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This paper presents and tests a method to design high-performance transit networks. The method produces conceptual plans for geometric idealizations of a particular city that are later adapted to the real conditions. These conceptual plans are generalizations of the hybrid network concept proposed in Daganzo (2010). The best plan for a specific application is chosen via optimization. The objective function is composed of analytic formulae for a concept’s agency cost and user level of service. These formulae include as parameters key demand-side attributes of the city, assumed to be rectangular, and supply-side attributes of the transit technology. They also include as decision variables the system’s line and stop spacings, the degree to which it focuses passenger trips on the city center, and the service headway. These decision variables are sufficient to define an idealized geometric layout of the system and an operating plan. This layout-operating plan is then used as a design target when developing the real, detailed master plan. Ultimately, the latter is simulated to obtain more accurate cost and level of service estimates.This process has been applied to design a high performance bus (HPB) network for Barcelona (Spain). The idealized solution for Barcelona includes 182 km of one-way infrastructure, uses 250 vehicles and costs 42,489 €/h to build and run. These figures only amount to about one third of the agency resources and cost currently used to provide bus service. A detailed design that resembles this target and conforms to the peculiarities of the city is also presented and simulated. The agency cost and user level of service metrics of the simulated system differ from those of the idealized model by less than 10%. Although the designed and simulated HPB systems provide sub-optimal spatial coverage because Barcelona lacks suitable streets, the level of service is good. Simulations suggest that if the proposed system was implemented side-by-side with the current one, it would capture most of the demand.  相似文献   

The street-network efficiency of tens of British cities in relation to transport fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are analyzed. The results show a strong linear positive correlation between length entropy and average street length, and a negative correlation between entropy and street density. Also, the results suggest that in a large city the street network is used more efficiently than in a small city, as indicated by the sublinear relations between city size (population) and the number of streets, total length of streets, and the area covered by the street network. The sublinear relation means that these parameters grow more slowly than the city size. By contrast, because a larger fraction of the street network is used at close to full capacity during considerable part of the time in a large city than a small one, the fuel consumption and the CO2 emissions show a linear relation with city size and superlinear relation with total street length. The superlinear relation means that the CO2 emissions increase faster than the total street length, a measure of the network size. Thus, large cities may be less energy efficient and environmentally friendly than small cities. In every city the street network needs to interconnect all the buildings, which requires a certain minimum size. In a small city, however, the network is used to a low capacity most of the time so that its relations to fuel consumption and the CO2 emissions are more favorable than those in a large city.  相似文献   

Road-pricing theory asserts that the optimal speed of a road network is that where vehicles pay the marginal social cost of their journey, rather than an average private cost if no price is imposed. This paper aims to show that this is misconceived. In big congested cities, the running speed of the road network is set by the direct journey speed achieved on the appropriate mass-transit network, both within and to the city centre. After dividing by the appropriate route factors to convert running speed to direct speed and allowing for access to convert kerb-to-kerb to door-to-door speed, the average direct journey speeds by car are identical to those on the mass-transit system for equivalent journeys when there is suppressed demand for car travel. Road pricing should thus be seen, not as a tool for increasing road speeds, which it cannot do whilst sufficient suppressed demand exists, but as a tool for estimating the socially desirable demand level on the roads as opposed to on the mass-transit systems. Road speeds in big, congested cities can only be increased by increasing the direct speeds of the mass-transit systems. Methods of achieving such increases are discussed.  相似文献   

R. J. Allport 《运输评论》2013,33(4):365-384
This paper is concerned with the majority of developing nations who lack large resources for public sector projects. It questions the basis of much mass transit planning and attempts to put forward a more efficient way of reaching decisions. It calls extensively on experience of Metro Manila, capital of the Philippines, where an innovative system of metropolitan planning and administration is throwing a new light on ‘appropriate’ investment in such developing cities.

Mass transit systems as currently conceived in such developing cities—fully segregated rail‐based systems—are unlikely to be affordable (at least for many years) and in consequence scarce resources should not be devoted to developing and evaluating them. Rather, the principal objective should be to provide low‐cost, affordable mass transit—affordable to governments and to passengers. This almost certainly points to road‐based systems, or predominantly at‐grade light rail transit (LRT) systems, which are usually regarded as ‘obviously unworkable’ in developing city environments.

This judgement is questioned and it is suggested the potential of LRT to provide appropriate low‐cost mass transit is not being realized. An approach to determining its potential applicability is proposed. If feasible it should be evaluated against road‐based systems before decisions to implement new mass transit systems are taken.

While circumstances vary between countries the central message of this paper—that public sector resources have a very high opportunity cost which make all but the lowest‐cost mass transit systems very difficult to justify—will hold in all but the higher‐income developing economies.  相似文献   

There exist systems which can be usefully described by a network containingarcs through which a commodity of one type flows. This paper is concerned with finding a solution procedure for a particular multi-commodity flow network design problem. The problem is to identify a set of arcs in the network such that if travel is prohibited in them all flow travels by feasible paths and its total cost is minimal. The total flow in each arc may not exced its capacity, which is a known constant. Each arc and each node of the network has a non-negative constant unit traversal cost. Between each pair of distinct nodes there is a given non-negative rate of flow from the first vertex to the second which may be split up among a number of paths according to some constant traversal cost flow assignment process. The optimality criterion is the total traversal cost of all flow, which is to be minimized. Previous work on network design problems of this type is surveyed. The principal contribution of this paper is the presentation of a solution procedure for the above problem based on branch and bound enumeration. An illustrative numerical example is included. Computational experience gained in using the procedure with a FORTRAN IV program on an IBM 370 is favourable.  相似文献   

Of the many public initiatives used to promote the use of bicycles in the urban environment, the one that has achieved the most spectacular results in a short period of time is the public bicycle hire system. The experience of Seville is one of the most successful internationally, where 6.6 % of mechanised trips were being made by bicycle within 30 months. This paper analyses this experience in the university community, which represents one-third of system users. We conclude that the people who are most satisfied with the system are those who use it for leisure and recreation activities, non-residents of the city, more environmentally aware people and those who have no alternative mode of transportation. Their satisfaction is also closely linked to their appreciation of the bicycles’ level of comfort, the ease with which users can hire bicycles and return them and the small amount of paperwork involved required to sign up for the system. However, user appreciation has fallen over time because the system’s rapid success has caused it to become overloaded. This experience therefore provides one main lesson: the system’s success can result in eventual difficulties.  相似文献   

In metropolitan cities, public transportation service plays a vital role in mobility of people, and it has to introduce new routes more frequently due to the fast development of the city in terms of population growth and city size. Whenever there is introduction of new route or increase in frequency of buses, the non‐revenue kilometers covered by the buses increases as depot and route starting/ending points are at different places. This non‐revenue kilometers or dead kilometers depends on the distance between depot and route starting point/ending point. The dead kilometers not only results in revenue loss but also results in an increase in the operating cost because of the extra kilometers covered by buses. Reduction of dead kilometers is necessary for the economic growth of the public transportation system. Therefore, in this study, the attention is focused on minimizing dead kilometers by optimizing allocation of buses to depots depending upon the shortest distance between depot and route starting/ending points. We consider also depot capacity and time period of operation during allocation of buses to ensure parking safety and proper maintenance of buses. Mathematical model is developed considering the aforementioned parameters, which is a mixed integer program, and applied to Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) routes operating presently in order to obtain optimal bus allocation to depots. Database for dead kilometers of depots in BMTC for all the schedules are generated using the Form‐4 (trip sheet) of each schedule to analyze depot‐wise and division‐wise dead kilometers. This study also suggests alternative locations where depots can be located to reduce dead kilometers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The degree of centralization of the logistics network is one of the important strategic decisions to take. This issue has often been studied but mainly from a cost minimization focus. This research studies the influence of incorporating the environmental impact in logistics network design models, comparing the results with those obtained considering cost minimization only. A fuzzy biobjective optimization model is used to carry out a number of experiments. By weighting the relative importance of the two objectives, the differences with respect to the base cost minimization solution can be ascertained. Our results show that in general more material is moved through warehouses when the environmental impact is considered and more decentralized facilities are opened.  相似文献   

Interest in vehicle automation has been growing in recent years, especially with the very visible Google car project. Although full automation is not yet a reality there has been significant research on the impacts of self-driving vehicles on traffic flows, mainly on interurban roads. However, little attention has been given to what could happen to urban mobility when all vehicles are automated. In this paper we propose a new method to study how replacing privately owned conventional vehicles with automated ones affects traffic delays and parking demand in a city. The model solves what we designate as the User Optimum Privately Owned Automated Vehicles Assignment Problem (UO-POAVAP), which dynamically assigns family trips in their automated vehicles in an urban road network from a user equilibrium perspective where, in equilibrium, households with similar trips should have similar transport costs. Automation allows a vehicle to travel without passengers to satisfy multiple household trips and, if needed, to park itself in any of the network nodes to benefit from lower parking charges. Nonetheless, the empty trips can also represent added congestion in the network. The model was applied to a case study based on the city of Delft, the Netherlands. Several experiments were done, comparing scenarios where parking policies and value of travel time (VTT) are changed. The model shows good equilibrium convergence with a small difference between the general costs of traveling for similar families. We were able to conclude that vehicle automation reduces generalized transport costs, satisfies more trips by car and is associated with increased traffic congestion because empty vehicles have to be relocated. It is possible for a city to charge for all street parking and create free central parking lots that will keep total transport costs the same, or reduce them. However, this will add to congestion as traffic competes to access those central nodes. In a scenario where a lower VTT is experienced by the travelers, because of the added comfort of vehicle automation, the car mode share increases. Nevertheless this may help to reduce traffic congestion because some vehicles will reroute to satisfy trips which previously were not cost efficient to be done by car. Placing the free parking in the outskirts is less attractive due to the extra kilometers but with a lower VTT the same private vehicle demand would be attended with the advantage of freeing space in the city center.  相似文献   

施工围挡是建设工程实行封闭施工的主要措施之一,施工围挡不仅体现一个城市品质,其安全和质量性能更涉及工程的顺利进行乃至人民群众的生命财产安全。本论文以福州地铁为例,根据施工所在区域的道路性质、周边环境、车站类型、施工工法、施工阶段及占道时长等因素,对施工围挡进行分级、分类设计研究,制定了不同阶段施工围挡的标准和技术参数,对今后类似工程工具有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通线路总体方案研究不但从宏观上把握项目的总体布局,而且关系到项目的经济效益和社会效益。结合城市轨道交通线路规划设计的实践,对线路设计中需要把握的若干问题进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   


A transport system has been proposed using buses operating over ordinary roads and over special reserved tracks (busways) on which they might be automatically guided. Using cost and performance data resulting from an earlier technical study (not reported here), a hypothetical network of routes and services in the West Midlands conurbation is studied. Estimates of patronage diverted from public and private transport enable the profitability of the system and its costs and benefits to be assessed. It is concluded that the system could be attractive both in commercial and in cost/benefit terms, providing acceptable means could be found for handling the buses around and through the inner central areas of cities. The net environmental changes, which would result from additional fixed plant permitting more efficient use of mobile plant, have not been quantified.  相似文献   

The introduction of minibuses into the transit fleets of some cities makes it more important than ever to investigate the economic and operating conditions of these vehicles for various transit and paratransit services. A high performance transit system is of great interest, owing to its desirable characteristics. However, it is not feasible to establish and use such a system all over a city. It is therefore necessary to support a high performance transit system with other modes to extend its area of operation (owing to higher demand) and also to connect those areas that are not covered by the high performance system to it. This paper considers the use of minibuses in the design of metro line feeders and to characterize the economic domain in which it is efficient to use them in a feeder network. Based on results from ant colony optimization, the performance measures of minibuses are compared with those of conventional buses to help make decision makers aware of the use and role of these vehicles. The study contradicts the common belief that, since minibuses require similar driver costs to those of conventional buses, it is not economical to use them in a transit fleet; in fact, it is shown that minibuses can displace conventional buses in some situations in a feeder network.  相似文献   

Three design problems are discussed in this article. First, it is shown that the network design problem with congestion reduces to an all-or nothing traffic assignment problem under some assumptions on the congestion function and the investment cost function. Second, the land use design problem is formulated as an extension of the Koopmans-Beckmann problem and a heuristic is proposed to solve this problem. Third, it is shown that the seemingly more complex problem of designing jointly a land-use plan and a transportation network reduces to a pure land-use design problem. All that is needed to solve the joint optimization problem is a shortest path algorithm and a heuristic to solve the land use design problem. Computational experience is reported for each algorithm.  相似文献   

Creating a bus network that covers passenger demand conveniently is an important ingredient of the transit operations planning process. Certainly determination of optimal bus network is highly sensitive to any change of demand, thus it is desirable not to consider average or estimated figures, but to take into account prudently the variations of the demand. Many cities worldwide experience seasonal demand variations which naturally have impact on the convenience and optimality of the transit service. That is, the bus network should provide convenient service across all seasons. This issue, addressed in this work, has not been thoroughly dealt with neither in practice nor in the literature. Analyzing seasonal transit demand variations increases further the computational complexity of the bus-network design problem which is known as a NP-hard problem. A solution procedure using genetic algorithm efficiently, with a defined objective-function to attain the optimization, is proposed to solve this cumbersome problem. The method developed is applied to two benchmarked networks and to a case study, to the city of Mashhad in Iran with over 3.2 million residents and 20 million visitors annually. The case study, characterized by a significant seasonal demand variation, demonstrates how to find the best single network of bus routes to suit the fluctuations of the annual passenger demand. The results of comparing the proposed algorithm to previously developed algorithms show that the new development outperforms the other methods between 1% and 9% in terms of the objective function values.  相似文献   

Yupo Chan 《Transportation》1979,8(3):275-291
A U.S. certificated passenger airline must be authorized by the Civil Aeronautics Board before it can schedule a route to serve a set of cities. The route authority is described in a number of legal statements on a Route Certificate, which specifies the routing restrictions by which the airline must abide in offering the service. For cost considerations, an airline is often interested in the shortest flight-time routes between city pairs. This paper introduces a graph-theoretic method to quantify the legal statements in a Certificate. Through straightforward matrix operations, all the authorized nonstop and multistop routes, including the shortest time routes, can be generated. The method is a convenient tool to help an airline to generate alternative network routes as demonstrated by a case study of American Airlines.  相似文献   

High-speed rail is often touted as a means to reduce congestion on the United States’ highways by removing passenger car traffic. But highway congestion can also be reduced by reducing the amount of freight traffic. So, given the advances in high-speed rail, the potential exists for developing a national high-speed network for freight distribution. To design such a network considering highway traffic and transit times, we present an uncapacitated network design model with a post-processing step for the capacity constraint. To illustrate how our modeling approach could be used by policy makers to evaluate the impacts of a high-speed rail network, we apply our models with preliminary data on high-speed rail operating parameters for freight applications and from current data on shipments from a major truckload carrier and the US Census Bureau.  相似文献   

This paper explores critical success conditions of collaborative planning projects in the area of urban transport, evaluating the impact of new collaborative methods, instruments and processes on project performance. Hypothesis building is based on a comparative, empirical research design, rather than on deductive theory construction. Potential critical success conditions are derived from literature. Based on five urban transport planning projects in Gothenburg (Sweden), London (United Kingdom), Milwaukee (United States), Tokyo (Japan) and Mexico City (Mexico), a rough set analysis of the five cases reveals validated success conditions, which can be used for formulating hypotheses for further research or for policy and process improvement. The results suggest that a dedicated management of the multi-actor network, a high diversity of actors, as well as an extensive use of knowledge integration methods in combination with a high network density are critical success conditions of these planning processes. Surprisingly, the extensive use of unilateral methods also showed to be an important success condition. The traditional role of the planner will have to be complemented with the expertise of network and methodology management. The authors conclude that rough set analysis can be a valuable addition to narrative, single-case analysis of collaborative urban transport planning processes.  相似文献   

It is important to be able to say whether or not an enterprise in the public sector is efficient and to measure this aspect of its performance. Public enterprises sometimes have legitimate reason to treat efficiency as secondary, but they also may resist efficiency measurement for other reasons.Statistical cost functions containing experience from similar enterprises provide useful yardsticks for public administrators. A purported cost function can be inadequate, however, as is shown in one example.Statistical cost functions allow comparison of bus properties by giving a range within which costs of an efficient property should fall. While random influences cannot be excluded, if observed costs fall outside two standard errors of prediction, there is a good case to say the property is inefficient. The usefulness of the standard error of prediciton as a measure of precision is explored.Nationally estimated cost functions were used to investigate the bus operations only of three San Francisco companies. Two were found within sampling error, one was significantly more costly on its motorbus operations than average experience in the nation. A closer look would then be in order by those funding this property. Several years' experience is explored showing changes over time as well as across companies.This material was prepared with the support of National Science Foundation Grant No. GI-37181 to the University of California. The results and views are the independent product of university research and are not necessarily concurred in by the National Science Foundation. The Institute of Urban and Regional Development at U.C. Berkeley facilitated research herein.  相似文献   

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