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<正>2015年中国经济发展进入"新常态",中国汽车产业增速放缓,适应新常态,寻找新路径,展望新未来成为目前整个汽车行业面临的关键问题,为了务实与求是,更为了探索与突破,一年一度的汽车行业盛会——中国汽车产业发展(泰达)国际论坛(以下简称泰达汽车论坛)于2015年9月11日一13日在天津梅江会展中心隆重召开。泰达汽车论坛由中国汽车技术研究中心、中国汽车工程学  相似文献   

朱福寿 《时代汽车》2014,(10):47-50
"对照习近平总书记提出的经济运行‘新常态’的概念,我国汽车产业也呈现出发展的‘新常态’。如何顺应当前产业发展‘新常态’的大势,加快推进汽车产业的转型升级,这是我们全行业应该共同面对的现实问题。我认为,汽车产业转型升级要以推动中国梦的实现为动力,以深化改革为基调,以做强做优为长期目标,以汽车强国为发展战略,持之以恒地坚持下去,不达强国目标誓不罢休。"在10月16日上午举行的第五届全球汽车论坛上,东风汽车公司总经理朱福寿发表了主旨讲话。  相似文献   

汽车物流产业属于物流业的一支细分领域,是汽车供应链有机的组成部分。如何在经济新常态下持续保持汽车物流业健康、稳定地发展,促进汽车产业价值顺畅流动,是值得探讨的课题。通过分析汽车物流产业所处环境变化,识别当前存在的发展机遇与面临的挑战,提出汽车物流产业从运力结构、新兴业务、智能转型、海外布局四个方面加速实现转型升级,以应对复杂的外部环境变化,为中国汽车物流产业在新的经济发展势态下给出一种发展思路。  相似文献   

<正>近几十年来,中国汽车产业经历了诸多变革,现已迈向产业新常态。在产业发展过程中,新能源车这一重要驱动力正在上演“中国速度”。主机厂正面临行业新能源转型竞争格局重塑的关键节点。罗兰贝格与汽车之家研究院联合发布《汽车人群洞察与购车决策白皮书》,从消费者出发,深度解读中国汽车消费者的需求变迁。  相似文献   

<正>2015年9月11—13日,第11届中国汽车产业发展(泰达)国际论坛(以下简称泰达汽车论坛)在津召开。泰达汽车论坛由中国汽车技术研究中心、中国汽车工程学会、中国汽车工业协会、中国汽车报社以及天津经济技术开发区管委会共同主办,围绕"新常态·2020产业愿景与路线图"这一年度主题,集广智纳贤言,以期在新常态下为汽车产业的未来指引明晰的方向,绘制可行的产业发展路线图。中国汽车技术研究中心主任赵航出席论坛并致辞。  相似文献   

"中国汽车产业必须要走上创新、驱动、发展的道路。这就要求在‘新常态’下,中国汽车业由速度增长型回到追求品质、增强核心竞争力这个轨迹上来。"中国汽车工程学会理事长付于武前不久出席在北京举办的"汽车-轮胎跨界发展高峰论坛—2015年汽车市场对轮胎市场影响分析"会议的发言中强调,中国汽车产业应该按照大协同、大合作来实现共赢,用这种核心价值理念来促进产业发展。以下内容是他的发言实录:  相似文献   

<正>2015中国汽车论坛在上海召开2015年4月20-22日,以"经济新常态下的中国汽车产业"为主题的2015中国汽车论坛在上海召开。本次论坛是由中国汽车工业协会主办、世界汽车组织(OICA)支持的国内高端汽车论坛,也是世界经济论坛(达沃斯)唯  相似文献   

<正>在新常态下,汽车产业经济的发展走向成为业内关注的焦点,如要对目前中国的经济态势进行判断,可以归纳为"缓中求稳,稳中有好,好中有难",汽车产业经济与中国的经济状况息息相关,发展走势亦是极为相似的。不久前,十八届五中全会再次提出"一带一路",强调目前为中国重要发展的机遇期,而汽车产业在"一带一路"的深刻影响下,不仅能促进中国的产品与技术不断升级,产业链向中西部转移.也有利中国汽车产业走出国门,真正实现"走出去",从而达到走向国际的目标。由此,2015中国汽车产业区域经济峰会于陕西西安隆重召开,并以"‘一带一路'汽车产业新机遇"为年度主题,邀海内外业内专家同  相似文献   

<正>2014年10月16日——10月17日,2014全球汽车论坛在武汉东湖召开,适逢决定未来中国经济走向的十一届四中全会开幕前夕,中国经济新常态背景下的汽车业新常态屡次被发言嘉宾提及,成为本届论坛最热、最醒目的词汇。虽然自2011年始,中国汽车产业进入低增速已有3年,但本届论坛上,对这种低增速下新常态的正视、讨论、思考史无前例地热烈,似乎每一个参与者都能感觉到,变革的时代已然来临。  相似文献   

当前,中国汽车产业开始面临着供给和消费成本上升带来的双重压力.本文实证研究了我国汽车产业面临的成本上升形势以及成本上并对汽车产业的影响,然后从产业链综合和产业链各环节出发,探寻成本在上升的条件下中国汽车产业应采取提高国际竞争力和抗风险能力的战略对策.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanism of carbon oxidation is important for the successful modeling of diesel particulate filter regeneration. Characteristics of soot oxidation were investigated with carbon black (Printex-U). A flow reactor system that could simulate the condition of a diesel particulate filter and diesel exhaust gas was designed. Kinetic constants were derived and the reaction mechanisms were proposed using the experimental results and a simple reaction scheme, which approximated the overall oxidation process in TPO as well as CTO. From the experiments, the apparent activation energy for carbon oxidation with NO2-O2-H2O was determined to be 40±2 kJ/mol, with the first order of carbon in the range of 10∼90% oxidation and a temperature range of 250∼500°C. This value was exceedingly lower than the activation energy of NO2-O2 oxidation, which was 60±3 kJ/mol. When NO2 exists with O2 and H2O, the reaction rate increases in proportion to NO2. It increases nonlinearly with O2 or H2O concentration when the other two oxidants are fixed.  相似文献   

一汽人通过提升管理、加快产出,扩大销量,强化自主,扩大合作等一系列工作,赢得企业又好又快地新发展,使集团的销量、销售收入和利润登上历史的新巅峰。  相似文献   

TPL-PCRUN is a software program for the dynamic interaction simulation of pantograph–catenary systems. In the benchmark, based on the finite element method, the catenary model was built and the pantograph was considered as a three-level spring–damper–mass system. Then, through the contact definition between pantograph and catenary, the coupled model of the pantograph and catenary system was established. The respective dynamic equations of motions were solved by the time integration method. Thus, the simulation results were obtained and submitted for the comparison with the other software. On the other hand, a standard model from EN50318 was established and analysed by TPL-PCRUN. The simulation results by TPL-PCRUN were remarkably consistent with the reference values given by EN50318. It was proved that the results by TPL-PCRUN can be reliable. Recently, the software has been updated and improved. Some new models and algorithms are proposed, including the rigid–flexible hybrid pantograph model, contact definition considering appearance characteristics of the contact surfaces, a fluid–solid coupling algorithm of the pantograph and catenary system, etc.  相似文献   

高率 《汽车与配件》2015,(13):46-51
<正>19981998年,13岁的江腾一发现了自身具备的赛车手潜质,于是他开始了自己的卡丁车生涯,在当时他就已经被预言会成为一名成功的天才车手。20032003年,江腾一有幸参加丰田车队及PREMA POWER的雷诺方程式车队在意大利的试车,整个过程中他的表现让人惊喜,出乎所有技术人员的意料,本次试车的所有技术指数表明他是一个很有潜能和可造就的年轻车手。20072007年3月4日,江腾一同冠军方程式签约。次日,他飞往美国寻找自己的赛车之"道"。  相似文献   

In lean-DeNOX catalysis reactions, hydrogen is a good reducing agent in PGM catalysts as well as an effective promoter in selective catalytic reduction reactions over base metal oxide catalysts. However, such a lean-DeNOX system, which uses hydrogen, requires an on-board fuel reforming system applicable to internal combustion engines. In this study, catalytic partial oxidation (CPOx) performance was tested in a laboratory for various reactants and hydrocarbon conditions. Volume concentrations of 5–10% oxygen and 0-5% water vapor were used to simulate diesel exhaust, and n-C12H26 was used as the feedstock for the reforming reaction. In the CPOx of n-C12H26, the highest hydrogen selectivity was 64% and was achieved at 100,000 h-1 GHSV. Additionally, the C/O ratio was less than unity in the absence of water vapor. However, as the water concentration was increased to 2.5 and 5.0 vol. % in the n-C12H26 CPOx reactions, the maximum hydrogen selectivity was increased from 64% in the absence of water to 70% and 75%, respectively. This effect is a consequence of the water-gas shift reaction over the catalyst bed. Regarding oxygen concentration effects, hydrogen selectivity slightly increased with increasing oxygen concentration from 10% to 15%. It was also found that the CPOx reaction of n-C12H26 can be ignited at temperatures below 300 C. Accordingly, it can be concluded that CPOx is a useful and feasible device for promoting diesel DeNOx catalysis in terms of hydrogen productivity and reaction initiation.  相似文献   

当岁月将沧桑慢慢抹上他的额头与鬓角时,他的思想却日见成熟和丰满起来。对质量成本的密切关注,使得他成为了业内截至目前少有的精益推动者之一。  相似文献   

2007年底,一款名为"猛士"的军用越野车正式装备部队,从此,中国有了堪与闻名于世的美国"悍马"相媲美的高性能军用越野车。该车的总设计师黄松成为公众关注的焦点。  相似文献   

梁静 《时代汽车》2008,(5):112-117
作为展示三菱汽车高新科技含量的载体,"Concept-RA"概念车以及"Lancer Ralliart (蓝瑟)"车,在动态的流线造型中将其中所蕴含的跑车理念与精益精神,淋漓尽致地展现在了世人面前。  相似文献   

随着全球经济的高速发展,能源和环境问题日益突出,节约能源、保护环境已成为世界各国共同面临的重大挑战。利用电动自行车的产业优势,发展以电动微型车为主体的"个人轿车"非常符合中国国情。  相似文献   

诸多新技术、新系统的使用,使高品质、高效率的"绿色工厂"得以实现,充分体现出东风本田对社会、对未来的责任感和使命感。  相似文献   

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