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Many urban areas are perusing infill, transit oriented, and other “smart-growth” strategies to address a range of important regional goals. Denser and more mixed use urban development may increase sustainability and improve public health by reducing vehicle travel and increasing the share of trips made by transit, walking and bicycling. Fewer vehicle trips results in fewer greenhouse gas and toxic vehicle emissions, and more trips made by walking and bicycle increases physical activity. Prior research has largely focused on modeling and estimating the potential size of these and other smart-growth strategy benefits. A largely overlooked area is the potential for unexpected public health costs and environmental justice concerns that may result from increasing density. We evaluate regional land-use and transportation planning scenarios developed for the year 2040 by a metropolitan planning organization with a newly developed regional air quality modeling framework. Our results find that a set of regional plans designed by the MPO to promote smart-growth that are estimated to result in less vehicle use and fewer vehicle emissions than a more typical set of plans results in higher population exposure to toxic vehicle emissions. The smart-growth plans also result in greater income-exposure inequality, raising environmental justice concerns. We conclude that a more spatially detailed regional scale air quality analysis can inform the creation of smarter smart-growth plans.  相似文献   

The cost effectiveness of various emission reduction diesel retrofits is analyzed, as is early vehicle retirement. An integer program is developed to find cost-minimizing cleanup strategies, given reduction goals for various pollutants, as well as technological and budget constraints. Retrofits are assumed to take place in the present, but benefits and costs can be distributed over time. Budget constraints deal with short-term expenditures, while the overall objective is to minimize the net present value of short and long-term costs. The model is intended as a tool both for fleet owners and for government administrators. A case study examines the potential to clean up a diesel school bus fleet.  相似文献   

Travel to work and household responsibility: new evidence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Turner  Tracy  Niemeier  Debbie 《Transportation》1997,24(4):397-419
A persistent empirical finding in the research on travel patterns is that women tend to engage in shorter work commutes than men. Research evaluating the degree to which this gender differential in commuting may be explained by the division of labor in the household has produced decidedly mixed findings. This paper presents a critical review of the methods and results of recent research on the gender differential in commuting along with the associated implications for the household responsibility hypothesis (HRH). While all of the articles reviewed are informative and unique, not all conclusions are well supported. The paper then tests the HRH using the 1990 NPTS travel data. The new evidence confirms that women continue to exhibit shorter commute times and distances than men and provides support for the HRH. The paper concludes with a summary of findings and recommendations for further research.  相似文献   

Electric transit buses have been recognized as an important alternative to diesel buses with many environmental benefits. Electric buses employing lithium titanate batteries can provide uninterrupted transit service thanks to their ability of fast charging. However, fast charging may result in high demand charges which will increase the fuel costs thereby limiting the electric bus market penetration. In this paper, we simulated daily charging patterns and demand charges of a fleet of electric buses in Tallahassee, Florida and identified an optimal charging strategy to minimize demand charges. It was found that by using a charging threshold of 60–64%, a $160,848 total saving in electricity cost can be achieved for a five electric bus fleet, comparing to a charging threshold of 0–28%. In addition, the impact of fleet sizes on the fuel cost was investigated. Fleets of 4 and 12 buses will achieve the lowest cost per mile driven when one fast charger is installed.  相似文献   

Travel behavior researchers have been intrigued by the amount of time that people allocate to travel in a day, i.e., the daily travel time expenditure, commonly referred to as a “travel time budget”. Explorations into the notion of a travel time budget have once again resurfaced in the context of activity-based and time use research in travel behavior modeling. This paper revisits the issue by developing the notion of a travel time frontier (TTF) that is distinct from the actual travel time expenditure or budget of an individual. The TTF is defined in this paper as an intrinsic maximum amount of time that people are willing to allocate for travel. It is treated as an unobserved frontier that influences the actual travel time expenditure measured in travel surveys. Using travel survey datasets from around the world (i.e., US, Switzerland and India), this paper sheds new light on daily travel time expenditures by modeling the unobserved TTF and comparing these frontiers across international contexts. The stochastic frontier modeling methodology is employed to model the unobserved TTF as a production frontier. Separate models are estimated for commuter and non-commuter samples to recognize the differing constraints between these market segments. Comparisons across the international contexts show considerable differences in average unobserved TTF values.  相似文献   

In two empirical studies, the impact of attitudes and environmental knowledge on driving distance, travel behaviour and acceptance of various traffic restrictions was investigated. The first study included the population in Lund, southern Sweden, and the second the politicians and civil servants responsible for transports and environment in the same city. Comparisons of the two samples revealed similar psychological processes, including environmental concern, hazard/efficacy perception and car affection, whereas environmental knowledge seemed to have a subordinate role. Preferences of restrictions differed somewhat between the public, and the politicians and civil servants. It is suggested that local implementation of new strategies to reduce private car driving might benefit from a better understanding of what will be accepted among the public. Further, in promoting pro-environmental travel behaviour it may be important to focus on basic attitudes, rather than to rely solely on factual information.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a new approach to reducing car use in order to address environmental concerns. The individual action program, known as Travel Blending®, involves participating households being sent a series of four kits, containing information booklets and travel diaries, over a nine-week period. The travel diaries are analysed and a summary of the household’s travel patterns, and the emissions produced by their vehicles, is sent back in a subsequent kit along with suggestions explaining how they could reduce vehicle use. Households complete another set of travel diaries after four weeks and these are analysed so that a comparative summary can be returned to the household with the final kit. The paper describes results from two Australian studies. The first, a pilot study, involving about 50 individuals, was undertaken in Sydney, Australia. The second study involved about 100 households from Adelaide, Australia. Quantitative results from the Adelaide study indicate about a 10% reduction in car driver kilometres with a slightly higher percentage reductions in car driver trips and total hours spent in the car. These results, while very encouraging, must be interpreted cautiously. Further research will be required to explore the generalisability and magnitude of the effect of the Travel Blending® Program on travel behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the tradeoff in time allocation between maintenance activities/travel and discretionary activities/travel. We recognize that people generally must travel a minimum amount of time in order to allocate one unit of time to the activity. This minimum amount of travel is represented by the travel time price, a ratio obtained by dividing the total amount of time traveling to maintenance or discretionary activities by the total amount of time spent on activities of the same type; it is the time equivalent of the monetary price for performing an activity. Using the San Francisco Bay Area 1996 Household Travel Survey data and applying the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) of demand equations, we found that with respect to the time equivalent of income elasticities of maintenance and discretionary activities, the former is less than unity and the latter is greater than unity. In other words, maintenance activities are a necessity and discretionary activities are a luxury. With respect to the own travel time price elasticities, if the travel time price of performing a certain type of activity increases (for reasons such as traffic congestion), one would reduce the time allocated to that type of activity. Time spent on maintenance activities is less elastic than the time spent on discretionary activities. As for the cross travel time price elasticities (changes in time allocated to activity type i in responses to changes in the time price for activity type j), we found that ɛdm>0 and ɛmd>0, suggesting a substitution effect between maintenance and discretionary activities.  相似文献   

This study explores the factors that influence consumer likelihood of purchasing two different types of alternative-fuel vehicles – flexible fuel and hybrid-electric. Data for the study come from an online survey of US automobile owners. Results suggest that concerns about energy security, the environment, and the availability of alternative fuels, along with demographic factors, have significant effects on consumer purchase expectations for alternative-fuel vehicles.  相似文献   

We analyze the cost of access travel time variability for air travelers. Reliable access to airports is important since the cost of missing a flight is likely to be high. First, the determinants of the preferred arrival times at airports are analyzed. Second, the willingness to pay (WTP) for reductions in access travel time, early and late arrival time at the airport, and the probability to miss a flight are estimated, using a stated choice experiment. The results indicate that the WTPs are relatively high. Third, a model is developed to calculate the cost of variable travel times for representative air travelers going by car, taking into account travel time cost, scheduling cost and the cost of missing a flight using empirical travel time data. In this model, the value of reliability for air travelers is derived taking “anticipating departure time choice” into account, meaning that travelers determine their departure time from home optimally. Results of the numerical exercise show that the cost of access travel time variability for business travelers are between 0% and 30% of total access travel cost, and for non-business travelers between 0% and 25%. These numbers depend strongly on the time of the day.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the travel factor convenience with particular regard to rail travel. Past research has shown that convenience is a concept readily associated with the private car and its perceived ability to provide a door‐to‐door journey. Private vehicles such as cars are often key competitors to public transport. However, convenience with regard to public transport has proved to be somewhat of an ambiguous concept, often showing a high degree of overlap with the other main recognized travel factors. This paper shows that it is possible to consider convenience in rail travel as an embodiment of four themes: access/egress, station facilities/environment, frequency of service/scheduling and interchange between train services. A list of physically measurable elements can be produced relating to these four themes in order to assess the convenience of any particular station. A categorization process is proposed based upon the initial findings of a questionnaire designed to obtain a user perspective upon convenience. It is concluded that no definitive measure of convenience can be produced for rail travel, although a proxy measure, based upon categorization, containing some or all of the defined elements should be possible.  相似文献   

A travel plan is a mechanism for delivering a package of transport measures at a site to manage car use and encourage the use of more sustainable forms of transport. In recent years, travel plans have been required for new infill and greenfield developments through the land-use planning and approvals process, predominantly in the United Kingdom, the United States, continental Europe and Australia. This paper contributes to the literature by providing a global review of travel plans for new developments. The results show that while travel plans for new developments share a common set of elements with those for pre-existing sites, differences within each element are notable, particularly in the types of travel plan measures adopted, processes for managing the travel plan, and approaches to monitoring and review. Results of previous evaluations have varied considerably, although most have reported a reduction in car driver trips of 10–20 percentage points. Despite this, most evaluations lack rigour, with a paucity of robust evidence. Key success factors identified by the literature, such as the provision of an explicit policy supporting the role of travel plans, should be embedded within the travel planning process where possible to ensure best outcomes for new developments.  相似文献   

Accessibility is a key concept in transportation research and an important indicator of people’s quality of life. With the development of big data analytics, dynamic accessibility that captures the temporal variations of accessibility becomes an important research focus. Few prior studies focus on comparative measures of dynamic accessibility to Points of Interest (POIs) by alternative travel modes. To fill this research gap, we propose a new index called dynamic modal accessibility gap (DMAG), which draws upon available data on residents’ real travel routes using different travel modes, as well as the data on POIs. We study the DMAG in the real-travel covered area, assuming POIs are only useful if it is within someone’s real-travel covered area. We then apply this DMAG methodology to Shanghai’s central city and peripheral area. In both cases, we measure the accessibility for public and private travel modes. As an example, one-week taxi GPS and metro smart card data, and POIs data are used to generate the DMAG index for 30-minute and 60-minute trip durations for weekdays and holidays. Results show that DMAG can reflect the pattern of temporal variations. The proposed DMAG analytical framework, which can be applied at both the user and the system levels, can support urban and transportation planning, and promote social equity and livability.  相似文献   

The relationship between travel and the environment has been the subject of much study but the focus has mainly been on the physical and built environment. This ignores a large body of research in sociology showing that social processes are spatially embedded and affect individual behavior. This analysis asks whether the neighborhood social environment – in addition to the built environment – influences children’s decision to walk to school in Alameda County, California. The results show that social factors, particularly neighborhood cohesion, do influence the decision to walk particularly when children face trips of less than 1.6 km. These findings provide initial evidence for transportation analysts to broaden their definition of the environment to include social factors.  相似文献   

Ecological impacts of urban sprawl on the land, as well as forces that engender sprawl are outlined. Long-range land use priorities for more compact, transit-oriented development (TOD) are seen as ecological imperatives. While Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) could solve some congestion, it does not address these priorities. Several assumptions that underlie the PRT concept, particularly the premise that denser land use is per se socially undesirable, are challenged in terms of historical precedent. Rather, the explosive scale of ubiquitous motoring is seen as the key component of today's resistance to dense development. With peripheral parking and medium-capacity AGT links to regional transportation networks, new TOD could be redefined as pedestrian-zoned and richly landscaped urban neighborhoods; this would help resolve essential traffic and environmental barriers to its realization. The simpler automated shuttle and loop technologies are seen as more compact and potentially affordable for this purpose. Steps that could help open the way toward realization of such development are discussed.  相似文献   

In the past years the behavioural basis of travel demand models has been considerably extended. In many cases individual behaviour is taken as the starting point of the analysis. Conventional aggregate models have been complemented by disaggregate models. However, even in most disaggregate models there is still the well-known sequence of generation, distribution, mode split, and assignment. In fact, travel behaviour is isolated from other human activities, and analyzed separately. The alternative is to take the general activity pattern of individuals as the departure point, and to consider travel as a derived demand. The basis of this study are diaries, kept during a full week on the basis of quarter hours by a sample of approximately 1100 persons.First, results with respect to travel frequency and travel time are given. Secondly, the influence of car availability and degree of urbanisation on travel behaviour is studied. Next, the population is divided into five person categories, and the travel pattern and activity pattern are studied separately per person group. Finally, links between travel and other activities are tentatively established.  相似文献   

Rapid advances in the development of autonomous and alternative-fuel vehicles (AFVs) are likely to transform the future of mobility and could bring benefits such as improved road safety and lower emissions. Achieving these potential benefits requires widespread consumer support for these disruptive technologies. To date, research to explore consumer perceptions of transport innovations has tended to consider them in isolation (e.g., driverless cars, electric vehicles). The current paper examines the predictors of consumer interest in and willing to pay for both AFVs and autonomous vehicles through a choice experiment conducted in six diverse markets: Germany, India, Japan, Sweden, UK and US. Using Latent Class Discrete Choice Models, we observe significant heterogeneity both within and across the country samples. For example, while Japanese consumers are generally willing to pay for autonomous vehicles, in most European countries, consumers need to be compensated for automation. Within countries, though, we found some segments – typically, those with a university degree, and self-identifying as having a pro-environmental identity and as being innovators– are more in favour of automation. Significantly, we also found that support for autonomous vehicles is associated with support for AFVs, perhaps, due to common demographic or socio-psychological predictors of both types of innovative technology. These findings are valuable for policymakers and the automotive industry in identifying potential early adopters, as well as consumer segments or cultures less convinced to adopt these innovative transport technologies.  相似文献   

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