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The objective of this paper is to present a panel data model of car ownership and mobility. Unobserved heterogeneity is controlled for by including correlated random effects in the equations describing car ownership and mobility. A mass-points approach is adopted to control for unobserved heterogeneity. The results show that decisions concerning the first car in the household are difficult to affect; a large number of households are inclined to keep one car. Second car ownership may be more sensitive to changes in the observed contributing factors. This suggests that in The Netherlands policies aimed at changing second car ownership will be more successful than those aimed at influencing decisions concerning the first car in households. A major part of the correlation between the unobservables in the car ownership and the mobility equations is attributable to random effects. The time-variant errors of the mobility equations are not significantly correlated to car ownership decisions. This implies that mobility can only be influenced to a small extent by policy makers without measures aimed at reducing (second) car ownership.  相似文献   

In recent years, a growing body of research has been emerging that focuses on changes in travel behaviour over an individual’s life course. It has been labelled the ‘mobility biographies approach’ and highlights changes in travelling induced by key events and experiences in an individual’s life course. In this context residential relocation plays an important role. This paper examines changes in travel mode use after residential relocations using structural equation modelling. It draws on retrospectively recorded empirical data collected in the region of Cologne. The findings show that relocations and associated changes in the built environment induce significant changes in car ownership and travel mode use and thus may be regarded as key events in an individual’s mobility biography. Changes in levels of satisfaction with attributes of the built environment have a significant impact in this context as well. The causal direction of the changes fulfils expectations: suburbanisation is followed by increases in car use and decreases in public transport use, bicycle use and walking. The opposite is true for relocations into the city. In addition, changes in household structure that tend to go along with relocation have significant effects. The findings provide further evidence for the built environment having a causal impact on mode use: modal changes temporally follow changes in the built environment and thus appear to be adjustments to the new spatial setting.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the relations between travel behavior and land use patterns using a Structural Equations Modeling (SEM) framework. The proposed model structure draws on two earlier models developed for Lisbon and Seattle which show significant effects of land use patterns on travel behavior. The travel behavior variables included here are multifaceted including commuting distance, car ownership, the amount of mobility by mode (car, transit and non-motorized modes), both in terms of total kilometers travelled and number of trips. The model also includes a travel scheduling variable, which is the total time spent between the first and last trips to reflect daily constraints in time allocation and travel.The modeled land use variables measure the levels of urban concentration and density, diversity, both in terms of types of uses and the mix between jobs and inhabitants/residents, the transport supply levels, transit and road infrastructure, and accessibility indicators. The land use patterns are described both at the residence and employment zones of each individual included in the model by using a factor analysis technique as a data reduction and multicollinearity elimination technique. In order to explicitly account for self selection bias the land use variables are explicitly modeled as functions of socioeconomic attributes of individuals and their households.The results obtained show that people with different socioeconomic characteristics tend to work and live in places of substantially different urban environments. But besides these socioeconomic self-selection effects, land use variables significantly affect travel behavior. More precisely the effects of land use are in great part passed thru variables describing long term decisions like commuting distance, and car ownership. These results point to similar conclusions from the models developed for Lisbon and Seattle and thus give weight to the use of land use policies as tools for changing travel behavior.  相似文献   

The integrated modeling of land use and transportation choices involves analyzing a continuum of choices that characterize people’s lifestyles across temporal scales. This includes long-term choices such as residential and work location choices that affect land-use, medium-term choices such as vehicle ownership, and short-term choices such as travel mode choice that affect travel demand. Prior research in this area has been limited by the complexities associated with the development of integrated model systems that combine the long-, medium- and short-term choices into a unified analytical framework. This paper presents an integrated simultaneous multi-dimensional choice model of residential location, auto ownership, bicycle ownership, and commute tour mode choices using a mixed multidimensional choice modeling methodology. Model estimation results using the San Francisco Bay Area highlight a series of interdependencies among the multi-dimensional choice processes. The interdependencies include: (1) self-selection effects due to observed and unobserved factors, where households locate based on lifestyle and mobility preferences, (2) endogeneity effects, where any one choice dimension is not exogenous to another, but is endogenous to the system as a whole, (3) correlated error structures, where common unobserved factors significantly and simultaneously impact multiple choice dimensions, and (4) unobserved heterogeneity, where decision-makers show significant variation in sensitivity to explanatory variables due to unobserved factors. From a policy standpoint, to be able to forecast the “true” causal influence of activity-travel environment changes on residential location, auto/bicycle ownership, and commute mode choices, it is necessary to capture the above-identified interdependencies by jointly modeling the multiple choice dimensions in an integrated framework.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes households’ decision to change their car ownership level in response to actions/decisions regarding mobility issues and other household events. Following recent literature on the importance of critical events for mobility decisions, it focuses on the relationship between specific events (e.g. childbirth and buying an extra car), rather than trying to explain the status of car ownership from a set of stationary explanatory variables. In particular, it is hypothesized that changes in household car ownership level take place in response to stressors, resulting from changed household needs or aspirations. The study includes a broad range of events. Apart from changes in work status, employer and residential location, it analyzes demographic events such as household formation and childbirth. Also, it scrutinizes the temporal sequence in which chains of related events are most likely to occur. To this end, data from a retrospective survey that records respondents’ car ownership status, as well as residential and household situation over the past 20 years are used. A panel analysis has been carried out to disentangle typical relationships. The results suggest that strong and simultaneous relationships exist between car ownership changes and household formation and dissolution processes. Childbirth and residential relocation invoke car ownership changes. Changes are also made in anticipation of future events such as employer change and childbirth. Childbirth is associated with increasing the number of cars, whereas the effect of employer change goes the opposite way. Job change increases the probability of car ownership change in the following year.  相似文献   

This paper studies changes in people’s travel mode use from one year to the next. It is informed by three distinct discourses: travel behaviour change, the mobility biographies approach, and cohort analysis. The data used is the German Mobility Panel (GMP) 1994–2008 in which households and their members are asked three times in three subsequent years to report the trips they made over a week. The changes reported are regressed to key events over the life course, cohort effects and period effects, while various sociodemographic and spatial attributes are controlled. Due to the non-independent nature of panel observations, a cluster-robust regression approach is used. The findings suggest that behind the aggregate stability in travel mode use over time there is much change ‘under the surface’, induced by life course changes, individual and household sociodemographic, and spatial context. The changes found induced by life course related key events favour the notion of mobility biographies. However, taken over all key events seem to be relatively loosely associated with mode use changes. Nonetheless, various significant effects of baseline variables suggest that mode use may change even in the absence of a key event.  相似文献   

Five activity-travel choice dimensions, including three activity time allocation decisions and two work-related travel choices, are jointly modeled using the structural equation model in order to accommodate the complex interactions among them. Via a two-step estimation approach, the behavioral pattern underlying activity-travel decisions is explicitly revealed. For example, it demonstrates the priority with respect to subsistence activity, maintenance activity, and recreation activity due to a limited time budget; and bus commuting behavior positively influences the time allocated to the maintenance activity. In addition, two attitudinal factors are constructed and confirmed to have important effects on the five behavioral dimensions, which contribute to reveal the decision-making process from the perspective of psychology. This comprehensive framework is expected to provide important implications for mobility management and urban planning.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of household car ownership, using Irish longitudinal data for the period 1995–2001. This was a period of rapid economic and social change in Ireland, with the proportion of households with one or more cars growing from 74.6% to 80.8%. Understanding the determinants of household car ownership, a key determinant of household travel behaviour more generally, is particularly important in the context of current policy developments which seek to encourage more sustainable means of travel. In this paper, we use longitudinal data to estimate dynamic models of household car ownership, controlling for unobserved heterogeneity and state dependence. We find income and previous car ownership to be the strongest determinants of differences in household car ownership, with the effect of permanent income having a stronger and more significant effect on the probability of household car ownership than current income. In addition, income elasticities differ by previous car ownership status, with income elasticities higher for those households with no car in the initial period. Other important influences include household composition (in particular, the presence of young children) and lifecycle effects, which create challenges for policymakers in seeking to change travel behaviour.  相似文献   

David Metz 《运输评论》2013,33(4):375-386

Mobility declines with increasing age, reflecting the onset of physical or mental infirmity, affordability of travel for those on retirement incomes, and the mal-design of the transport infrastructure and operational arrangements. With the prospect of a rapidly ageing population, it is important to address measures to promote mobility if the quality of life of older people is to be sustained. In the UK, pensioners on low incomes, who could be hindered in their travel by the cost of fares on public transport, benefit from the general availability of half price (or better) concessionary fares for local travel. A variety of measures are in place to counter the effects of age-associated disabilities that hinder mobility, including low floor buses, subsidised taxis and community transport schemes. The Disability Discrimination Act is ensuring that public services vehicles are accessible to older people with disabilities. The motor car is of increasing importance in later life, particularly for those with disabilities, and a variety of design and technological approaches are being brought to bear to maintain the mobility of older people. These various efforts undoubtedly enhance the mobility of older people. However, beyond that broad conclusion it is hard to make evidencebased judgements. There is therefore a pressing need to develop methods to evaluate developments in policy and practice.  相似文献   

Agent-based approaches to simulating long-term location and mobility decisions and short-term activity and travel decisions of households and individuals are receiving increasing attention in land-use and transportation interaction (LUTI) models to predict land-use changes and travel behaviour in mutual interaction. Social interactions between households and between individuals potentially have an influence on a wide range of the long-term and short-term choices involved in these systems. In this paper we identify the areas in which social interactions play a role and address the question how these influences can be modelled in the context of agent-based LUTI models. We distinguish impacts on activity participation (joint activity participation, support-and-help activities) and impacts on decision making (information exchange, social adaptation of preferences and aspirations) as the two main areas of social influence. A prototype of a LUTI model is proposed that accounts for impacts of the social network on longer-term mobility decision making through information exchange and social adaptation of preferences and aspirations. The model is demonstrated in a numerical simulation.  相似文献   

This paper moves beyond traditional models of car ownership in that we propose a framework for modeling household-level decisions to acquire specific types and numbers of mobility tools to fulfill the mobility needs of household members. The framework is applied to a data set collected during the winter and spring of 2000/2001 in the German city Karlsruhe via an interactive web-based stated response survey in which respondents could optimize their household mobility tool sets through on-line feedback concerning the estimated costs of the sets. In our analysis, bivariate ordered probit models are estimated for three combinations of mobility tools: season tickets (i.e., transit passes) and cars, season tickets and small cars and season tickets and large cars. In all instances, strong substitution effects are found – that is, as the number of season tickets increases, the number of cars decreases. This finding underscores the need to move beyond simple models of car ownership to comprehensive models of mobility tool ownership. As demonstrated by our research, failure to do so is likely to lead to biased results.  相似文献   

Unmet travel needs can be defined as trips and activities that people need or would like to do more, but for a variety of reasons they are prevented from doing so. This paper provides a critical evaluation of the literature focused on unmet travel needs, with the aim of assessing the scope of existing studies on this topic and better understanding the full context of older people’s mobility. This narrative review identifies how travel needs in later life have been assessed, and the barriers that affect the ability of older people to fulfil these needs. Due to the heterogeneity of older people and differences in research approaches, the analysis of the literature is not conclusive in terms of identifying the real impact of the analysed variables and measures on unrealised mobility. Nevertheless, of the studies analysed, on average at least one-third of older people report unmet travel needs. This situation was found to worsen with age, and women were reported to be more affected than men. The pursuit of leisure, and in particular visiting friends and family, was found to be the activity most associated with unmet travel needs.  相似文献   

Travel demand model system for the information era   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The emergence of new information technologies and recent advances in existing technologies have provided new dimensions for travel demand decisions. In this paper we propose a comprehensive travel demand modeling framework to identify and model the urban development decisions of firms and developers and the mobility, activity and travel decisions of individuals and households, and to develop a system of models that can be used by decision makers and planners to evaluate the effects of changes in the transportation system and development of information technologies (e.g. various tele-commuting, tele-services and Intelligent Transportation Systems).The implementation of an operational model system based on this framework is envisioned as an incremental process starting with the current best practice of disaggregate travel demand model systems. To this end, we present an activity-based model system as the first stage in the development of an operational model system.  相似文献   

Transportation - Recent studies have analyzed travel behavior over the life course through the lens of the mobility biography approach. Similarities in the effects of certain key events on travel...  相似文献   

Concerns over transportation energy consumption and emissions have prompted more studies into the impacts of built environment on driving-related behavior, especially on car ownership and travel mode choice. This study contributes to examine the impacts of the built environment on commuter’s driving behavior at both spatial zone and individual levels. The aim of this study is threefold. First, a multilevel integrated multinomial logit (MNL) and structural equation model (SEM) approach was employed to jointly explore the impacts of the built environment on car ownership and travel mode choice. Second, the spatial context in which individuals make the travel decisions was accommodated, and spatial heterogeneities of car ownership and travel mode choice across traffic analysis zones (TAZs) were recognized. Third, the indirect effects of the built environment on travel mode choice through the mediating variable car ownership were calculated, in other words, the intermediary nature of car ownership was considered. Using the Washington metropolitan area as the study case, the built environment measures were calculated for each TAZ, and the commuting trips were drawn from the household travel survey in this area. To estimate the model parameters, the robust maximum likelihood (MLR) method was used. Meanwhile, a comparison among different model structures was conducted. The model results suggest that application of the multilevel integrated MNL and SEM approach obtains significant improvements over other models. This study give transportation planners a better understanding on how the built environment influences car ownership and commuting mode choice, and consequently develop effective and targeted countermeasures.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to explore whether changes in neighbourhood characteristics bring about changes in travel choice. Residential self-selection is a concern in the connections between land-use and travel behaviour. The recent literature suggests that a longitudinal structural equations modelling (SEM) approach can be a powerful tool to assess the importance of neighbourhood characteristics on travel behaviour as opposed to the attitude-induced residential self-selection. However, the evidence to date is limited to particular geographical areas and evidence from one country might not be transferrable to another because of differences in land-use patterns and land-use policies. The paper is to address the gap by extending the evidence using British data. The case study is based on the metropolitan area of Tyne and Wear, North East of England, UK. A SEM is applied to 219 respondents who reported residential relocation. The results identify that neighbourhood characteristics do influence travel behaviour after controlling for self-selection. For instance, the more people are exposed to public transport access, the more likely they drive less. Neighbourhood characteristics also impact through their influence on car ownership. A social environment with vitality also reduces the amount of private car travel. These findings suggest that land-use policies at neighbourhood level can play an important role in reducing driving.  相似文献   

Transportation - Recent work in transport research has increasingly tried to broaden out beyond traditional areas such as mode choice or car ownership and has tried to position travel decisions...  相似文献   


A stated preference (SP) experiment of car ownership was conducted in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) of Maharashtra in India. A full factorial experiment was designed to considering various attributes such as travel time, travel cost, projected household income, car loan payment and servicing cost. Data on 357 individuals were collected which resulted in 3213 observations for the calibration of the work trip and recreational trip car ownership models. The car ownership alternatives considered 0, 1 and 2 cars. A multinomial logit framework was used to develop the car ownership model taking the household as a decision unit. The specification and results of the SP car ownership model are discussed. The observed and predicted values matched reasonably when the validity of the SP car ownership model was tested against revealed preference (RP) data. The car ownership models developed in this study exhibit a satisfactory goodness of fit. It is concluded that the SP modelling approach can be successfully used for modelling car ownership decisions of households in developing countries.  相似文献   

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