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On measuring cargo handling productivity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

戎伟全  戴进  周俊 《水运工程》2015,(11):94-97
介绍宁波光明通用泊住升级改造工程工艺系统改造的思路和方案。在不影响现有生产的前提下,通过调整工艺流程和更新装卸设备,使泊位等级和装卸设备配置与实际到港船型匹配,工艺流程更加合理。改造后码头通过能力显著提高,码头卸船能力与堆场能力相适应。  相似文献   

The abolition of the national Dock Labour Scheme presented with the oppurtunity radically to transform their cargo handling operations. Port employers have seized this oppurtunity and introduced radical changes to workforce compositions, their skills, work practices, and employee relations. The main factor behind these changes has been the desire of operation to minimize labour costs and maximize labour utilization in order to amintain traffic volume and competitive advantage. The short-term effect has been to improve productivity and profitablity(at least for the major port authorities), but it has also produced iinstablity in employee relations ans may in the long term prove counter productive>  相似文献   

货油系统的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏雷 《广船科技》2006,(2):34-36
结合目前我公司实际生产需要,为进一步缩短码头生产周期,本文针对29000DWT化学品船FRAMO货油系统的组成、性能、安装调试以及应用做了简要地介绍与分析。  相似文献   

In Part 1 * *Maritime Studies and Management (1975) Vol 3, No. 2, pp. 103–111. of this article a background to the economics of conference operation was provided, and conference fleet planning and single voyage costs were discussed. This part of the paper will analyse the economic objectives of conferences and will consider the implications of ending the conference princing structure. Some recommendations are also offered.  相似文献   

In Part 1*of this article a background to the economics of conference operation was provided, and conference fleet planning and single voyage costs were discussed. This part of the paper will analyse the economic objectives of conferences and will consider the implications of ending the conference princing structure. Some recommendations are also offered.  相似文献   

世界海上散货运输   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先介绍近期世界海上散货运输态势。21世纪开初几年,世界海上三大散货(铁矿石、煤炭和粮食)的运输量均上扬,持续高速发展经济的中国之三大散货运量更是大幅上升。以后几年,随着世界经济的逐步回升,世界海上散货运输市场前景看好。接着略述目前世界散货船队的构成及其阵容的扩张,还以数据表明散货船大型化发展趋势。  相似文献   

Fleet deployment optimization models.Part 2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fleet deployment problem for the one origin,one destination fixed-price contract requiring the transport of a given total amount of cargo within a given period is formulated and solved for the case that one or more cost components are given staircase functions of time. A computer program has been developed to implement the solution of this problem. The fleet deployment problem with one or more costs being random variables with known probability density functions is also formulated. Analytical expressions for hte basic probabilistic quantities, i.e the probability density function,the mean and the variance of the total operating cost, are presented. Finally, sample results are presented and discussed and some extensions for further research are suggested.  相似文献   

我国货运保险业的发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘愉 《中国船检》2010,(3):108-110,144,145
大力发展民族航运业、金融业的外部环境已经赋予了货运保险业广阔的发展前景,应充分利用现有资源,抓住机遇,发挥自身优势,迎接挑战,提升民族航运保险业的综合实力,为国家航运、金融业的稳步发展保驾护航。作为连接航运和金融业的服务平台,太平洋财险以其在航运保险方面的雄厚实力率先在业内成立了航运保险事业总部。  相似文献   

闻建国 《水运工程》2006,(5):34-36,88
结合水文、地质等自然条件,介绍岙山5#泊位码头平面布置、结构选型和桩基设计的特点。  相似文献   

根据SOLAS公约的要求,1992年2月1日或以后建造的船舶都应备有船舶破损相关资料的小册子,以备船长和高级船员们熟悉并掌握相应的应急措施。  相似文献   

四、海运承运人和NVOCC向美国海关申报的途径:船舶AMS系统的主导作用 1.直通的承运人和NVOCC的申报 美国海关目前使用船舶AMS系统接受船舶电子舱单数据的传输,它是海关自动商务系统(Anto-mated Commercial System,简称ACS)的组成部分。据  相似文献   

由于货物导致的船损事故主要有火灾、船体破损、船舶倾覆、船体腐蚀等,这类事故的共同特点是起因的隐蔽性、损坏的永久性、事故的可预防性等。之所以会产生由于货物导致的船损事故,主要是由于货物的积载、管理不当,以及外界环境,船舶条件的影响和限制,但人的因素为主要原因。  相似文献   

Like most industrial transport ships, the heavy cargo transport ship market and ship type development are dependent on other relative industries and market demands, such as energy resources and infrastructure construction. At present, there are two heavy cargo  相似文献   

郝勇瑞 《中国水运》2007,5(3):26-27
2006年国际干散货运输市场走势明显与前两年不同,2004年为两头高、中间低,2005年为前高后低,而2006年是明显的前低后高走势,2006年全年BDI指数平均值为3180点,比2005年低190点,比2004年低1320点。2006年中国粗钢产量和铁矿石进口大幅增长,国际油价上涨导致全球对动力煤需求迅猛增加,年中美国新奥尔良重建需求大量的钢材和水泥,再加上大量资金涌入FFA市场,诸多利好因素推动了2006年国际干散货市场上扬。  相似文献   

Part 2 of this paper deals with the variety of ro-ro cargo-handling methods employed in Marseilles, and considers the hinterlands and land transport links with the ro-ro services of the port  相似文献   

在探讨"海上货物运输"国家精品课程建设、课程教学团队在基于课程体系的分析研究和课程重构设计的基础上,总结精品课程建设中教学团队组建、课程目标和教学内容确定、教学方法和实践教学设计的主要经验,并对课程建设的创新点进行阐述。  相似文献   

胡云平  刘姣蕾 《中国水运》2006,4(11):200-203
海上货运保险代位求偿权是公平原则的一种体现,各国都以法律的形式赋予保险人行使代位求偿的权利.我国作为航运大国,在立法上对代位求偿作出了具体规定.本文试就我国海上保险中的代位求偿制度的现状,针对我国海上货运保险中所存在的关于代位求偿制度的法律性质、行使名义、被保险人对其的保护义务等诸多具有争议的问题,结合案例逐一进行分析,并提出了作者认为最为恰当的观点或做法.  相似文献   

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