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杨飞  贾俊芳 《综合运输》2021,(2):47-51,65
站在运输服务设计的角度,以增强旅客换乘出行体验为目的,提出“人、行李分离”的换乘服务理念,并基于该服务理念设计铁路客运枢纽内同站和异站换乘的方案。异站换乘方案设计时,提出铁路专用车的概念,打造一种全新的换乘模式,满足旅客换乘出行的多元化需求,吸引旅客主动换乘。最后,从心理和生理舒适性两个角度对换乘服务理念进行评价,结果表明“人、行李分离”服务创造了旅客换乘出行附加价值,提高了旅客的换乘出行体验感。  相似文献   

为了客观、准确地评价高速铁路客运服务质量,首先从旅客绩效感知视角出发,结合我国高铁客运服务流程与特点,对高速铁路客运服务质量进行评价分析。在绩效感知服务模型基础上加入铁路客运特有的“信息性”,形成六大维度的评价体系。然后以安六城际铁路线为例,运用构建的体系进行基于顾客感知的高铁客运服务质量评价,并提出服务提升建议。实验结果表明,构建的评价指标体系科学、合理,评价结果能够有效地反映客运服务质量水平,为提高和改进高速铁路客运服务质量提供参考。  相似文献   

吴蒙 《综合运输》2022,(7):81-86+130
当前我国的经济发展模式已由高速增长转向高质量发展,由于“碳达峰,碳中和”的提出,作为碳排放主要来源之一的交通运输行业,积极推进运输结构调整,加快建设交通强国的任务迫在眉睫。在此宏观背景下,铁路作为是资源节约型、环境友好型运输方式,可在交通运输业减排中发挥重要作用,研究如何提高铁路客运市场份额对于实现交通运输行业减排具有重要意义。本文综述了10年来我国旅客运输市场主要运输方式的客运市场份额变动总体情况,主要表现为我国旅客运输结构逐渐优化,公路虽然是我国客运市场占有率最大的运输方式,但是客运市场份额逐步减小,铁路、民航、水运市场份额不断扩大;分析了铁路客运市场占有率变动的特点,以及铁路客运市场占有率增长的影响因素;研究了铁路客运市场份额发展趋势,运用二次指数平滑法对铁路客运市场份额进行预测,预测结果表明未来3年铁路客运市场份额将稳定增加,最后从发展铁路短途旅客运输、加大政府监管力度、优化列车开行方案、加强铁路与其他运输方式的衔接等方面提出了提高铁路客运市场份额的意见建议,为铁路旅客运输市场的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>需求响应交通可以为乘客提供门到门的辅助公共交通服务,提供与私人小汽车相竞争的出行服务,也是公共交通引导城市发展(TOD)理念的具体实践,这些都是推动需求响应交通服务发展的重要法理依据。"《道路运输条例》(2012年修正本)中的道路旅客运输是指用客车运送旅客、为社会公众提供的商业性服务(包括班车客运、包车客运和旅游客运)。《道路旅客运输及客运站管理规定》(交通运输部令2012年第8号)界定班车客运是在城乡道路上按照固定线路、时间、站点  相似文献   

<正>互联网融入传统道路客运,就是来抢夺客运市场吗?飞牛巴士告诉我们:非也!且看他们如何利用互联网助力传统行业转型升级!9月12日至13日,在"互联网+道路客运转型发展研讨会"暨首届交通运输学院院长论坛上,交通运输部运输服务司副司长王水平发表演讲时提到:"旅客对于道路客运的需求量还是非常大的,2012年是178亿人次,2014年191亿人次,总量在不断增长,只不过是在放缓速度。旅客有这种需求,就需要我们来提供个性化、多元化的服务。而"互联网+"能够适应新形势,可以为道路客运行业提供创新性手段。"  相似文献   

<正>为旅客提供高质量的客运产品、服务就是为了满足旅客的需求,而产品、服务质量归根结底是由设计决定的,所以在产品、服务的设计质量控制中必须充分考虑到旅客需求的动态性、多样性特点。设计过程就是将旅客的需求总和转  相似文献   

新零售模式是实体商业面对网络零售竞争,提出的重新塑造自身价值的战略选择。本文从机场新零售模式内涵、新零售模式思维、商业场景服务等方面,提出了利用互联网创新机场商业,构建机场新零售模式的路径,为旅客提供全流程的商业服务与价值体验,推动机场商业发展。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的持续增长,航空、铁路、公路、水路这四大运输方式各自的旅客运输服务都已发展到了一定程度。为向旅客提供更优质、便捷的运输服务,也为谋求更大的发展空间,人们越来越关注旅客"联程"的可能性。同时《中长期铁路网规划》(2008年调整)指出要发挥综合运输系统的组和效率和整体优势,实现交通运输资源优化配置。基于此,本文提出构建基于旅客运输需求的综合交通服务系统的设想,并对其主要功能进行说明。  相似文献   

<正> 近年来,随着高速公路的兴起、民航业的迅速发展,旅客运输市场竞争日益激烈,在竞争最为激烈的经济发达地区,铁路客运更是面临着失去市场份额的危险。公路对铁路的短途旅客运输形成强烈的冲击;在中长途客运市场,民航也与铁路展开了竞争。在如此严峻的态势下,铁路客运若想保持其在客运市场中应有的地位,占有和扩大市场份额,提高经济效益,就必须实现经营观念由传统计划经济向市场经济的转变,全面提高铁路客运的竞争能力。  相似文献   

<正>国庆客运平稳增长发送旅客7.34亿人次7.34亿人次今年国庆"黄金周"客运需求较为平稳,10月1日-7日,全国共发送旅客7.34亿人次,同比增长1.9%。其中,全国铁路共发送旅客7390万人次,增长8.9%,10月1日当日铁路旅客发送量达1254万人次,创历史新高。全国道路旅客运输量达到6.39亿人次,增长1.6%;全国水路完成客运量1215万人次,下降14.4%;国内航空公司共运送旅客894万人次,增长9.5%。  相似文献   

铁路运输在国民经济运行中发挥着重要作用,各国铁路公司都非常重视对铁路运营、安全、效益的管理及评价。国外铁路经过两个世纪的发展,积累了丰富经验,通过分析美国、日本、欧洲等国家和地区的普速、高速铁路,在运营效率评价、运营安全评价、服务质量评价、经营效益评价、安全保障法律法规建设和第三方评价机构发展等方面的现状,从客户服务质量评价、安全评价标准体系建立、效率效益导向的经营效益评价机制建设、第三方专业评价机构发展等维度,总结对我国高速铁路运营安全效益评价的经验借鉴及启示。  相似文献   

随着高速铁路的快速发展,科学合理的应急预案与规章对保障旅客运输服务质量和安全的作用愈加显著。系统分析发达国家铁路应急管理现状与经验,阐述我国国家、铁道行业和国铁集团层面法律法规、预案与规章现状与存在问题,提出强化政府层面高速铁路应急预案、完善高速铁路应急处置机制、建立健全高速铁路应急处置规章体系、推进应急规章体系的制修订和定期开展应急培训与演练等政策建议,为完善我国高铁应急管理体系、提高应急处置能力提供支撑。  相似文献   

Smart card systems have become the predominant method of collecting public transport fares in Japan. Transaction data obtained through smart cards have resulted in a large amount of archived information on how passengers use public transportation. The data have the potential to be used for modeling passenger behavior and demand for public transportation. This study focused on train choices made by railway passengers. If each passenger’s train choice can be identified over a long period of time, this information would be useful for improving the customer relationship management of the railway company and for improving train timetables. The aim of this study was to develop a methodology for estimating which train is boarded by each smart card holder. This paper presents a methodology and an algorithm for estimation using long-term transaction data. To validate the computation time and accuracy of the estimation, an empirical analysis is carried out using actual transaction data provided by a railway company in Japan. The results show that the proposed method is capable of estimating passenger usage patterns from smart card transaction data collected over a long time period.  相似文献   

The impact of high-speed technology on railway demand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper estimates a passenger railway demand function to analyse effects arising from the introduction and use of high-speed technologies. The paper reports estimates of demand elasticities with respect to price, income, quality of service and a range of exogenous characteristics. The results show that travel time savings from conventional high-speed technology have a larger impact on passenger demand than tilting train technology. The introduction of conventional high-speed technology is associated with an 8% increase in passenger railway demand. Increasing the use of either type of high-speed technology appears to induce small positive effects on demand beyond those obtained from usual traffic density increases on non-high-speed existing technology.
Daniel J. Graham (Corresponding author)Email:

Antonio Couto   is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Engineering (FEUP) at the University of Porto. He received his PhD from FEUP in 2005 having completed a thesis in railway transport economics. His research focuses on issues related to transport economics and infrastructures. Daniel J. Graham   is a Reader in the Centre for Transport Studies at Imperial College London. He specialises in the economics of transport, focusing in particular on modelling the implications of transport provision and accessibility for productivity and economic growth.  相似文献   

Although people are often encouraged to use public transportation, the riding experience is not always comfortable. This study uses service items to measure passenger anxieties by applying a conceptual model based on the railway passenger service chain perspective. Passenger anxieties associated with train travel are measured using a modern psychometric method, the Rasch model. This study surveys 412 train passengers. Analytical results indicate that the following service items cause passenger anxiety during trains travel: crowding, delays, accessibility to a railway station, searching for the right train on a platform, and transferring trains. Empirical results obtained using the Rasch approach can be used to derive an effective strategy to reduce train passenger anxiety. This empirical study also demonstrates that anxiety differs based on passenger sex, age, riding frequency, and trip type. This information will also prove useful for transportation planners and policy-makers when considering the special travel needs of certain groups to create a user-friendly railway travel environment that promotes public use.  相似文献   

目前我国高速铁路的日间行车能力已得到了较为充分的利用,而如何组织好高铁夜间垂直天窗与夜行列车之间的耦合关系、用好高铁夜间能力,是适应多样化市场需求的需要,也是进一步提升高铁经营效益的有效途径。对此,本文提出了动卧列车和货运动车组两种相对可行的高铁夜间运输产品,分别对其产品特征进行了分析,充分考虑高铁夜间天窗制约下两种列车的开行模式,基于市场需求提出了列车开行策略,并在充分对比两种产品的经济效益、客(货)源组织、能力分配等因素的基础上,给出了高铁夜间能力发展建议。  相似文献   

对分担率进行科学的预测是交通运输规划的基础性工作,是制定运输决策的重要依据。文章经过比较选取多项Logit模型为分担率预测模型,介绍了模型建立与求解的方法,并运用该模型对南广高铁沿线客流分担率进行预测分析。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze and to improve the current planning process of the passenger railway service in light of the recent railway market changes. In order to do so, we introduce the Passenger Centric Train Timetabling Problem. The originality of our approach is that we account for the passenger satisfaction in the design of the timetable. We consider both types of timetable(s): cyclic and non-cyclic. The problem is modeled as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problem with an objective of maximizing the train operating company’s profit while maintaining ε level of passenger satisfaction. The model does not take into account conflicts between trains and does not adjust dwell times at stopping stations among the lines. By solving the model for various values of ε, the approximated Pareto frontier is constructed. The analysis, based on an experiment using realistic data, shows that an improvement of passenger satisfaction while maintaining a low profit loss for the railway company can be achieved. A sensitivity analysis on passenger congestion illustrates a quantitative evidence that the non-cyclic timetables can account better for high density demand in comparison to cyclic timetables.  相似文献   

There is a renewed interest in intercity and long-distance rail services in many countries, with both new high-speed rail services and improvements to conventional rail under review. The current study reports on an investigation using a stated choice experiment, of the demand for sleeper services between Sydney, Northern New South Wales (NSW) and Brisbane in Australia, a 12 to 14 hour trip, just after a decision by the NSW government to temporarily suspend sleeper services and introduce seating service only, pending an inquiry into the demand for such loss-making services under alternative price and service levels. A matrix of direct fare elasticities within the rail mode and between rail and competing modes are obtained for concession and non-concession travellers from a nested logit model. The empirical evidence extends our knowledge of the sensitivity of the long distance passenger market to a range of rails fares, distinguishing between classes of fares and levels of service.  相似文献   

文章针对广西道路旅客运输的现状及广西道路客运企业发展旅游业的优越条件,以"运游结合"为切入点,介绍以快捷优质的客运服务带动"慢旅游"道路客运企业发展旅游业的新模式,对采取"运游结合"经营模式,提高服务质量,发展"慢旅游"提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

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