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Subjective well-being related to satisfaction with daily travel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous research demonstrates an impact on subjective well-being (SWB) of affect associated with routine performance of out-of-home activities. A primary aim of the present study is to investigate whether satisfaction with daily travel has a positive impact on SWB, either directly or indirectly through facilitating the performance of out-of-home activities. A secondary aim is to determine whether emotional-symbolic or instrumental reasons for car use results in higher satisfaction with daily travel than other travel modes. A survey of a population-based sample of 1,330 Swedish citizens included measures of car access and use, satisfaction with daily travel, satisfaction with performance of out-of-home routine activities, and affective and cognitive SWB. The results confirmed that the effect on affective and cognitive SWB of satisfaction with daily travel is both direct and indirect via satisfaction with performance of activities. Percent weekly car use had a small effect on satisfaction with daily travel and on affective SWB, although fully mediating the effect of satisfaction with performance of the activities. This suggests that car use plays a minor role for satisfaction with daily travel and its effect on SWB. This role may be larger if investigated after a forced reduced car use.  相似文献   

Out-of-home activities,daily travel,and subjective well-being   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is argued that utility theory that underpins current cost-benefit analyses of daily travel needs to be complemented. An alternative theoretical framework is to this end proposed which applies subjective well-being (SWB) to travel behaviour analysis. It is posited in this theoretical framework that participation in goal-directed activities, facilitated or hindered by travel, contributes to SWB, that the degree of travel-related stress in participating in these activities reduces SWB, and that positive affect associated with travel in itself has an impact on SWB.  相似文献   

A psychological scaling technique, magnitude estimation, is used to rate time spent on various elements of bus transit trips. Relative values of time are found for in-vehicle portions of trips, walking, waiting and transferring. Because magnitude estimation produces a ratio scale, results can be directly incorporated into modal choice analyses, route planning and evaluation procedures where monetary values of time are not necessarily required.  相似文献   


At present, customized subarea models have been widely used in local transportation planning throughout the USA. A subarea model's biggest strengths lie in its more detailed and accurate modeling outputs which better meet local planning requirements. In addition, a subarea model can substantially reduce database size and model running time. In spite of these advantages, subarea models remain quite weak in modeling transit projects, smart growth measures, air quality conformity, and other areas. In addition to evaluating subarea models, this paper uses the Irvine Transportation Analysis Model (ITAM) as an empirical case of subarea model to illustrate the remedial procedures in maintaining its consistency with the regional model of the Orange County Transportation Analysis Model (OCTAM). Looking into the future, subarea models face both opportunities and challenges. More GIS applications, travel surveys, micro-simulation software utilization, and modeling improvements are expected to be incorporated into the subarea modeling process.  相似文献   


Studies of the connections between transportation and subjective well-being (SWB) require a clear understanding of the conceptual composition of travel-related SWB as well as psychometric instruments to measure these complex topics. Well-established psychological scales for measuring general SWB—including both hedonic (affective and cognitive) and eudaimonic aspects—are difficult to adapt or have yet to be tested in the travel domain. Existing measures of travel liking and travel satisfaction are somewhat inadequate for these purposes, especially for representing eudaimonia. Using a questionnaire survey of 680 commuters in the Portland, Oregon, region, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses examined responses to a total of 42 items. Results suggested four-factor measurement models of both travel affect (Enjoyment, Attentiveness, Distress, and Fear) and travel eudaimonia (Health, Competence, Autonomy, and Security). Despite some limitations and opportunities for enhancements, these models show promise as ways of measuring affective and eudaimonic SWB in the travel domain for future studies and travel surveys.


Habitual travel behaviour: Evidence from a six-week travel diary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper introduces different methods to measure similarity of travel behaviour addressing the question of how repetitious travel behaviour actually is. It compares empirical results of the different methods based on the data from a six-week travel diary. In general, the results show that the day-to-day behaviour is more variable if measured with trip-based methods instead of methods based on time budgets. Furthermore, it is confirmed that the similarity declines if the method captures more of the complexity of the travel pattern. It is also shown that travel behaviour is neither totally repetitious nor totally variable. Even for the whole observation period, it is demonstrated that two days always have some common elements. Additionally, it is found that the different methods yield the same pattern of variability for different types of day. Travel behaviour is clearly more stable on work days. Similar results for all methods are also obtained concerning the question of how long the minimum period of observation should be. All measures show that the period should not be less than two weeks if one aims at measuring variability.  相似文献   

A large body of research on the interactions of telecommunications and transportation has emerged in recent years, an outcome of the pace of development in electronics technology. Three types of interactions are noted: substitution, complementarity and enhancement, by order of their popularity. The paper reviews the knowledge on the relationships between the two systems through the analysis of applications of telecommunications technology for remote work, teleconferencing, teleservices, mobile communications and electronic mail transfer. It points to the importance of assessing future modifications of travel rather than focusing on the promises of substitution. The review also assesses the methods applied in this area and suggests further research, in view of some conceptual and practical issues.  相似文献   

In this introduction to the special issue on habitual travel choice, we provide a brief account of the role of habit in travel behaviour, discuss more generally what habitual choice is, and briefly review the issues addressed in the solicited papers. These issues include how habitual travel behaviour should be measured, how to model the learning process that makes travel choice habitual, and how to break and replace car-use habits.  相似文献   

Business travel accounted in the UK in 2010 for 3% of trips and 10% of the UK’s domestic distance travelled (Department for Transport, 2011, p. 4). However, it is an under researched area, even though in major cities, where transport networks are most congested, it forms a higher proportion of trips. The paper presents the findings of a study of changing business travel practices and policies affecting the briefcase traveller. The findings are drawn from semi-structured interviews with key actors in stakeholder and private sector organisations based predominately in London and a survey of 150 business travellers. The study was designed to understand the motivations and attitudes towards reducing business travel and the compromises that needed to be made to balance reducing carbon emissions and cost, whilst maintaining or improving productivity and meeting the requirements of the business.The main findings show the approaches and implications of these approaches to reduce carbon emissions and costs, improve productivity and the impact of ICT. The findings show the importance of external reporting through the Carbon Reduction Commitment, the Carbon Disclosure Project and corporate responsibility reports as a motivator to develop new policies. The paper goes on to outline how some factors can be both barriers and motivations for change, such as customers insisting on meeting their suppliers face-to-face, but also requiring information on carbon emissions as part of the Carbon Disclosure Project. Individuals can also be both a barrier and a motivator to change. The role of existing travel and meeting habits and the view of some that travelling is a perk linked to status symbols have proved to be a hard barriers to overcome. However, a technically literate younger generation used to communicating virtually have challenged these practices.  相似文献   

A negative effect of congestion that tends to be overlooked is travel time uncertainty. Travel time uncertainty causes scheduling costs due to early or late arrival. The negative effects of travel time uncertainty can be reduced by providing travellers with travel time information, which improves their estimate of the expected travel time, thereby reducing scheduling costs. In order to assess the negative effects of uncertainty and the benefits of travel time information, this paper proposes a conceptual model of departure time choice under travel time uncertainty and information. The model is based on expected utility theory, and includes the variation in travel time, the quality of travel time information and travellers’ perception of the travel time. The model is illustrated by an application to the case of the A2 motorway between Beesd and Utrecht in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

So-called ‘soft’ policy instruments that respond to the psychological aspects of travel are regularly acknowledged as necessary complements to ‘hard’ infrastructure investments to effectively promote sustainable travel in cities. While studies investigating subjective orientations among travellers have proliferated, open questions remain including the role of recent technological advances, the expansion of alternative mobility services, locally specific mobility cultures and residential selection. This paper presents the methods, results and policy implications of a comparative study aiming to understand mobility attitudes and behaviours in the wider metropolitan regions of Berlin and London. We specifically considered information and communication technology (ICT), new types of mobility services such as car sharing, electric cars and residential preferences. In each region, we identified six comparable segments with distinct attitudinal profiles, socio-demographic properties and behavioural patterns. Geocoding of the home address of respondents further revealed varying contextual opportunities and constraints that are likely to influence travel attitudes. We find that there is significant potential for uptake of sustainable travel practices in both metropolitan regions, if policy interventions are designed and targeted in accordance with group-specific needs and preferences and respond to local conditions of mobility culture. We identify such interventions for each segment and region and conclude that comparative assessment of attitudinal, alongside geographical, characteristics of metropolitan travellers can provide better strategic input for realistic scenario-building and ex-ante assessment of sustainable transport policy.  相似文献   

Life-style and travel demand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(Added to the original text) A fundamental solution to the issue of congestion cannot be reached without addressing the question of life-style. This paper reviews the definitions of life-style found in the literature, and identifies variables that have been commonly associated with life-style. Using US consumer expenditure data, life-styles are analyzed longitudinally (examining trends during the 1953–1983 time frame) and cross-sectionally (comparing segments of the population stratified by income, life-cycle stage, and age), and likely relationships to travel behavior are noted. The usefulness of existing empirical findings to long-range forecasting is explored by speculating on shifts of behavioral units across life-style segments, and on shifts in the behavioral patterns within each life-style segment.  相似文献   

This article reviews empirical studies of how employer-paid parking affects employees' travel choices. A strong effect is found: parking subsidies greatly increase solo driving. When employers reduce or remove parking subsidies, a significant number of solo drivers shift to carpools and/or transit. This conclusion is based on studies of parking subsidies in a variety of circumstances, including central city and suburban areas, private and public employers, and clerical and professional employees. Three measures are developed to compare changes in commute patterns: changes in the share of solo drivers. changes in the number of autos driven to work per 100 employees, and the parking price elasticity of demand for solo driving. The studies reviewed here show that 19 to 81 percent fewer employees drive to work alone when they pay for their own parking. Because 90 percent of American commuters who drive to work receive employer-paid parking, these findings are significant for designing transportation policies to reduce air pollution, traffic congestion, and energy consumption.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in understanding and achieving changes in travel behaviour, but a focus on individual behaviour change may overlook the potential for achieving change via transformation at the levels of institutions, cultures and societies – the domains of sociological inquiry. In this paper, we review sociological contributions to the literature on travel and ‘mobilities’. We summarise four key themes which supplement or contradict arguments made in mainstream transport debates on behaviour change. The first involves focusing on travel ‘practices’ as social entities with dynamics of their own, rather than on individual behaviours. The second relates to the changing natures of societies, and the implications for travel. The third explores and interprets the issue of car dependence in ways which highlight the ethical, experiential and emotional dimensions associated with car use, its symbolic role in societies increasingly concerned with consumption, and its differing roles within different cultures. Finally, the ‘new mobilities paradigm’ highlights issues such as the increasing links between travel and new technologies, and the primacy of social networks in influencing travel decisions. These themes emphasise the importance of understanding the broader contexts in which travel choices are made. In particular, the implication is that the creation of more sustainable travel patterns will require changes at a range of social levels, not simply in individual behaviours, and that changes to transport will inevitably be linked with, and influenced by, broader changes in the values and practices developed by societies as a whole.  相似文献   

Values lie at the heart of an individual’s belief system, serving as prototypes from which attitudes and behaviors are subsequently manufactured. Attitudes and behaviors may evolve over time, but values represent a set of more enduring beliefs. This study examines the influence of values on travel mode choice behavior. It is argued that personal values influence individual attitudes towards different alternative attributes, which in turn impact modal choices. Using data from a sample of 519 German commuters drawn from a consumer panel, the study estimates an integrated choice and latent variable model of travel mode choice that allows for hierarchical relationships between the latent variables and flexible substitution patterns across the modal alternatives. Results from the empirical application support the value-attitude-behavior hierarchical model of cognition, and provide insights to planners and policy-makers on how better to sell public transit as a means of travel.  相似文献   

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technologies have been used in conjunction with traditional one- or two-day travel diaries to audit respondent reporting patterns, but we used GPS-based monitoring to conduct the first assessment to our knowledge of travel reporting patterns using a seven-day travel log instrument, which could reduce response burden and provide multiple-day, policy-relevant information for evaluation studies. We found substantial agreement between participant-reported daily travel patterns and GPS-derived patterns among 116 adult residents of a largely low-income and non-white transportation corridor in urbanized Los Angeles in 2011–2013. For all modes, the average difference between daily GPS- and log-derived trip counts was only about 0.39 trips and the average difference between daily GPS- and log-derived walking duration was about −11.8 min. We found that the probability that a day would be associated with agreement or discrepancies between these measurement tools varied by travel mode and participant socio-demographic characteristics. Future research is needed to investigate the potential and limitations of this and other self-report instruments for a larger sample and a wider range of population groups and travel patterns.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the problem of conflicting travel time and emissions minimization in context of daily travel decisions. The conflict occurs because the least travel time option does not always lead to least emissions for the trip. Experiments are designed and conducted to collect data on daily trips. Random parameter (mixed) logit models accounting for correlations among repeated observations are estimated to find the trade-off between emissions and travel time. Our results show that the trade-off values vary with contexts such as route and departure time choice scenarios. Further, we find that the trade-off values are different for population groups representing male, female, individuals from high income households, and individuals who prefer bike for daily commute. Based on the findings, several policies are proposed that can help to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transportation networks. This is one of the first exploratory studies that analyzes travel decisions and the corresponding trade-off when emissions related information are provided to the road users.  相似文献   

In the past few decades, travel patterns have become more complex and policy makers demand more detailed information. As a result, conventional data collection methods seem no longer adequate to satisfy all data needs. Travel researchers around the world are currently experimenting with different Global Positioning System (GPS)-based data collection methods. An overview of the literature shows the potential of these methods, especially when algorithms that include spatial data are used to derive trip characteristics from the GPS logs. This article presents an innovative method that combines GPS logs, Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and an interactive web-based validation application. In particular, this approach concentrates on the issue of deriving and validating trip purposes and travel modes, as well as allowing for reliable multi-day data collection. In 2007, this method was used in practice in a large-scale study conducted in the Netherlands. In total, 1104 respondents successfully participated in the one-week survey. The project demonstrated that GPS-based methods now provide reliable multi-day data. In comparison with data from the Dutch Travel Survey, travel mode and trip purpose shares were almost equal while more trips per tour were recorded, which indicates the ability of collecting trips that are missed by paper diary methods.  相似文献   

Yu Ding  Huapu Lu 《Transportation》2017,44(2):311-324
Accompanying the widespread use of the Internet, the popularity of e-commerce is growing in developing countries such as China. Online shopping has significant effects on in-store shopping and on other personal activity travel behavior such as leisure activities and trip chaining behavior. Using data collected from a GPS-based activity travel diary in the Shangdi area of Beijing, this paper investigates the relationships between online shopping, in-store shopping and other dimensions of activity travel behavior using a structural equation modelling framework. Our results show that online buying frequency has positive effects on the frequencies of both in-store shopping and online searching, and in-store shopping frequency positively affects the frequency of online searching. Frequent online purchasers tend to shop in stores on weekends rather than weekdays. We also found a negative effect of online buying on the frequency of leisure activities, indicating that online shopping may reduce out-of-home leisure trips.  相似文献   

This study investigates the determinants of peoples desire to increase or decrease the amount of travel they do. We use data from 1,357 working commuters, residents of three different neighborhoods in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. The dependent variables are indicators of Relative Desired Mobility for ten categories of travel (short- and long-distance overall and by several mode- and purpose-specific categories). These variables are measured on a five-point ordinal scale ranging from much less to much more, through which the respondents indicated the amount of travel they want to do (in the category in question) compared to what they are doing now. Censored ordered probit models were developed for these variables, with explanatory variables including general travel attitudes, specific liking for travel in each of the same separate categories, objective and subjective measures of the amount currently traveled in each category, and personality, lifestyle, and socio-demographic characteristics. The results support the hypotheses that the liking for travel has a strong positive impact, and subjective qualitative assessments of mobility have a strong negative impact, on the desire to increase ones travel. Finally, a number of general types of effects on Relative Desired Mobility were identified, among them complementarity and substitution effects. The results of this study can provide policy makers and researchers with new and valuable insight into key principles that affect individual travel demand.  相似文献   

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