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In order to account for variations in traffic composition during traffic analysis, passenger car equivalent (PCE) factors are used to convert flow rates of various vehicle classes into flow rates in terms of passenger car units (PCUs). Earlier studies have developed various methods to estimate PCE values but only a few of them are based on uninterrupted traffic flow, particularly for flow regimes with heterogeneous traffic where differential (lower) speed limits are imposed on commercial vehicles. This paper proposes a lane-harmonisation approach, which leverages on the high variation in traffic composition across the lanes, to estimate PCE factors for urban expressways. Multiple linear regression is used and the PCE factors obtained for motorcycles, light goods vehicles, and heavy goods vehicles are 0.65, 1.53, and 2.75, respectively. The estimated capacity flow rate after the application of the obtained PCE factors is around 2200 PCUs per hour per lane.  相似文献   

This paper reports the analysis and comparisons of discharge headways at 26 sites in Hong Kong. Previous studies here established good understanding of the average discharge headway under various conditions but very few studies dealt with discharge headway of individual vehicles which is a vital component in the traffic simulation at signalized intersections. This study that looked into the discharge headway of individual vehicles found that the discharge headway at different queue position follows the Type I Extreme Value Distribution. A method of estimating site‐specific parameters for this distribution has also been proposed.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of vehicle delay is difficult because of the randomness of traffic flow and large number of factors affecting intersection capacity. Existing delay models simplify the real traffic conditions and provide only approximate point estimates of average delay, whereas its variability should also be of interest. A stochastic model was used to study the changing probability distribution of delay. The model is based on sequential calculation of queue length probabilities with any type of arrival process. Delay probability distribution was investigated for different degrees of saturation, arrival types and control conditions. The variance of delay increases rapidly with degree of saturation and is inversely proportional to the approach capacity. Other parameters such as cycle time and saturation flow do not have a significant effect on delay distribution. Both the mean and variance of delay are sensitive to arrival process characteristics and increase with the variance of arrivals.  相似文献   

The maneuvering models of motorcycles in previous studies often considered motorcycles' traveling in terms of movements in a physical static lane and not in terms of dynamic virtual lane‐based movements. For that reason, these models are not able to imitate motorcyclists' behavior well. This paper proposes a maneuverability model framework for motorcycles in queues at signalized intersections with considering the dynamic motorcycle's lane. The model includes (i) a dynamic motorcycle's lane to identify the current, left, and right lanes of the subject motorcycle, (ii) a threshold distance to determine when a motorcyclist starts to consider maneuvering, (iii) a lane selection model to identify the lane preferred by a motorcyclist, and (iv) a gap acceptance model to describe whether or not the lead and lag gaps are acceptable for maneuvering. The model framework captures the variation across the motorcyclist population and over time observations. The models were applied to Hanoi and Hochiminh city, Vietnam, based on microscopic data collected from video images. All of the parameters were estimated using the maximum likelihood method with the statistical estimation software GAUSS. The results show that 77.88% of the observed maneuvers – either staying in the current lane or turning left or right – could be modeled correctly by the proposed models. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Traffic signals at intersections are an integral component of the existing transportation system and can significantly contribute to vehicular delay along urban streets. The current emphasis on the development of automated (i.e., driverless and with the ability to communicate with the infrastructure) vehicles brings at the forefront several questions related to the functionality and optimization of signal control in order to take advantage of automated vehicle capabilities. The objective of this research is to develop a signal control algorithm that allows for vehicle paths and signal control to be jointly optimized based on advanced communication technology between approaching vehicles and signal controller. The algorithm assumes that vehicle trajectories can be fully optimized, i.e., vehicles will follow the optimized paths specified by the signal controller. An optimization algorithm was developed assuming a simple intersection with two single-lane through approaches. A rolling horizon scheme was developed to implement the algorithm and to continually process newly arriving vehicles. The algorithm was coded in MATLAB and results were compared against traditional actuated signal control for a variety of demand scenarios. It was concluded that the proposed signal control optimization algorithm could reduce the ATTD by 16.2–36.9% and increase throughput by 2.7–20.2%, depending on the demand scenario.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the hypothesis that the effect of heavy vehicles on traffic is greater during congestion than during undersaturated conditions. A new approach was developed to quantify this effect by deriving passenger car equivalents (PCEs) using queue discharge flow (QDF) capacity as the equivalency criterion. This approach is based on the premise that QDF capacity observations can be expected to show minimal variation if traffic stream was uniform and consisted of passenger cars only. Two sites in Ontario, Canada were used for this research. The first is located at an entrance ramp merge area and the second at a long-term freeway reconstruction zone. Nonlinear programming was utilized to perform optimizations on a number of data sets at each site. Results strongly suggest that the research hypothesis is true and that the approach developed by this research is both plausible and feasible. The mean PCE factor at the first site was 2.36 versus 1.5 in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 2000. At the second site, the mean PCE factors in the two directions of travel were 3.21 and 2.7 versus 2.0 in the HCM 2000. Results also showed that the PCE factor developed from the optimization runs behaves as a random variable that generally follows the normal distribution. Furthermore, the PCE factor was neither a function of weather conditions nor of roadside maintenance work.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a pedestrian delay model suitable for signalized intersections in developing cities, on the basis of a field study conducted in Xi’an, China. The field study consisted of two parts: Part I involved only one crosswalk, and the signal cycle was divided into 13 subphases; Part II involved 13 crosswalks, but the signal cycles were only divided into green phases and non-green phases. It was found that pedestrian arrival rates were not uniform throughout cycles; pedestrians arriving during green phases might also receive delays; pedestrian signal non-compliance was so severe that delays were greatly reduced, but non-complying pedestrians might still receive delays; and for pedestrians walking different directions, though the relationships between average delay and arrival subphase were different, the overall average delays were almost the same. On the basis of the field study results, some assumptions are made about the relationship between average pedestrian delay and arrival subphase, and a new model is developed to estimate pedestrian delays at signalized intersections. The model is validated using the field data, and the validation results indicate that in Xi’an the new model provides much more accurate estimation than the existing models.  相似文献   

The research embodied in this paper presents a new approach for the development of guidelines for the installation of a protected left-turn phase at signalized intersections when permissive-only left-turn operation is present. This approach is based on maintaining intersection traffic operation at optimum efficiency. Three analyses were presented and discussed and they involved the use of the new approach on some hypothetical basic scenarios at a four-legged intersection with single lane in each approach. The first scenario involved exclusive left-turn lane operation while the other two scenarios involved shared-lane operation. Exhaustive signal optimization analyses were conducted using a signal optimization software package called “Signal Expert”. Regression models were developed from optimization results that allow the analyst to make the decision on protected left-turn phase installation using the basic input data of signal timing design without the need to perform field measurements. The regression results showed that the transition from permissive to protected/permissive left-turn operation, based on system optimization, is mainly a function of traffic conditions and that this transition (interface) is predictable. The results also suggested that these warrants are of reasonable accuracy when compared with those in the current practice.  相似文献   

The dynamics of formation and dissipation of queues at isolated signalized intersections are investigated by analyzing the vehicle conservation equation along the street. Solution of the conservation equation is obtained by the method of characteristics for general initial and boundary conditions, and the effect of the control variables (cycle length, green and red intervals) and system parameters (arrival rates, capacity) on the length of the queue is examined. The theoretical results are obtained by examining the dynamics of the shock waves which are formed because of the intermitted service of traffic by the signal. These results include analytical criteria for the development of saturated or unsaturated situations, analytical expressions for the maximum queue length and limits on the control variables so that the queues remain bounded. The basic findings of this study can be employed for the solution of the traffic signal optimal control problem.  相似文献   

Simulation-based optimization of traffic signal timing has become pervasive and popular, in the field of traffic engineering. When the underlying simulation model is well-trusted and/or well-calibrated, it is only natural that typical engineers would want their signal timing optimized using the judgment of that same model. As such, it becomes important that the heuristic search methods typically used by these optimizations are capable of locating global optimum solutions, for a wide range of signal systems. However off-line and real-time solutions alike offer just a subset of the available search methods. The result is that many optimizations are likely converging prematurely on mediocre solutions. In response, this paper compares several search methods from the literature, in terms of both optimality (i.e., solution quality) and computer run times. Simulated annealing and genetic algorithm methods were equally effective in achieving near-global optimum solutions. Two selection methods (roulette wheel and tournament), commonly used within genetic algorithms, exhibited similar effectiveness. Tabu searching did not provide significant benefits. Trajectories of optimality versus run time (OVERT) were similar for each method, except some methods aborted early along the same trajectory. Hill-climbing searches always aborted early, even with a large number of step-sizes. Other methods only aborted early when applied with ineffective parameter settings (e.g. mutation rate, annealing schedule). These findings imply (1) today’s products encourage a sub-optimal “one size fits all” approach, (2) heuristic search methods and parameters should be carefully selected based on the system being optimized, (3) weaker searches abort early along the OVERT curve, and (4) improper choice of methods and/or parameters can reduce optimization benefits by 22–33%.  相似文献   

U-turns are treated as left-turns in the current procedures for estimating saturation flow rates at signalized intersections. While U-turning vehicles are usually mixed with left-turning vehicles in inside or left-turn lanes and conflict with opposing through traffic as left-turning vehicles, the vehicle operating characteristics are different. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of U-turns on the traffic flow in left-turn lanes. Field data of 600 headways of left-turning passenger cars and 160 headways of U-turning passenger cars are recorded. The average headways of U-turning passenger cars are found to be significantly larger than those of left-turning passenger cars. The effects of U-turning vehicles depend upon the percent of U-turning vehicles in the left-turn lane, as well as the order of formation in the traffic stream. Adjustment factors for varying percents of U-turning vehicles in left-turn lanes are established.  相似文献   

How to estimate queue length in real-time at signalized intersection is a long-standing problem. The problem gets even more difficult when signal links are congested. The traditional input–output approach for queue length estimation can only handle queues that are shorter than the distance between vehicle detector and intersection stop line, because cumulative vehicle count for arrival traffic is not available once the detector is occupied by the queue. In this paper, instead of counting arrival traffic flow in the current signal cycle, we solve the problem of measuring intersection queue length by exploiting the queue discharge process in the immediate past cycle. Using high-resolution “event-based” traffic signal data, and applying Lighthill–Whitham–Richards (LWR) shockwave theory, we are able to identify traffic state changes that distinguish queue discharge flow from upstream arrival traffic. Therefore, our approach can estimate time-dependent queue length even when the signal links are congested with long queues. Variations of the queue length estimation model are also presented when “event-based” data is not available. Our models are evaluated by comparing the estimated maximum queue length with the ground truth data observed from the field. Evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed models can estimate long queues with satisfactory accuracy. Limitations of the proposed model are also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Heavy left-turns at intersections are not only difficult to accommodate but also often cause traffic accidents. Such problem can be reduced by adopting an exclusive left-turn signal phase, but in this case the cycle length needs to be extended and the overall intersection capacity reduced. This problem is particularly important in such countries as Korea where unprotected left turns are rarely used. Innovative intersection designs and operational methods for avoiding these problems are presented and their effects of increasing capacity and reducing vehicle delay are analyzed. They rule out the requirement for exclusive left-turn phase while accommodating a large volume of left-turns quite safely.  相似文献   

Many accidents occurring at signalized intersections are closely related to drivers’ decisions of running through intersections during yellow light, i.e., yellow-light running (YLR). Therefore it is important to understand the relationships between YLR and the factors which contribute to drivers’ decision of YLR. This requires collecting a large amount of YLR cases. However, existing data collection method, which mainly relies on video cameras, has difficulties to collect a large amount of YLR data. In this research, we propose a method to study drivers’ YLR behaviors using high-resolution event-based data from signal control systems. We used 8 months’ high-resolution data collected by two stop-bar detectors at a signalized intersection located in Minnesota and identified over 30,000 YLR cases. To identify the possible reasons for drivers’ decision of YLR, this research further categorized the YLR cases into four types: “in should-go zone”, “in should-stop zone”, “in dilemma zone”, and “in optional zone” according to the driver’s location when signal turns to yellow. Statistical analysis indicates that the mean values of approaching speed and acceleration rate are significantly different for different types of YLR. We also show that there were about 10% of YLR drivers who cannot run through intersection before traffic light turns to red. Furthermore, based on a strong correlation between hourly traffic volume and number of YLR events, this research developed a regression model that can be used to predict the number of YLR events based on hourly flow rate. This research also showed that snowing weather conditions cause more YLR events.  相似文献   

Characterizing the relationship between environmental factors and mobility is critical for developing a sustainable traffic signal control system. In this study, the authors investigate the correlation of the environmental impacts of transport and mobility measurements at signalized intersections. A metamodeling-based method involving experimental design, simulations, and regression analysis was developed. The simulations, involving microscopic traffic modeling and emission estimation with an emerging emission estimator, provide the flexibility of generating cases with various intersection types, vehicle types, and other parameters such as driver behavior, fuel types, and meteorological factors. A multivariate multiple linear regression (MMLR) analysis was applied to determine the relationship between environmental and mobility measurements. Given the limitations of using the built-in emissions modules within current traffic simulation and signal optimization tools, the metamodeling-based approach presented in this paper makes a methodological contribution. The findings of this study set up the base for extensive application of simulation optimization to sustainable traffic operations and management. Moreover, the comparison of outputs from an advanced estimator with those from the current tool recommend improving the emissions module for more accurate analysis (e.g., benefit-cost analysis) in practical signal retiming projects.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development and validation of uniform delay models for coordinated signalized intersections. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) identifies one uniform and five non-uniform (platoon) arrival types. Delays for non-uniform arrival cases are computed by applying progression adjustment factors (PFs) to the delay for uniform arrival case. The range of PF is from 0% to 256%. We found that the PF approach produced accurate results for only one-half of cases. This paper presents an Arrival-Based approach that eliminates the needs for applying PF. The AB approach directly considers the effects of quality of progression in formulating delay models. It uses different flow rates for vehicles within and outside platoons. A total of 11 different delay models were derived to cover all arrival cases. Data from three different states were used for validation of AB delay models. The results indicate that AB models provided accurate results for all arrival types. However, HCM uniform delay model was not accurate for Arrival Types 1, 4 and 6. Furthermore, the results of cycle-by-cycle delay analyses showed that the difference between field delays and AB models were not significant, but that was not the case for the HCM model. The AB models can be simplified to yield the HCM uniform delay model, if a single regime arrival rate is assumed. Single regime arrival rate implies that the flow rate for vehicles in platoon is the same as those arriving randomly. For only the uniform arrival case, the AB delay model is identical to the HCM delay model; thus making the HCM uniform delay model a special case of AB models.  相似文献   

This study was to evaluate traffic safety of four‐legged signalized intersections and to develop a spreadsheet tool for identifying high‐risk intersections taking into consideration vehicle movements, left‐turn signal phase types, and times of day. The study used data from Virginia and employed count data models and the empirical Bayes (EB) method for safety evaluation of such intersections. It was found that crash pattern defined by vehicle movements involved in a crash and time of day are important factors for intersection crash analysis. Especially for a safety performance function (SPF), a model specification (Poisson or NB), inclusion of left‐turn signal types, type of traffic flow variables, variable functional forms, and/or magnitudes of coefficients turned out to be different across times of day and crash patterns. The spreadsheet application tool was developed incorporating the developed SPFs and the EB method. As long as Synchro files for signal plans and crash database are maintained, no additional field data collection efforts are required. Adjusting the developed SPFs and the spreadsheet for recent traffic and safety conditions can be done by applying the calibration methods employed in the SafetyAnalyst software and the Highway Safety Manual. Implementing the developed tool equipped with streamlining data entry would greatly improve accuracy and efficiency of safety evaluation of four‐legged signalized intersections in localities and highway agencies that cannot operate the SafetyAnalyst. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper compares the risk-taking behavior of the riders of electric-bikes and bicycles and their effects on safety at signalized intersections. Data were collected at signalized intersections in the city of Kunming in China. Traffic conflicts techniques are used to estimate the safety effects of electric-bikes and bicycles, with the incidents observed divided into sixteen types. About 77.7% of conflicts were caused by the risky behavior of the automobiles drivers that in particular did not yield right-of-way to electric-bikes/bicycles, 13.4% by the risky behavior of e-bikers, and the rest by cyclists. Red-light running was the leading cause for the conflicts in which the electric-bikes were at-fault.  相似文献   

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