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By the mind-1960s there was a great deal of inefficiency in the Europe/Australia liner trade which reflected the ultra-conservative management of the British shipping lines under the benign protection of the conference system. Containerization per se was not necessary to realising a large gain in efficiency and therefore permitting a reduction in the level of freight rates. The introduction of containerization with cellular container ships and under the aegis of a strengthened conference monopoly has meant that shippers have been denied much of the potenital beneifit.  相似文献   

In Part 1*of this article a background to the economics of conference operation was provided, and conference fleet planning and single voyage costs were discussed. This part of the paper will analyse the economic objectives of conferences and will consider the implications of ending the conference princing structure. Some recommendations are also offered.  相似文献   

In 2001 China embarked on an ambitious program to improve water quality through creation of the Clean Bohai Sea Program (CBSP). It is the first regional ocean governance program in China. The joint conference of central and local government units directed CBSP under the leadership of the State Environment Protection Administration. To meet the environmental objectives established by the joint conference local governments must pay for the program and operate it, but to date they have not been able to fully fund the effort. Although data indicate a decline of polluted discharges to the Bohai, one tabulation shows that the area of the sea that is polluted has increased each year from 2001 to 2005. Future enhancement of CBSP depends on revising incentives to better link local environmental programs and development, establishing funding mechanisms to equitably spread costs throughout watersheds, and creating comprehensive monitoring programs to better appraise program results.  相似文献   

This study comprises four major sections. Section A presents the reader with a broad view of liner conference operations, covering the origin of the conference system, its internal organization, achievements and the problems and inefficients generated in trades with the US by FMC regulation. Section B explores the legal aspects of conference operation and is especially concerned with the implications and legality of the USA's policy of unilateral regulation of conferences through national legislation. Section C investigatees the economic environment in which conferences operate, postulates a new economic models applied to liner shipping. Section D consistes of a and illustrates the failures of that Report.  相似文献   

This study comprises four major sections. Section A presents the reader with a broad view of liner conference operations, covering the origin of the conference system, its internal organization, achievements and the problems and inefficients generated in trades with the US by FMC regulation. Section B explores the legal aspects of conference operation and is especially concerned with the implications and legality of the USA's policy of unilateral regulation of conferences through national legislation. Section C investigatees the economic environment in which conferences operate, postulates a new economic models applied to liner shipping. Section D consistes of a and illustrates the failures of that Report.  相似文献   

Although liner conferences are traditionally assumed to possess effective monopoly power, such a view ignores many important aspects of their competitive environment. This article examines some of these neglected competitive features and shows how they may decisively influence conference pricing strategies.

In the analysis of linear shipping, the notion that conferences are effective monopolists lies at the root of many of the grievances of the conference system. It has also become an integral part of the conventional wisdom of shipping economies, to such an extent that the monopoly power of conferences is virtually regarded as a matter of established fact rather than what it really is-namely a postulated assumption open to testing and refutation.

It is the purpose of this paper to explore the competitive conditions of the industry in which liner conferences operate and to try and establish the extent and limitations of their market power. This will involve an analysis of hte bariers to entry which conferences may be protected by, the manner in which the relevant industry should be defined, the possibility and consequences of new entry, and the response of conferences to their competitive environment.  相似文献   

在去年举办的第五届海运年会上,我们以"度势运筹"(Navigating Cross Currents)为题,对航运业在国际金融危机冲击下的发展形势进行了深入探讨。而一年来航运业的实际发展形势,验证了我们当初的判断。  相似文献   

In Part 1 * *Maritime Studies and Management (1975) Vol 3, No. 2, pp. 103–111. of this article a background to the economics of conference operation was provided, and conference fleet planning and single voyage costs were discussed. This part of the paper will analyse the economic objectives of conferences and will consider the implications of ending the conference princing structure. Some recommendations are also offered.  相似文献   

This article examines the uncertainties concerning the antiturst immunity for collective participation by liner conferences in intermodal transporation. Among them are the FMC's jurisdiction under the Shipping Act to authorize such collective actions, the legality of intermodal dual-rate contracts and the stringency by lsquo;public-interestrsquo; justification. Administrative and judicial decisions proved ineffective in resolving the issues which legislative actions had, over a decade, failed to deal with. These uncertainties could soon be ended with passage of the maritime antiturst polity emerging out of this Congress. It is, however, still uncertain as to whether, and to what extent, the viabilty of the conference system would be threatened by the continued growth of intermodalism and vice versa. Congressional intent to safeguard the continued growth of intermodalism and the development of other future innovations means that these two issues are of more than just academic interests. Yet, they have not been adequately addressed in the policy studies currently available.  相似文献   

It is highly probable that one of the results of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea will be the recognition of a new jurisdictional zone—the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). This 200-mile zone will be used for a variety of potentially conflicting purposes by both the coastal state and non-coastal states and it is therefore important to ensure that the new convention emerging from the conference should establish criteria and make provision for machinery for the resolution of the international conflicts between different users which will undoubtedly arise. This paper contains a critical analysis of the latest draft articles under consideration at the Conference and considers the criteria by reference to which disputes might be resolved.  相似文献   

It is highly probable that one of the results of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea will be the recognition of a new jurisdictional zone—the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). This 200-mile zone will be used for a variety of potentially conflicting purposes by both the coastal state and non-coastal states and it is therefore important to ensure that the new convention emerging from the conference should establish criteria and make provision for machinery for the resolution of the international conflicts between different users which will undoubtedly arise. This paper contains a critical analysis of the latest draft articles under consideration at the Conference and considers the criteria by reference to which disputes might be resolved.  相似文献   

This special issue of Maritime Policy and Management includes a collection of the best papers presented at the recent conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2005. On the basis of a review and conceptual synthesis of the six papers selected for the special issue, this paper provides a discussion of the role and potential of research in informing managerial decision-making and policy-making in the context of the maritime industry and makes recommendations for elevating the discipline-related credentials of the maritime area as a field of study.  相似文献   

The subject of shipping conferences has been much discussed in recent decades. In this paper the author advocates a reappraisal of the conference system with special reference to the fleets of developing countries.  相似文献   

The subject of shipping conferences has been much discussed in recent decades. In this paper the author advocates a reappraisal of the conference system with special reference to the fleets of developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the recently concluded Conference of Parties to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers, 1978, in which major revisions to the Convention and its associated Code were adopted. The diplomatic conference was held in Manila, Philippines, from 21–25 June 2010.  相似文献   

国际海事组织(IMO)船舶建造和设计委员会(SDC)4次会议把第二代完整稳性衡准直接评估方法提上议程,本文针对第二代完整稳性衡准的五种稳性失效模式——参数横摇、纯稳性丧失、骑浪/横甩、瘫船稳性和过度加速度,分别给出了直接评估的水动力原则性要求,然后针对这些水动力要求进行了分析,并给出了具体的数学模型.最后结合已有的计算结果对直接评估方法的可行性进行了分析,为二代稳性直接评估软件的开发和应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

<正>一、两个文明建设全面发展 党的十一届三中全会以来,特别是近几年来,青岛港务局深化改革,加强管理,促进了港口两个文明建设的全面发展。为此,今年5月,交通部在青岛港召开现场会,推广他们的经验。 在安全质量和经济效益方面。青岛港务局安全生产实现“五消灭一控制”,优质服务水平得到提高。经济效益创历史最好水平,1994年港口吞吐量完成4210万吨,比1993年增长19%,比1988年增长35.4%;其中集装箱去年完成43万标准箱,比1993年增长42%,比1988年增长了4倍。实现利润比1993年增长38.8%,比1988年增长54.8%。实现了效益与速度同步增长。连续两年被评为全国质量效益型先进企业和山东省工交系统经济效益排头兵,并获得全国用户满意企业称号。 在发展后劲和竞争实力方面。近几年来,该局基本建设投资完成30亿元。黄岛油二期工程、前湾一期工程全部竣工投产,建成了现代化的新港区。该局自筹技改资金6亿5千万元,先后完成重点技改项目62个。科技兴港创直接经济效益4000多万元。港口通过能力比1988年翻了一番多。老港旧貌换新颜。 在职工生活水平方面。全港职工福利事业有了较大发展。职工收入年年都有较大增长,其中一线计件装卸工人的收入增长幅度更大。职工人均住房面积已达13.3平方米,共  相似文献   

This paper examines the fourth and fifth sessions of the third United Nations Law of the Sea conference, held at New York in 1976, against the background of committee work.  相似文献   

This paper examines the fourth and fifth sessions of the third United Nations Law of the Sea conference, held at New York in 1976, against the background of committee work.  相似文献   

This article examines the uncertainties concerning the antiturst immunity for collective participation by liner conferences in intermodal transporation. Among them are the FMC's jurisdiction under the Shipping Act to authorize such collective actions, the legality of intermodal dual-rate contracts and the stringency by lsquo;public-interestrsquo; justification. Administrative and judicial decisions proved ineffective in resolving the issues which legislative actions had, over a decade, failed to deal with. These uncertainties could soon be ended with passage of the maritime antiturst polity emerging out of this Congress. It is, however, still uncertain as to whether, and to what extent, the viabilty of the conference system would be threatened by the continued growth of intermodalism and vice versa. Congressional intent to safeguard the continued growth of intermodalism and the development of other future innovations means that these two issues are of more than just academic interests. Yet, they have not been adequately addressed in the policy studies currently available.  相似文献   

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