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"南海I号"是一艘满载瓷器的南宋时期的古沉船.为了便于发掘和保护该船及其上的文物,一套整体打捞方案被首次提出:即首先将一特制钢沉井压人海底泥土中将沉船罩入其中;然后将底托梁穿过钢沉井底部从而将沉船整体包裹起来;接着将钢沉箱连同其内的沉船吊起并运到岸上进行考古发掘.在具体实施过程中却遇到了一系列始料未及的困难,不过经过采取一系列的改进措施后最终将沉船整体打捞成功.这为今后水下考古开辟了一条新途径. 相似文献
某轮8NVD48A-2U柴油机经厂修后出现颇为少见的启动困难故障,文章就此问题介绍了查找故障原因的过程及分析,并对故障成因进行了讨论,可供同行借鉴。 相似文献
在军民融合的背景下,重庆齿轮箱有限责任公司探索了将军品的"双归零"要求与8D问题解决法相结合的方法并予以实施,一年多来明显提高了产品质量问题解决能力,推动了公司的技术和管理进步,得到了军民双方顾客的高度认可.本文对两种管理方法进行简介,重点对"双归零"管理要求融入8D问题解决法进行细化研究,并对实际应用情况予以介绍. 相似文献
分析玻纤套筒加固技术的特点和优势,结合闸坡油库码头维修工程介绍水下玻纤套筒加固技术在沿海高桩码头维修工程中的应用,包括关键设计参数和施工技术的选择、施工流程和施工组织等。应用结果表明:玻纤套筒加固技术施工快捷、安全,能实现对码头桩基的修复,并提高耐久性。 相似文献
针对绞吸式挖泥船吸扬系统匹配选型不佳和产量预测不准等问题,利用数字仿真建模技术重构绞吸挖泥船吸扬系统的镜像数字模型。针对不同的绞吸挖泥船,通过调整模型参数可求解得到与之相对应的各子系统数字模型。在绞刀及其驱动系统中定量分析了绞刀转速、横移速度和吸口流速与泥浆比重的关系;在泥泵与管路系统中根据相似定律构建了泥泵-管路模型,研究了不同土质和泥浆浓度对泥泵扬程的影响,并求解预测出不同管道流速下的施工最佳工况点。将仿真系统应用到实验室小型疏浚平台上进行试验验证,试验结果显示数字系统能准确预测施工动态参数和产量,并能提前为施工策略提供指导性建议。 相似文献
The increasing complexity and size in cruise ships demands for lightweight structures and practical but accurate design methods. Conventionally, the focus has been on the steel parts of the ship, as they make most of its weight. However, the proportions of other materials are increasing. Therefore, this study attempts to provide better understanding how one could reach the lightweight designs of insulating glass units (IGUs) in ships. These are windows where at least two glass panes are separated by a hermetically sealed cavity. They are thin-walled structures that benefit not only from the geometrically nonlinear behavior, but also from the load sharing. Considering these effects, their behavior is studied using the nonlinear Finite Element Method and Particle Swarm Optimization. Different design criteria are imposed on the thickness determination of the glass panes with different shapes. Rectangular, triangular, and circular shapes are considered. The results show that the triangular shapes have the least weight for a given area when the deflection criterion is the dominating one. When maximum principal stress is the thickness defining criterion, the shapes perform almost equally well. The ratio between the pane thicknesses had the most influence on the behavior of the IGU. As it increases, i.e., one pane is significantly thicker than the other, the load sharing percentage drops, but it provides the most lightweight solution. Closer it is to 1, more equally the structural stresses are divided between the panes, i.e., redundancy is achieved. Finally, it is possible to establish a simple but effective method for the thickness determination of these IGUs using the results of this study. However, more work is required, including numerical analysis and experimental testing. 相似文献
船载炮的射击误差分析及消除方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于船舶在海浪中运动模型,结合炮兵射击学原理,研究了船舶摇摆导致火炮基座运动以及杆臂效应导致子惯导初始对准误差等因素对火炮射击的影响,分析了传递对准消除对准误差角的效果。仿真表明,低射界射击情况下,纵摇和横摇对射击距离的影响随射程增大而减小;对射击方向而言,纵摇的影响随射程增大而减小,而横摇的影响则随射程增大而增大;由安装偏差所造成的杆臂效应产生的误差角对射击的影响也很明显,其影响随船舶振荡运动的幅度的增加而增大;采用基于卡尔曼滤波的传递对准能快速消除船载炮初始对准角误差,从而提高火炮初始装定射角的准确性。 相似文献
文章对船用导热油锅炉的系统组成元件逐一进行了介绍,并结合导热油锅炉的工作原理对锅炉的常见故障进行分析并提出了排除故障的方法。 相似文献