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记者今夏在"中国物流大县"--江西省广昌县采访时,问及"广昌物流"辐射全国各地的代表性企业时,县领导不约而同地提到"上海利丰物流".原来,拥有辐射全国50多个大中城市的物流分公司或办事处、上海的"三星企业"、中国的超市配送物流排头兵--上海利丰公司也是来自"广昌路上".  相似文献   

Z. J. Haritos 《运输评论》2013,33(3):213-229

In most economies, the ownership and control of state enterprises has been an important government policy instrument. This has been particularly true in the transportation sector in which governments have intervened extensively through the acquisition and creation of state enterprises. While the genesis of and rationale for transportation state enterprises have varied from country to country and even from time to time within each country, at present, most governments do exercise a significant degree of ownership and control in transportation. Some of these enterprises enjoy monopoly status and others are in competition with and behave similarly to their private sector counterparts.

Consequently, and in recent years, questions have been raised about government intervention in the market‐place as it relates to effective management control and accountability of state enterprises. Questions have also been raised about the continuing need for transportation state enterprises and some governments have promoted some form of divestiture (privatization).

This paper addresses the accountability and control of transportation state enterprises based on the Canadian experience. It discusses their role and policies related to diversification, financing and divestiture, and the need for development of a performance framework.  相似文献   

解构外资进军中国物流业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国:向全球采购的核心市场演变 目前全球500强企业中已有400多家在华投资,项目总数超过3000多个.到2004年10月为止,全球零售企业200强中,已有12.5%的企业进入我国,还有12%的企业已经进入亚洲正随时准备进入中国.沃尔玛、家乐福、麦德龙、伊藤洋华堂、万客隆、金狮、欧倍德、翠丰、欧尚、正大、利丰等11家跨国零售集团在中国采购总规模已超过300亿美元,占全国出口总额的12%.  相似文献   

伴随着国际产业向中国的转移的时代背景,FedEx、TNT、UPS、DHL、马士基、三井商船,美国总统班轮、铁航渣华、日本邮船、伯灵顿、英运物流、日通等国际物流企业迅速进入我国,外商对制造业实际直接投资额所占比重逐年增长(见图1).  相似文献   

This paper investigates the combined impact of depot location, fleet composition and routing decisions on vehicle emissions in city logistics. We consider a city in which goods need to be delivered from a depot to customers located in nested zones characterized by different speed limits. The objective is to minimize the total depot, vehicle and routing cost, where the latter can be defined with respect to the cost of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. A new powerful adaptive large neighborhood search metaheuristic is developed and successfully applied to a large pool of new benchmark instances. Extensive analyses are performed to empirically assess the effect of various problem parameters, such as depot cost and location, customer distribution and heterogeneous vehicles on key performance indicators, including fuel consumption, emissions and operational costs. Several managerial insights are presented.  相似文献   

德国物流行业2007年产值超过2000亿欧元,位列经贸和汽车工业之后排在第三位,物流成本占国内生产总值的比重在10%以下.物流产业社会化和综合服务水平高,物流企业注重物流技术研究和专业化、规模化经营,基本实现了以运输合理化、仓储标准化、装卸机械化、加工配送一体化和信息管理网络化为标志的现代综合物流管理与服务.  相似文献   

This paper aims to adopt a critical stance on the relevance and interpretation of the recently emerging concepts of resilience and vulnerability in transportation studies. It makes a clear distinction between engineering and ecological interpretations of these concepts and offers a systematic typology of various studies in this field. A core element in the study is the linkage between the aforementioned concepts and connectivity/accessibility in transport networks. The methodological findings in the study are put in perspective by addressing also such concepts as robustness, reliability and friability of transport systems.  相似文献   

This paper explores shippers’ (i.e. logistics buyers) and logistics service providers’ (LSPs) perceptions of green concerns under diverse contractual settings during the key phases of the logistics purchasing process: request for proposal, negotiations, contracting and execution. Accordingly, it derives recommendations that could increase the actors’ inter- and- intra-organisational alignment on green targets throughout these phases. Empirical data are obtained from eight individual cases of three shippers and five LSPs, representing the buyer/seller roles within logistics arrangements. Contrary to previous literature holding the view that setting more green demands by shippers would guarantee green outcomes, the findings show that shippers’ green demands may hinder green logistics applications due to impediments to LSPs’ asset-sharing strategies. Also, a deadlock situation is revealed in the negotiations phase, where both actors await each other to introduce additional demands/offers—calling for further regulatory intervention to release this deadlock. Moreover, this paper shows how a mismatch of interests in contractual periods between shippers and LSPs can obstruct green investments—signalling that the green criterion is not the decisive factor in shaping shippers’ outsourcing strategies. The findings also stress a lack of follow-up efforts by shippers on green measures that were specified pre-contract, attributing this to contrasting intra-organisational objectives within shippers’ firms. This paper contributes to the green logistics purchasing literature by revealing how different contractual settings play an important role in shaping shippers’/LSPs’ perceptions of green concerns during the logistics purchasing process. Further, it is one of the first studies to provide phase-specific recommendations to increase the actors’ alignment on green targets.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,变革成为永恒的主题,变化的速度远远超过人们学习的速度.物流产业在科技进步和管理技术创新的驱动下,经历了从量变到质变的过程,全球物流已经进入供应链时代.  相似文献   

This paper describes the findings of the research conducted by the authors on the humanitarian logistic efforts after the cascading disasters that impacted the Tohoku region after the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11th, 2011. Using a combination of in depth interviews with participants in the relief efforts and meta analyses of news accounts, the authors identified lessons learned by the participants, and the corresponding policy implications and suggestions for improvement of future response efforts.  相似文献   

虽然国内现代物流相关领域的收入涨幅很大,但不容忽视的是,我国物流信息化的水平还很低,这在某种程度上决定了物流企业能否维持正常的生存周期,也成为考量物流企业能否做大、做强、做久的一个基准.  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine the past and present research on ‘green ports and maritime logistics’ in order to identify established research streams and fertile research areas with potential for future investigations. Using rigorous bibliometric and network analysis tools, the paper completes a systemic mapping of the existing literature and identifies the key investigators, collaboration patterns, research clusters and interrelationships, and the “seminal research areas” that have provided the field with the foundational knowledge, concepts, theories, tools, and techniques. Major articles within each seminal research area are also identified. This will allow new researchers to quickly build understanding in a particular sub-field by reading these major articles. The findings obtained from the evolution of seminal research areas over time are important from both research and practice perspectives and can help the field grow in many dimensions.  相似文献   


This article reports on an implementation study of a computerised decision support system for public transport management for the Athens Public Transport Authority (APTA). The study analysed the current situation, specified user requirements, determined system functionality, designed the system architecture, organised the project and, finally, planned dissemination activities. The decision support system covers the main public transport management activities of APTA - transport service provision, economic and financial planning, passenger complaints and suggestions, and personnel management - offering its users the possibility to study the potential effects of their decisions before implementation. To achieve this, the system will consist of a data warehousing system, for the integrated management of a wide variety of data sources, and of online analytical processing tools, for information analysis and scenario testing. The system architecture has been designed to offer robustness, flexibility, rich functionality and open connectivity. The system aims to help APTA reduce operational costs and provide a better transport service, attracting more passengers to public transport and reducing, in the process, congestion and pollution.  相似文献   

The number of policy initiatives to promote the use of bike-and-ride, or the combined use of bicycle and public transport for one trip, has grown considerably over the past decade as part of the search for more sustainable transport solutions. This paper discusses the experiences with, and impacts of, such initiatives in the Netherlands. The Dutch measures to promote bicycle use in access trips have been generally successful. A country-wide program to upgrade regular and secure bicycle parking at train stations has led to an increase in user satisfaction and a growth in bicycles parked at stations. Smaller programs to stimulate the combined use of bike-and-bus have resulted in an increase in bicycle use, bus use, and share of infrequent bus passengers. Bicycle lockers at bus stops are hardly used by bus passengers, due in part to the dominance of students among bus users as well as the relatively high price of lockers in comparison to the value of bicycles used for access trips. Measures to promote the use of the bicycle in egress trips have met with more varying results. Projects to introduce leasing bicycles for egress trips have failed to attract passengers, for both train and bus services. In contrast, the introduction of flexible rental bicycles at train stations has resulted in a small reduction in car use, growth in train trips, and growth in bicycle use for non-recurrent trips. The Dutch experiences suggest some lessons for promoting bike-and-ride in countries and cities with a less well-developed bicycle infrastructure.  相似文献   

With road traffic in Europe forecast to increase, strategies are needed to keep transportation sector growth within the bounds imposed by a sustainable development. Research is contributing through a large number of projects dealing with transport–environment interactions. This paper reviews international research activities in this field, focusing on technological innovations, air and noise pollution prediction models, and existing tools for socioeconomic evaluation of traffic impacts on the environment. In particular, research projects of the Second Special Project on Transport (PFT2) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) are outlined.  相似文献   

多式联运作为一种集约高效的运输组织方式,对于提高物流运输效率、降低物流成本有非常重要的作用。多式联运标准化是多式联运发展的重要技术支撑,本文通过对我国多式联运标准化现状、问题及原因分析,提出了我国多式联运标准化的发展对策,并为推进其发展提供参考。  相似文献   

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