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The distinctive feature of all ROFI (Regions Of Freshwater Influence) systems is the input of significant amounts of buoyancy as freshwater from river sources. If the spatial scale is unrestricted by coastal topography and stirring is weak, this input tends to drive a coast-parallel flow in which the Coriolis force constrains a wedge of low density water against the coastal boundary. Without frictional effects, this flow is subject to baroclinic instability which induces large meanders and eddies in the flow but in, many ROFIs, the tidal flow induces frictional effects which stabilise the density driven flow.In the absence of the effects of rotation and stirring, the buoyancy input tends to induce stratification through an estuarine circulation in the direction of the gradient. When stirring is applied, by the action of wind, waves or tidal flow, the density current is suppressed but is rapidly re-established when stirring ceases, as in the Linden-Simpson (1988) laboratory tank experiments. In real ROFI systems, a combination of all these processes operates so that the structure of the water column and the flow is the result of a competition between the stratifying influence of buoyancy input and the net stirring effect of the wind, waves and the tides. This competition is more difficult to analyse than the heating-stirring competition, because freshwater buoyancy input is not spatially uniform but enters at discrete sources along the coast and its subsequent spreading has to be determined.While the springs-neaps cycle in tidal stirring imposes a regular fortnightly modulation on vertical mixing, the influence of the wind is irregular and depends, not just on the magnitude of the stress, but also on the direction in which it acts. In some exposed shallow water situations there may also be significant stirring due to waves generated by non-local winds.ROFI systems are further complicated by the action of tidal straining in which differential advection, due to vertical shear in the tide, interacts with the density gradient to generate fluctuations in vertical stability at the tidal frequency which, in some cases, are of sufficient amplitude to switch the water column between stable stratification and vertical density homogeneity each tidal cycle. This straining along with the other ROFI processes have been incorporated into a series of 1-D models to provide a more objective test of the hypotheses about the mechanisms involved. Comparison of model hindcasts with observations indicate that we now have a first-order understanding of the complex behaviour of ROFIs.On a global scale it is clear that ROFIs represent an important component of the shelf-sea environment of particular concern in relation to the impact of pollutant discharges. To date, most studies of ROFI's have concentrated on systems in temperate latitudes but attention needs to be focused on the very extensive ROFIs in tropical regions where most of the world's river discharge enters the ocean. In monsoonal regions, these inputs exhibit strong seasonal modulation which may, in competition with tidal stirring, result in an annual cycle of stratification and the formation of fronts.  相似文献   

2010年1月1日至10日在长江口南支南港北槽航道弯道段内3个水文测站位CS1、CSW和CS8,观测得到大、中、 小潮的潮位、流速、盐度和含沙量的时间序列。这些资料揭示了由盐度和含沙量引起的垂向层化的大、小潮和涨、落潮的 潮周期变化特性。为定量了解航道弯道段水体的垂向混合程度,采用考虑含沙量后的水体密度来估算其梯度Richardson数 (Ri)。在转流时刻,CS1和CSW站位的量级为101 ~ 102,水体呈现层化状态;在涨急、落急时,Ri量级为10-2 ~ 10-1,水体呈 现强混合状态。CS8站位涨潮时的Ri在0.25~5,落潮时平均为10-2量级。3个水文测站位,涨潮时的层化均强于落潮时;大潮 时的层化程度最强,而小潮时的层化持续时间最长; 均存在潮汐应变的现象,且以非持久性的SIPS层化为主。采用Simpson 等[2]的公式,估算了长江口北槽航道弯道段内水体由河口环流、潮汐应变和潮汐搅动引起的势能变化率。潮汐应变是水体 层化的主要动力机制,而河口环流引起的势能变化率比潮汐应变和潮汐搅动引起的小102 ~ 103量级。  相似文献   

Columbia River tidal plume dynamics can be explained in terms of two asymmetries related to plume-front depth and internal wave generation. These asymmetries may be an important factor contributing to the observed greater primary productivity and phytoplankton standing crop on the Washington shelf. The tidal plume (the most recent ebb outflow from the estuary) is initially supercritical with respect to the frontal internal Froude number FR on strong ebbs. It is separated from the rotating plume bulge by a front, whose properties are very different under upwelling vs. downwelling conditions. Under summer upwelling conditions, tidal plume fronts are sharp and narrow (< 20–50 m wide) on their upwind or northern side and mark a transition from supercritical to subcritical flow for up to 12 h after high water. Such sharp fronts are a source of turbulent mixing, despite the strong stratification. Because the tidal plume may overlie newly upwelled waters, these fronts can mix nutrients into the plume. Symmetry would suggest that there should be a sharp front south of the estuary mouth under summer downwelling conditions. Instead, the downwelling tidal plume front is usually diffuse on its upstream side. Mixing is weaker, and the water masses immediately below are low in nutrients. There is also an upwelling–downwelling asymmetry in internal wave generation. During upwelling and weak wind conditions, plume fronts often generate trains of non-linear internal waves as they transition from a supercritical to a subcritical state. Under downwelling conditions, internal wave release is less common and the waves are less energetic. Furthermore, regardless of wind conditions, solition formation almost always begins on the south side of the plume so that the front “unzips” from south to north. This distinction is important, because these internal waves contribute to vertical mixing in the plume bulge and transport low-salinity water across the tidal plume into the plume bulge.FR and plume depth are key parameters in distinguishing the upwelling and downwelling situations, and these two asymmetries can be explained in terms of potential vorticity conservation. The divergence of the tidal outflow after it leaves the estuary embeds relative vorticity in the emerging tidal plume water mass. This vorticity controls the transition of the tidal plume front to a subcritical state and consequently the timing and location of internal wave generation by plume fronts.  相似文献   

Time series measurements of flow and pigment concentrations (Chl) in the Menai Strait have revealed that the strong residual flow in a tidal channel ( 500 m3 s− 1) transports phytoplankton from the open sea into the channel where much of it is consumed by suspension feeders, mainly in commercial beds of Mytilus edulis. The progressive depletion of phytoplankton along the channel results in a strong horizontal gradient of plankton and hence Chl. Tidal displacement of this gradient causes large (± 50% of mean) oscillations of Chl in the vicinity of the mussel beds. Vertical mixing by the strong tidal flows is sufficiently vigorous for most of the tidal cycle to ensure that downward diffusion can resupply the near-bed layer although there are indications of some transient depletion around slack water.This paradigm of the interaction of advection, diffusion and filtration determining the distribution of plankton and its supply to mussels has been encapsulated in a series of simple models forced only by boundary values. In the first, a 1-D model of tidal flow in the channel reproduces the principal features of the observed currents including the unusually large spatial change in phase of the currents and the variation of the residual transport with tidal range. The flow field from this physical model is used to drive a second model based on the advection diffusion equation for Chl with a source at the Irish Sea boundary and a sink over the mussel bed. This model illustrates the formation of a strong Chl gradient along the channel and simulates the amplitude and phase of the M2 oscillations of Chl and the development of the M4 variation apparent in the observations. This second model has been extended to 2-D over the mussel beds to allow investigation of the effects of water column mixing. The model indicates that only for a short period ( 30 min), close to slack water, is mixing sufficiently reduced to permit the development of a depletion boundary layer and then only within  1 m from the bottom, a result which is consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

We report on an intensive campaign in the summer of 2006 to observe turbulent energy dissipation in the vicinity of a tidal mixing front which separates well mixed and seasonally stratified regimes in the western Irish Sea. The rate of turbulent dissipation ε was observed on a section across the front by a combination of vertical profiles with the FLY dissipation profiler and horizontal profiles by shear sensors mounted on an AUV (Autosub). Mean flow conditions and stratification were obtained from a bed mounted ADCP and a vertical chain of thermistors on a mooring. During an Autosub mission of 60 h, the vehicle, moving at a speed of ~ 1.2 m s− 1, completed 10 useable frontal crossings between end points which were allowed to move with the mean flow. The results were combined with parallel measurements of the vertical profile of ε which were made using FLY for periods of up to 13 h at positions along the Autosub track. The two data sets, which show a satisfactory degree of consistency, were combined to elucidate the space–time variation of dissipation in the frontal zone. Using harmonic analysis, the spatial structure of dissipation was separated from the strong time dependent signal at the M4 tidal frequency to yield a picture of the cross-frontal distribution of energy dissipation. A complementary picture of the frontal velocity field was obtained from a moored ADCP and estimates of the mean velocity derived from the thermal wind using the observed density distribution. which indicated the presence of a strong (0.2 m s− 1) jet-like flow in the high gradient region of the front. Under neap tidal conditions, mean dissipation varied across the section by 3 orders of magnitude exceeding 10− 2 W m− 3 near the seabed in the mixed regime and decreasing to 10− 5 W m− 3. in the strongly stratified interior regime. The spatial pattern of dissipation is consistent in general form with the predictions of models of tidal mixing and does not reflect any strong influence by the frontal jet.  相似文献   

A physical and numerical study is made of the processes governing the stratification and circulation in ROFIs (Regions of Freshwater Influence) where there is an important impact of wind and tides. Observations in the Rhine ROFI showed that the salinity field consists of a mean and a tidally oscillating part. The physical processes are first analysed using the analytical solutions from a one-dimensional two-layer model. A justification is given for the neglection of non-linear advective terms in the equations of momentum and salinity. The dimensionless forms of the solutions can be expressed in terms of a series of dimensionless numbers. It is shown in particular that stratification and cross-shore circulation largely depend on the balance between rotation and turbulent diffusion, which depends in turn on parameters such as the Ekman number, the bottom friction coefficient, the eddy viscosity ratio and the depth of the layer interface. Surface winds either enhance or destroy stratification depending on the wind angle. The response to wind forcing is discussed using classical Ekman theory. To verify the analytical theory numerical tests are performed with a point model including an advanced turbulence closure scheme. Differences arise due to the non-linear interaction between turbulence on the one hand and current shear and stratification on the other hand. It is shown in particular that the amplitude of the tidal forcing and the off-shore horizontal salinity gradient strongly affect the semi-diurnal and semi-monthly variation of stratification. The effect of the wind is found to be in good agreement with the analysis of the two-layer model. Finally, the numerical model is compared with existing observational data in the Rhine ROFI for October 1990.  相似文献   

The outflow of Rhine water into the shallow Southern Bight of the North Sea leads to almost discontinuous vertical density distributions and sharp frontal structures around the river mouth. Strong tidal motion, wind and baroclinic effects have large influence on the dynamics and dispersion of river water. A three-dimensional tidal model, including advective and diffusive transport of salinity, is used in the two-layer mode for simulation of Rhine water outflow to quantify the interaction of the different processes and the effect on dispersion and mixing of river water. Layer depths are adjusted in a way that no advective transports between upper and lower layer take place in case of sufficiently stable stratification. In case of weak or no stratification the upper layer depth is fixed, and advective transports between layers are computed. Model results show frontal eddy development and (limited) growing internal waves due to baroclinic instability. Comparisons with observational data are presented.  相似文献   

The development, calibration and validation of a two-dimensional finite element model for the Venice Lagoon is described. The model uses a staggered grid for the spatial integration of the water levels and velocities. A semi-implicit numerical time stepping scheme is implemented, which guarantees unconditional stability for the gravity wave propagation. Because of the shallow depths in the lagoon, the model deals also with areas where flooding and drying occur.A first calibration of the model has been performed against harmonic constants of 12 tide gauges located in the lagoon. After this calibration, model output shows a good agreement with a set of water level data referring to a period of calm winds and to another data set of water level data measured in 38 stations during a period of strong winds.Meteorological data and river discharges are used to set up a 1-year long simulation that models the salinity and temperature fields. The temperature time evolution is well simulated. Comparison of model output to salinity data is not straightforward, since input data for the main rivers that discharge freshwater into the lagoon is not available for the year of reference. However, yearly averages of observed values of salinity are in a reasonable agreement with results of a climatological simulation.The presented model shows good propagation of the tidal wave and stability characteristics. It is the first step for a comprehensive model of the Venice Lagoon that deals not only with hydrodynamic variables, but also with sediment transport and ecological processes.  相似文献   

Mixing over the steep side of the Cycladic Plateau in the Aegean Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Intensive microstructure sampling over the southern slope of the Cycladic Plateau found very weak mixing in the pycnocline, centered on a thin minimum of diapycnal diffusivity with Kρ=1.5×10−6 m2 s− 1. Below the pycnocline, Kρ increased exponentially in the bottom 200 m, reaching 1 × 10− 4 m2 s− 1 a few meters above the bottom. Near-bottom mixing was most intense where the bottom slope equaled the characteristic slope of the semi-diurnal internal tide. This suggests internal wave scattering and/or generation at the bottom, a conclusion supported by near-bottom dissipation rates increasing following rising winds and with intensifying internal waves. Several pinnacles on the slope were local mixing hotspots. Signatures included a vertical line of strong mixing in a pinnacle's wake, an hydraulic jump or lee wave over a downstream side of the summit, and a ‘beam’ sloping upward at the near-inertial characteristic slope. Because dissipation rate averages were dominated by strong turbulence, ?/νN2 > 100, the effect on Kρ of alternate mixing efficiencies proposed for this range of turbulent intensity is explored.  相似文献   

In order to study the influence of wind mixing on the spring variability of the plankton production of the north western Corsican coastal area, a one-dimensional (1D), vertical, coupled hydrodynamic/biological model (ECOHYDROMV) is used. A hydrodynamic 1D model of the water column with a kl turbulent closure is applied. The biological model comprises six state variables, representing the plankton ecosystem in the spring period: phytoplankton, copepods, nitrate, ammonium, particulate organic matter of phytoplanktonic origin and particulate organic matter of zooplanktonic origin. The system is influenced by turbulence (expressed by the vertical eddy diffusivity), temperature and irradiance. The model takes into account momentum and heat surface fluxes computed from meteorological data in order to simulate a typical spring atmospheric forcing for the considered area. Results show that primary production vertical structure is characterised by a subsurface maximum which deepens with time and is regulated by the opposite gradients of nitrate concentration and irradiance. Surface plankton productivity is mainly controlled by turbulent vertical transport of nutrients into the mixed layer. The short time scale variability of turbulent mixing generated by the wind appears to be responsible for the plurimodal shape of plankton blooms, observed in the considered area. Furthermore, the model is applied to the study of the spring evolution of the plankton communities off the bay of Calvi (Corsica) for the years 1986 and 1988. In order to initiate and validate the model, time series of hydrological, chemical and biological data have been used. The model reproduces accurately the spring evolution of the phytoplankton biomass measured in situ and illustrates that its strong variability in those years was in close relation to the variability of the wind intensity.  相似文献   

对长江潮区界与潮流界的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长江感潮河段长达上千公里,半日潮波自河口溯江而上可直抵安徽安庆以上。在这一河段内,以潮区界划分有潮与无潮区,以潮流界划分水流特性转变区,因此,它们位于何处,对于该地区的经济开发、农业规划、生态环境、航行交通、航道工程、港口建设、航行安全与科学发展等关系密切,意义重大。根据实地调查及其收集的大量资料,经数值模拟与调和分析,皆与实测资料验证,取得重要成果:长江潮区界位于安庆与南京之间,潮流界位于镇江与江心沙之间。但是,这一新概念与传统概念迥然不同,即一般认为,长江潮区界位于安徽铜陵与芜湖之间,而潮流界位于江阴以下。  相似文献   

大连太平湾海域潮位特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
范东华 《水道港口》2013,(6):533-536
根据太平湾海域实测潮位资料,对该海域的潮汐性质、潮位特征值、理论最低潮面、平均海平面、设计高水位、设计低水位等进行了分析计算。结果表明:太平湾海区的潮汐属不正规半日混合潮性质,日潮不等现象明显;平均海平面在国家85基面下0.05 m,理论最低潮面在国家85基面下1.70 m;设计高水位1.62 m,设计低水位-1.36 m(国家85基面)。  相似文献   

Long-term measurements of the water flow at three Venice Lagoon inlets with the bottom-mounted ADCPs show that the main part of the variance (>90%) is associated with the tidal variability. Semi-diurnal constituents (mainly M2 and S2) are responsible for about 80% of the flow variance. Phase-lag between the axial current and sea-level is on the order of 2 h for M2 and 4 h for the K1, the maximum inflow leading the sea-level maximum. Phase-difference of tidal flows between inlets shows that Chioggia leads both Malamocco and Lido, suggesting that tidal signal progresses northward, thus in the opposite direction of both the semi-diurnal and diurnal tidal signals in the open Adriatic currents. The sea-level slope between the open sea and the lagoon interior controls the inlet flow, which is due to the time lag being constant for all tidal constituents. It was shown that tidal oscillations at Punta Salute (lagoon interior) lag those in Lido by about 45 min. The pressure gradient due to the sea-level slope generates the flow acceleration. Only for large current speeds (>0.5 m/s), the bottom friction term becomes equally important as the local acceleration and the horizontal pressure gradient terms. Wind effects manifest as a remote forcing through Adriatic seiches at semi-diurnal and diurnal scales, and as a local forcing at very long time scales on the order of a month. This latter mechanism is limited to a winter period (November–January). Seiches are present over the entire year, being however, more energetic and frequent during autumn and winter.  相似文献   

We have analysed the mesozooplankton community structure in the southern Bay of Biscay shelf and its relationship with the hydrographic conditions during spring 2004. According to thermohaline characteristics, we observed two frontal zones of distinct origin along the shelf (around 7° and 3°W), that allowed us to differentiate three different hydrographic domains. The westernmost part of the shelf (WC), defined by the presence of relatively warm and salty water related to the presence of the Iberian Poleward Current (IPC), the easternmost region (EC), characterized by colder and fresher water and subject to the influence of freshwater inputs from the Adour river in the French coast, and a region in the Central Cantabrian Sea (CC), where thermohaline characteristics were intermediate between these two extremes. The mixing layer depth (MLD) regime in these areas was also different: the WC region was characterized by a mixed water column, whereas in the EC region the river discharges produces stratification of the upper meters of the water column (< 10 m); in the CC region, we found a distinct vertical mixing regime that separated coastal (stratification) from shelf (mixed water column) stations, giving rise to a notorious across-shelf front. We found a good match between the aforesaid hydrographic regions and the distribution of mesozooplankton species composition and community assemblages: the Mantel correlation between physical variables and mesozooplankton distribution was highly significant (n = 63, r = 0.70, α < 0.001). In the WC region, the community was dominated by Paracalanus parvus, Oithona helgolandica, Acartia clausi and Clausocalanus pergens, while in the EC region the most dominant species were Noctiluca scintillans, Oncaea media and Temora longicornis. The CC region showed similar composition of copepods than the WC region, but larvaceans (Oikopleura spp. and Fritillaria spp.) were more abundant in the CC region than in the WC region. Within each zone, the relative abundances of the dominant species differed between coastal and shelf locations.  相似文献   

秦皇岛海域水文泥沙特征分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
王中起  韩志远  严冰 《水道港口》2010,31(4):247-252
基于现场实测水文泥沙资料和水深测图资料,对秦皇岛海域的水文泥沙特征进行了分析。分析结果表明:研究海区靠近半日潮无潮点,潮差小,潮流动力较弱,水体含沙量低,泥沙来源有限,泥沙运动不活跃,岸滩整体保持稳定。秦皇岛海域水文泥沙环境较好,为海岸带开发利用提供了良好的条件。研究成果可作为本海域海岸开发利用的基础资料和依据。  相似文献   

我国东部沿海平均潮差分布特征及变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国沿海地区面积广阔,受多种因素的影响,平均潮差的分布及变化特征相当复杂。由此,利用我国东部沿海地区21个验潮站连续1 a的逐时实测潮位资料,统计其年平均潮差及月平均潮差,并由此分析了年平均潮差在我国东部沿海的分布特征及月平均潮差变化规律。结果显示我国东部沿海平均潮差的分布及变化除受天文因素的影响,径流以及海湾形态亦是重要的影响因素。沿海地区,在天文因子作用下,月平均潮差呈现明显的规律性变化,但在河口内及受非周期性因素影响严重海域,月平均潮差变化规律则比较复杂。  相似文献   

In 1992, scientists at National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) sites proposed establishing a national coordinated monitoring program that would attempt to identify and track short-term variability and long-term changes in representative estuarine ecosystems and coastal watersheds. Known as the NERR System-Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP), it currently consists of monitoring water quality and atmospheric variables over a range of spatial and temporal scales. Additional monitoring of ecological resources and land-water use will follow in subsequent components of the program. Water quality monitoring at NERR sites includes measurements of pH, conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and water level. The NERR sites use data loggers that record at 30-minute intervals and relay measurements to internal memory. Standardized protocols assure that sampling, processing, and data management techniques are comparable among sites. Statistical techniques are being used to identify periodicity in water quality variables. Periodic regression analysis indicated that diel periodicity in dissolved oxygen is a larger source of variation than tidal periodicity at sites with less tidal amplitude. Tidal periodicity, however, is more important at sites with a tidal amplitude greater than 1 m. This finding suggests that natural processes controlling dissolved oxygen levels differ among sites depending upon tidal amplitude. Water quality data from the NERR SWMP have also been used to investigate occurrence of hypoxia. Results from analysis of water quality at several reserves indicate that hypoxia occurs but that the percentage of time that dissolved oxygen was less than 28% saturation varied substantially among sites and between years. Most of the hypoxic events occurred in summer but were also observed in winter and fall when low dissolved oxygen is usually not considered a problem. Without continuous monitoring by the NERR SWMP, many low dissolved oxygen events would have been missed, thus underestimating the duration and potential impact of this type of water quality variability. The NERR SWMP provides a unique opportunity to increase our understanding of how various environmental factors influence estuarine processes. Only by understanding how estuaries function and change naturally over time will we be able to predict how these systems respond to changes in climate and human-induced perturbations.  相似文献   

Water wave impacts on jacket structures would result in heavy impulse loads, which induce strong vibrations because of the low damping characteristics of metallic members. In order to resist the wave-impact and suppress the vibration of structures, a novel steel brace that contains a multilayered multistable (MLMS) column is designed for an adjustable product of sufficient stiffness and high damping. According to finite element simulating, the initial stiffness of the MLMS column was almost same as that of the multistable steel column [1], but the energy dissipation was several times larger than that of this column. To understand the hysteresis mechanism of the MLMS column, we performed a hybrid analysis of multilayer lamination and mixed boundary buckling and noted: the soft layer of the MLMS column conducts the neutral axis and bending stiffness, which controls critical buckling load that decides the highness of the hysteresis loop; the eccentric end caps mediates the loading axis of the MLMS column, which induces in the increment of the postbuckling displacement that broadens the width of the hysteresis loop. So, the displacement-force hysteretic relation of the MLMS column can be effectually adjusted by the appropriate physical parameters of the soft layer and the end caps, which is validated by parameter analysis using FEM. Through FEM simulations, we studied a jacket structure assembled with dissipative braces containing MLMS column, which exhibited a several times increment in the decay rate of impact-induced vibration compared to that of the same jacket platform with existing dissipative columns [1]. This study demonstrated the MLMS column is an effective alternative for obtaining high structural stiffness and high damping in marine engineering.  相似文献   

通过潮流泥沙及水体交换数学模型试验,模拟了茂名市水东湾综合整治工程实施后湾内流场变化、水体交换能力及泥沙淤积情况。研究结果表明,方案实施后,潮汐通道内平均流速最大可增加0.1~0.4 m/s,且湾内水体交换能力大幅提升,月交换率从现状的65%提高到86%左右。此外,由于湾内泥沙来源不足,方案实施后正常年淤积十分有限,平均年淤强仅0.15 m/a。总体而言,综合整治方案是有效的。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional finite difference tidal model, including advective and diffusive transport of salinity, is used in the two-layer model for simulation of Rhine water outflow. Layer depths are adjusted in a way that no advective transports between upper and lower layer take place in case of sufficiently stable stratification.Model results show frontal eddy development related to (limited) growing internal waves in case of weak northeasterly to southeasterly winds. It is shown that baroclinically unstable conditions occur, related to vertical velocity shear, resulting in frontal meanders with wave lengths between 18 and 30 km. Satellite images of sea surface temperature show a comparable behaviour of the temperature front, which is strongly correlated with the salinity front of the Rhine plume.  相似文献   

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