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The transport sector accounts for nearly one third of the world’s total energy use, while inland transport alone is responsible for half of the global petroleum consumption. The expansion of motorization in newly industrialized economies necessitates setting realistic targets. To support decision-makers in better assessment of transport sustainability performance, we introduce a systematic triple bottom line-based approach to evaluate inland transport, considering social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainability. The proposed network data envelopment analysis (DEA) measure organizes the three components of the system into a parallel structure, allocates shared input across subsystems, and incorporates undesirable output. The empirical application determines the efficiency of regional inland transportation systems in China from 2006 to 2015. The results indicate a rise in overall transport efficiency between China’s 11th and 12th five-year development plan periods and link the economic growth with a decrease in environmental transport efficiency in the Central and Western zones and with a decline in social efficiency in the Eastern zone. Since 2012, the social sustainability remains the weakest component of inland transport, which requires special attention by policy-makers to support vulnerable groups of transport users. This study provides further insight into the investigated measures and proposes recommendations for the improvement of inland transport in China.  相似文献   

Two versions of an optimal network design problem with shipments proportional to transportation costs are formulated. Extensions of an algorithm developed in prior research for solving these problems are proposed and tested. The performance of the algorithms is found to improve substantially as the dependence of shipments on costs is increased. Moreover, the optimal solutions obtained are unexpectedly robust with respect to a wide range of transportation cost assumptions. These findings could have important computational and policy implications if applicable to larger networks.  相似文献   

We consider a city region with several facilities that are competing for customers of different classes. Within the city region, the road network is dense, and can be represented as a continuum. Customers are continuously distributed over space, and they choose a facility by considering both the transportation cost and market externalities. More importantly, the model takes into account the different transportation cost functions and market externalities to which different customer classes are subjected. A logit‐type distribution of demand is specified to model the decision‐making process of users' facility choice. We develop a sequential optimization approach to decompose the complex multi‐class and multi‐facility problem into a series of smaller single‐class and single‐facility sub‐problems. An efficient solution algorithm is then proposed to solve the resultant problem. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness and potential applicability of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a global optimization algorithm for solving a mixed (continuous/discrete) transportation network design problem (MNDP), which is generally expressed as a mathematical programming with equilibrium constraint (MPEC). The upper level of the MNDP aims to optimize the network performance via both expansion of existing links and addition of new candidate links, whereas the lower level is a traditional Wardrop user equilibrium (UE) problem. In this paper, we first formulate the UE condition as a variational inequality (VI) problem, which is defined from a finite number of extreme points of a link-flow feasible region. The MNDP is approximated as a piecewise-linear programming (P-LP) problem, which is then transformed into a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem. A global optimization algorithm based on a cutting constraint method is developed for solving the MILP problem. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method and to compare the results with alternative algorithms reported in the literature.  相似文献   

A statistical approach is shown to be adaptable to the N-city traveling salesman problem by considering route distances to be random variables which are continuous and normally distributed. A solution to the shortest route distance and path can be approximated by utilizing a Monte Carlo simulation to obtain a representative sample of possible journeys. The approach involves recursive statistical inference which is used to select next-city visits leading to the most probable minimum route path. A statistical selection of the minimum route path is computationally efficient and computer run time increases in proportion to the square of the number of cities as opposed to an (N - 1)! increase for a deterministic approach. The accuracy of the statistical approach is directly proportional to the number of Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   


When disturbances make it impossible to realise the planned flight schedule, the dispatcher at the airline operational centre defines a new flight schedule based on airline policy, in order to reduce the negative effects of these perturbations. Depending on airline policy, when designing the new flight schedule, the dispatcher delays or cancels some flights and reassigns some flights to available aircraft. In this paper, a decision support system (DSS) for solving the airline schedule disturbances problem is developed aiming to assist decision makers in handling disturbances in real-time. The system is based on a heuristic algorithm, which generates a list of different feasible schedules ordered according to the value of an objective function. The dispatcher can thus select and implement one of them. In this paper, the possibilities of DSS are illustrated by real numerical examples that concern JAT Airways' flight schedule disturbances.  相似文献   

Transportation improvements inevitably lead to an uneven distribution of user benefits, in space and by network type (private and public transport). This paper makes a moral argument for what would be a fair distribution of these benefits. The argument follows Walzer’s “Spheres of Justice” approach to define the benefits of transportation, access, as a sphere deserving a separate, non-market driven, distribution. That distribution, we propose, is one where the maximum gap between the lowest and highest accessibility, both by mode and in space, should be limited, while attempting to maximize average access. We then review transportation planning practice for a priori distributional goals and find little explicit guidance in conventional and even justice-oriented transportation planning and analyses. We end with a discussion of the implications for practice.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explore the possibility of solving the traffic assignment problem with elastic demands by way of its dual problem. It is shown that the dual problem can be formulated as a nonsmooth convex optimization problem of which the objective function values and subgradients are conveniently calculated by solving shortest path problems associated with the transportation network. A subgradient algorithm to solve the dual problem is presented and limited computational experience is reported. The computational results are encouraging enough to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

In spite of the fact that about 70% of Nigeria's population live in rural areas, these areas have remained largely inaccessible. Not only do they lack motorable roads and organized public transport but also field surveys indicate that nearly all rural inhabitants do not have a private car. A Directorate of Food, Roads and Rural Infrastructure has been set up to manage the inaccessibility problem, among others. Whereas there are several conventional approaches to the management of the rural transportation problem, the Nigerian approach relies on the provision of roads. This restrictive approach with an emphasis on locational to the neglect of personal accessibility has various limitations which are analysed.  相似文献   

The pollution-routing problem (PRP) aims to determine a set of routes and speed over each leg of the routes simultaneously to minimize the total operational and environmental costs. A common approach to solve the PRP exactly is through speed discretization, i.e., assuming that speed over each arc is chosen from a prescribed set of values. In this paper, we keep speed as a continuous decision variable within an interval and propose new formulations for the PRP. In particular, we build two mixed-integer convex optimization models for the PRP, by employing tools from disjunctive convex programming. These are the first arc-based formulations for the PRP with continuous speed. We also derive several families of valid inequalities to further strengthen both models. We test the proposed formulations on benchmark instances. Some instances are solved to optimality for the first time.  相似文献   

Three design problems are discussed in this article. First, it is shown that the network design problem with congestion reduces to an all-or nothing traffic assignment problem under some assumptions on the congestion function and the investment cost function. Second, the land use design problem is formulated as an extension of the Koopmans-Beckmann problem and a heuristic is proposed to solve this problem. Third, it is shown that the seemingly more complex problem of designing jointly a land-use plan and a transportation network reduces to a pure land-use design problem. All that is needed to solve the joint optimization problem is a shortest path algorithm and a heuristic to solve the land use design problem. Computational experience is reported for each algorithm.  相似文献   

Environmental assessments are on the critical path for the development of land, infrastructure and transportation systems. These assessments are based on planning methods which, in turn, are subject to continuous enhancement. The substantial impacts of transportation on environment, society and economy strongly urge the incorporation of sustainability into transportation planning. Two major developments that enhance transportation sustainability are new fuels and vehicle power systems. Traditional planning ignores technology including the large differences among conventional, hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles and buses. The introduction of alternative fuel vehicles is likely to change the traditional transportation planning process because different characteristics need to be taken into account. In this study a sustainability framework is developed that enables assessment of transportation vehicle characteristics. Identified indicators are grouped in five sustainability dimensions (Environment, Technology, Energy, Economy and Users). Our methodology joins life cycle impacts and a set of quantified indicators to assess the sustainability performance of seven popular light-duty vehicles and two types of transit buses. Bus Rapid Transit receives the highest sustainability index and the pickup truck the lowest. Hybrid electric vehicles are found to have the highest sustainability index among all other passenger vehicles. A sensitivity analysis shows the proposed sustainability dimensions produce robust sustainability assessment for several weighting scenarios. The results are both technology and policy sensitive, thus useful for both short- and long-term planning.  相似文献   

Techniques to improve freight car fleet use are of considerable interest to the railroad industry. In this paper, we present a fuzzy inventory control approach applied to the sizing of empty cars on a rail network. We address the problem of deciding the optimal inventory level and the optimal ordering quantity for a rail freight car fleet system in which demand and travel time are uncertain variables represented as triangular fuzzy numbers. Based on the fuzzy economic order quantity (EOQ) formula, a modified fuzzy EOQ model is set up and the optimal policy is developed using the signed distance method to defuzzify the fuzzy total cost. Computational results made for the Serbian rail network case verify the proposed model as well as the efficiency of the approach.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the multimodal network design problem (MMNDP) that optimizes the auto network expansion scheme and bus network design scheme in an integrated manner. The problem is formulated as a single-level mathematical program with complementarity constraints (MPCC). The decision variables, including the expanded capacity of auto links, the layout of bus routes, the fare levels and the route frequencies, are transformed into multiple sets of binary variables. The layout of transit routes is explicitly modeled using an alternative approach by introducing a set of complementarity constraints. The congestion interaction among different travel modes is captured by an asymmetric multimodal user equilibrium problem (MUE). An active-set algorithm is employed to deal with the MPCC, by sequentially solving a relaxed MMNDP and a scheme updating problem. Numerical tests on nine-node and Sioux Falls networks are performed to demonstrate the proposed model and algorithm.  相似文献   

Nahmias-Biran  Bat-hen  Shiftan  Yoram 《Transportation》2020,47(5):2287-2305
Transportation - The capability approach (CA) is a theoretical framework that emphasizes the moral significance of individuals’ capability to achieve outcomes that they value and have reason...  相似文献   

Maritime transportation, the primary mode for intercontinental movement of crude oil, accounts for 1.7 billion tons annually – bulk of which are carried via a fleet of large crude oil tankers. Although spectacular episodes such as Exxon Valdez underline the significant risk and tremendous cost associated with marine shipments of hazardous materials, maritime literature has focused only on the cost-effective scheduling of these tankers. It is important that oil transport companies consider risk, since the insurance premiums is contingent on the expected claim. Hence through this work, we present a mixed-integer optimization program – with operating cost and transport risk objectives, which could be used to prepare routes and schedules for a heterogeneous fleet of crude oil tankers. The bi-objective model was tested on a number of problem instances of realistic size, which were further analyzed to conclude that the cheapest route may not necessarily yield the lowest insurance premiums, and that larger vessels should be used if risk is more important as it enables better exploitation of the risk structure.  相似文献   

This paper presents and evaluates a branch and bound algorithm and two heuristic hill-climbing techniques to solve a discrete formulation of the optimal transportation network design problem. For practical applications it is proposed to combine a hill-climbing algorithm with a uniform random generation of the initial solutions, thereby inducing a statistical distribution of local optima. In order to determine when to stop sampling local optima and in order to provide an estimate of the exact optimum based on the whole distribution of local optima, we follow previous work and fit a Weibull distribution to the empirical distribution of local optima. Several extensions are made over previous work: in particular, a new confidence interval and a new stopping rule are proposed. The numerical application of the statistical optimization methodology to the network design algorithms consolidates the empirical validity of fitting a Weibull distribution to the empirical distribution of local optima. Numerical experiments with hill-climbing techniques of varying power suggest that the method is best applied with heuristics of intermediate quality: such heuristics provide many distinct sample points for statistical estimation while keeping the confidence intervals sufficiently narrow.  相似文献   

武汉长江隧道钢筋混凝土管片在开始生产之前,成立了QC质量攻关小组。小组运用QC方法,严格按照PDCA循环步骤,针对在管片生产过程中出现的质量问题,进行了大量的试验、研究及摸索,并采取有效措施对混凝土配合比及生产工艺等方面进行了改进,最终成功解决了质量问题。  相似文献   

Due to additional trip production by land use development, the O‐D travel costs between some O‐D pairs may also change intuitively. This leads to positive and negative impacts on network users traveling between different O‐D pairs. Therefore the equity issue about the benefit distribution gained from the land‐use development problem is raised. This paper proposes an Equity based Land‐Use Transportation Problem (ELUTP) which is intended to examine the benefit distribution among the network users and the resulting equity associated with land‐use development problem in terms of the change of equilibrium O‐D travel cost. In the resulting bi‐level programming model, the upper level sub‐problem maximizes traffic production incorporating equity constraints, while the lower level sub‐problem is a combined trip distribution/assignment user equilibrium problem. Genetic algorithm based method is applied to test the models using an example network.  相似文献   

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