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In the framework of the Italian Research Programme in Antarctica (PNRA) an oceanographic cruise was carried out between December 2000 and February 2001 in the Western Ross Sea. n-Alkanes and PAHs concentrations were analysed in sea-water samples collected at different depths at four sites (D, B, CA2, and CA). Vertical profiles of pressure, temperature, salinity and fluorescence were also performed in order to distinguish the water masses present in the sampling areas. n-Alkanes concentrations were consistent with those found in the same area during previous expeditions and showed higher values in the particulate due to the low temperatures. n-Alkanes profiles exhibited different features in the dissolved and particulate phases. The dissolved phase was characterised by a bimodal distribution with two maxima at C16 and C24 and prevalent compounds in the range C15–C32 whereas particulate was strongly dominated by long chain n-alkanes C23–C34 with C24 (Site B, CA and CA2) or C32 (Site B) as Cmax. CPI values and Pr/Ph ratios suggested a prevalent biogenic origin for aliphatic hydrocarbons. n-Alkanes vertical distributions were affected by the dynamic of the pack-ice melting and phytoplankton activity as well by the chemical–physical properties of water masses. Higher n-alkanes values were found in the High Salinity Shelf Waters (HSSW), lower n-alkanes values were found in the Antarctic Surface Waters (AASW) and Modified Circumpolar Deep Water (MCDW).The low PAHs concentration levels confirmed the still pristine character of the Antarctic environment. Neither particular trend in total PAHs concentrations along the water column and nor correlations with the most characteristic water masses of the investigated area of the Ross Sea were observed, except that total PAH higher concentrations were generally observed in correspondence of HSSW.  相似文献   

The East Sea (Sea of Japan) is a unique marginal sea because it exhibits features of oceanic dynamics of much larger ocean basins. This semi-enclosed basin may be considered as a model or microcosm for understanding of how biological processes and distributions in pelagic ecosystem are interacting with physical processes in highly dynamic ocean regions. This overview summarizes the recent progresses concerning spatial and temporal variability of pelagic ecosystem components form an interdisciplinary point of view. Spatial characteristics of physical environments and biogeography in the region are distinguished mainly by the subpolar front. It was also found that long-term changes in biomass and community structure as well as those in the physical and biological environments are associated with climate variability in the region. We conclude by identifying main needs for the information and researches, particularly regular and long-term sampling, and permanent monitoring if possible.  相似文献   

We use hydrographic, current, and microstructure measurements, and tide-forced ocean models, to estimate benthic and interfacial mixing impacting the evolution of a bottom-trapped outflow of dense shelf water from the Drygalski Trough in the northwestern Ross Sea. During summer 2003 an energetic outflow was observed from the outer shelf ( 500 m isobath) to the  1600 m isobath on the continental slope. Outflow thickness was as great as  200 m, and mean speeds were  0.6 m s− 1 relative to background currents exceeding  1 m s− 1 that were primarily tidal in origin. No outflow was detected on the slope in winter 2004, although a thin layer of dense shelf water was present on the outer shelf. When the outflow was well-developed, the estimated benthic stress was of order one Pascal and the bulk Froude number over the upper slope exceeded one. Diapycnal scalar diffusivity (Kz) values in the transition region at the top of the outflow, estimated from Thorpe-scale analysis of potential density and measurements of microscale temperature gradient from sensors attached to the CTD rosette, were of order 10− 3−10− 2 m2 s− 1. For two cases where the upper outflow boundary was particularly sharply defined, entrainment rate we was estimated from Kz and bulk outflow parameters to be  10− 3 m s− 1 ( 100 m day− 1). A tide-forced, three-dimensional primitive equation ocean model with Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme for diapycnal mixing yields results consistent with a significant tidal role in mixing associated with benthic stress and shear within the stratified ocean interior.  相似文献   

The results on the distribution of phytoplankton biomass (expressed as Chla) and primary production (14C assimilation), during three oceanographic cruises carried out during Austral spring and at the end of the summer and the autumn in the Straits of Magellan, suggest a strong variability of trophic levels for this ecosystem.Seasonal evolution of the biomass concentration goes from the spring maximum of 2.33 μg/l through a sharp decrease, 0.49 μg/l, observed at the end of summer, until the minimum of 0.24 μg/l measured during the autumn.The trophic conditions are dependent on hydrographic, meteo-climatic and geo-morphological characteristics: at the Atlantic entrance and between the two Angosturas the strong mixing of water column limit the development of phytoplankton; at the Western opening and along the Pacific arm the complex exchange mechanisms with the ocean, the glacio-fluvial contribution and the presence of a thermohaline front near the Isla Carlos III influence both biomass and primary production distributions. The maximum values are reached in the Central Zone (Paso Ancho) characterized by high stability of the water column.Primary production ranged from a minimum of 12.3 to a maximum of 125.9 mgC m−2 h−1. The overall trend seems to be a progressive and simultaneous increase from the Pacific and Atlantic openings to the Central Zone of Paso Ancho where the maximum value was reached. In general, biomass and primary production distributions correspond quite well except for the area of Isla Carlos III where biological and chemico-physical causes tend to limit 14C assimilation.Contribution of pico-phytoplankton (< 2 μm) to total biomass appears to be time dependent: in the blooms observed during spring a very modest incidence (< 6%) was observed whereas became more (> 50%) during the summer-autumn seasons when total biomass was decreasing.Within the Straits, at the end of summer, the contribution of pico-phytoplankton primary production is 59%, whereas nano and microplankton contribute 39% and 2%, respectively. At the oceanic external stations the photosynthetic activity of the bigger size-fraction (> 2 μm) is predominant (> 50%).These findings support the hypothesis that the pico-phytoplankton ( < 2 μm) is substantially constant, whereas temporal variations are due to the larger (> 10 μm) cells only.  相似文献   

Within the SCAR's international EASIZ programme, as part of the benthic–pelagic coupling experiment, grain size and organic matter contents in marine surface sediment were measured. Samples were taken during the austral autumn of 2000 from 3 regions in the eastern Weddell Sea: Kapp Norvegia, Four Seasons Bank, and Austasen.In general, sediments were fine sand with a grain size fraction < 200 μm representing more than 40% of the total weight. The sediments from Four Seasons Bank (64 to 107 m depth) were coarser than those from Austasen and Kapp Norvegia (209 to 480 m depth), presumably due to winnowing of fine sediment at shallow depths. Organic carbon (OC) content ranged from 0.25% to 1.2% and constituted 10% to 97% of the total carbon. The samples from Kapp Norvegia presented the highest OC values. Overall, protein (PRT), lipid (LPD), and carbohydrate (CHO) contents were similar to those in sediment from cold regions (e.g., the North Atlantic and the Ross Sea) but higher than those in sediment from other Antarctic and more septentrional regions (e.g., the Ross Sea and the Mediterranean). The difference within the Antarctic is explained through the local conditions in Terra Nova Bay and Kapp Norvegia. In the Antarctic, PRT and LPD carbon were the main contributors to the biopolymeric carbon (BPC). In the eastern Weddell Sea shelf, the BPC accounted for more than 90% of the OC in most of the samples. More than 82% of the total PRT, LPD, and CHO were present in the fraction < 200 μm. This work remarks the existence of sediments with a high nutritional value persistent several weeks after the spring–summer pulse of fresh organic matter. It is also highlighted the high potential availability of these sediments (due to its grain size) for the benthic communities inhabiting this high-latitude continental shelf.  相似文献   

The species composition, abundance, and biomass of micro- (>15 μm) and nano- (<15 μm) phytoplankton were studied along the southern Black Sea during June–July 1996 and March–April and September 1998. A total of 150 species were identified, 50% of them being dinoflagellates. The average total phytoplankton abundance changed from 77×103 cells l−1 in spring to 110×103 cells l−1 in autumn and biomass from 250 μg l−1 in summer to 1370 μg l−1 in spring. Based on the extensive sampling grid from June–July 1996, phytoplankton seemed to have a rather homogeneous biomass distribution in the southern Black Sea. In all periods, the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi was the most abundant species, its contribution to the total abundance ranging from 73% in autumn to 43% in spring. However, in terms of biomass, diatoms made up the bulk of phytoplankton in spring (97%, majority being Proboscia alata) and autumn (73%, majority being Pseudosolenia calcar-avis), and dinoflagellates in summer (74%, Gymnodinium sp.). There was a remarkable similarity in the dominant species between the western and eastern regions of the southern Black Sea, indicating transport of phytoplankton within the basin.  相似文献   

During the late austral summer of 1994, Antarctic waters were characterized by low phytoplankton biomass. Along the 62°E meridian transect, between 49°S and 67°S, chlorophyll (Chl.) a concentration in the upper 150 m was on average 0.2 mg m−3. However, in the Seasonal Ice Zone (SIZ) chlorophyll a concentrations were higher, with a characteristic deep chlorophyll maximum. The highest value (0.6 mg Chl. a m−3) was measured at the Antarctic Divergence, 64°S, corresponding to the depth of the temperature minimum (100 m). This deep biomass maximum decreased from South to North, disappeared in the Permanently Open Ocean Zone (POOZ) and reappeared with less vigour in the vicinity of the Polar Front Zone (PFZ). In the SIZ, the upper mixed layer was shallow, biomass was higher and the >10 μm fraction was predominant. In this zone the >10 μm, 2–10 μm and <2 μm size fractions represented on the average 46%, 25.1% and 28.9% of the total integrated Chl. a stock in the upper 100 m, respectively. The phytoplankton assemblage was diverse, mainly composed of large diatoms and dinoflagellate cells which contributed 42.7% and 33.1% of the autotrophic carbon biomass, respectively. Moving northwards, in parallel with the decrease in biomass, the biomass of autotrophic pico- and nanoflagellates (mainly Cryptophytes) increased steadily. In the POOZ, the picoplanktonic size fraction contributed 47.4% of the total integrated Chl. a stock. A phytoplankton community structure with low biomass and picoplankton-dominated assemblage in the POOZ contrasted with the relatively rich, diverse and diatom-dominated assemblage in the SIZ. These differences reflect the spatial and temporal variations prevailing in the Southern Ocean pelagic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Production and transfer of lipid through the Antarctic food web is reviewed for the Indian Ocean sector. The slow settling fine particles showed a marked inter-annual variability in biochemical composition with an increase in lipid content as % organic carbon. Comparison of the fatty acid spectra of different size categories of organic particles indicated that fine particles are dominated by saturated, monoenoic and branched acids, while larger material (50–100 μm, 200–500 μm net collected fractions) displayed a signature dominated by polyunsaturated acids. Zooplankton taxa displayed different strategies of lipid accumulation. Lipid content was highest in Thysanoessa macrura females and copepodite stages of Calanus propinquus. Relatively low levels were recorded for juveniles and male stages of euphausiids. Reserve lipids varied with species: C. propinquus showed equal content of triglycerides and wax esters, T. macrura showed a dominance of wax esters and Euphausia superba and Themisto gaudichaudii accumulated only triglycerides. Computed as carbon equivalent and integrated over 200 m, lipids in slow settling particles represented 22.6% of annual primary production. Similar computation with mesozooplankton and E. superba data on biomass and population structure from several summer cruises indicated values of carbon accumulation as lipid reserves and egg production of 4.2 and 0.1% of annual primary production for copepods and 4.4 and 3.8% for E. superba. When all trophic levels are considered, the overall mean exceeded 30% of annual primary production.  相似文献   

At Terra Nova Bay, the scallop Adamussium colbecki (Smith, 1902) characterises the soft and hard bottoms from 20 to 80 m depth, constituting large beds and reaching high values of density (50–60 individuals/m2) and biomass (120 g/m2 DW soft tissues). To assess its role in the organic matter recycling in the coastal ecosystem, its filtering and biodeposition rates were evaluated in laboratory experiments during the austral summer 1993/94. Filtration rates, measured in a flow-through system, were calculated from the difference in particulate organic carbon (POC), nitrogen (PON) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration in inflow and outflow water. Experiments were performed using natural sea water with POC, PON and Chl-a concentrations of about 450 μg/l, 90 μg/l and 2 μg/l, respectively. The biodeposition rate and the biochemical composition of the biodeposits were studied in order to detect how the organic matter is transformed through feeding activity of A. colbecki. At +1°C temperature, the average filtering rate was about 1 l h−1 g−1 (DW soft tissues) in specimens ranging in body mass from 2 to 3 g (DW soft tissues) and 6–7 cm long. The biodeposition rate in 3–8 cm long specimens, ranging from 0.4 to 5.7 g (DW soft tissues), was about 5.65 mg DW/g DW/day, leading to an estimate of Corg flux, through biodeposition by A. colbecki, of about 21 mg C m−2 day−1 at in situ conditions. Comparison between the biochemical composition of seston and biodeposits shows a decrease of the labile compounds, of the Chl-a/phaeopigments ratio in the biodeposits. The recorded C/N ratio decrease suggests a microbial colonisation in the biodeposits. This study suggests that Adamussium colbecki plays an important role in coupling the material fluxes from the water column to the sea bed, processing about 14% of total Carbon flux from the water column to the sediments, with an assimilation efficiency of 36%.  相似文献   

为了减少航运活动对海洋环境产生的危害,国际海事组织分别提出了基于MARPOL公约的"特别区域"和"特别敏感海域"的两个概念,以对一些需要特别保护的海域采取更加严格的措施进行保护。在对这两个概念的提出背景和法律依据进行探讨的基础上,对两种保护区域的申请标准和程序,及相关的保护性措施等进行了比较深入的对比研究,并就目前这两种保护海域最新发展的现状进行了综述。提出应积极推行国际公约及法规来保护我国的海洋环境。  相似文献   

We present concurrent data on ingestion, egg production and the loss of maternal biomass in pre-spring bloom female Calanus finmarchicus incubated under conditions representative of those in situ in the North Atlantic. A balanced metabolic budget was constructed and used to examine the relative importance of ingestion and biomass for fuelling egg production during the incubations. Ingested carbon was not sufficient to meet the observed demands for egg production. More than 80% of the carbon utilised by the females was instead derived from their biomass. Fatty acid analysis demonstrated that the storage reserves, 20:1 (n−9) and 22:1 (n−11), were virtually absent before experimentation began, and therefore could not have been used to supply the carbon required for egg production during the incubations. The C:N mass-specific ratio of the biomass utilised was 4.1, suggesting that the females had instead catabolised protein in order to meet their metabolic demands. These results suggest that C. finmarchicus adopts a sacrificial reproductive strategy when food availability is low.  相似文献   

The northernmost basin of the Baltic Sea, the Bothnian Bay, is ice-covered for about half the year. During this time, distinct under-ice river plumes develop, even seaward of the smallest rivers, that are substantially thicker and larger in extent than during the summer months. Wind mixing is negligible, and during late spring in April or May, the highest annual discharge occur while the sea is ice covered, thus providing conditions for the formation of extensive under-ice plumes. These plumes are characterised by high levels of trace elements (e.g., Al, Fe and Zn), organic matter (TOC and dissolved organic carbon [DOC]), nutrients and also optically active substances (colored dissolved organic matter, CDOM). The under-ice plumes provide an important pathway for undiluted transport of land-derived substances to the pelagic waters of the basin, affecting the salinity, chemistry and optical properties of coastal waters. Freshwater ice growth on the underside of an existing sea ice sheet also restricts the buildup of sea ice and under-ice algal communities, potentially in large areas along the coasts. Plume water influences the optical characteristics of coastal waters for a period of time after ice break-up, potentially affecting primary production in these areas. Furthermore, the formation of under-ice plumes potentially has a positive feedback on the ice season length due to freshening of the coastal waters (earlier freeze-up) and restricted oceanic heat flux (slower melting).  相似文献   

The distribution of picophytoplankton (0.2–2 µm) and nanophytoplankton (2–20 µm) in the Beaufort Sea–Mackenzie Shelf and Amundsen Gulf regions during autumn, 2002 is examined relative to their ambient water mass properties (salinity, temperature and nutrients: nitrate + nitrite, phosphate, and silicate) and to the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence, Fv/Fm. Total phytoplankton and cell abundances (< 20 µm) were mainly correlated with salinity. Significant differences in picophytoplankton cell numbers were found among waters near the mouth of the Mackenzie River, ice melt waters and the underlying halocline water masses of Pacific origin. Picophytoplankton was the most abundant phytoplankton fraction during the autumnal season, probably reflecting low nitrate concentrations (surface waters average ~ 0.65 µM). The ratio Fv/Fm averaged 0.44, indicating that cells were still physiologically active, even though their concentrations were low (max Chl a = 0.9 mg m− 3). No significant differences in Fv/Fm were evident in the different water masses, indicating that rate limiting conditions for photosynthesis and growth were uniform across the whole system, which was in a pre-winter stage, and was probably already experiencing light limitation as a result of shortening day lengths.  相似文献   

The South China Sea contains tremendous oil and gas resources in deepwater areas. However, one of the keys for deepwater exploration, the investigation of deepwater floating platforms, is very inadequate. In this paper, the authors studied and compared the hydrodynamics and global motion behaviors of typical deepwater platforms in the South China Sea environment. The hydrodynamic models of three main types of floating platforms, e.g. the Semi-submersible, tension leg platform (TLP), and Truss Spar, which could potentially be utilized in the South China Sea, were established by using the 3-D potential theory. Additionally, some important considerations which significantly influence the hydrodynamics were given. The RAOs in frequency domains as well as global motions in time domains under time-varying wind, random waves, and current in 100-y, 10-y, and 1-y return period environment conditions were predicted, compared, and analyzed. The results indicate that the heave and especially the pitch motion of the TLP are favorable. The heave response of the Truss Spar is perfect and comparable with that of the TLP when the peak period of random waves is low. However, the pitch motion of Truss Spar is extraordinarily larger than that of Semi-submersible and TLP.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationships between the spatial patterns of the distribution of the young hakes of the year (YOY) and the oceanographical features in two areas of the Central Mediterranean (the Ligurian Sea and the Strait of Sicily), characterised by the occurrence of straits and channels. Comparative and correlative approaches were used to investigate coupling between biological and physical patterns. Density indices of the YOY were derived from annual trawl surveys from 1994 to 2004 in spring and autumn. Mean patterns of the YOY distributions were compared with the mesoscale oceanographical features reported in literature. No evident trends in recruitment strength were found in either areas. Inter-annual variability in YOY abundance in the Ligurian Sea was higher than in the Strait of Sicily. The location of nursery grounds in the study areas coincides with zones of relatively higher production, where upwelling and other enrichment processes regularly occur. The presence of predictable eddies and the frontal systems play a major role in the localization of nursery areas in the Strait of Sicily, maintaining their stable position throughout the years. The strongest transport of southern waters from the Tyrrhenian to the Ligurian Sea, due to the East Corsica Current, which is negatively correlated to winter North Atlantic Oscillation, is associated with the highest abundance of hake recruits in the nurseries of the Northern Ligurian Sea.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton samples from the 4270-m deep Ierapetra Basin in the oligotrophic Levantine Sea have revealed a strong temporal variability in abundance and composition hitherto unknown for the deep sea pelagic zone. The phenomenon reflected by a survey in June 1993 as compared to January 1987 is assessed by (i) the increase of the mesozooplankton standing crop throughout the water column, (ii) the absence of a decline in mesozooplankton abundance with increasing depth below 1000 m, (iii) the outstanding dominance of two interzonal calanoid copepods at bathypelagic and abyssopelagic depths and (iv) a substantial faunal change due to the codominance of Calanus helgolandicus, which was found for the first time in the area. The underlying hydrographical factors are addressed in the light of the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT). Apart from a possible long-term faunal change, the EMT may exaggerate episodic plankton blooms and surface-abyssopelagic coupling in space and time.  相似文献   

In order to document long-term climate cycles and predict future climate trends for the Arctic, we need to look at the geological records to establish the link between historical and pre-historical sea-surface parameters. Dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) are used as proxy indicators of sea-surface parameters (temperature, salinity, sea-ice cover, primary productivity) jointly with transfer functions and a modern dinocyst reference database, to reconstruct the evolution of sea-surface conditions at decadal and millennial timescales. Here we present the surface distribution of recent dinocyst assemblages from 34 surface sediment samples collected on the Mackenzie Slope/Amundsen Gulf during the 2004 CASES (Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study) cruise. Dinocyst concentrations in surface sediments are relatively high outside the Mackenzie plume area and increase gradually eastward toward Amundsen Gulf. The cysts of autotrophic dinoflagellates are dominant throughout the study area, while the maximum abundance of heterotrophic taxa is found within the Mackenzie plume. Hierarchical clustering analyses allowed defining two dinocyst assemblages. Assemblage I is located on the Mackenzie Slope and southern Amundsen Gulf, while Assemblage II is located within the Cape Bathurst Polynya area in northern Amundsen Gulf. Both assemblages are dominated by Operculodinium centrocarpum, but are distinguished on the basis of the relative abundance of Islandinium minutum, a taxon generally associated with sea ice. I. minutum is found in lower abundance in the Cape Bathurst Polynya.  相似文献   

To gain a better understanding of the geochemical behavior of trace elements in estuary and to examine seasonal variations in associated chemical fluxes, more than 50 water samples were collected near the mouth of the Gaoping (formerly spelled Kaoping) River, a major river in southwestern Taiwan. These samples, collected in typical dry and wet tropical monsoon seasons during 1999–2004, were analyzed for dissolved major and trace elements and Sr isotopes. Our results show that dissolved Na, Mg, Ca and Cl behave conservatively along the salinity gradient and display significantly larger fluxes in the wet seasons. Vertical profiles of the major elements reveal mainly two end-member mixing between the riverine freshwater and the seawater. Trace elements of B, Sr and U also display conservative distribution in the vertical profiles. In contrast, dissolved Ba and Mn were affected by uptake/release processes involving groundwater, benthic flux and water/sediment interactions. 87Sr/86Sr ratios also support a scenario of mixing between a more radiogenic continental source and the seawater. It appears that the wet season samples have higher trace element concentrations due to inputs from topsoils and atmospheric dusts. This implies that chemical compositions in river waters respond sensitively to regional climatic changes. The observed high fluxes of B and Sr in the Gaoping (Kaoping) River emphasize the potential impact of mountainous rivers on the global oceanic mass balance of these constituents.  相似文献   

Mapping the water constituents from remotely sensed ocean color data enables a better understanding of the dispersal patterns of river-borne substances in the Gaoping (formerly spelled Kaoping) River, Shelf and Canyon (KPRSC) system. Based on twelve MODIS-Aqua images in the KPRSC region taken in 2005, we apply a newly developed GA-SA approach to derive maps of chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a), colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and non-algal particle/detritus/mineral (NAP). The results demonstrated that the different characteristics of Chl-a, CDOM and NAP make them ideal tracers for observing large-scale dispersal patterns. With ancillary information of averaged daily precipitation, the daily wind field obtained from QuikSCAT (Quick Scatterometer), and the 8-day composite of the temperature field obtained from MODIS-Aqua, we categorized the surface dispersal patterns as coastal, northwestward and frontal patterns. Also, for the first time, we observed a sudden increase of biomass on a large scale from a pair of ocean color images taken over only a 2-day interval. Another remarkable feature is the interaction between the southeastward flow and the intrusion of the Kuroshio Branch, resulting in complicated patterns with various scales of vortex structures and current fronts. The observed features could be used for model validation of the flow field of the KPRSC system.  相似文献   

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