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Phase space can be constructed for N equal and distinguishable binary subsystems which are correlated in a scale-invariant manner. In the paper, correlation coefficient and reduced probability are introduced to characterize the scale-invariant correlated binary subsystems. Probabilistic sets for the correlated binary subsystems satisfy Leibnitz triangle rule in the sense that the marginal probabilities of N-system are equal to the joint probabilities of the (N −1)-system. For entropic index q ≠ 1, nonextensive entropy S q is shown to be additive in the scale-invariant occupation of phase space.  相似文献   

A code is said to be a w-identifiable parent property code (or w-IPP code for short) if whenever d is a descendant of w (or fewer) codewords, and one can always identify at least one of the parents of d. Let C be an (N, w + 1, q)-code and C* an (w + 1)-color graph for C. If a graph G is a subgraph of C* and consists of w + 1 edges with different colors, then G is called a (w + 1)-pattern of C*. In this paper, we proved that C is a w-IPP code if and only if there exists at most one vertex with color degree more than 1 in any (w + 1)-pattern of C*. Foundation item: the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10471093)  相似文献   

D-statistic contribution analysis has been frequently used in practice for fault diagnosis. Existing algorithms for computing contributions to D-statistic tend to distribute cross-term contribution equally between two correlated variables. This leads to increased variance in contribution estimation and hence poor separability of faulty and normal variables. A new method for contribution calculation to D-statistic is proposed here which introduces a weighting scheme capable of distinguishing the contributions of two correlated variables. Simulation examples show that the proposed approach achieves improved resolution for distinguishing faulty and normal conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper focuses on the combustion optimization to cut down NO x emission with a new strategy. Firstly, orthogonal experimental design (OED) and chaotic sequences are introduced to improve the performance of particle swarm optimization (PSO). Then, a predicting model for NO x emission is established on support vector machine (SVM) whose parameters are optimized by the improved PSO. Afterwards, a new optimization model considering coal quantity and air quantity along with the traditional optimization variables is established. At last, the operating parameters are optimized by the improved PSO to cut down the NO x emission. An application on 600MW unit shows that the new optimization model can cut down NO x emission effectively and maintain the load balance well. The NO x emission optimized by the improved PSO is lowest among some state-of-the-art intelligent algorithms. This study can provide important guides for the low NO x combustion in the power plant.  相似文献   

A novel five-axis real-time interpolation algorithm for 3[PP]S-XY hybrid mechanism is proposed in this paper. In the algorithm, the five-axis tool path for controlling this hybrid mechanism is separated into two sub-paths. One sub-path describes the movement of 3[PP]S parallel kinematic mechanism module, and the other one describes the movement of XY platform. A pair of cubic Bezier curves is employed to smooth the corners in those two sub-paths. Based on the homogenous Jacobian matrix of 3[PP]S mechanism, a relationship between the position errors of every driving joint in hybrid mechanism and the position deviation of the tool tip center point at the moving platform is established. This relationship is used to estimate the approximation error for the corners smoothing according to the accuracy requirement of tool tip center in interpolation. Due to the high computational efficiency of this corner smoothing method, it is integrated into the look-ahead module of computer numerical control (CNC) system to perform online tool path smoothing. By performing the speed planning based on a floating window scheme, a jerk limited S-shape speed profile can be generated efficiently. On this basis, a realtime look-ahead scheme, which is comprised of path-smoothing and feedrate scheduling, is developed to acquire a speed profile with smooth acceleration. A monotonic cubic spline is employed for synchronization between those two smoothed sub-paths in tool path interpolation. This interpolation algorithm has been integrated into our own developed CNC system to control a 3PRS-XY experimental instrument (P, R and S standing for prismatic, revolute and spherical, respectively). A club shaped trajectory is adopted to verify the smoothness and efficiency of the five-axis interpolator for hybrid mechanism control.  相似文献   

CuCeZrOx and KCuCeZrOx catalysts were synthesized and coated on the blank diesel particulate filter (DPF) substrate and a particulate matter (PM) loading apparatus was used for soot loading. The catalytic performances of soot oxidation were evaluated by temperature programmed combustion (TPC) test and characterization tests were conducted to investigate the physicochemical properties of the catalysts. The reaction mechanism in the oxidation process was analyzed with diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy. The results demonstrated that CuCeZrOx catalyst exhibited high activities of soot oxidation at low temperature and the best results have been attained with Cu0.9Ce0.05Zr0.05Ox over which the maximum soot oxidation rate decreased to 410 °C. Characterization tests have shown that catalysts containing 90% Cu have uniformly distributed grains and small particle sizes, which provide excellent oxidation activity by providing more active sites and forming a good bond between the catalyst and the soot. The low-temperature oxidation activity of soot could be further optimized due to the excellent elevated NO’s conversion rate by partially substituting Cu with K. The maximum particle oxidation rate can be easily realized at such a low temperature as 347°C.  相似文献   

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