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Exposure to an array of air pollutants varies between different social groups. This inequity is one possible explanation for the disparities in health between areas of varying socioeconomic status. However, most studies of vehicle pollution and environmental justice have relied on crude and potentially inaccurate pollution estimates. Using geographically-detailed estimates of traffic-related air pollution, the study investigates whether exposure to pollution in Christchurch, New Zealand varies significantly between areas of different socioeconomic status. The findings suggest that mean exposure to pollution is highest in the most disadvantaged areas of the city. Furthermore, areas where car ownership levels are highest tend to have relatively low levels of pollution exposure. This suggests that there are social injustices in exposure to traffic-related air pollution across neighbourhoods within the urban area of Christchurch.  相似文献   

Public service fleets offer an attractive option for introducing new renewable fuels on a large scale, which allow for the reduction of both greenhouse gas emissions and exhaust air pollutants. This study examines the use of biomethane (bio-CNG) and compressed natural gas for part of the bus fleet in Dublin, Ireland. The emissions produced from the 2008 fleet based at one of the city’s seven bus depots are compared to use of new diesel and bio-CNG buses. The optimum feedstock for bio-CNG production in Ireland was then investigated, as well as the quantity of feedstock needed to produce the required bio-CNG to fuel the bus fleet examined. As expected the results showed a substantial decrease in all exhaust emissions from the use of bio-CNG buses compared the 2008 fleet. Grass silage was chosen as the optimum feedstock for production of bio-CNG in Ireland.  相似文献   

The walking trip from an origin or destination to a bus stop or transit station can be a barrier to riding transit for older adults (over age 60) who may walk more slowly than others or experience declining physical mobility. This article examines the relationship between transit ridership and proximity to fixed-route transit stations using survey data for older adults in Buffalo and Erie County, New York. Demographic and socio-economic characteristics—including age, sex, race, income, possessing a driver’s license, frequency of leaving home, and personal mobility limitations—are tested but do not display, in bi-variate analysis, statistically significant differences for transit riders versus non-transit riders. However, features of the built environment—including distance (actual and perceived) between home and transit stop, transit service level, population density, number of street intersections, metropolitan location, and neighborhood crime (property and violent) rate—display statistically significant differences for transit riders versus non-transit riders. Both objective and perceived walking distances to access fixed-route transit show statistically significant differences between transit riders and non-transit riders. Average walking distance from home to transit for non-transit riders—who mostly live in suburbs—is three times greater than average walking distance between home and the nearest transit stop for transit riders—who mostly live in the central city. When asked how near a bus stop is to their homes, transit riders slightly overestimate the actual distance, while non-transit riders underestimate the distance.  相似文献   

Seoul city authority implemented an innovative bus transport reform (BTR) in July 2004. This paper evaluates the performance of that reform. To this end, the paper includes a discussion of the features of the reform, an explanation of the fields and the contents of the reform, and an assessment of the performance of the reform formulated by comparing pertinent circumstances in place before and after its inception. The performance of eight fields: bus routes, bus fares, bus management, bus operation, a new smart card, a median bus lane system, vehicles and stops, and the promotion of the BTR, are measured, as are the performances of four groups influenced by the BTR. Those groups are bus passengers, bus operators, transport regulators, and members of the wider civil community. The results indicate a readily apparent decrease in traffic density in Seoul after the introduction of the reform, and it would appear that the increase in the number of public transport users bears an inverse relationship with the decrease in the transport share of private cars.  相似文献   

Dunlop  Robin J. 《Transportation》1999,26(1):55-66
Reform in the public sector in New Zealand saw the abolition of the Ministry of Works and Development in 1988, with the commercial activities being transferred into a Government owned company. Further reform saw the client function of roads transferred initially into the Ministry of Transport and then into an independent Crown agency known as Transit New Zealand. Transit New Zealand is led by an Authority of six members, appointed by the Government, and it administers the strategic (national) road network (10,500 kilometres).In 1996 a separate funding body, Transfund New Zealand, was established to distribute funds to Transit New Zealand and local authorities. Transfund New Zealand is funded through a share of the petrol excise, all vehicle registration and licensing fees and all road user charges (an axle-weight/distance charge levied on diesel vehicles, especially trucks). These revenues are paid into a dedicated National Roads Fund, which allows a measure of transparency in funding the road system. The reforms in New Zealand have resulted in large efficiency gains, with no measurable lowering in level of service.The road agency of the future is discussed, along with possible changes in road management.  相似文献   

We develop a short turning model using demand information from station to station within a single bus line-single period setting, aimed at increasing the service frequency on the more loaded sections to deal with spatial concentration of demand considering both operators’ and users’ costs. We find analytical expressions for optimal values of the design variables, namely frequencies (inside and outside the short cycle), capacity of vehicles and the position of the short turn limit stations. These expressions are used to analyze the influence of different parameters in the final solution. The design variables and the corresponding cost components for operators and users (waiting and in-vehicle times) are compared against an optimized normal operation scheme (single frequency). Applications on actual transit corridors exhibiting different demand profiles are conducted, calculating the optimal values for the design variables and the resulting benefits for each case. Results show the typical demand configurations that are better served using a short turn strategy.  相似文献   

Restructuring of governmental activities in New Zealand calls for public enterprises to operate in competitive environments. This has created problems for highways and urban passenger transport. Whereas the national airline has been privatized and railways corporatized, legislation for land transport has created a Crown agency that is expected to operate commercially within funding and policy constraints. The problems are assessed as Transit New Zealand attempts to allocate state funds between competing projects using commercial criteria. New roles have been legislated for regional agencies and local governments: they are expected to either privatize service delivery or create public corporations to maintain highways and operate passenger transport. Principles underlying restructuring are examined, and suggestions are made on how agencies might take advantage of opportunities.  相似文献   


The British Bus industry has undergone considerable transformation since privatization. Five major operators have emerged to dominate the market, a position almost exclusively attained through acquisition. This paper reviews the economies of scale argument commonly cited for this change and gives an overview of the acquisition process. It questions whether this argument gives a complete explanation for this industry development. For 58 individual companies, the level of technical efficiency attributable to firms operating at or near the optimum level of output is examined over 5 years to determine if mergers in practice have resulted in scale economies. Technical efficiency is estimated using data envelopment analysis, under assumptions of constant and variable returns to scale. Efficiency scores are then regressed on a time trend and a merger dummy to test whether acquired firms' efficiency has significantly improved above the average. It was found that over the period, efficiency had improved. This improvement, however, cannot be wholly attributed to the achievement of economies of scale. More specifically, there has been an improvement in the internal efficiency of acquired firms and some scale economies within group companies, the latter of which may have resulted from the eradication of competition.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general framework to estimate the bus user time benefits of a median busway including the effects on travel time and access time. Unlike previous models, we take into account the effects of geometry and the interaction with the demand structure. Models for predicting the bus in-vehicle time benefits of a median dual carriageway busway against mixed traffic condition on 2 and 3 lanes roads are estimated using data from a case study in Santiago (Chile), using a bus travel time model empirically estimated and considering different base case situations, including mixed traffic operations and bus lanes. Results of the application show that the expected in-vehicle time savings of a median busway might be reduced by access time losses due to increased walking distances and road crossing delays. Also, that net time benefits can vary significantly according to the base situation and the structure of demand considered. These findings point out to the need of including a wider set of impacts when studying the benefits of median busways, beyond in-vehicle time savings only. The empirical work presented here is completely based on passive data coming from GPS and smartcards, what makes easier and cheaper to conduct this type of analysis as well as to do it with a comprehensive scope at an early stage of the development of a BRT project. This framework can be extended to other types of dedicated bus lanes provided that a corresponding bus travel time savings model is available.  相似文献   

The use of smaller buses offers passengers a better service frequency for a given service capacity, but costs more to operate per seat provided. Within this trade-off there is an optimal bus size which maximises social benefit. A mathematical model is described which can be solved analytically to provide an explicit relationship between optimal bus size and factors such as operating cost, level of demand, and demand elasticities. The model includes: passenger demand varying with the generalised cost of travel according to a constant elasticity; the effect of changes in bus occupancy on average waiting times and on operating speed; the financial constraint that farebox revenue must equal operating cost less subsidy; an allowance for external benefits associated with generated demand, and for the effect of the flow of buses on traffic congestion; and an operating cost increasing linearly with bus size. The optimal size varies with the square root of demand, and with the unit cost to the power of 0.1 to 0.2. It also increases slowly with the proportion of cost covered by subsidy. For typical urban operating conditions in the United Kingdom the optimal size for a monopoly service lies between 55 and 65 seats assuming the observed relationship between cost and size; it is possible that changes in working practices could make smaller buses relatively cheaper to operate, so reducing the optimal size, but it seems unlikely to fall below 40 seats.  相似文献   

Attitudes towards public transport (PT) in New Zealand’s three largest cities (Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch) were examined in a cross-sectional survey of drivers. A measure of prejudice to PT was developed to assess the strength and nature of attitudinal differences. Auckland residents had the highest levels of PT prejudice while Wellington residents had the lowest, and these differences were not related to demographic differences between the samples. Direct contact with PT was associated with reduced levels of PT prejudice, but measures of indirect contact, beliefs about using PT, and environmental attitudes were stronger predictors of PT prejudice scores. Controlling for these variables resulted in the difference in PT prejudice levels between Wellington and Christchurch becoming non-significant, while the differences between Auckland and the other two cities remained. This suggests that the difference between Wellington and Christchurch was primarily based on social norms regarding PT prejudice, while quality of service was a factor in the difference between Auckland and the other two cities. It is suggested that campaigns promoting PT ridership should focus both on the quality of service and on presenting PT usage as socially normal.  相似文献   

Maintaining and enhancing public transit service in Indian cities is important, to meet rapidly growing mass mobility needs, and curb personal motor vehicle activity and its impacts at low cost. Indian cities rely predominantly on buses for public transport, and are likely to continue to do so for years. However, the public bus transit service is inadequate, and unaffordable for the urban poor. The paper explores the factors that contribute to and affect efforts to improve this situation, based on an analysis of the financial and operational performance of the public bus transit service in the four metropolitan centres and four secondary cities during the 1990s. Overall, there were persistent losses, owing to increasing input costs and declining productivity. The losses occurred despite rapidly increasing fares, and ridership declined. The situation, and the ability to address it, is worse in the secondary cities than the metropolitan centres. We suggest a disaggregated approach based on the needs and motivations of different groups in relation to public transit, along with improved operating conditions and policies to internalize costs of personal motor vehicle use, to address the challenge of providing financially viable and affordable public bus transit service.  相似文献   

The system described in this paper allows the user to visualize the Montreal transportation system. The user is provided with several different maps.

The complete subway network and all regular bus lines have been included. The subway network and the bus lines can be selectively displayed. The most attractive feature of this system is the possibility of obtaining all possible routes between two different places. The input is based on the menu technique.

The system can be easily adapted to other large urban transportation systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a qualitative analysis using on-street perception and expert interview surveys of city centre streets that have been transformed into shared spaces in Auckland, New Zealand. The principal purpose was to investigate how well the shared streets performed, especially in relation to movement, access and place functions. The shared space sites at the Elliott, Lorne and Fort Street areas were measured against the performance criteria of Placemaking, Pedestrian Focus, Vehicle Behaviour Change, Economic Impetus and Safety for all users. On-street perception surveys totalling 360 responses (120 per site) were used in this study, together with an additional set of 40 responses from a survey of a control site in O’Connell Street that remained as a traditional street. Fifteen professionals with background in transportation and urban planning participated in semi-structured expert interviews. The main results of the Median Perception Ratings from the on-street surveys confirmed that the shared spaces generally performed positively. The statistical analysis revealed that the performance criteria of ‘Pedestrian’ and ‘Safety’ had a commanding influence over the other performance measures, and with the interconnectivity of the five objectives the perceived success of the urban shared spaces.  相似文献   

On the capacity of isolated, curbside bus stops   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The maximal rates that buses can discharge from bus stops are examined. Models were developed to estimate these capacities for curbside stops that are isolated from the effects of traffic signals. The models account for key features of the stops, including their target service levels assigned to them by a transit agency. Among other things, the models predict that adding bus berths to a stop can sometimes return disproportionally high gains in capacity. This and other of our findings are at odds with information furnished in professional handbooks.  相似文献   

In the past few years, numerous mobile applications have made it possible for public transit passengers to find routes and/or learn about the expected arrival time of their transit vehicles. Though these services are widely used, their impact on overall transit ridership remains unclear. The objective of this research is to assess the effect of real-time information provided via web-enabled and mobile devices on public transit ridership. An empirical evaluation is conducted for New York City, which is the setting of a natural experiment in which a real-time bus tracking system was gradually launched on a borough-by-borough basis beginning in 2011. Panel regression techniques are used to evaluate bus ridership over a three year period, while controlling for changes in transit service, fares, local socioeconomic conditions, weather, and other factors. A fixed effects model of average weekday unlinked bus trips per month reveals an increase of approximately 118 trips per route per weekday (median increase of 1.7% of weekday route-level ridership) attributable to providing real-time information. Further refinement of the fixed effects model suggests that this ridership increase may only be occurring on larger routes; specifically, the largest quartile of routes defined by revenue miles of service realized approximately 340 additional trips per route per weekday (median increase of 2.3% per route). Although the increase in weekday route-level ridership may appear modest, on aggregate these increases exert a substantial positive effect on farebox revenue. The implications of this research are critical to decision-makers at the country’s transit operators who face pressure to increase ridership under limited budgets, particularly as they seek to prioritize investments in infrastructure, service offerings, and new technologies.  相似文献   

Road freight transport in New Zealand has operated under government regulations since 1936, primarily to protect the freight revenue of the New Zealand Railways. In 1983 an Act was passed to deregulate the freight transport industry and to switch over to a qualitative licensing system. This is expected to have some impact on competition within the road freight industry as well as between road and rail. This paper analyses the institutional structure of the road freight industry at the pre‐deregulation phase. The trend over the last few years, shows that the number of single vehicle owners (mostly owner‐drivers) and their share in the industry is growing at a faster rate than others. The vehicle authority distribution varies widely from one region to another in the country. Economic factors like employment, population, urbanization etc. could not explain this variation. The segregation of demand by existing government regulations appears to be the main reason for such diversity in vehicle authority distribution. Apparently there is no monopoly trend in the aggregate nor in the regional distribution. However, many owner drivers work closely with large firms, which may change the concentration observed in the distribution of vehicle authorities.

Productivity is relatively high for one person operations, i.e., mainly owner drivers. It then goes down and then rises to a certain limit. This gives an indication of the possibility of economies of scale, the single vehicle firms being an exception.  相似文献   

Many claims have been made concerning the benefits of airline global alliances, often from the viewpoint of airline operators. By contrast, the focus of this paper is an empirical study of the perceptions of consumers. Studied first are the perceptions that business travelers have of the benefits of global alliances. Results show that a sizeable minority are unsure of the benefits or hold at least some misconceptions. This varies depending on the nature of the benefit and the type of respondent. Results also suggest that no major differences are perceived in the benefits offered by competing global alliances. Second, the importance of global alliance benefits in determining airline choice by business travelers is considered. Relative to other benefits, alliance benefits are not seen as particularly important.  相似文献   

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