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For a large number of applications conventional methods for estimating an origin destination matrix become too expensive to use. Two models, based on information minimisation and entropy maximisation principles, have been developed by the authors to estimate an O-D matrix from traffic counts. The models assume knowledge of the paths followed by the vehicles over the network. The models then use the traffic counts to estimate the most likely O-D matrix consistent with the link volumes available and any prior information about the trip matrix. Both models can be used to update and improve a previous O-D matrix. An algorithm to find a solution to the model is then described. The models have been tested with artificial data and performed reasonably well. Further research is being carried out to validate the models with real data.  相似文献   

Previous methods for estimating a trip matrix from traffic volume counts have used the principles of maximum entropy and minimum information. These techniques implicitly give as little weight to prior information on the trip matrix as possible. The new method proposed here is based on Bayesian statistical inference and has several advantages over these earlier approaches. It allows complete flexibility in the degree of belief placed on the prior estimate of the trip matrix and also allows for different degrees of belief in diffeent parts of the prior estimate. Furthermore under certain assumptions the method reduces to a simple updating scheme in which observations on the link flows successively modify the trip matrix. At the end of the scheme confidence intervals are available for the estimates of the trip matrix elements.  相似文献   

Many problems in transport planning and management tasks require an origindestination (O-D) matrix to represent the travel pattern. However, O-D matrices obtained through a large scale survey such as home or roadside interviews, tend to be costly, labour intensive and time disruptive to trip makers. Therefore, the use of low cost and easily available data is particularly attractive.The need of low-cost methods to estimate current and future O-D matrices is even more valuable in developing countries because of the rapid changes in population, economic activity and land use. Models of transport demand have been used for many years to synthesize O-D matrices in study areas. A typical example of this is the gravity model; its functional form, plus the appropriate values for the parameters involved, is employed to produce acceptable matrices representing trip making behaviour for many trip purposes and time periods.The work reported in this paper has combined the advantages of acceptable travel demand models with the low cost and availability of traffic counts. Three types of demand models have been used: gravity (GR), opportunity (OP) and gravity-opportunity (GO) models. Three estimation methods have been developed to calibrate these models from traffic counts, namely: non-linear-least-squares (NLLS), weighted-non-linear-least-squares (WNLLS) and maximumlikelihood (ML).The 1978 Ripon (urban vehicle movement) survey was used to test these methods. They were found to perform satisfactorily since each calibrated model reproduced the observed O-D matrix fairly closely. The tests were carried out using two assignment techniques, all-or-nothing and the stochastic method due to Burrell, in determining the routes taken through the network.requests for offprints  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to develop a simple transit ridership estimation model system for short-range planning. The main feature of the model system is that it exploits knowledge of transit link volumes which are obtained readily from on-off counts. Extensive use is made of default values for model parameters, taken directly from the transportation literature. The remaining parameters can be derived easily from generally available land-use and socioeconomic data. Expensive household surveys and time-consuming model calibrations are not required. A sequence of simple trip generation, trip distribution and modal split models generate trip-purpose specific transit trip tables, denoted as “trial” trip tables. These trip tables and observed transit link volumes are used in a linear programming model which serves as a correction mechanism. The gain in accuracy is achieved by using the ridership information contained in the transit link volumes. The corrected trip tables may be used in a pivot-point analysis to estimate changes in ridership and revenue. The results of a test application of the model system indicate that it can generate accurate ridership estimates when reliable transit link volumes are available from on-off counts, and when the trial transit trip tables as derived from the first three component models are reasonably accurate.  相似文献   

Conventional methods for estimating origin-destination (O-D) trip matrices from link traffic counts assume that route choice proportions are given constants. In a network with realistic congestion levels, this assumption does not hold. This paper shows how existing methods such as the generalized least squares technique can be integrated with an equilibrium traffic assignment in the form of a convex bilevel optimization problem. The presence of measurement errors and time variations in the observed link flows are explicitly considered. The feasibility of the model is always guaranteed without a requirement for estimating consistent link flows from counts. A solution algorithm is provided and numerical simulation experiments are implemented in investigating the model's properties. Some related problems concerning O-D matrix estimation are also discussed.  相似文献   


Estimation of the origin–destination (O–D) trip demand matrix plays a key role in travel analysis and transportation planning and operations. Many researchers have developed different O–D matrix estimation methods using traffic counts, which allow simple data collection as opposed to the costly traditional direct estimation methods based on home and roadside interviews.

In this paper, we present a new fuzzy model to estimate the O–D matrix from traffic counts. Since link data only represent a snapshot situation, resulting in inconsistency of data and poor quality of the estimated O–Ds, the proposed method considers the link data as a fuzzy number that varies within a certain bandwidth. Shafahi and Ramezani's fuzzy assignment method is improved upon and used to assign the estimated O–D matrix, which causes the assigned volumes to be fuzzy numbers similar to what is proposed for observed link counts. The shortest path algorithm of the proposed method is similar to the Floyd–Warshall algorithm, and we call it the Fuzzy Floyd–Warshall Algorithm. A new fuzzy comparing index is proposed by improving the fuzzy comparison method developed by Dubois and Prade to estimate and compare the distance between the assigned and observed link volumes. The O–D estimation model is formulated as a convex minimization problem based on the proposed fuzzy index to minimize the fuzzy distance between the observed and assigned link volumes. A gradient-based method is used to solve the problem. To ensure the original O–D matrix does not change more than necessary during the iterations, a fuzzy rule-based approach is proposed to control the matrix changes.  相似文献   

In this note, a simple network equilibrium based approach for estimating a trip matrix using link traffic count data is proposed. In essence a combined distribution and assignment model is formulated in which the link flow data serve to furnish an estimate for the sum of the integrals of the link cost functions. A comparison of this model with others proposed previously is made.  相似文献   

A number of estimation procedures have been suggested for the situation where a prior estimate of an origin-destination matrix is to be updated on the basis of recently-acquired traffic counts. These procedures assume that both the link flows and the proportionate usage of each link made by each origin-destination flow (referred to collectively as the link choice proportions) are known. This paper examines the possibility and methods for estimating the link choice proportions. Three methods are presented: (1) using ad hoc iteration between trip distribution and traffic assignment; (2) combining trip distribution and assignment in one step; (3) solving a new optimization problem in which the path flows are directly considered as variables and its optimal solution is governed by a logit type formula. The algorithms, covergencies and computational efficiencies of these methods are investigated. Results of testing the three methods on example networks are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper develops a flexible gravity-opportunities model for trip distribution in which standard forms of the gravity and opportunities models are obtained as special cases of a general opportunities (GO) model. Hence the question of choice between gravity or opportunities approaches is decided empirically and statistically by restrictions on parameters which control the global functional form of the trip distribution mechanism. The test for the gravity model is shown to be equivalent to a test of the IIA axiom where alternatives are destinations.The notational dichotomy between the two approaches is resolved by employing ordered trip matrices and transformations to permit row and column sum constraints to be applied. These constraints, often interpreted in various ways, are treated as normalisation terms and are therefore not strictly part of the form of the model. Doubly constrained, singly constrained and unconstrained versions of both models are developed throughout.A key step in the integration is the specification of an opportunity function which has as arguments destination-attribute variables such population, income or some other measure of opportunities and generalized cost/impedance-type variables relating origin and destination. This device obviates the mutual exclusiveness ordinarily required of these two sets of variables.The opportunity function is incorporated into a general proportionality factor which is defined by the difference in functions of cumulative opportunities; the latter are subjected to a convex combination of direct and inverse Box-Cox transformations. Different values of the parameters controlling these transformations generate contrasting families of models, notably the exponential and logarithmic intervening opportunities models and the gravity model. All models are shown to be embedded in a transformed triangular region over which likelihood function, response surface or simultaneous confidence interval contours may be plotted.These generalised gravity-opportunity concepts are applied to two well-known models: direct demand multimodal travel demand models, and the estimation of the OD matrix from link volumes. The second case is estimated empirically and here it is shown that a significant improvement is obtained over the gravity model, which is rejected, along with the logarithmic intervening opportunity model, in favour of a more general direct opportunities version.  相似文献   

A procedure for the simultaneous estimation of an origin–destination (OD) matrix and link choice proportions from OD survey data and traffic counts for congested network is proposed in this paper. Recognizing that link choice proportions in a network change with traffic conditions, and that the dispersion parameter of the route choice model should be updated for a current data set, this procedure performs statistical estimation and traffic assignment alternately until convergence in order to obtain the best estimators for both the OD matrix and link choice proportions, which are consistent with the survey data and traffic counts.Results from a numerical study using a hypothetical network have shown that a model allowing θ to be estimated simultaneously with an OD matrix from the observed data performs better than the model with a fixed predetermined θ. The application of the proposed model to the Tuen Mun Corridor network in Hong Kong is also presented in this paper. A reasonable estimate of the dispersion parameter θ for this network is obtained.  相似文献   

The collection of origin–destination data for a city is an important but often costly task. This way, there is a need to develop more efficient and inexpensive methods of collecting information about citizens’ travel patterns. In this line, this paper presents a generic methodology that allows to infer the origin and destination zones for an observed trip between two public transport stops (i.e., bus stops or metro stations) using socio-economic, land use, and network information. The proposed zonal inference model follows a disaggregated Logit approach including size variables. The model enables the estimation of a zonal origin–destination matrix for a city, if trip information passively collected by a smart-card payment system is available (in form of a stop-to-stop matrix). The methodology is applied to the Santiago de Chile’s morning peak period, with the purpose of serving as input for a public transport planning computational tool. To estimate the model, information was gathered from different sources and processed into a unified framework; data included a survey conducted at public transport stops, land use information, and a stop-to-stop trip matrix. Additionally, a zonal system with 1176 zones was constructed for the city, including the definition of its access links and associated distances. Our results shows that, ceteris paribus, zones with high numbers of housing units have higher probabilities of being the origin of a morning peak trip. Likewise, health facilities, educational, residential, commercial, and offices centres have significant attraction powers during this period. In this sense, our model manages to capture the expected effects of land use on trip generation and attraction. This study has numerous policy implications, as the information obtained can be used to predict the impacts of changes in the public transport network (such as extending routes, relocating their stops, designing new routes or changing the fare structure). Further research is needed to improve the zonal inference formulation and origin–destination matrix estimation, mainly by including better cost measures, and dealing with survey and data limitations.  相似文献   

The paper presents a statistical model for urban road network travel time estimation using vehicle trajectories obtained from low frequency GPS probes as observations, where the vehicles typically cover multiple network links between reports. The network model separates trip travel times into link travel times and intersection delays and allows correlation between travel times on different network links based on a spatial moving average (SMA) structure. The observation model presents a way to estimate the parameters of the network model, including the correlation structure, through low frequency sampling of vehicle traces. Link-specific effects are combined with link attributes (speed limit, functional class, etc.) and trip conditions (day of week, season, weather, etc.) as explanatory variables. The approach captures the underlying factors behind spatial and temporal variations in speeds, which is useful for traffic management, planning and forecasting. The model is estimated using maximum likelihood. The model is applied in a case study for the network of Stockholm, Sweden. Link attributes and trip conditions (including recent snowfall) have significant effects on travel times and there is significant positive correlation between segments. The case study highlights the potential of using sparse probe vehicle data for monitoring the performance of the urban transport system.  相似文献   

This paper develops a log-linear regression approach to estimate missing data in a sparse origin–destination (O–D) matrix assuming the sampled or observed O–D trips follow a good gravity pattern. The approach is tested with randomly selected samples from the known portions of 1997, 2002, and 2007 US Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) O–D value and tonnage matrices and validated with 2007 US O–D tonnage matrix at the state level. The missing data are also estimated for the 2007 CFS tonnage matrix with the best intercept and coefficients obtained using all known entries of the matrix. The concept of the approach can be extended beyond the gravity model to any strong mathematical pattern embedded in the known set of a sparse O–D matrix to estimate its missing cells.  相似文献   

A problem always found in developing countries is the lack of information required for short, medium and long term planning purposes due to money and time constraints. This becomes even more valuable for problems which require ‘quick-response’ treatment. A flexible model approach allows monitoring a long term plan in order to check its short term performance at regular intervals using easily-available data. If found necessary, changes to the plan may be evaluated and eventually implemented. For this reason, the approach is deemed appropriate for long term planning and project evaluation even in the case of rapid changes in land-use, socio-economic and population parameters usually occurs in most of developing countries. A key element of the approach is a system to update the forecasting model (in particular its trip distribution and mode choice elements) using low-cost and/or easily-available information. Traffic counts are particularly attractive to be used in developing countries for planning purposes. The estimation of public transport demand, particularly important for planning purposes, is an expensive and time consuming undertaking. The need for a low-cost method to estimate the public transport demand is therefore obvious. The objective of this paper is the development of methods and techniques for modelling the public transport demand using traffic (passenger) count information and other simple zonal-planning data. We will report on a family of aggregate model combined with a family of mode choice logit models which can be calibrated from traffic (passenger) counts and other low-cost data. The model examined was the Gravity (GR) model combined with the Multi-Nominal-Logit (MNL) model. Non-Linear-Least-Squares (NLLS) estimation method was used to calibrate the parameter of the combined model. The combined TDMC model and the calibration method have been implemented into a micro-computer package capable of dealing with the study area consisting of up to 300 zones, 3000 links and 6000 nodes. The approach has been tested using the 1988 Public Transport Data Survey in Bandung (Indonesia). The model was found to provide a reasonably good fit and the calibrated parameter can then be used for forecasting purposes. General conclusion regarding the advantageous and the applicability of the approach to other environments are given.  相似文献   

An expression is derived for the variances and covariances of the logarithms of origin- destination flows when estimated by one of a family of log-linear models. Among this family is the Furness growth factor model, the gravity model, the Willumsen model and the Van Zuylen-Bell model. Variances and covariances for the logarithms of the parameters incorporating prior information and for the values of the constraints with which the fitted values must conform are transformed linearly into approximate variances and covariances for the logarithms of the fitted values. Additional error due to misspecification of either the model or the constraints is not taken into account. Depending on the model, the prior information parameters may correspond to values of a deterrence function or to a base year trip matrix, while the constraints may represent design year trip end totals or traffic counts. As an illustration, the expression is applied to an example involving Willumsen's model.  相似文献   

Gwilliam  K. M.  Banister  D. J. 《Transportation》1977,6(4):345-363
Transport demand forecasting procedures have traditionally employed household based modal split models implicitly assuming a selection of mode for each trip based on relative generalised cost. A detailed examination of the trip patterns of a sample of household in West Yorkshire shows that in fact there is little discretionary choice of public transport; public transport trips in car owning households generally being explained in terms of the specific unavailability of the car for such trips. Two versions of a category analysis model for modal split are based on this observation and applied to household data for Glamorgan and Monmouthshire to show that such a procedure is workable and produces results comparing favourably with traditional approaches. The likely implications of three types of restraint policy are examined and it is concluded that the existing interdependence in trip patterns and modal choice within the household is of great significance in determining their effects. In particular it appears that positive attempts to increase vehicle occupancy at the peak are likely to be more favourable to public transport finances than the more negative policies to restrain use of the car for journey to work, or second car ownership.  相似文献   

Estimation of origin–destination (O–D) matrices from link count data is considered. This problem is challenging because the number of parameters to be estimated is typically larger than the number of network links. As a result, it is (usually) impossible to identify a unique optimal estimate of the O–D matrix from mean link traffic counts. However, information from the covariance matrix of link count data collected over a sequence of days can relieve this problem of indeterminacy. This fact is illustrated through a simple example. The use of second-order statistical properties of the data in O–D matrix estimation is then explored, and a class of estimators proposed. Practical problems of model mis-specification are discussed and some avenues for future research outlined.  相似文献   

Estimation of intersection turning movements is one of the key inputs required for a variety of transportation analysis, including intersection geometric design, signal timing design, traffic impact assessment, and transportation planning. Conventional approaches that use manual techniques for estimation of turning movements are insensitive to congestion. The drawbacks of the manual techniques can be amended by integrating a network traffic model with a computation procedure capable of estimating turning movements from a set of link traffic counts and intersection turning movement counts. This study proposes using the path flow estimator, originally used to estimate path flows (hence origin–destination flows), to derive not only complete link flows, but also turning movements for the whole road network given some counts at selected roads and intersections. Two case studies using actual traffic counts are used to demonstrate the proposed intersection turning movement estimation procedure. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is in the context of studying alternative systems of urban transport in India to determine the costs and performance not only for public transport systems but also for the total transport scenario (i.e. for all vehicles) such that the economic costs are inclusive of costs of time (conservatively), accidents and pollution. In view of inherent deficiencies and delays associated with a traditional transport planning process and its implementation, the paper develops quick response land-use transport planning models for Indian cities to enable integrated, cost-efficient strategies to be evolved, recognizing that urban transport is a function of urban size, form, structure, socio-economic base, etc. A simple statistically significant demand model identified from a basis of appropriate data represents the recommended demand model for Indian cities. This model can be then conveniently used to project trip volume for any Indian city in a future year. A simple gravity model is used to generate the trip assignment for hypothesized city sizes, forms and structures. The results provide a fairly reasonable approximation for the major corridor trip volumes and lengths in the context of the transport requirement for the metropolitan cities in India in 2001 and 2011 A.D. The GOI Study Group arising from the investigations reported in this paper and the discounted cash-flow method of analysis made clear overall recommendations in February 1987 for cities of various populations.  相似文献   

Access: The transport-land use economic link   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The notion of access has evolved from a physical measure of trip interaction to a more economic concept associated with transport benefits. This paper follows the economic interpretation forward in order to understand the potentiality of access as a consistent economic link between the land use system and the transport system. Consistency is achieved in an economic approach based upon the argument that trips are made only if the benefit derived from making contact with other activities exceeds the transport generalized cost. This framework provides economic measures of access, as evidence of impact on origin and destination of trips, which can be calculated from the analysis of the transport system in some relevant cases. This paper analyses how to calculate measures of access from transport demand models and how to allocate transport benefits to the origin and destination activities. Finally, it describes the use of herein proposed access measures in land use-transport interaction modelling.  相似文献   

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