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Editor's note: we have noticed that, accompanying the surge growth of China's auto industry since 2002, arguments over whether China's auto industry is in overcapacity have lasted for a long time. Recently, Bernd Pischetsieder, chairman of VW Group, made a speech in which he said his company will invest a large sum of money in China's auto market while keeping prudent in talking about Chinese market. His speech has deepened the argument. Conclusions made by many world-famous consultancy companies are: China's auto market is no doubt  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Sustainable development strategy of China auto industry China auto industry is in the process of development. China's auto products only take a comparatively small share in the world auto market. However, we have attached great importance to the sustainable development strategy of China auto industry which, we think, is a part  相似文献   

Editor's notes: Recently, a number of high rank officials, who have paid close attention to China's auto industry, gave their comments on the development of China's auto industry. We have noticed that, given the rapid growth of the figure of production and sales, some medias and insiders are optimistic over the countermeasures and prosperity of China's post WTO entry. However, the officials are cautious on the issue. CHEN Qingtai, vice director of Development and Research Center of the State Council  相似文献   

More than 20 years have passed since 1984 when Beiqi and AMC (became part of Chrysler in 1987) established China's first joint venture in the auto industry to produce the Jeep. The history can be divided into two phases. The 1980 witnessed a lot of technology being introduced from abroad and since the late 1990's the joint ventures have been engaged in "market for technology". The mass joint ventures have improved the entire auto industry through introducing funds, technology and management, and given impetus to the development of other segments.  相似文献   

Since 1985, Chinese auto standardization has developed rapidly, with a lot of standards formulated which have played an active role in promoting the technical progress of China's auto industry. After the comprehensive implementation of the Standardization Law, the auto industry has formed a set of auto standard systems which  相似文献   

2002 will be a milestone year for China's auto industry, as passenger car sales will pass the one million-unit mark. The continuous economic growth of 9% or more per year over the last 24 years, and the entry of WTO membership have promoted significant competition in the China auto market this year. The strong and highly profitable Chinese market has attracted almost  相似文献   

Reporter: Would you like to make a brief comment on China's auto industry? Xu: China's auto industry is quite a large and interesting industry. Now all the people in the world have realized that China's auto market may be the last largest and  相似文献   

The principle of accelerating the independent development of China's auto industry in an atmosphere of open competition stated in the Tenth-Five-Year-Plan for the auto industry is based on a serious analysis of China's auto industry in terms of the current situation, conditions and problems faced, which mainly includes:  相似文献   

In 2002, the total investment in fixed assets of the auto industry was over 300 billion yuan. But the problems of investment scattering and insufficient R & D capabilities have not been resolved, which will restrain the healthy and orderly development of the auto industry.  相似文献   

For decades, experts on the auto industry have been debating what direction it should take for the future and the Japanese, Korean and Latin American examples have been used for some time. Recently, a new way of thinking has emerged: as China’s auto industry can hardly catch up with the advanced countries in the current fields, why should it not start down another path and adopt new technical approaches. Thus, we could follow the lead of auto industries in western countries and our auto ind…  相似文献   

China auto industry is the pillar industry in China's national economy, while the auto parts industry is a very important support to the development of auto industry.  相似文献   

1. General information of domestic mining dump truck sector Since the first Chinese-made mining dump truck was made in 1969, over two decades have passed, during which, China's mining dump truck industry has primarily formed the capacity of producing 20154 ton mining dump trucks. At  相似文献   

During the 8th Five-Year Plan period, an average annual growth rate of 24% was achieved by China auto industry, which is in line with that of the gross industrial output val-ue all over China, and is higher than that of the GNP. It can be said that the auto industry ex-perienced a high speed increase in this period, but from the last two years of this period to now, an obvious slowdown in terms of growth  相似文献   

As one of the fastest growing automotive industries in the world and as being of the greatest potencial for future development, China's atuotmotive industry is widely concerned and followed by many developed countries. Not long before, Deputy Chief Editor of CHINA AUTO, Song Jialie met with Stephen Brown, commercial counsellor at the British Embassy in Beijing and asked him to express his view on China's auto industry and British companies' altitude towards cooperation with Chinese counterparts. Here is the article by Mr. Brown. CHINA AUTO welcome contribution of opinions and ideas concerning the development of China's auto industry and Sino—foreign cooperation in the automotive sector.  相似文献   

China's auto industry has obtained more through setting up car joint-ventures, but we have to see the problems generated during the in-troduction of technologies and utilization of for-eign capitals for the development of national car industry.  相似文献   

2002 is the first year for China that entered into of the WTO in 2001. China's auto industry will be confronted with the opportunity and challenge from the WTO and it will greatly change China's auto industry. Under the pressures from both domestic demand and external world, the organization structure, product mix and market  相似文献   

Reporter: Chinese auto industry has been in a situation of scattering, chaos and laggard. How do you think we should change it completely with China's WTO entry? Du: The situation you mentioned is a chronic disease of Chinese auto industry which suggests the development of Chinese auto industry is not satisfying. In fact, you could see the same situations in developed  相似文献   

ⅠThe semitrailer segment in current China China's semitrailer segment started in the 1950's and over the past 40 years it has formed a fixed market to some extent,becoming an important part of the auto industry. China underwent a critical change during 2000 to 2003 when the national economy gained a faster growth pace and the semi-  相似文献   

"The Research Materials Collection of the Tenth-Five-Year-Plan of China's Auto Industry" The book is jointly edited by the State Economic and Trade Commission and CATARC, including 8 parts, i.e.: The Tenth-Five-Year-Plan of the auto industry, basic research on China's auto industry, research on the development of China's auto products, research on  相似文献   

Through the development over the "7th-five-year-plan" and "the 8th-five-year-plan" periods, the auto shock absorber industry of China has been improved a lot both in production volume and product quality. Since the end of the "7th-five-year-plan" period, many shock absorber manufacturers in China have been actively conducting technical  相似文献   

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