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本文创新性地提出港口"绿色度"的概念和计算方法,用以衡量港口对资源环境的友好程度,同时构建基于"层次分析法"(AHP)的绿色港口评价体系。然后以重庆港为例,计算出重庆港的"绿色度",最后提出发展绿色重庆港的措施。  相似文献   

<正>位于印尼东爪哇泗水市的Tanjung Perak港,是印度尼西亚吞吐量第二大的港口公司,目前已经达到其容量最高值。为未来发展需求,作为Tanjung Perak港的港口运营公司,印尼第三国营港口管理公司(PT Pelindo III)提出发展Teluk Lamong多功能港口,提升该港口800万标准箱吞吐量。印尼第三国营港口管理公司利用先进技术为Teluk Lamong港口的设计、发展与运营融入了"绿色港口"的概念,并成为印尼历史上第一个绿色港口。绿色港口这一理念不仅为公司带来收益,同时也让港口运营的其他利益相关方受益。港口的众多"绿色"特征也大大提升了港口的效率和环境状况。  相似文献   

当前,物流成为我国港口高科技中的瓶颈问题。地处厦门市主城区的厦门港因其特殊的区位条件被誉为大陆与台湾地区的“高科技口岸”,近年来,厦门港通过物流高科技港口系统的建设和运营,从根本上解决了港口高科技瓶颈问题,将成为大陆与台湾最大的物流集散与配送中心。  相似文献   

随着中国港口的快速发展,一方面,港口吞吐量的增长导致了陆侧集疏运交通量的大幅增加,而另一方面,港口促进了城市的繁荣,但城市空间扩展与港口作业影响区、集疏运交通的矛盾也日益突出。如何采取科学有效的措施来应对港城发展的矛盾,是城市交通管理者和港口管理者面前的共同难题。本文从交通、土地资源、环境污染等方面论述了上海特大型港口城市的港城矛盾;并梳理了鹿特丹港、长滩港、汉堡港、纽约新泽西港、安特卫普港、哥德堡港等国外港口城市的港口集疏运模式;总结了不同类型城市港城矛盾的解决方案,为国内特大型港口的集疏运系统建设和调整提供借鉴。  相似文献   

<正> 港口是重要的交通基础设施,是振兴地方经济发展的纽带和桥梁。盐城经济要在跨世纪时期有一个超常规发展,大幅度跃进,提前实现现代化目标,就必须实施“海上盐城”战略,加快港口的开发进程,尽快将港口资源优势转化为经济发展优势。本文拟就江苏中山港的开发建设谈点看法。 一、开发建设中山港的战略意义 中山港位于江苏沿海突出部、滨海县境内  相似文献   

如果有人说,只有上海堪称"国际型".此外,只有深圳港最具"效益型",青岛港则属"创新型",连云港、烟台、苏州等港口实现了爆破式增长,厦门、福州、泉州港将呈"台海型"发展……  相似文献   

随着我国经济持续快速发展,长江港口的现状已经很难适应沿江经济快速发展的需要。论文概述了长江港口发展的基本情况,总结了长江港口发展的基本思路,分析了长江港口发展中在港政管理体制、港口企业法人治理结构、岸线规划使用、港口通过能力、航道建设整治、港口建设投资、港口法制化建设、软环境建设等诸多方面存在的问题,提出了充分利用长江黄金水道,大力发展长江港口的建议:深化港口管理体制改革、依法治港落实港口管理职能、解决长江港口结构性矛盾、加大长江航道建设和整治力度、加快建设以港口为主的物流园区、构建长江港口战略联盟、加强港口布局规划管理、加快建设重庆和武汉航运中心。  相似文献   

交通部组织召开全国水运建设工作会议11月8日,全国水运建设工作会议在天津召开。会议确定“十一五”期间水运建设发展的主要任务:一是继续加快沿海港口建设,主要是加快煤、油、矿、箱四大货种专业化码头建设。重点建设和改造秦皇岛港、天津港、唐山港等煤炭码头、大连港、青岛港、湛江港、钦州港等20万吨级以上原油接卸码头,营口港、天津港、唐山港、连云港等20万吨级以上矿石码头,上海国际航运中心洋山深水港区、深圳港、宁波港、厦门港、广州港等集装箱干线港,相应建设支线港和喂给港。进一步加快沿海航道建设,重点建设长江口深水航道治理三期工程,并根据实际情况实施12.5米水深向上延伸工程;加快广州港、深圳港、防城港等主要港口出海航道的建设。  相似文献   

<正>10月28日上午,厦门港与马来西亚巴生港签订谅解备忘录,双方正式缔结友好港。据悉,巴生港是厦门的第10个国际友好港,同时也是厦门市落实"一带一路"战略首个签订的"海丝"沿线国际友好港。巴生港被称为"海丝"的重要驿站,是马来西亚最大港口、海上门户,2014年集装箱吞吐量约1100万标箱,位列世界第12位。根据备忘录协定,两港将在港口研究、员工培训、信息交流、技术协助和双方运输往来、提升服务水平等方面开展多种形式的交流与合作,促进共同繁荣发展。  相似文献   

张菁 《综合运输》2006,(8):164-169
连云港港是新亚欧大陆桥的东桥头堡、亚欧问重要的水陆中转港。在我国港口建设的新一轮热潮中,连云港港跻身于全国沿海十大集装箱港口和全球百强集装箱港口行列。走进“十一五”,在新形势下,如何抓住机遇,迎接挑战?“‘十一五’期间,连云港港将努力实现吞吐能力和吞吐量的双倍增,力争2008年建成亿吨大港,集装箱突破300万TEU。”站在连云港港发展规划模型图板前,连云港市港口管理局局长丁军华如是说。  相似文献   

百色港属于典型的河谷型内河港口,文章介绍了该港口的地理位置、区位优势及存在的问题,阐述了其规划原则与思路,提出了岸线规划、港区规划的具体方案,并总结了规划成果特点,为同类型港口的规划工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   


From the policy and management perspective, this study aims to investigate the port management tools that port/public authorities have at their disposal and then to analyse to what extent the tools are used to enforce or encourage green port development at functional activities of port operations and development. We conduct an exploratory and comparative review based on two axes: on the one hand, the range of tools available to port authorities (pricing, monitoring and measuring, market access control and environmental standard regulation) and on the other hand, the functional activities in ports (shipping traffic, cargo handling and storage operations, intermodal connection, industrial activities, and port expansion). The situations in the leading ports in Asia and Europe, namely Singapore, Shanghai, Antwerp and Rotterdam are studied and compared, whereby the policies' effectiveness is discussed accordingly. Findings show that the ports are particularly mature in exercising environmental standard regulations which reveals that the enforcement approach is more prevalent. The most focused functional activity is shipping traffic which reflects that the ports are driven by the International Maritime Organisation. The respective port authorities in Antwerp and Rotterdam have a higher level of influence on devising green port policy in comparison to the two Asian ports.  相似文献   

广西凭祥市友谊关口岸是广西连接越南最主要的陆路口岸。文章介绍了广西电子口岸联检核放系统的主要特点、总体结构和运行准备工作,分析了系统管理流程及优缺点,并对广西电子口岸建设当前所取得的经验进行了总结。  相似文献   

As a result of the intense changes occurring in port environment over the last decades, new models of competitiveness have been developed, where port authorities try to increase their attractiveness. In this context, one of the most debated issues in this area of research is still the role played by port authorities in defining port competitiveness. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of port choice literature enabling to identify the main port choice’s criteria in order to define the role played by Port Authorities and to point out future lines of research that should be undertaken to fully incorporate current ports’ environment and performance. The results show that although some studies point out the importance of geographical factors in port choice, a larger number of studies defend the increasing role played by port authorities in determining the competitiveness through investing in port infrastructure, improving port efficiency or hinterland accessibility. Despite the existing models contributing on this topic, there are still some gaps in terms of measuring the port performance, including port strategies and studying the port choice for specific industries.  相似文献   

文章通过了解国内外油气回收的相关规范及建设油气回收设备的相关要求,熟悉吸收法、冷凝法、吸附法等传统油气回收工艺以及在此基础上衍生出的相关组合工艺,并对其技术特点进行对比。同时,针对国内外相关港口油气回收设备的应用情况进行分析,得出现有港口油气回收设备的应用存在相关政策法规缺失、安全风险及船舶配套不完善等难题。  相似文献   

A self-management approach and committee were established in Taichung Port to facilitate the control of the total quantity of greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutant emissions from various sources in the port district. This self-management approach was the first approved case by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung City. The district has a land area of 37.93 km2 and a sea area of 2035.75 km2, and it is divided into various zones, namely heavy industry, export processing, and harbor zones according to the difference of based on differences in land use. The approach includes an inventory and actions to reduce carbon levels and air pollutants. The year 2014 was defined as the base year of emissions; however, some of the emission benchmark values were changed in 2015 or 2016 because more accurate inventory results became available during those years. A self-management committee comprising a general manager, departmental directors, and experts/scholars was formed in 2015. In the self-management approach, nine main reduction strategies and three actions to offset GHG and air pollutants were continually enforced. The results demonstrate that the environmental protection to facilitate the development of a green port is workable. Following the successful experience of Taichung Port, the self-management method was adopted in other industries and areas in Taichung City, a special municipality.  相似文献   


The ongoing process of port reform has led to an increasing number of publicly owned but corporatised port authorities (PAs). The performance effects of corporatisation have been analysed, for example, for the airports industry, often showing positive effects. This paper reviews the literature on port reform and the relationship between port governance structures and performance. It also presents a first case study on the effects of corporatisation of PAs, namely for the Port of Rotterdam Authority, a publicly owned but corporatised port development company. In 2004, this organisation was transformed from a municipal department to an independently operating company. The performance indicators to evaluate the effect of this corporatisation include market share, turnover, operating costs, profits, and investments. These indicators are evaluated for two periods, one prior to the corporatisation (1997–2003) and the other afterwards (2005–11). The comparison of these two periods shows that corporatisation has led to significant improvements of all performance indicators. The findings derived from this case study are relevant for the ongoing discussion on port governance models.  相似文献   

This paper aims to empirically identify the competitiveness of container ports in Asia by examining factors influencing the perceived competitive edge of each port using the Hierarchical Fuzzy Process, a method embracing human knowledge and/or judgement into a mathematical framework. This analysis is unique in that the ‘human-perceived’ competitiveness on Asian container ports is examined under the quantifiable framework. The findings reveal that Singapore is the most competitive port among the sampled ports. Moreover, the methodology employed here shows the potential to be applicable to other transport and logistics related service industries.  相似文献   

随着湘桂高铁、贵广高铁、南广高铁、云桂高铁的建成,广西逐步进入高铁时代。广西高铁的发展给广西北部湾港口群带来了新的生机,高铁与港口货物联运是未来广西北部湾港口物流发展的新趋势。文章分析了广西港口与高铁联运的有利条件以及高铁运输对港口物流的促进作用,从技术标准缺乏、货物分运混乱、物流成本偏高等方面阐述了港口与高铁联运存在的现实问题,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

Port devolution and port governance are focal issues in port studies. This paper argues that the previous typology of port devolution and port governance, including port function matrix models, might have to be modified, in particular for Asian port cases, because they have not considered socio, economic, and political systems and historical aspects behind the port devolution continuum. This paper uses the “compound eyes” approach comprising of many similar, closely-packed facets called ommatidia, with a multiple angle view, to revisit and review previous port devolution and governance models. The paper aims to identify the limitations and rectify fallacies in previous port studies by conducting a critical review and taking a couple of Asian container port cases as examples. This paper contributes to the literature of port devolution and governance, illuminating crucial gaps that the previous studies have not addressed.  相似文献   

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