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Rosenfield  Adam  Attanucci  John P.  Zhao  Jinhua 《Transportation》2020,47(4):1907-1932
Transportation - This paper presents a trial aimed at reducing parking demand at a large urban employer through an informational campaign and monetary incentives. A 6-week randomized controlled...  相似文献   

Future levels of vehicle air pollution in urban areas will depend on the proportion of new car buyers who opt for less polluting vehicles, as these appear on the market. This paper examines the factors likely to influence the demand for lower emission and zero emission vehicles. Using a discrete choice experiment, suburban driver commuters choose between three types of vehicle, one conventional, one fuel-efficient and one electric. Each is characterized by varying vehicle cost and performance measures, range and refueling rates, and commuting costs and times. The latter are manipulated to determine how their use as economic instruments might influence vehicle choice. All cost and time variables are expressed as ratios of the respondent’s current situation. Parameters of a multinomial discrete choice model are used in a choice simulator to estimate the average choice probability of each type of vehicle under different scenarios reflecting possible future relative vehicle prices and performance levels as well as differential commuting costs and times based on policies aimed at encouraging the purchase of cleaner vehicles. The evidence is that the latter economic instruments will have modest effects on vehicle choice. By contrast there would be a large shift of demand to cleaner and zero-emission vehicles provided their cost and performance came within an acceptable range of conventional vehicles.  相似文献   

Life-style and travel demand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(Added to the original text) A fundamental solution to the issue of congestion cannot be reached without addressing the question of life-style. This paper reviews the definitions of life-style found in the literature, and identifies variables that have been commonly associated with life-style. Using US consumer expenditure data, life-styles are analyzed longitudinally (examining trends during the 1953–1983 time frame) and cross-sectionally (comparing segments of the population stratified by income, life-cycle stage, and age), and likely relationships to travel behavior are noted. The usefulness of existing empirical findings to long-range forecasting is explored by speculating on shifts of behavioral units across life-style segments, and on shifts in the behavioral patterns within each life-style segment.  相似文献   

Shiftan  Yoram  Suhrbier  John 《Transportation》2002,29(2):145-168
This paper demonstrates, tests and shows the value of activity-based travel demand models and household sample enumeration forecasting techniques in evaluating the transportation and air quality impacts of travel demand management strategies. Using data from the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area, three transportation policies were evaluated both individually and in combination: transit improvements, pricing, and telecommunications. The activity-based models used in this testing represents a significant improvement to today's "four-step" sequential model systems by providing a deeper insight into the individual decision making process in response to transportation policies. A wider range of impacts is predicted, and indirect effects as well as synergistic effects of such policies are taken into consideration. These models are capable of providing the information needed to improve the linkage of transportation models with emissions and air quality analysis methodologies by improving the prediction of variables that are important to accurately estimating emissions and air quality impacts of transportation actions.  相似文献   

Comparatively little work has been done utilizing the abstracts modes approach, first pioneered by Quandt and Baumol, in an intrametropolitan travel and demand forecasting effrot. This is surprising because of the method's great flexibility. As urban transportation planning becomes over more concerned with a variety of para-transit modes as well as the electric transport systems management policies, more powerful travel demand forecasting tool are reqiured for effective planning. We augment the original model to include “second best” characteristics as predictor variables. This innovation is quite important because urban situtation is characterized by auto remaining “best” in most planning situations. Thus, demand changes can only be seen as a respones to changes in some “second best” mode characteristic. Other minor innovations are also explored ad the model is applied to a data file available forom the survey of travel behavior in East Los Angeles, a predominantly Mexican-american community. Despite the usual statistical problems, the result are seen be useful to transportation planners who seek to reach a recommendation on the best transi/para-transit mis for that community.  相似文献   


At present, customized subarea models have been widely used in local transportation planning throughout the USA. A subarea model's biggest strengths lie in its more detailed and accurate modeling outputs which better meet local planning requirements. In addition, a subarea model can substantially reduce database size and model running time. In spite of these advantages, subarea models remain quite weak in modeling transit projects, smart growth measures, air quality conformity, and other areas. In addition to evaluating subarea models, this paper uses the Irvine Transportation Analysis Model (ITAM) as an empirical case of subarea model to illustrate the remedial procedures in maintaining its consistency with the regional model of the Orange County Transportation Analysis Model (OCTAM). Looking into the future, subarea models face both opportunities and challenges. More GIS applications, travel surveys, micro-simulation software utilization, and modeling improvements are expected to be incorporated into the subarea modeling process.  相似文献   

The multinomial probit model of travel demand is considerably more general but much less tractable than the better-known multinomial logit model. In an effort to determine the effects of using the relatively simple logit model in situations where the assumptions of probit modeling are satisfied but those of logit modeling are not, the accuracy of the multinomial logit model as an approximation to a variety of three-alternative probit models has been evaluated. Multinomial logit can give highly erroneous estimates of the choice probabilities of multinomial probit models. However, logit models appear to give asymptotically accurate estimates of the ratios of the coefficients of the systematic components of probit utility functions, even when the logit choice probabilities differ greatly from the probit ones. Large estimation data sets are not necessarily needed to enable likelihood ratio tests to distinguish three-alternative probit models from logit models that give seriously erroneous estimates of the probit choice probabilities. Inclusion of alternative-specific dummy variables in logit utility functions cannot be relied upon to reduce significantly the errors of logit approximations to the choice probabilities of probit models whose utility functions do not contain the dummies.  相似文献   

Road user charging design: dealing with multi-objectives and constraints   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes an innovative approach for designing a road user charging scheme to meet multiple policy objectives. Three practical features are integrated into the design methodology including (i) cordon formation, (ii) a set of design constraints, and (iii) multiple objectives of the scheme. The methods also consider possible responses of road travellers to the charging scheme. Two methods based on genetic algorithms (GA) are developed for optimising a charging cordon scheme with constraints and with multiple objectives. The dynamic self-adaptive penalty GA and Non-dominated Sorting GA II (NSGA-II) are applied to the constrained design and multi-objective design respectively. The objective functions or constraints considered include social welfare improvement, revenue generation, and distributional equity impact. A case study of the City of Edinburgh is presented and common characteristics of charging cordon designs which perform well against the three objectives are discussed.
Agachai SumaleeEmail:


The paper presents a critical review of the methodological approaches used in tour-based mode choice models within the activity-based modelling frameworks. Various components of the activity-based models, such as activity type choice, activity location choice, and activity duration have already matured significantly. However, the mode choice component is often simplified in many ways. Both trip-based and tour-based approaches are used in many cases. However, the tour-based approach is considered to be the most relevant to the activity-based modelling framework. This paper presents a synthesis of the strengths and weaknesses of existing tour-based mode choice models. The previous studies on tour-based mode choice models are grouped into seven categories, ranging from simplified main tour mode to complex dynamic discrete choice models. Besides, challenges with data-hungry models, simulation-based models and static models are discussed elaborately. In conclusion, it proposes a few methodological suggestions for researchers and practitioners for finding an appropriate mode choice modelling framework for activity-based models. In addition, the paper also provides a guideline on how to incorporate automated vehicles and Mobility-as-a-Service within the framework of tour-based mode choice models.  相似文献   

The spacing and headway configuration of a bus system comprising a series of ring and radial routes which minimizes travel time is found by the use of the calculus of variations. A many-to-many travel demand is described by a continuous function of the positions of a commuter's home and workplace. It is assumed that buses travel at a constant speed and are subject to a fleet size constraint. Under optimal conditions it is found that both spacing between routes and headway between buses should be inversely proportional to the cube root of the proportion of commuters joining and leaving the route. A simple numerical example is worked in which homes and workplaces are independently and uniformly distributed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the characteristics of transportation demand management. The origin of transportation demand management (TDM) as it has evolved in the US is related to federal policy initiatives that first focused on improving the efficiency of the urban transportation system through operational improvements, and then incorporated concerns such as air quality and energy conservation into the transportation planning process. The paper then examines the effectiveness of TDM actions, and concludes that those actions most likely to increase the “price” of travel for single occupant vehicle use will be most effective. The paper identifies several strategies for improving the effectiveness of TDM actions in the context of regional transportation planning, including: incorporating TDM as part of the solutions for regional transportation planning, linking TDM to land use decisions, making the costs of travel more apparent to the user, and making TDM implementation more palatable to the general public.  相似文献   

Kavta  Kuldeep  Goswami  Arkopal K. 《Transportation》2021,48(6):3059-3084
Transportation - A robust and scientific selection of appropriate Travel Demand Management (TDM) measures is likely to ensure that the purpose of their implementation is met. The existing methods...  相似文献   


This paper reviews methods that have and can be used to forecast the effect of changes in accessibility to the rail network on the demand for inter-urban rail travel and of available evidence on rail accessibility elasticities. It reveals that relatively little research has been conducted in this area and that the forecasting procedures that could be used imply large variation in accessibility elasticities, which has not been empirically justified. Fresh empirical evidence on two related matters is reported. First, the neglected area of choice set composition is examined and the extent to which rail is considered to be a realistic alternative for inter-urban journeys and the contribution that accessibility to the rail network makes to this are analysed. Second, rail trip rate models are presented that not only contain estimates of accessibility elasticities and of the effects of a range of socio-economic variables on the demand for rail travel, but also that allow tests of the accessibility elasticity variation implied by many forecasting procedures to be conducted. It is found that this elasticity variation is not empirically supported. It is concluded that there is only limited scope for increasing rail demand through improvements in rail network accessibility.  相似文献   

In this paper, ramp systems on the Beijing 3rd ring road are described as double-cell ramp systems with a bottleneck. By analyzing empirical data for the Beijing 3rd ring road, we found that the initial states have an important impact on the final convergence states of the ramp systems. Then, we studied the dynamic process of the ramp systems, determined the congestion mechanism, and then designed a ramp control method based on the obtained mechanism. Under a feasible demand, double-cell ramp systems exhibit two typical cases, including an upstream-bottleneck system (in which the bottleneck cell is upstream) and a downstream-bottleneck system (in which the bottleneck cell is downstream). Then, a cell transmission model is used to analyze the dynamic evolution processes, starting from different initial states, and determine the congestion mechanism for each case. It is proven that the two systems have different possible equilibrium sets and congestion mechanisms. In an upstream-bottleneck system, the downstream always converges to the uncongested equilibrium, while the upstream bottleneck cell may experience congestion under certain initial states. In a downstream-bottleneck system, the congestion starts downstream, and then gradually propagates upstream. Furthermore, based on the different congestion mechanisms, two demand adjustment strategies are proposed, which redistribute the stationary feasible demand. The simulation results indicate that both systems can converge to uncongested equilibriums after demand adjustment. The ramp demand adjustment methods provide a scientific basis for urban traffic system management.  相似文献   

Emission reduction strategies are gaining attention as planning agencies work towards adherence to air quality conformity standards. Policymakers struggling to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) must grapple with a growing number of travel demand policies. To consider any of these emerging demand mechanisms as a viable option to meet emission targets, planners and policymakers need tools to better understand the implications of such policies on travel behavior. In this paper we present an integrated multimodal travel demand and emission model of four policy strategies; presenting GHG and air pollutant reduction results at a very detailed level. Multiple policy outcomes are compared within a single modeling framework and study area. The results reveal that while no one demand mechanism is likely to reduce emissions to a level that meets policy-maker’s goals; a first-best pricing strategy that incorporates marginal social costs is the most effective emission reduction mechanism. Implementing such a mechanism may offer total emission reductions of up to 24 %. However, the efficacy of this strategy must be weighed against difficulties of establishing efficient pricing, a costly implementation, and substantial negative impacts to non-highway facilities. Decision makers must select a mixture of pricing and land use strategies to achieve emission goals on all road facilities.  相似文献   

This paper first develops a network equilibrium model with the travel time information displayed via variable message signs (VMS). Specifically, the equilibrium considers the impact of the displayed travel time information on travelers’ route choices under the recurrent congestion, with the endogenous utilization rates of displayed information by travelers. The existence of the equilibrium is proved and an iterative solution procedure is provided. Then, we conduct the sensitivity analyses of the network equilibrium and further propose a paradox, i.e., providing travel time information via VMS to travelers may degrade the network performance under some poor designs. Therefore, we investigate the problem of designing the VMS locations and travel time display within a given budget, and formulate it as a mixed integer nonlinear program, solved by an active-set algorithm. Lastly, numerical examples are presented to offer insights on the equilibrium results and optimal designs of VMS.  相似文献   


In the transportation literature, two major and parallel approaches exist to identify the critical elements of a transportation system. On the one hand, conventional transportation engineering emphasizes travel demand, often in terms of traffic volume (i.e., demand side). On the other hand, newer techniques from Network Science emphasize network topology (i.e., supply side). To better understand the relationship between the two approaches, we first investigate whether they correlate by comparing traffic volume and node centrality. Second, we assess the impact of the two approaches on the connectivity and resilience of a transportation network; connectivity is measured by the relative size of the giant component, and resilience is measured by the network’s adaptive capacity (the amount of extra flow it can handle). The urban road system of Isfahan (Iran) is used as a practical case study. Overall, we find that traffic volume indeed correlates with node centrality. In addition, we find that the weighted degree of a node, i.e., the sum of the capacities of its incident links (for small disruptions) and node betweenness (for large disruptions), best captures node criticality. Nodes with high weighted degree and betweenness should therefore be given higher priority to enhance connectivity and resilience in urban street systems. Regarding link criticality, roads with higher capacities showed a more important role as opposed to betweenness, flow, and congestion.


Kulsreshtha  Mudit  Nag  Barnali 《Transportation》2000,27(2):221-241
In this paper we derive long run structural relationships for all the three classes, viz. upper, second and ordinary second class, of non-suburban long distance passenger transport demand for Indian railways using annual time series data for 1970–1995. We employ some of the recent developments in multivariate dynamic econometric time series modeling including estimation of long-run structural cointegrating relationships, short-run dynamics and measurement of the effects of shocks and their persistence on evolution of the dynamic passenger transport demand system. The models are estimated using a cointegrating vector autoregressive (VAR) modeling framework, which allows for endogeneity of regressors. The demand systems are found to be stable for all the classes in the long run and they converge to equilibrium in a period of around 2–4 years after a typical system-wide shock. Any disequilibrium in the short-run is corrected in the long-run with adjustments in passenger transport demand and the price variable, i.e. real rate charged per passenger kilometer. Results show that travel demand in all classes would rise with income, although the rise is less than proportionate in the case of ordinary class. High price elasticity in long-run and short-run impulse responses indicate that passenger fare hike could lead to substantial decline in travel demand leading to decline in revenue earnings of the railways. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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