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This study models the joint evolution (over calendar time) of travelers’ departure time and mode choices, and the resulting traffic dynamics in a bi-modal transportation system. Specifically, we consider that, when adjusting their departure time and mode choices, travelers can learn from their past travel experiences as well as the traffic forecasts offered by the smart transport information provider/agency. At the same time, the transport agency can learn from historical data in updating traffic forecast from day to day. In other words, this study explicitly models and analyzes the dynamic interactions between transport users and traffic information provider. Besides, the impact of user inertia is taken into account in modeling the traffic dynamics. When exploring the convergence of the proposed model to the dynamic bi-modal commuting equilibrium, we find that appropriate traffic forecast can help the system converge to the user equilibrium. It is also found that user inertia might slow down the convergence speed of the day-to-day evolution model. Extensive sensitivity analysis is conducted to account for the impacts of inaccurate parameters adopted by the transport agency.  相似文献   

This paper has two major components. The first one is the day-to-day evolution of travelers’ mode and route choices in a bi-modal transportation system where traffic information (predicted travel cost) is available to travelers. The second one is a public transit operator adjusting or adapting its service over time (from period to period) based on observed system conditions. Particularly, we consider that on each day both travelers’ past travel experiences and the predicted travel cost (based on information provision) can affect travelers’ perceptions of different modes and routes, and thus affect their mode choice and/or route choice accordingly. This evolution process from day to day is formulated by a discrete dynamical model. The properties of such a dynamical model are then analyzed, including the existence, uniqueness and stability of the fixed point. Most importantly, we show that the predicted travel cost based on information provision may help stabilize the dynamical system even if it is not fully accurate. Given the day-to-day traffic evolution, we then model an adaptive transit operator who can adjust frequency and fare for public transit from period to period (each period contains a certain number of days). The adaptive frequency and fare in one period are determined from the realized transit demands and transit profits of the previous periods, which is to achieve a (locally) maximum transit profit. The day-to-day and period-to-period models and their properties are also illustrated by numerical experiments.  相似文献   

The problem addressed here involves a controller seeking to enhance traffic network performance via real-time routing information provision to drivers while explicitly accounting for drivers’ likely reactions towards the information. A fuzzy control modeling approach is used to determine the associated behavior-consistent information-based network control strategies. Experiments are performed to compare the effectiveness of the behavior-consistent approach with traditional dynamic traffic assignment based approaches for deployment. The results show the importance of incorporating driver behavior realistically in the determination of the information strategies. Significant differences in terms of system travel time savings and compliance to the information strategies can be obtained when the behavior-consistent approach is compared to the traditional approaches. The behavior-consistent approach can provide more robust performance compared to the standard user or system optimal information strategies. Subject to a meaningful estimation of driver behavior, it can ensure system performance improvement. By contrast, approaches that do not seek to simultaneously achieve the objectives of the drivers and the controller can potentially deteriorate system performance because the controller may over-recommend or under-recommend some routes, or recommend routes that are not considered by the drivers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of a variety of travel information types on the quality of travel choices. Choice quality is measured by comparing observed choices made under conditions of incomplete knowledge with predicted choice probabilities under complete knowledge. Furthermore, the potential impact of travel information is considered along multiple attribute-dimensions of alternatives, rather than in terms of travel time reductions only. Data is obtained from a choice experiment in a multimodal travel simulator in combination with a web-based mode-choice experiment. A Structural Equation Model is estimated to test a series of hypothesized direct and indirect relations between a traveler’s knowledge levels, information acquisition behavior and the resulting travel-choice quality. The estimation results support the hypothesized relations, which provides evidence of validity and applicability of the developed measure of travel-choice quality. Furthermore, found relations in general provide some careful support for the often expected impact of information on the quality of travel choices. The effects are largest for information services that generate previously unknown alternatives, and lowest for services that provide warnings in case of high travel times only.
Caspar G. ChorusEmail:

Caspar Chorus   holds a PhD in Technical Sciences (cum laude) from Delft University of Technology, and is currently an Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology’s Urban Planning Group. His general interests include traveler behavior research / decision making under knowledge limitations / discrete choice analysis. Theo Arentze   received a Ph.D. in Decision Support Systems for urban planning from the Eindhoven University of Technology. He is now an Associate Professor at the Urban Planning Group at the same university. His main fields of expertise and current research interests are decision support systems, activity-based modeling, discrete choice modeling, knowledge discovery and learning-based systems with applications in urban and transport planning. Harry Timmermans   received a Ph.D. in Spatial Sciences from the University of Nijmegen. He is Chair of the Urban Planning Group and Director of the European Institute of Retailing and Consumer Services. His main fields of expertise concern behavioral modeling, consumer studies and computer systems in a variety of application contexts including transportation.  相似文献   

This paper presents an off‐line forecasting system for short‐term travel time forecasting. These forecasts are based on the historical traffic count data provided by detectors installed on Annual Traffic Census (ATC) stations in Hong Kong. A traffic flow simulator (TFS) is developed for short‐term travel time forecasting (in terms of offline forecasting), in which the variation of perceived travel time error and the fluctuations of origin‐destination (O‐D) demand are considered explicitly. On the basis of prior O‐D demand and partial updated detector data, the TFS can estimate the link travel times and flows for the whole network together with their variances and covariances. The short‐term travel time forecasting by O‐D pair can also be assessed and the O‐D matrix can be updated simultaneously. The application of the proposed off‐line forecasting system is illustrated by a numerical example in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

In the expressway network, detectors are installed on the links for detecting the travel time information while the predicted travel time can be provided by the route guidance system (RGS). The speed detector density can be determined to influence flow distributions in such a way that the precision of the travel time information and the social cost of the speed detectors are optimized, provided that each driver chooses the minimum perceived travel time path in response to the predicted travel time information. In this paper, a bilevel programming model is proposed for the network with travel time information provided by the RGS. The lower-level problem is a probit-based traffic assignment model, while the upper-level problem is to determine the speed detector density that minimizes the measured travel time error variance as well as the social cost of the speed detectors. The sensitivity analysis based algorithm is proposed for the bilevel programming problem. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the applications of the proposed model and of the solution algorithm.  相似文献   

The increasing number of travelers in urban areas has led to new opportunities for local government and private mobility providers to offer new travel modes besides and in addition to traditional ones. Multimodal travel provides an especially promising opportunity. However, until now the underlying reasons why consumers choose specific alternatives have not been fully understood. Hence, the design of new travel modes is mainly driven by obvious criteria such as environmental friendliness and convenience but might not consider consumers’ real or latent needs. To close this research gap, sixty in-depth interviews with urban travelers were conducted. To identify the perceptual differences of customers among different travel modes, the repertory grid technique as an innovative, structured interview method was applied. Our data show that urban travelers distinguish and select travel alternatives based on 28 perceptual determinants. While some determinants associated with private cars such as privacy, flexibility and autonomy are key indicators of travel mode choice, costs and time efficiency also play a major role. Furthermore, by comparing travel modes to an ideal category, we reveal that some perceptual determinants do not need to be maximized in order to fulfill customer needs optimally. A comparison of consumers’ perceptual assessments of alternative travel modes identifies specific advantages and disadvantages of all alternatives, and provides fruitful implications for government and private mobility providers.  相似文献   

This paper reports an effort to estimate potential benefits of Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) by combing regional travel demand and microscopic simulation models. The approach incorporates dynamic features not yet available in the commercial software market. The suggested technique employs data that are readily available to most urban planning organizations, and is straightforward in its application. The key reported measure of effectiveness is corridor and local system delay, and is sensitive to both the level of penetration of traveler information and the pre-trip and en-route choices drivers make based on this information. The technique is demonstrated on an urban freeway corridor in a medium sized mid-west city.  相似文献   

After the widespread deployment of Advanced Traveler Information Systems, there exists an increasing concern about their profitability. The costs of such systems are clear, but the quantification of the benefits still generates debate. This paper analyzes the value of highway travel time information systems. This is achieved by modeling the departure time selection and route choice with and without the guidance of an information system. The behavioral model supporting these choices is grounded on the expected utility theory, where drivers try to maximize the expected value of their perceived utility. The value of information is derived from the reduction of the unreliability costs as a consequence of the wiser decisions made with information. This includes the reduction of travel times, scheduling costs and stress. This modeling approach allows assessing the effects of the precision of the information system in the value of the information.Different scenarios are simulated in a generic but realistic context, using empirical data measured on a highway corridor accessing the city of Barcelona, Spain. Results show that travel time information only has a significant value in three situations: (1) when there is an important scheduled activity at the destination (e.g. morning commute trips), (2) in case of total uncertainty about the conditions of the trip (e.g. sporadic trips), and (3) when more than one route is possible. Information systems with very high precision do not produce better results. However, an acceptable level of precision is completely required, as information systems with very poor precision may even be detrimental. The paper also highlights the difference between the user value and the social value of the information. The value of the information may not benefit only the user. For instance, massive dissemination of travel time information contributes to the reduction of day-to-day travel time variance. This favors all drivers, even those without information. In these situations travel time information has the property that its social benefits exceed private benefits (i.e. information has positive externalities). Of course, drivers are only willing to cover costs equal or smaller than their private benefits, which in turn may justify subsidies for information provision.  相似文献   

Information is effectively the same as a change in uncertainty perceived by an observer. This paper adopts the strict definition of information from Shannon’s Information Theory and provides procedures for quantifying effective provision of traveler information, considering it to be equivalent to the change of perceived uncertainty. The proposed method combines a cognitive grouping theory and an information learning scheme at an individual’s level to evaluate the dynamic information provision in the unit of a bit. Such numerical quantification can be meaningful in evaluating alternatives with more fine-grained information provision strategies and understanding their equity impact. Quantifying information in a manner consistent with Information Theory also provides a ‘shared language’ that facilitates more constructive discussion among stakeholders from different backgrounds. The case study is conducted on a heterogeneous dynamic traffic network near Downtown Los Angeles for evaluating different alternatives of a proposed dynamic message board in terms of its location and dynamic content.  相似文献   

The modeling of service dynamics has been the focus of recent developments in the field of transit assignment modeling. The emerging focus on dynamic service modeling requires a corresponding shift in transit demand modeling to represent appropriately the dynamic behaviour of passengers and their responses to Intelligent Transportation Systems technologies. This paper presents the theoretical development of a departure time and transit path choice model based on the Markovian Decision Process. This model is the core of the MIcrosimulation Learning-based Approach to TRansit Assignment. Passengers, while traveling, move to different locations in the transit network at different points in time (e.g. at stop, on board), representing a stochastic process. This stochastic process is partly dependent on the transit service performance and partly controlled by the transit rider’s trip choices. This can be analyzed as a Markovian Decision Process, in which actions are rewarded and hence passengers’ optimal policies for maximizing the trip utility can be estimated. The proposed model is classified as a bounded rational model, with a constant utility term and a stochastic choice rule. The model is appropriate for modeling information provision since it distinguishes between individual’s experience with the service performance and information provided about system dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper studies link travel time estimation using entry/exit time stamps of trips on a steady-state transportation network. We propose two inference methods based on the likelihood principle, assuming each link associates with a random travel time. The first method considers independent and Gaussian distributed link travel times, using the additive property that trip time has a closed-form distribution as the summation of link travel times. We particularly analyze the mean estimates when the variances of trip time estimates are known with a high degree of precision and examine the uniqueness of solutions. Two cases are discussed in detail: one with known paths of all trips and the other with unknown paths of some trips. We apply the Gaussian mixture model and the Expectation–Maximization (EM) algorithm to deal with the latter. The second method splits trip time proportionally among links traversed to deal with more general link travel time distributions such as log-normal. This approach builds upon an expected log-likelihood function which naturally leads to an iterative procedure analogous to the EM algorithm for solutions. Simulation tests on a simple nine-link network and on the Sioux Falls network respectively indicate that the two methods both perform well. The second method (i.e., trip splitting approximation) generally runs faster but with larger errors of estimated standard deviations of link travel times.  相似文献   

A negative effect of congestion that tends to be overlooked is travel time uncertainty. Travel time uncertainty causes scheduling costs due to early or late arrival. The negative effects of travel time uncertainty can be reduced by providing travellers with travel time information, which improves their estimate of the expected travel time, thereby reducing scheduling costs. In order to assess the negative effects of uncertainty and the benefits of travel time information, this paper proposes a conceptual model of departure time choice under travel time uncertainty and information. The model is based on expected utility theory, and includes the variation in travel time, the quality of travel time information and travellers’ perception of the travel time. The model is illustrated by an application to the case of the A2 motorway between Beesd and Utrecht in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

This study investigates route switching behavior on freeways in reaction to the provision of different types of real-time traffic information. The experimental design of the stated preference survey is based on four types of real-time information provided to travelers who were randomly selected at rest areas. The four types of real-time information defined in this paper are qualitative, quantitative, qualitative guidance, and quantitative guidance. The bounded rationality framework, also known as indifference band approach, is applied to model the freeway route switching behavior. Two important variables, travel time and travel cost, are included in the indifference band. In this study, the best route switching rule, travelers’ current routes as compared to the best route, is investigated to further provide valuable insights into freeways travelers’ route switching behavior with the provision of different types of real-time traffic information.  相似文献   

Travellers can benefit from the availability of point‐to‐point driving time estimates on a real time basis for making travel decisions such as route choice at strategic locations (e.g. junctions of major routes). This paper reports a predictive travel time methodology that features a Bayesian approach to fusing and updating information for use in advanced traveller information system. The methodology addresses the issue that data captured in real time on travel conditions becomes obsolete and has archival value only unless it is used as an input to a predictive travel time method for updating the information. The need for fusing real time data with other factors that influence travel time is defined and the concept of predictive travel time is discussed. The methodological framework and its components are advanced and an example application is provided for illustrating the fusion of data captured by infrastructure‐based and mobile technology with model‐based predictions in order to produce expected travel times. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Travel demand analyses are useful for transportation planning and policy development in a study area. However, travel demand modeling faces two obstacles. First, standard practice solves the four travel components (trip generation, trip distribution, modal split and network assignment) in a sequential manner. This can result in inconsistencies and non-convergence. Second, the data required are often complex and difficult to manage. Recent advances in formal methods for network equilibrium-based travel demand modeling and computational platforms for spatial data handling can overcome these obstacles. In this paper we report on the development of a prototype geographic information system (GIS) design to support network equilibrium-based travel demand models. The GIS design has several key features, including: (i) realistic representation of the multimodal transportation network, (ii) increased likelihood of database integrity after updates, (iii) effective user interfaces, and (iv) efficient implementation of network equilibrium solution algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper develops an algorithm for optimally locating Automatic Vehicle Identification tag readers by maximizing the benefit that would accrue from measuring travel times on a transportation network. The problem is formulated as a quadratic 0–1 optimization problem where the objective function parameters represent benefit factors that capture the relevance of measuring travel times as reflected by the demand and travel time variability along specified trips. An optimization approach based on the Reformulation–Linearization Technique coupled with semidefinite programming concepts is designed to solve the formulated reader location problem. To illustrate the proposed methodology, we consider a transportation network that is comprised of freeway segments that might include merge, diverge, weaving, and bottleneck sections. In order to derive benefit factors for the various origin–destination pairs on this network, we employ a simulation package (INTEGRATION) in combination with a composite function, which estimates the travel time variability along a trip that is comprised of links that include any of the four identified sections. The simulation results are actually recorded as generic look-up tables that can be used for any such section for the purpose of computing the associated benefit factor coefficients. Computational results are presented using data pertaining to a freeway section in San Antonio, Texas, as well as synthetic test cases, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, and to study the sensitivity of the quality of the solution to variations in the number of available readers.  相似文献   

This paper studies public transport demand by estimating a system of equations for multimodal transit systems where different modes may act competitively or cooperatively. Using data from Athens, Greece, we explicitly correct for higher-order serial correlation in the error terms and investigate two, largely overlooked, questions in the transit literature; first, whether a varying fare structure in a multimodal transit system affects demand and, second, what the determinants of ticket versus travelcard sales may be. Model estimation results suggest that the effect of fare type on ridership levels in a multimodal system varies by mode and by relative ticket to travelcard prices. Further, regardless of competition or cooperation between modes, fare increases will have limited effects on ridership, but the magnitude of these effects does depend on the relative ticket to travelcard prices. Finally, incorrectly assuming serial independence for the error terms during model estimation could yield upward or downward biased parameters and hence result in incorrect inferences and policy recommendations.  相似文献   

A driver is one of the main components in a transportation system that influences the effectiveness of any active demand management (ADM) strategies. As such, the understanding on driver behavior and their travel choice is crucial to ensure the successful implementation of ADM strategies in alleviating traffic congestion, especially in city centres. This study aims to investigate the impact of traffic information dissemination via traffic images on driver travel choice and decision. A relationship of driver travel choice with respect to their perceived congestion level is developed by an integrated framework of genetic algorithm–fuzzy logic, being a new attempt in driver behavior modeling. Results show that drivers consider changing their travel choice when the perceived congestion level is medium, in which changing departure time and diverting to alternative roads are two popular choices. If traffic congestion escalates further, drivers are likely to cancel their trip. Shifting to public transport system is the least likely choice for drivers in an auto-dependent city. These findings are important and useful to engineers as they are required to fully understand driver (user) sensitivity to traffic conditions so that relevant active travel demand management strategies could be implemented successfully. In addition, engineers could use the relationships established in this study to predict drivers’ response under various traffic conditions when carrying out modeling and impact studies.  相似文献   

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