,S_BOEF和A_BOEF模型。通过研究发现,由Suzuki和Yoshida提出的S_Y_BOEF模型显得太保守而不适合于实际应用,而其它三种模型是能够合理地估计箱式超大型浮体的水弹性响应的。相比而言,由S_BOEF模型延伸出的A_BOEF模型从概念上的一致性和精度方面都是最好的。弹性地基梁模型的最大优点是简单,可以很方便地在工程设计中应用。  相似文献   

A time-domain calculation method is described for elastic responses to arbitrary time-dependent external loads, on the basis of a general differential equation of second order including the convolution integral related to memory effects in the hydrodynamic forces. The time-dependent elastic deflection of a structure is represented by a superposition of mathematical modal functions, and a Galerkin scheme is employed to obtain a linear system of simultaneous differential equations for the amplitude of modal functions assumed. Special care is paid to numerical accuracy in computing the memory-effect function and the added mass at infinite frequency. The validity of the numerical results was confirmed through a comparison with time histories of the vertical deflection measured in an impulsive weight-drop test conducted at the Ship Research Institute and a comparison with existing numerical results for the same problem. To check the necessity of memory-effect terms, computations using a constant value for the hydrodynamic damping coefficient were also performed, and practical measures for reducing the computation time are discussed. Received: April 12, 2000 / Accepted: August 24, 2000  相似文献   

《Marine Structures》2000,13(4-5):245-260
This paper presents the results of investigation of wind lift force on VLFS of semisubmersible type. In the present study, wind–wave tank experiments on the scale model were also conducted in regular progressive waves. Lift forces and wind pressure were measured as a function of column diameter, unit number, superstructure and wave condition, and divided into time-averaged mean and fluctuating components. The importance of lift force, especially at the leading edge of deck, was verified in the experimental results. The results showed that fluctuation in lift force which was caused by interaction between the wind and wave was significantly large in typhoon conditions. Measured lift forces were linearly related to fluctuation of wind velocity. A lift force model is further proposed for the estimation of lift forces on VLFS of semisubmersible type and the effectiveness of this model was confirmed by the present experimental data.  相似文献   

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