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2004年开局几件大事.暗示着交通建设理念的更新。1月20日至28日,黄菊副总理专程视察调研长三角交通,特别强调内河运输在促进区域经济发展中的特殊作用。5月2日至3日,中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记张德江,交通部部长张春贤.广东省省长黄华华等领导专题考察广东内河航运,考察组一行达成共识:在  相似文献   

从航海与战争有许多相似性入手,分析了运用“兵法”指导航海的意义。阐述了如将“兵法”纳入航海教育,将航海特点战争化,用战略的眼光看待航海,借鉴培养军事指挥艺术的方法训练航海员,对职业素质的提高,人为事故的减少将产生良好的效果。  相似文献   

在中国成为WTO成员两年之后,“市场经济地位”问题再度浮出,全国人大常委会委员长吴邦国、总理温家宝最近访问欧洲时要求欧盟给予中国市场经济地位;前不久吴仪副总理赴美主持中美商贸联委会时,也将之作为重点问题来谈;菲律宾、新加坡、马来西亚已先后认定中国为市场经济国家,与澳大利亚和欧盟也在商谈中。  相似文献   

根据山东省委、省政府关于建设“平安山东”和济宁市委、市政府建设“平安济宁”的统一部署,我们结合济宁航运实际,积极开展了“平安航运”活动,有力地推动了济宁航运经济的发展。  相似文献   

构建内陆"无水港"   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶龙 《中国水运》2005,(4):54-55
继沿海、沿边地区靠天时和地利得到快速发展后,我国实施了向中西部转移的经济战略,使内陆地区经济获得了一个良好的发展机遇;同时,由于全球经济一体化的发展和中国加入WTO,我国的外贸运输——特别是能满足“门到门”运输需求的国际集装箱多式联运也获得了长足的发展,并且已经不再满足于传统的“港至港”运输模式,客观上要求内地口岸也具有“直通”效应,  相似文献   

上世纪60年代我去过一次香港,恰逢台风暴雨,转机推迟,住在香港新华社招待所里。到市区去办事,乘坐专车,经历了蜿蜒盘旋的岛岸道路,到达鳞次栉比的高层写字楼,看到了蔚蓝色的维多利亚海湾。当时海上似乎除了现代化的轮船外,还有点点红帆。因为按当时规定除了办事不下车,所以跑车观景,对整个香港的印象既模糊又深刻。明明在中国,却算是出国,到了海外;周围所见多是同胞,  相似文献   

万芳 《中国水运》2005,(6):26-27
三峡工程建成以后,库区将形成600多公里、蓄水量400亿立方米、水域面积1000平方公里的巨大水库,这将大大促进长江航运的快速发展,船舶数量将迅速增加,排污程度也将增大。届时,库区江面变宽,江水变缓,库区的自净能力大大减弱,因此,库区水环境污染防治刻不容缓地提到议事日程上来。  相似文献   

我国最早出现的“档案”概念 “档案”一词最早见于清代。现存清代档案康熙十九年(1680年)的《起居注册》(汉文正本)中就有“部中无档案”之语。大约成书于康熙四十六年(1707年)的杨宾《柳边纪略》中说:“边外文字,多书于木,往来传递者日牌子,以削木若牌故也;存贮年久者日档案,日档子,以积累多,贯皮条挂壁若档故也。然今文字之书于纸者,亦呼为牌子、档子矣”。  相似文献   

自1988年起,我国取消货载保留政策,不再用行政手段规定国内船舶的承运份额,也不再规定承运外贸进出口货物的我方派船比例,并且鼓励承托双方按正常的商业做法直接商定运输合同。“货载保留”政策的取消,使中外航运公司在揽取中国货源上处于同一起跑线。在航运市场对外开放方面我们走在了很多国家的前面。但今天面对国内经济高速发展、  相似文献   

日前,秦皇岛瑞星船务工程有限公司为中港集团第五航务工程公司的拖轮“交工47”号成功进行了主机增容改装等工程,使原来的沿海港作拖轮,达到了沿海航区自航拖带能力。改装后的“交工47”号顺利完成了各项性能试验后,投入使用。这也是瑞星公司第一次承接如此高技术含量的常规修船工程,并为今后积累了宝贵经验。同期,他们还通过竞标承接了该公司的“交工54”号拖轮的修理工程。  相似文献   

宫子武 《船海工程》2007,36(1):70-72
分析柴油机故障中常见的机体裂纹故障原因,认为由于设计缺陷和管理及操作不当,易造成船舶柴油机缸体上的裂纹多发生在气缸套凸肩处。如不及时处理这些裂纹和故障,就会造成缸套的裂纹直至出现缸套漏水等严重后果,针对NANTAIQUEEN轮柴油机对该类型故障的检修提出具体措施。  相似文献   

采用显示动力有限元软件LS_DYNA模拟双层壳结构在两种不同形状的撞头撞击下的响应,通过分析比较发现,双层壳结构抵抗球形撞头撞击的能力更强。  相似文献   

The hydrophysical and hydrochemical structure of the Sea of Azov, with developed bottom anoxia, was studied during the RV “Akvanavt” cruise from July 31 to August 03, 2001. The anoxic zone with a thickness from 0.5 to 4 m above the bottom was found in all deep regions of the Sea. Concentrations of hydrochemical parameters were similar to the pronounced anoxic conditions (about 90 mmol m− 3 of hydrogen sulfide, 17 mmol m− 3 of ammonia, 6 mmol m− 3 of phosphate, 7 mmol m− 3 of total manganese). The hydrophysical structure was characterized by the uniform distribution of temperature in the upper 6–7 m mixed layer (UML). Below this a thin (0.4–0.8 m) thermocline layer was observed, just above the anoxic waters. Formation of this phenomenon was connected with that summer weather conditions. Intensive rains led to increased influx of river waters in June. That resulted in large input of allochtonous organic matter (OM) and inorganic nutrients; the latter were consumed on the additional autochthonous organic matter production. In July the weather was characterized by a significant rise in the daily averaged air temperature and large oscillations of temperature during the day. In this period a wind of constant direction was absent, but wind bursts were observed. The completed analyses showed that the formation of such a structure could be connected with the following factors: (i) positive growth trends of the daily averaged temperature and the daily oscillations of temperature, (ii) presence of wind bursts. The joint action of these factors resulted in the formation of the UML. The amplitude of wind bursts determined the depth of UML, and the value of trend determined the value of the temperature change in the thermocline. An initial presence of bottom halocline (caused by the Black Sea water influx to the bottom of the Sea of Azov) prevented the heating of the bottom layer and therefore led to an increase of vertical gradient of temperature in the thermocline. The spatial distribution of the turbulent exchange coefficient confirmed the existence of a “stagnation” area located above the anoxia zone, which is also, apparently, the reason for its occurrence.  相似文献   

螺旋桨是目前船舶及海洋装备重要推进装置,其工作可靠性及服役性能对我国海洋战略的实施具有非常重要的意义。复杂海洋环境下螺旋桨服役性能除受到风、浪、流等环境因素影响外,还受到周围其他海洋异物的影响,进而引起螺旋桨载荷特性发生突变。本文基于计算流体力学基础理论,建立导管螺旋桨水动力学数值仿真模型。将海洋异物接近过程简化为准定常过程,分析不同接近距离对导管桨水动力性能的影响。基于流固耦合理论,将水动力学载荷施加在桨叶表面,获得不同接近距离时桨叶应力、应变的变化特性。研究结果表明:海洋异物的接近会对导管桨水动力学特性产生较大的影响作用。当异物接近距离为0.01 m时,导管桨推力将增加11.74%,扭矩增加12.73%,桨叶最大应力值增加32.06%,最大形变量增加30.28%。本文研究工作对导管桨服役性能评估及疲劳寿命预测具有非常重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

宁波北仑国际集装箱码头的龙门吊发动机经常发生超速熄火故障,究其原因是所用的康明斯K-19发动机的执行器容易损坏造成的。分析了产生故障的具体原因,提出了切实可行的解决方案,从根本上解决了这一故障,提高了整体作业效率。  相似文献   

由于结构及工艺水平的限制,发动机机匣大多采用分段焊接而成,焊接缺陷在机匣焊缝较为常见,具体表现之一为焊缝中存在的链状气孔,超出标准要求的焊接缺陷有可能对发动机机匣的可靠性造成影响。本文通过对存在链状气孔缺陷的发动机机匣的检测、有限元计算模型简化和计算分析,确定了缺陷对机匣可靠性的影响。量化的缺陷影响区域和应力放大倍数对类似焊接缺陷的判定具有指导意义。  相似文献   

本研究优化船舶推进轴系孔径比的取值范围,使轴系的综合力学性能达到最理想的状态,目的是在船舶设计时,帮助船舶设计者快速确定轴系的最佳孔径尺寸。文章以某散货船的轴系为研究对象,在考虑船舶螺旋桨偏心力的情况下,建立了轴系危险截面的等效应力和抗扭强度的数学模型,运用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对不同孔径比艉轴的危险截面的等效应力和抗扭强度进行了对比分析,并且进行了校中情况对比分析研究。将理论值和实测值进行对比,发现理论值和实测结果拟合的非常好。经过对比研究发现,船舶轴系的综合力学性能比较优越的孔径比范围是0.21~0.28,在此范围内,轴系校中效果也比较好。该研究方法为船舶轴系的设计提供了分析依据。  相似文献   

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) was established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea as a body to settle disputes between States Parties to the Convention regarding the interpretation or application of the Convention s provisions, including provisions concerning the exercise of the powers of States over shipping and the discharge by states of their responsibilities and obligations in relation to ships.ITLOS is competent to deal with disputes in which a State is alleged to have wrongly interfered with or otherwise restrained the operation of a vessel when it is in a port of the State or within the territorial sea or exclusive economic zone of the State.In its previous judgments, ITLOS has provided clarifications of some important areas of the law of the sea concerning the operation and regulation of shipping by flag States and other states.ITLOS plays a key role in the regime of the Law of the Sea Convention relating to the prompt release of ships and their crews that are arrested or detained in a foreign port.ITLOS also has the possibility to serve as ajudicial organ for the settlement of disputes under other maritime agreements and contracts, if the parties to the agreements or contracts agree to confer jurisdiction on it.There are many advantages to be gained by States and shipping operators from using ITLOS as the body for the settlement of disputes under agreements. These advantages include savings in time and expenses.  相似文献   

In this study, we use a sample of 192 listed shipping companies and employ a logit model in order to investigate the determinants of the probability of default. We enhance our analysis by isolating not only the cases of company liquidations but also those cases where companies had to change their legal status due to warning liquidity signals. Our key findings are in line with prior research and moreover we depict a changing trend in the marginal effects of relevant variables, on the probability of default. We further show, through an empirical application, how the obtained results can be used in a managerial decision-making process and in a bank credit underwriting process in order to assess the creditworthiness of a shipping company.  相似文献   

挂篮在大跨桥合拢中作为配重的施工工艺介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高健 《中国水运》2007,5(6):100-102
在悬浇混凝土桥梁施工中,水箱放水和抛掷沙袋是合拢段施工中两种比较成熟的施工技术。但在特殊条件下,合拢段的施工受到时间和温度的严格限制。某桥在合拢段施工中使用了挂篮作为合拢段的平衡重,通过测量数据,发现这种方法经济而又适用。本文对该项施工技术、理论基础和相应的观测数据都作了较为详尽的介绍。  相似文献   

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