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The oceans of the world, which comprise 71% of the earth's surface, provide a vast resource of renewable energy which has only been used in limited quantities. The feasibility of the extraction of energy from the ocean has been discussed and deemed possible, but with very few successful applications. However, as the world energy and economic situation changes, many countries are initiating R&D programmes to use the ocean waves, tides, currents, and temperature differentials to produce electricity. The transmission and utilization of this oceanderived electricity requires the integration of an ocean facility into an existing land-based electric power transmission grid. Extensive use of this energy source is still years in the future; however, prototype systems have been and are being developed so that this limitless supply can be successfully tapped.  相似文献   

自从有了船舶,海难事故就像影子一样伴随着航运业,本是不足为奇。但频繁发生在东南亚的海难,像一个魔咒,笼罩着这片风光旖旎的海域。特别是近年来,东南亚地区的海难事故更是居高不下,其惨烈景象早已超出人们的想像,究竟是什么原因让东南亚成为众所周知的“海上墓地”?成千上万沉入大海的冤魂难道没有唤醒人们对安全的警惕?透过一桩桩骇人听闻的海难,让我们在事实真相中寻找答案。  相似文献   

中国外轮理货总公司(以下简称中外理总公司)成立于1961年,是经交通运输部批准,专门从事船舶理货业务的国有重要骨干企业,在上海、天津、青岛、广州、大连、宁波、深圳、厦门等主要港口设有70多家分支机构.经营国际、国内航线船舶的理货,国际、国内集装箱理箱,集装箱装、拆箱理货,货物的计量、丈量,监装、监卸,货损、箱损检定等业务.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the main research findings of the multi-year oceanographic and biological studies conducted in the vicinity of the Prince Edward Archipelago during the period 1976 to 1990. The Prince Edward Islands represent a flow-through system on the mainstream of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Although there are no taxonomic differences between the pelagic communities of the upstream, inter-island and downstream regions, these mesoscale subsystems may operate differently. The mesoscale oceanographic and biological processes appear to be affected by the position of the Subantarctic Front (SAF) in the vicinity of the islands. Both the rich benthic community, which is supported by the local enhancement of primary production, and the strong advection of zooplankton/micronekton from the upstream region provide the food resources necessary for the survival of the huge community of land-based predators present on the islands. Collectively this is termed the ‘life-support system'. Future studies should concentrate on the meridional shifts in the position of the SAF and its influence on background productivity upstream and downstream of the Prince Edward Archipelago.  相似文献   

3月13日,装载有约7000吨硫酸和140吨燃油的韩国籍"雅典娜"轮在广东汕尾海域沉没,汕尾海域顿时陷入严重的环境危机之中。但庆幸的是,5月18日,"雅典娜"轮沉船上所有的硫酸和燃油抽取过驳完毕,卸货过程中没有发现任何的泄漏污染,埋伏在汕尾海域  相似文献   

目前世界上最大、最先进。航速最快的集坟箱船舶之一。船长351米,宽42.8米,最大载箱量9500标准箱,载重近11万吨,设计航速25.4海里,甲板面积相当于两个标准足球场,比世界上最大的美国尼米兹级航空母舰还要长30多米,  相似文献   

广东海洋大学是广东省人民政府和国家海洋局共建的省属重点建设大学,是一所以海洋和水产学科为特色,理、工、农、文、经、管、法、教等学科协测发展,以应用学科见长的多科性海洋大学,是教育部本科教学工作水平评估优秀院校,是国家新增博士学位授予权的规划建设单位。  相似文献   

2004年3月11日,正当十届人大二次会议和政协十届二次会议在北京召开,“两会”成为关注的焦点之际,当天的《参考消息》却以“中国渔民惹谁了”为主题,用了整整两个版面来报道周边国家对我渔民的驱赶和抓扣...... 2004年3月26日,经中国政府反复严正交涉,登上中国固有领土钓鱼岛后被日方非法扣留的7名中国公民,于当日晚离开日本,安全归来...... 媒体报道,中国国家海洋局所属“向阳红九号”海洋调查船最近在钓鱼岛附近海域进行调查活动,这是中方为搞清东海大陆架而进行的正常的调查活动,但日本不仅派出飞机进行监视,而且日本海上自卫队的舰船还强行驱赶“向阳红九号”...... 无论是外国对我渔民的驱赶和抓扣,还是日本对我保钓人士的无礼之举,在历史上都不是第一次,也绝不会是最后一次,而所有这一切,都事关中国的海洋权益。2  相似文献   

船舶安全与海洋环境、大洋环流等有着密不可分的关系.大海被称为神秘的“第六大陆“,无数科学家义无返顾踏进了这块“未知的蓝色土地“,决心撩开这位“神女“的面纱.中国科学院海洋研究所、海洋环流与气候环境联合研究中心主任胡敦欣院士,就是其中的一位.他从事海洋学研究40多年,在大洋环流、陆架环流和海洋通量研究等领域,有重大突破.他发现并命名了太平洋“棉兰老潜流“,并率先发现我国陆架中尺度涡“东海冷涡“;和确定我国“东海大气二氧化碳的弱汇区“.为船舶安全航行及国际海洋学的发展作出了杰出贡献.自上个世纪80年代中期至今,胡敦欣先后主持国家级重大科研项目8项,多次参与国际海洋前沿研究计划的设计和制定,并将有关研究引入中国,曾获得中国科学院重大成果一等奖等奖励.……  相似文献   

海洋船舶的轨迹估计算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
丁虎 《船舶工程》2017,39(4):71-74
准确估计和预测海洋导航中机动船舶的轨迹是改善海上安全和保安的重要工具。因此,许多常规海洋导航系统和船舶交通管理和报告服务都为此目的配备了雷达设施。然而,船舶操纵轨迹的预测的准确性主要取决于船舶位置,速度和加速度的估计的良好性。因此,本研究提出了一个基于曲线运动模型的机动海洋船只模型,其基于用于相同目的的线性位置模型的测量。此外,还假定与白高斯噪声相关联的系统状态和测量模型。扩展卡尔曼滤波器被提出作为用于估计位置,速度和加速度的自适应滤波器算法,用于预测机动的海洋船舶轨迹。最后,提出的模型被实施,并获得成功的计算结果,在本研究中的海洋导航中的船舶操纵轨迹的预测。  相似文献   

An understanding of microbial interactions in first-year sea ice on Arctic shelves is essential for identifying potential responses of the Arctic Ocean carbon cycle to changing sea-ice conditions. This study assessed dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC, POC), exopolymeric substances (EPS), chlorophyll a, bacteria and protists, in a seasonal (24 February to 20 June 2004) investigation of first-year sea ice and associated surface waters on the Mackenzie Shelf. The dynamics of and relationships between different sea-ice carbon pools were investigated for the periods prior to, during and following the sea-ice-algal bloom, under high and low snow cover. A predominantly heterotrophic sea-ice community was observed prior to the ice-algal bloom under high snow cover only. However, the heterotrophic community persisted throughout the study with bacteria accounting for, on average, 44% of the non-diatom particulate carbon biomass overall the study period. There was an extensive accumulation of sea-ice organic carbon following the onset of the ice-algal bloom, with diatoms driving seasonal and spatial trends in particulate sea-ice biomass. DOC and EPS were also significant sea-ice carbon contributors such that sea-ice DOC concentrations were higher than, or equivalent to, sea-ice-algal carbon concentrations prior to and following the algal bloom, respectively. Sea-ice-algal carbon, DOC and EPS-carbon concentrations were significantly interrelated under high and low snow cover during the algal bloom (r values ≥ 0.74, p < 0.01). These relationships suggest that algae are primarily responsible for the large pools of DOC and EPS-carbon and that similar stressors and/or processes could be involved in regulating their release. This study demonstrates that DOC can play a major role in organic carbon cycling on Arctic shelves.  相似文献   

Between January 1990 and March 1995, the research project KERFIX undertook the first regular noncoastal multiyear acquisition of parameters related to the carbon cycle in the Southern Ocean at a time series station located at 50°40′ S–68°25′ E, 60 miles southwest of the Kerguelen Islands. The objectives of KERFIX are (1) to monitor the ocean/atmosphere CO2 and O2 exchanges and to understand which processes govern these exchanges (2) to observe and interpret the seasonal and interannual variability of the production, flux, decomposition and dissolution of carbon and associated elements at this location. In addition, micropaleontological studies describe the present and past flux dynamics in this oceanic area, to improve the knowledge of the transfer functions of some oceanographic proxies. This paper presents a survey of the KERFIX program: scientific objectives, organization of the field operations and some main results obtained since the beginning of KERFIX program, as well as the results of the temporal evolution of hydrological, chemical and biological parameters.  相似文献   

吕航 《中国船检》2001,(12):38-40
"金锚奖"是中国海员工会全国委员会为表彰在艰苦航行工作中作出杰出贡献的海员,于1994年设立的一个专业大奖.本年度青岛远洋公司的宿海山船长获此殊荣.9月,记者在青岛采访期间,恰遇返航休假的宿船长,一番攀谈,让我对平素接触不多的远洋船长有了更多的认识.尽管坐在我眼前的宿船长,身着便装,沉默寡言,他军人般英挺的坐姿、威严的表情、锐利的目光和只有经历风霜才会有的紫铜般的肤色,无不鲜明地打上了职业的烙印.顿时让我对远洋船这一浮动的国土上的耕海人肃然起敬.  相似文献   

根据大洋航线的气候特征,尤其是用风、雾、浪、流的时空分布进行分区,把各大洋航线划分为极地航区、温带航区、副热带航区、信风航区、赤道航区,每个航区又划分出若干亚区,对远洋航行航线选择,实现安全经济航行是十分重要的。  相似文献   

A coupled 1D physical–biogeochemical model has been built to simulate the cycles of silicon and of nitrogen in the Indian sector of the Permanently Open Ocean Zone of the Southern Ocean. Based on a simplified trophic network, that includes two size classes of phytoplankton and of zooplankton, and a microbial loop, it has been calibrated by reference to surface physical, chemical and biological data sets collected at the KERFIX time-series station (50°40′S–68°25′E). The model correctly reproduces the high nutrient low chlorophyll features typical of the studied area. In a region where the spring–summer mixed layer depth is usually deeper than 60 m, the maximum of chlorophyll never exceeds 1.5 mg m−3, and the annual primary production is only 68 g C m−2 year−1. In the surface layer nitrate is never exhausted (range 27–23.5 mmoles m−3) while silicic acid shows strong seasonal variations (range 5–20 mmoles m−3). On an annual basis 71% of the primary production sustained by nanophytoplankton is grazed by microzooplankton. Compared to North Atlantic, siliceous microphytoplankton is mainly prevented from blooming because of an unfavourable spring–summer light-mixing regime. Silicic acid limitation (high half saturation constant for Si uptake: 8 mmoles m−3) also plays a major role on diatom growth. Mesozooplankton grazing pressure excerpts its influence especially in late spring. The model illustrates the efficiency of the silica pump in the Southern Ocean: up to 63% of the biogenic silica that has been synthetized in the photic layer is exported towards the deep ocean, while only 11% of the particulate organic nitrogen escapes recycling in the surface layer.  相似文献   

杨培举 《中国船检》2013,(4):7-10,100,101
新中国成立60多年未出台国家海洋战略的尴尬,亟待破局。今年全国"两会"期间,中国重组海洋局和成立国家海洋委员会的消息甫一传出,旋即成为业界讨论的焦点。在欣喜的同时,尽快出台国家海洋战略之声更是一浪高过一浪。那么,被国人千呼万唤的国家海洋战略,该如何做好顶层设计?它实现的路径如何?这一系列疑问,尚待进一步求解。  相似文献   

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